Ventress vs Darth Thanaton

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Round 1: All-out

Round 2: Sabers only

thanaton is supremely powerful but asajj is revan level so dunno

Thanaton being supremely powerful means he's above the likes of Baras, who is above the likes of Marr, who is above the likes of Malgus, who is above the likes of Jadus, who is above the likes of Nyriss, who is above the likes of Revan, who is on par with the likes of a random Imperial Guard, who is above the likes of Scourge, who has killed a bunch of Jedi, and a bunch of Jedi beat Asajj Ventress(Obi-Wan beat her, for example, and he's a bunch of Jedi) so draw your own conclusions.

I get that that was a joke but cringe anyway.


Originally posted by Nephthys
I get that that was a joke but cringe anyway.

Well, it is Myth you're talking about.

He personifies cringe.

Originally posted by Deronn_solo
Well, it is Myth you're talking about.

He personifies cringe. Says the guy who is perpetually roleplaying a WWE character.

Only difference being, I'm not a jabroni.

Which is more than what I can say for Wolf's candy ass.

laughing out loud

On-topic, the only weapon Ventress brings to a Force-contest is TK, while Thanaton has his lightning storms and sorcery. The Nightsister undoubtedly has the sabers edge, but I'm unsure of how she deals with Thanaton's powers.

Yeah, I don't see her blocking the ritual attack that one-shot Nox and Khem in Act II.

Originally posted by ILS
laughing out loud

On-topic, the only weapon Ventress brings to a Force-contest is TK, while Thanaton has his lightning storms and sorcery. The Nightsister undoubtedly has the sabers edge, but I'm unsure of how she deals with Thanaton's powers.

She was educated in sorcery by Dooku.

Originally posted by LordOfTheLight
She was educated in sorcery by Dooku. He did show her a party trick or two.

@Darth, are there any gungan corpses nearby that can serve as a warm-up for Thanaton?

Originally posted by Deronn_solo
Which is more than what I can say for Wolf's candy ass.
How do you know my ass tastes like candy?

BTW, how's your rap battle going?

Originally posted by ILS
He did show her a party trick or two.

@Darth, are there any gungan corpses nearby that can serve as a warm-up for Thanaton?

Well, I never established the setting.

Asajj reanimates Jar Jar, who proceeds to stomp Thanaton then. smile

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