Donald Trump invented cancer....

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... he also is responsible for the fall of the roman empire and the crucifixion of Christ in addition to running nazi-style concentration camps on the border. What a horrible, horrible person. thumb down no

This is awful. How many more must die? Hundreds of millions died from the tax cuts and the repeal of net neutrality.

Bashar Teg
OP is butthurt?

Originally posted by Surtur
This is awful. How many more must die? Hundreds of millions died from the tax cuts and the repeal of net neutrality.

Agreed. When will it end? Rachel Maddow and CNN is so right that "Orange man bad."

Even though the repeal of net neutrality hasn't affected my internet performance in the slightest it is undeniable that millions upon millions have died from it. Oh, and the world is ending in twelve years and Trump isn't doing anything about it. We're all so f***ed... smh no

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