Every US extremist kiling in 2018 had rightist links report claims.

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Bashar Teg
not surprising at all. vanilla isis are the top terror threat in the u.s. at this point. Just look at all their supporters and enablers. In fact, here they come to derail the topic with the usual ad hominem attacks and pettifoggery

Originally posted by Bashar Teg
not surprising at all. vanilla isis are the top terror threat in the u.s. at this point. Just look at all their supporters and enablers. In fact, here they come to derail the topic with the usual ad hominem attacks and pettifoggery clearly not discussion worthy Bash.

Well it depends on what conclusions you're trying to push.

If you're simply pushing that white supremacy is a ****ed up ideology, then I agree.

If you're trying to castigate anyone on the right, or anyone who is an antiSJW, even if they aren't white supremacists, as being tied into this bullshit, that's where I take issue. Like Bashar calling people on KMC supporters or enablers.

If you're suggesting a crackdown and censorship, like New Zealand is currently doing, then I take issue with that.

Originally posted by Emperordmb
Well it depends on what conclusions you're trying to push.

If you're simply pushing that white supremacy is a ****ed up ideology, then I agree.

If you're trying to castigate anyone on the right, or anyone who is an antiSJW, even if they aren't white supremacists, as being tied into this bullshit, that's where I take issue. Like Bashar calling people on KMC supporters or enablers.

If you're suggesting a crackdown and censorship, like New Zealand is currently doing, then I take issue with that. you don't think supporters and enablers exist?

Originally posted by Putinbot1

Sounds like these alt right killers want to kill the left because they view them as a threat to the country. Which isn't surprising as the left views the alt-right as a threat to the country.

Bashar Teg
Originally posted by Emperordmb
that's where I take issue. Like Bashar calling people on KMC supporters or enablers.

Originally posted by BrolyBlack
Sounds like these alt right killers want to kill the left because they view them as a threat to the country. Which isn't surprising as the left views the alt-right as a threat to the country.

roll eyes (sarcastic)

Lord Lucien
Originally posted by Bashar Teg
vanilla isis are the top terror threat in the u.s. at this point. Disagree. The Neapolitan kind are far, far worse.

Originally posted by Emperordmb
If you're simply pushing that white supremacy is a ****ed up ideology, then I agree. Disagree. It is the only ideology that makes sense. Chocolate and strawberry ideology is f*cking gross.

mike brown
So I'm assuming it was a slow year for Islamic terrorism. The interesting case in your article was the guy who switched from a far right extremist to an Islamic extremist (or did I read that wrong?) Sort of speaks to the psyche of someone who gets drawn into this kind of shit.

But yeah... There's a long standing argument about whether we should be focusing on right wing terror or Islamic terror. Seems to me that since terror is so rare and since our security/surveillance state so robust, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to do both. I get the feeling that Trump thinks talking too much about right wing terror would alienate some of his base. Even people who aren't extremist can have the knee jerk reaction that by talking about such a thing you are implicating people in the right in general... Ironic after all the criticism of Obama and Hillary for not wanting to use the phrase "radical Islam" for similar reasons. Guess everyone has their own form of political correctness.

Who kills more people, Alt right or Muslim Jihadis?

mike brown
In America?

America and globally

Originally posted by BrolyBlack
America and globally

Globally it's no question that muslims commit more acts of terror than the alt right.

In America the answer is the alt right, but there is an asterisk. The data is potentially flawed. Let me give you an example of one thing that is counted among alt right extremist killings: a husband kills himself and his wife, both are KKK members.

They are extremists and one committed murder, but it wasn't an "extremist killing". It wasn't an act of terrorism or anything.

It's sort of like when the left claims hate crimes have increased since Trump won. They never point out that this is because more and more data is collected with each year. Which is why the FBI tells people not to make year by year comparisons.

To go a year without an Islamic terror attack in the US is a good thing and something to be celebrated. Perhaps the FBI would manage to prevent more right wing attacks if they weren't using considerable resources acting on the butthurt whims of politicians of both sides demanding constant investigations into one another for no other reason that partisan point scoring.

Originally posted by jaden_2.0
To go a year without an Islamic terror attack in the US is a good thing and something to be celebrated. Perhaps the FBI would manage to prevent more right wing attacks if they weren't using considerable resources acting on the butthurt whims of politicians of both sides demanding constant investigations into one another for no other reason that partisan point scoring.

How god damn dare you expect government to get anything done.

Bashar Teg
"but the left", "but islam", "but the gub'ment" . How about we start by acknowledging that right wing terrorists are a serious problem, at least as important to deal with as Islamic terrorism. yet we can't even call it "terrorism" because feelings will get hurt and emotions will boil over. All I see is deflection after deflection

Originally posted by Bashar Teg
"but the left", "but islam", "but the gub'ment" . How about we start by acknowledging that right wing terrorists are a serious problem, at least as important to deal with as Islamic terrorism. yet we can't even call it "terrorism" because feelings will get hurt and emotions will boil over. All I see is deflection after deflection

Okay, so we have over 330 million people. How many per year die via the alt right? You just claimed it was a serious problem, back it up.

Cuz the article says 50. 50 per year, out of over 330 million.

Bashar Teg
I have to provide the exact number of deaths or my argument is moot? That's so s&m. Deflect away, Surt. Pettifoggery for the win, as usual. Congrats thumb up

Originally posted by Bashar Teg
I have to provide the exact number of deaths or my argument is moot? That's so s&m. Deflect away, Surt. Pettifoggery for the win, as usual. Congrats thumb up

The article gives the number, but I figured you had different data. Cuz the article says 50 last year. Which, while sad, isn't a serious problem in a country of over 330 million.

Yes or no are you disputing the articles claims?

Originally posted by Surtur
The article gives the number, but I figured you had different data. Cuz the article says 50 last year. Which, while sad, isn't a serious problem in a country of over 330 million.

Yes or no are you disputing the articles claims?

Lulz, look out guys this is a HUGE issue, it was nearly on par with the homicide rate for Chicago in a month (it's actually a bit more but less then 2 months.)

So while it's obvious for some people that extremists are garbage they violence that comes from said groups are small because there aren't that many that support said individuals or beliefs in the USA.

Originally posted by Emperordmb
If you're trying to castigate anyone on the right, or anyone who is an antiSJW, even if they aren't white supremacists, as being tied into this bullshit, that's where I take issue. That's unfortunate considering you've had no qualms complaining about "the leftists" when it suits you.

Originally posted by Tzeentch
That's unfortunate considering you've had no qualms complaining about "the leftists" when it suits you.
I don't think I've called people on here Antifa supporters.

I tend to be rather careful about how I refer to people.

If you also look, you can find a lengthy topic I made condemning the alt-right from every angle imaginable, and I also got into an argument with Ziggy in the Battle Bar on the SW section for his alt-right beliefs.

Originally posted by snowdragon
Lulz, look out guys this is a HUGE issue, it was nearly on par with the homicide rate for Chicago in a month (it's actually a bit more but less then 2 months.)

So while it's obvious for some people that extremists are garbage they violence that comes from said groups are small because there aren't that many that support said individuals or beliefs in the USA.

Just imagine how they'd react if white supremacists flew a plane into a building, killing thousands in a single day.

There would be CNN townhalls on the dangers of white supremacy. If you had muslim terrorists kill that many tomorrow there wouldn't be any townhall on the dangers of islamic extremism.

The fact I brought that up is gonna trigger some folk here something fierce too I'm guessing, but they bring it on themselves with their hysterics.

Reactionaries will always be around as there will always be those who cannot adapt to an evolving world and social values.

Originally posted by Surtur
Just imagine how they'd react if white supremacists flew a plane into a building, killing thousands in a single day.

There would be CNN townhalls on the dangers of white supremacy. If you had muslim terrorists kill that many tomorrow there wouldn't be any townhall on the dangers of islamic extremism.

The fact I brought that up is gonna trigger some folk here something fierce too I'm guessing, but they bring it on themselves with their hysterics.

You've done this nonsense before and once again I have to ask, where you asleep during and after 9/11/2001?

Cos after Muslim Extremist killed thousands of people we had major changes in our laws and government:
-Homeland Security

Maybe you've heard of them?

Now say "triggered!" or similar to ignore these facts.

mike brown
Originally posted by Surtur
Globally it's no question that muslims commit more acts of terror than the alt right.

In America the answer is the alt right, but there is an asterisk. The data is potentially flawed. Let me give you an example of one thing that is counted among alt right extremist killings: a husband kills himself and his wife, both are KKK members.

They are extremists and one committed murder, but it wasn't an "extremist killing". It wasn't an act of terrorism or anything.

It's sort of like when the left claims hate crimes have increased since Trump won. They never point out that this is because more and more data is collected with each year. Which is why the FBI tells people not to make year by year comparisons. I think it's pretty clear that there are more right wing killings these days just based on the high profile cases alone. Sure you found one case that maybe doesn't fit but I'm sure we can all come up with plenty of high profile examples off the top of our head.. where as Islamic terror has been a little more quiet recently (knock on wood). It's not really a competition though. The country is like 70% white and 2% Muslim iirc. The demographics make the terror stats pretty unsurprising. The truth is .. no form of terrorism is particularly common here. I don't think that means we don't want to take proactive measures to prevent it.

Originally posted by Robtard
You've done this nonsense before and once again I have to ask, where you asleep during and after 9/11/2001?

Cos after Muslim Extremist killed thousands of people we had major changes in our laws and government:
-Homeland Security

Maybe you've heard of them?

Now say "triggered!" or similar to ignore these facts.

May I ask what part of the post you're quoting you feel you've just negated?

Did you seriously ignore the fact I wasn't referring to government action and was talking about the media and then make a comment about me ignoring facts? Good show kid. Good show. I legit even name dropped CNN, but you're here all "patriot act!!!". Again: good show.

It negated all your points, because they were silly rants of emotion.

In regards to news: "Islamic extremism" was on a nigh 24hr news cycle after 9/11, how do you think the war in Iraq was sold to the US populace even though Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11? Again, were you asleep? Seriously, do better for yourself.

Originally posted by Robtard
It negated all your points, because they were silly rants of emotion.

In regards to news: "Islamic extremism" was on a nigh 24hr news cycle after 9/11, how do you think the war in Iraq was sold to the US populace even though Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11? Again, were you asleep? Seriously, do better for yourself.

Ah, so you negated nothing, babbled some more, and once again ignored what I said in the post you yourself quoted.

Good show.

So ignore that I directly responded to your "der media" angle and declare another personal win. Same as usual.

Originally posted by Robtard
So ignore that I directly responded to your "der media" angle and declare another personal win. Same as usual.

No you acted like I acted like the media wouldn't cover it at all. That's not what I said. Do I need to quote my post back to you Rob?

Originally posted by Surtur
No you acted like I acted like the media wouldn't cover it at all. That's not what I said. Do I need to quote my post back to you Rob?

"There would be CNN townhalls on the dangers of white supremacy. If you had muslim terrorists kill that many tomorrow there wouldn't be any townhall on the dangers of islamic extremism." -You

^Directly implied right there. Now do your phaggotry thing as usual by denying and declare another personal eVictory because you're a big boy.

In reality, our government and society changed greatly because of Islamic Terrorism . It also lead us into a lie that lead us into a very long and disastrous war.

^Is melting down

Old Man Whirly!

Originally posted by Lestov16
I'm pretty sure EVERY THREAD MADE IN THE PAST 2 MONTHS should just be assimilated into this one. That way it will be easier for me to watch you all EAT SHIT-COVERED CROW :tomcatbetagiljotiinichairjerryyeslaughing hystericalHappy Dancedance

-from this thread

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