MCU High Tier Hero Mixed Matches

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Captain Marvel
Dr. Strange
Scarlet Witch

- All characters are at their best. So, Endgame Wanda, Carol and Strange, IW Thor.
- No Time Stone. Time loop is too hax. Plus, the current one got destroyed and the other one sent back to its own time, so Strange doesn't have it anymore in anyways.
- Battle takes place on the Endgame battlefield, which is empty of combatants except for these four.
- Teams start 50 feet apart.

Round 1:
Dr. Strange and Thor vs Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel.

Round 2:

Thor and Scarlet Witch vs Dr. Strange and Captain Marvel.

Round 3:

Captain Marvel and Thor vs Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet witch Carrie's each around except when paired with danvers

I personally don't think it would be that simple. The different power combinations allow for different tactics between the matches. Also, it is worth noting that while Carol and Wanda did both indeed do well against Thanos in Endgame, we never saw Thor, at his best (in other words, not a fat alcoholic), w. Stormbreaker or Endgame Dr. Strange fight no-Stones Thanos, so don't know how they would have done there. I still wonder how Thanos would have dealt with a Mirror Dimension blast, for example, without an IG to block it.

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