Die Hard Copies Switch-em-up

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John Murdoch
Just re-watched Under Siege, perhaps the greatest of the Die Hard clones to be released after the two Johns (McTiernan and McClane) changed the action movie cinematic landscape.

In this scenario, Uatu the Watcher skips out on talking with Stan Lee to transplant these heroes from their respective "Die Hard on a ____" scenarios to another:

1. John Cutter (Wesley Snipes) finds himself onboard the USS Missouri in the galley. Can he take down the men under Commander Krill and make William Strannix "keep the faith"?

2. Disgraced Secret Service Agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) has to protect president James Marshall (Harrison Ford) onboard Air Force One. For this scenario, Banning and Marshall are old buddies watching the football game together when G. Oldman and co. take over. Can Banning make Egor get off his plane?

3. Casey Ryback (Steven Seagal from the above-mentioned Under Siege) finds himself in a bathroom at a Christmas party in Nakatomi Plaza when Hans Gruber and co. take over. Can he clear or does he Die Hard?

Bonus: John McClane is now Passenger 57, and has to clear the Atlantic International Flight to LA of Charles "The Rane of Terror" Rane.

All action heroes start in the same situations as the other action heroes in their respective movies.

Ryback will probably be ok, the others are going to have a hell of a time in their unfamiliar landscapes.

John Murdoch
Originally posted by Scoobless
Ryback will probably be ok, the others are going to have a hell of a time in their unfamiliar landscapes.

Ya, Ryback probably stomps out Alan Rickman and crew. Banning should in theory be the best off between him and Cutter. Wesley indeed would have to work the hardest to clear the Missouri.

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