harry porter, more than a fantasy tale?

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something disturbs me..potter seems like a very harmless story but really is it good for the kids? i mean exposing them so much to the witch world is rather disturbing...i think it's more than just stories..waddaya think?

HP books were prohibid in some country cant remeber which one! lol I dont think so, thats like assuming kids are syupid or something!! this book is for what 12years and up?! No way.

'Witch World' is very general. No point equating that with evil; it is just a magical mystery world like King Arthur, Alice in Wonderland, the Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings. Harmless.

yeh. though i dont think kids these days know who alice is lol and lord of the rings isn't for kids.

Yes it is. The Hobbit was actually a kid's book; LOTR was designed for adults as well but he always intedned for kids to enjoy it like his first book.

kinda violent for kids. not to mention big and boring. isn't lotr like 50 years old?

lotr is indeed an old book, yet it is still the most popular fiction book in the world.
and it rocks

LOTR will beat HP any day

we arent comparing the 2. just debanting if HP is sutable for kids (because of the witch subject) and if LOTR is for kids.

Tolkien started writing his mythology during World War One but it's age doesn;t much affect whether it is for kids or not, of course.

But consider all these elderly Tolkien fans today who kept the whole fan-thing going up until the point the film was made. How old do you think they were when they read it?

When I read any of the harry potter book I get stuck in my imagination like I jumped into the harry potter book and was in a Harry potter world!!! SOoooo Amazing!!! Imagining is wonderful! eek!

Harry Potter books are for kids and I think they are suitable for kids, they help to open our imaginations. I read the first, second, and third Harry Potter books when I was nine. The fourth when I was ten, and the fifth, now, when I am thirteen. You just have to hope that the kids are smart enough to understand that Harry Potter is fantasy and that it is not real. As long as they realize this then they are fine! big grin

Also, the Lord of the Rings is a book that can be understood by kids and quite enjoyed too. It also helps to open ones imagination a bit and to explore another world so unlike their own. As long as the kid is above reading level (pending on age) and has good understanding of books and has good reading comperhension skills, they should be all right with the Lord of the Rings too! I read the book when I was... um.... ten. I had understood it fine... and now that I think about it, I should reread it! Llaughing out loudL!

i love harry potter books! i dont think that it is exposing them to a so called "witch world." no one bashes any of the other stories like narnia or lord of the rings, even though there are more fantasy based people and places in all the other things. i mean no one cared about the evil witches and stuff in wizard of oz..lol..i honestly think it was pointless to boycott the books in some countries. the books have encouraged wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more kids to read books than before. i know i love the harry potter books, and like said before, the let ur imagination run and it takes to to a sort of "fantasy world" hahaha i know its kinda corny but its true!!! i mean harry potter is a fantasy book and nothing more, but its nice to see that kids can expand their imagination reading those kinds of books! hahaha i agree LilyGinnyBlack, lord of the rings is an awsome book. they do paraphrase so its kind of like in old english text but its still understandable..the basic concept. lol and im talking to long lol laughing out loud big grin

Of cousre its suitable for kids. i doubt anyone reading it is gonna say to themeselves "I wanna be a wizard like Harry" and become a satanist or something that loads of adults think theyre going to do. I dont think people give children enough of credit. Theyre not stupid. They know its only a story.

Yeah I know from personal, I dont wanna worship the devil. Harrys not into witchcraft or anything its just magic


i think the witch/wizard thing is just a base 4 a new world cos a lot of fantasy books r set in a different world. It's a way of bringing real emotions and reactions into a totally different place. through most of the books harry and his friends act and think the same way as normal kids do, and the school is treated as a regular school only it also has imaginative creatures and powerful evilness.

Exactly, it's definatly sutibale for kids. They'd have to have pretty fragile little minds to find it tramatic

Originally posted by Ushgarak
i dont understand whats all the fuzz about harryporter 6,probably i dont find it interesting

It's not a witch world, it's just a fantasy. The only reason it attracts such strange criticism is because it is so widely known.

Jackie Malfoy
Beside the witchcraft in the books it is very fantasy which is why I Loved it so much!jm

Originally posted by alaba
something disturbs me..potter seems like a very harmless story but really is it good for the kids? i mean exposing them so much to the witch world is rather disturbing...i think it's more than just stories..waddaya think?
You're one of those Christian fanatics that think that all Potter books should be burnt? mad

sephiroth rules
...............no comment

sephiroth rules
lol i always wanted to say dat............anyways how can u think H.P is disturbing? sure its got some violence, but disturbing is not the word for it

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