TPM Sidious vs Dooku & Maul (Sabers only)

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- 10m starting distance
- The duo are at their peak
- Sheev has his dual blades

* If the duo lose, they get Vader to help out

Is the most overrated sith of all time better than two of the most refined martial artists in history?

Sidious clears even with Vader there

Originally posted by relentless1
Sidious clears even with Vader there

Nice reasoning thumb up he just speed blitzes them from 10 meters away?

Team win, with Vader he gets gangbanged.

Duo sabers helps a lot.

Wins against the duo; loses against trio

Sheev but it's very close and a good fight. With Vader's addition he loses.

Reasons ?

He's already blitzed TPM Maul many times in the source material, but TCW Maul could at least react to RotS Sheev, who's noticeably faster than TPM Sheev, so he could probably stand up to the latter. Dooku should also roughly be in his speed range, but is significantly less skilled due to being an 8 as opposed to Sheev being a 9. Together Maul and Dooku can pose a threat though.

Originally posted by Azronger
Dooku should also roughly be in his speed range, but is significantly less skilled due to being an 8 as opposed to Sheev being a 9.

Sheev is a 9 because he's significantly more powerful, not because he's significantly more skilled.

I know Force power is related to lightsaber dueling, but did Gillard ever mention the rankings are based primarily on that inatead of just skill?

They are based on both, hence why you can cheat your way into tier 9 by using the dark side.

I seriously doubt anyone could be significantly more skilled than Dooku.

Palpatine is, Gillard had a great quote about Palpatine being superbly skilled but i can't seem to find it anywhere... anyways he's at least as skilled if not more skilled than Dooku

Originally posted by cs_zoltan
They are based on both, hence why you can cheat your way into tier 9 by using the dark side.

I seriously doubt anyone could be significantly more skilled than Dooku.

I love you now.

Team, Vader alone gives Sidious a decent fight.

Originally posted by relentless1
Palpatine is, Gillard had a great quote about Palpatine being superbly skilled but i can't seem to find it anywhere... anyways he's at least as skilled if not more skilled than Dooku

Most likely yes, but not significantly. That's my point.

Originally posted by relentless1
Palpatine is, Gillard had a great quote about Palpatine being superbly skilled but i can't seem to find it anywhere... anyways he's at least as skilled if not more skilled than Dooku Highly doubt he's more skilled in form II and the extremely technical bits of saber dueling. As an overall duelist, sure.

Originally posted by Kurk
Highly doubt he's more skilled in form II and the extremely technical bits of saber dueling. As an overall duelist, sure.
He looks incredibly sloppy. Even in the TCW duel against Maul & Opress, so you can't blame choreography

Originally posted by godemperortrump
He looks incredibly sloppy. Even in the TCW duel against Maul & Opress, so you can't blame choreography

You can't blame the choreography because it's TCW...?

Originally posted by Azronger
You can't blame the choreography because it's TCW...?
Yeah, its ****ing animation. They could've made Sidious look like the perfect duelist, however he's just swinging his blades around which left openings that the brothers exploited. Even if he was toying with them, it's pretty embarrassing.

I mean you can't say he looked sloppy in ROTS because it's hard for an old man to be a quick and acrobatic combatant, you can blame it on acting. Not in TCW

Team looses round 1 assuming ROTS and TPM Sheeve are close.

Vader mans the team wins.

Originally posted by cs_zoltan
I seriously doubt anyone could be significantly more skilled than Dooku.

Perhaps Yoda... at least accroding to Gillard.


Yeah I still don't see how anyone can be more technically skilled than Mace/Maul/Dooku. They're virtually perfect duelists. It's the power difference that really counts

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