Stargirl on the CW
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The pilot of this was okay. Actually a breath of fresh air after the remainder of the recent Flash season. Seemed like they just kinda burned out with Barry after Crisis.
They REALLY burned out on Supergirl, too. Batwoman hung steady at fairly interesting, I don’t even know (or care) what happened to Black Lightning, and Legends remained good.
Still, w. those shows done for now, Stargirl has a better than average shot at building an audience.
Just watched the pilot. Was all right.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Just watched the pilot. Was all right.
For a pilot, I liked it.
Great first episode
Loved that closing line.
"I killed one starman, I can kill another"
^^^oh, You know, nasty little fellows such as him always get their comeuppance.
Darth Thor
This take place in the Arrowverse?
Old Man Whirly!
Pretty sure it's the titans/doom patrol verse. It's very good!
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
Pretty sure it's the titans/doom patrol verse. It's very good! Geoff John's is writing.
Sounds perfect for him, given his, shall we say, creative retooling on comic titles. TV adaptations are inherently different from their comic sources, so Johns can be as creative as he likes without retconning established lore.
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
Pretty sure it's the titans/doom patrol verse. It's very good!
It was established in Arrowverse's crisis that its on its own earth in the arrowverse multiverse. It was one of yhe rarths we saw after they rebooted the universe at the dawn of time.
We also saw titans earth, DP earth, Swamp Thing Earth, a Ruth Superman earth (where it reboots to not be post kingdom come) and a green Lantern earth for the new upcomimg HBO series.
Originally posted by cdtm
Sounds perfect for him, given his, shall we say, creative retooling on comic titles. TV adaptations are inherently different from their comic sources, so Johns can be as creative as he likes without retconning established lore.
Given that he crested Stargirl, and based her character on his late sister and that SG is to Johns what Catman is to Gail Simone (that is his fan wank character) i very much doubt he'll change much at all
Originally posted by cdtm
Sounds perfect for him, given his, shall we say, creative retooling on comic titles. TV adaptations are inherently different from their comic sources, so Johns can be as creative as he likes without retconning established lore.
Huh, I'm of the opposite opinion: I think his comics are great but his work outside of it has been hit and miss.
So far, though, I'm liking this. Even if it feels really slow.
the show could be better. the acting is very stale. Way too predictable the first couple shows have been. the cgi is just about right. the inevitable crossovers will happen prolly so.
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by beatboks
It was established in Arrowverse's crisis that its on its own earth in the arrowverse multiverse. It was one of yhe rarths we saw after they rebooted the universe at the dawn of time.
We also saw titans earth, DP earth, Swamp Thing Earth, a Ruth Superman earth (where it reboots to not be post kingdom come) and a green Lantern earth for the new upcomimg HBO series. wouldn't know arrowverse is horrible.
I really hope the end of the third episode means things really start to take off, and the pacing can improve.
I'm really liking the dynamic between Pat and Courtney though. The whole "mentor trying to explain that being a superhero is actually dangerous" thing is being done better in this show than it has in other superhero shows, imo.
3rd show was okay... amy smart is old now lol
Originally posted by -Pr-
I really hope the end of the third episode means things really start to take off, and the pacing can improve.
I'm really liking the dynamic between Pat and Courtney though. The whole "mentor trying to explain that being a superhero is actually dangerous" thing is being done better in this show than it has in other superhero shows, imo.
I'm surprised you thinknthe pacing is slow. RL friends who watch the show have concerns that the pacing is way to fast compared to other shows made for streaming services (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Titans, Doom Patrol, Defenders). I mean the show was made for DCU and only soldnto CE as a deal when almost fully produced. When you compare it to all other shows specifically made for a streaming service it has break net pacing speeds in the plot.
Thus far, I'm really enjoying it. I do hope Courtney gets herself into a bit more trouble due to her reckless go at it attitude and needs Pat to save her again as a means of reigning in the exuberant spirit just a little. Though honestly its true to character as she was written in the 90s JSA.
Originally posted by beatboks
I'm surprised you thinknthe pacing is slow. RL friends who watch the show have concerns that the pacing is way to fast compared to other shows made for streaming services (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Titans, Doom Patrol, Defenders). I mean the show was made for DCU and only soldnto CE as a deal when almost fully produced. When you compare it to all other shows specifically made for a streaming service it has break net pacing speeds in the plot.
Thus far, I'm really enjoying it. I do hope Courtney gets herself into a bit more trouble due to her reckless go at it attitude and needs Pat to save her again as a means of reigning in the exuberant spirit just a little. Though honestly its true to character as she was written in the 90s JSA.
My main issue is with the time it's taking to start building the new JSA. I was initially worried that it was going to take longer, but episode 3's end make me feel like I might have been prematurely concerned.
Yeah well episode 4 is titles Wildcat and 5 is titled Hourman and Dr Midnight. So I guess by ep 6 we'll have our Jnr JSA
Sounds good. I look forward to the training montages.
Originally posted by beatboks
Yeah well episode 4 is titles Wildcat and 5 is titled Hourman and Dr Midnight. So I guess by ep 6 we'll have our Jnr JSA
lets hope the shows are actually good and not predictable
Originally posted by beatboks
Yeah well episode 4 is titles Wildcat and 5 is titled Hourman and Dr Midnight. So I guess by ep 6 we'll have our Jnr JSA
Ok I'd likento know where this youtuber gets his information from.
According to him Alan Scot and Dr Fate are alive in the current day. If so why are their talismans in JSA HQ.
Also how the hell does he know that said HQ was Starman's mansion?
No idea on your questions, sorry.
I watched the latest ep earlier today and liked it though, bittersweet parts and all.
Some nice future conflicts got set up, and, Courtney at the end was perfectly in character.
...How on Earth did nobody get in trouble for leaking that picture. Like, seriously.
The tech/suits having the powers is a good idea though. I like it.
Originally posted by riv6672
No idea on your questions, sorry.
I watched the latest ep earlier today and liked it though, bittersweet parts and all.
Some nice future conflicts got set up, and, Courtney at the end was perfectly in character.
will i like the new ep lol
im gonna watch later tonight
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
will i like the new ep lol
im gonna watch later tonight
It had some good character development for Yolanda but the convenience of how easily she becomes wildcat and the predictability that is flowing from that were a bit of a let down.
@Pr I'm not so sure the suit is tech and not magic (or maybe the mask is magic)
Originally posted by beatboks
It had some good character development for Yolanda but the convenience of how easily she becomes wildcat and the predictability that is flowing from that were a bit of a let down.
@Pr I'm not so sure the suit is tech and not magic (or maybe the mask is magic)
yeah, tech or magic. i just meant that it wasn't like wildcat was going to have to train for years to be semi-useful.
finally a pretty good episode..
Not everyone can be blessed with a loving family, but how Courtney helped her overcome her plight was a feelgood moment.
I really liked it, personally.
latest ep was predictable but all right.
not sure why they made pat a dunce so hopefully that plays out much better by the season finale.
Originally posted by -Pr-
...How on Earth did nobody get in trouble for leaking that picture. Like, seriously.
I thought that too, if Courtney is 15 then we're to assume Yolanda is 15 also, but I suppose writers put things like that in to perhaps dissuade young girls from doing it IRL rather than make sense to the rest of us.
So is this in the Arrowverse?
Originally posted by Surtur
So is this in the Arrowverse?
Stargirl is set on a new Earth-2, created during the CRISIS crossover. So yes, it’s IN the Arrowverse, it would just take a little dimension hopping to get there.
It seems a fine planet, yes!
*shaking fist in your general direction* got me you scoundrel
but no is the show itself of fine quality?!
Originally posted by Surtur
is it good?
I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought, it has an almost movielike quality about it with the lighting and cinematography. The characters seem quite well thought out, Stargirl is quite impulsive and naive, but I prefer characters with flaws as opposed to the 'I'm always right, even when I'm wrong' shtick that you get with a lot of superheroes. The step-brother is a suitable 13 year old perma-douche who needs a slap in the teeth also.
I hope they don't go the route of killing off Luke Wilson by the season's end, I think he has a lot to offer this show.
Man, I really want a pair of those goggles!
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by samhain
I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought, it has an almost movielike quality about it with the lighting and cinematography. The characters seem quite well thought out, Stargirl is quite impulsive and naive, but I prefer characters with flaws as opposed to the 'I'm always right, even when I'm wrong' shtick that you get with a lot of superheroes. The step-brother is a suitable 13 year old perma-douche who needs a slap in the teeth also.
I hope they don't go the route of killing off Luke Wilson by the season's end, I think he has a lot to offer this show. Agreed on all counts, shows like this Titans, DP and the boys are better than the movies for me and certainly magnitudes better than the unwatchable CW shit or lostmen, I mean watch lost or whatever that show was intended to be.
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
Agreed on all counts, shows like this Titans, DP and the boys are better than the movies for me and certainly magnitudes better than the unwatchable CW shit or lostmen, I mean watch lost or whatever that show was intended to be.
I hear mixed things about Watchmen so I'm still on the fence about watching it.
Another good episode. Actually looking forward to the next one already.
This week's episode was great.
Good action sequences, and I'm glad they went the way they did.
Loved that end sequence with Pat, both with how the kids were impressed by his mech and how the comversation went between him and Courtney 👍👍👍
I'm reaching the point where I can't wait for the next ep each week
The chemistry between Pat and Courtney is good. Let's be real for a minute though, how obvious would it be to a super villain who Stargirl and Captain Autism (Dr. Midnite) are? They really need new costumes, as far as I can tell Stargirl is the only white girl in town with blonde curls and I haven't seen an abundance of short, dumpy black girls with short hair and a distinctive speech pattern either. Wildcat and Hourman are suitably covered up I think (Pat too of course) but the other two are just asking for it.
What are the chances that Wildcat will telepathically 'overhear' the girl who shared her picture admitting to doing it?
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by samhain
The chemistry between Pat and Courtney is good. Let's be real for a minute though, how obvious would it be to a super villain who Stargirl and Captain Autism (Dr. Midnite) are? They really need new costumes, as far as I can tell Stargirl is the only white girl in town with blonde curls and I haven't seen an abundance of short, dumpy black girls with short hair and a distinctive speech pattern either. Wildcat and Hourman are suitably covered up I think (Pat too of course) but the other two are just asking for it.
What are the chances that Wildcat will telepathically 'overhear' the girl who shared her picture admitting to doing it? How old is the actress who plays Courtney before I suggest she wears less?
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
How old is the actress who plays Courtney before I suggest she wears less?
brec is 21
latest episode was pretty good.. stargirl, wildcat, dr. midnite and hourman had to learn humility which in the nd they did. pat also was pretty good in the ep as well
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
brec is 21
mmmm yes she IS!

Originally posted by samhain
I thought that too, if Courtney is 15 then we're to assume Yolanda is 15 also, but I suppose writers put things like that in to perhaps dissuade young girls from doing it IRL rather than make sense to the rest of us.
Quite possible.
Originally posted by samhain
The chemistry between Pat and Courtney is good. Let's be real for a minute though, how obvious would it be to a super villain who Stargirl and Captain Autism (Dr. Midnite) are? They really need new costumes, as far as I can tell Stargirl is the only white girl in town with blonde curls and I haven't seen an abundance of short, dumpy black girls with short hair and a distinctive speech pattern either. Wildcat and Hourman are suitably covered up I think (Pat too of course) but the other two are just asking for it.
What are the chances that Wildcat will telepathically 'overhear' the girl who shared her picture admitting to doing it?
Do you mean Brainwave's son? As I don't think Yolanda is telepathic.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Quite possible.
Do you mean Brainwave's son? As I don't think Yolanda is telepathic.
Yeah, that's it, got my wires crossed when I posted. My initial thought was he'd overhear her thinking about how gullible he is, then he attacks and possibly kills her, sending him to the darkside.
Maybe the mean girl?
She's getting a spot, mark my words.
Originally posted by cdtm
Maybe the mean girl?
She's getting a spot, mark my words.
yea i can see that happening
Originally posted by cdtm
Maybe the mean girl?
She's getting a spot, mark my words.
The mean girl is Shiv, Stargirls arch nemisis. Courtney's Joker/Lex Luthor/Capt Cold. They certainly are NOT giving her a spot in the JSA. Why would you include a character who is thenheroes prime arch nemisis and make them a team mate
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
brec is 21

I suggest she wears less.Originally posted by riv6672
mmmm yes she IS!

Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
i wanna know now who who play green lantern,,, me too Originally posted by beatboks
The mean girl is Shiv, Stargirls arch nemisis. Courtney's Joker/Lex Luthor/Capt Cold. They certainly are NOT giving her a spot in the JSA. Why would you include a character who is thenheroes prime arch nemisis and make them a team mate

Originally posted by beatboks
The mean girl is Shiv, Stargirls arch nemisis. Courtney's Joker/Lex Luthor/Capt Cold. They certainly are NOT giving her a spot in the JSA. Why would you include a character who is thenheroes prime arch nemisis and make them a team mate
*Shrugs* Ask Avatar the Last Airbender.
Never read Stargirl, so no idea who's who, or if they're even deviating from comic lore.
Originally posted by cdtm
*Shrugs* Ask Avatar the Last Airbender.
Never read Stargirl, so no idea who's who, or if they're even deviating from comic lore.
So far the Courtney, Pat and Stars and Stripe stuff is extremely close to the comic lore. Only the extended JSA stuff has changed. Cindy is the daughter of Dragon king, who confirmed hes already worked on her. In the comcis she is cybernetically enhanced and Court's arch foe. The janitor should be Shining knight (Sir Justin) who has amnesia from the 7 soldier's time displaced adventure vs Nebula man. He should regain his memory when he sees stargirl and Shiv fight for the first time (which based on promos and episode name is next episode) of they follow the comics.
So when she was dueling sportsmaster, how much do you think the rod helped her out with her moves?
Since it seems as much a character ae anyone.
Was it like that in the comic?
And making a prediction, the rod lets Pat Dugan use it in a time of great need. Just once. Then it comically refuses to budge for him. Whether that happens in the comic or not, I bet it happens on the show.
Originally posted by cdtm
So when she was dueling sportsmaster, how much do you think the rod helped her out with her moves?
Since it seems as much a character ae anyone.
Was it like that in the comic?
And making a prediction, the rod lets Pat Dugan use it in a time of great need. Just once. Then it comically refuses to budge for him. Whether that happens in the comic or not, I bet it happens on the show.
In the stars and stripe comic Courtney didn't actually have the rod she only had the cosmic converter belt. She didn't get the rod until after the JSA run (when Jack knight gave up eing Starman and passed it on). While her character and that of stripe / Pat is being done very true character, and most of the character storylines fornher Cindy/Shiv are true to the stars and stripe comic that aspect isn't.
There was a crossover with Silver Surfer where it was referenced with the power her Rod uses is the same cosmic power used by the Silver surfer. In another storyline (and several tellings of origin) Ted night discovered this energy that linked all stars and celestial bodies and used it as a power source for the rod, somehow syncing the rod to it.
It was able to be mentally controlled by both Jack and Courtney from a distance, but didnt show life of its own
First time seeing this. It's so obscure, it never even got packed into torrent megaarchives.
good to see shining knight.. i suspected cindy would put on some sort of costume
overall felt it was solid episode
Good touch to have Brainwave's son learn of his powers during an exam, writers who can think somewhat sets this show apart a little.
Love to this episode absolutely loved it did anyone pick up on the Easter egg in the maths exam that brainwave junior was doing one of the questions had Johnny quicks speed formula as yje equation to worl out
Classic Johns throwing in references like that.
Good episode. Looks like Shining Knight is a sure thing.
^^^oh heeeeellll yeah!
I expect we'll see him in full regalia with winged victory in episode 11. Its titled shining knight on a few sites. When I first saw a list of titled episodes it went Shiv part 1, shiv part 2, Brainwave, Brainwave Jnr, Stars and Stripe 1, stars and stripe 2, untitled finally. Now I see Shining knight after Brainwave Jnr and the stars and stripe titles moved back.
Old Man Whirly!
You put this show up against the CW shite which is unwatchable and you see what a fun teen super hero show should be.
^Agreed. I think this is where actors like Luke Wilson really pay off, due to his background him being in the show appears light-hearted and causes the viewer to not take the show too heavily. Be totally happy to let a kid of practically any age watch this as it doesn't appear to be going 'full steam ahead' with social issues/politics.
Originally posted by samhain
Let's be real for a minute though, how obvious would it be to a super villain who Stargirl and Captain Autism (Dr. Midnite) are?
This stands even more after the last episode, Stargirl and Shiv have a fight not 5 minutes after Courtney tells Cindy she wants to go to Prom, even if Shiv didn't hear Pat calling her Courtney, (no fault of his though, he didn't know she would be there as Stargirl) how stupid would she have to be not to recognize her as Courtney? I'm waiting to see what American football chick will do, not familiar with the comic books so I'll just call her Tom Brady-Lady.
If this show were more of the same, you would've already seen Pat go in full brood mode over Courtney and her friends starting their own JSA or something.
But yeah, I mean if this show keeps up with its reception, the other CW DC shows could end up taking a page from it far as being more consistently fun and less riddled with drama/social issues/politics/etc.
The bar seems to raise, just a little each episode.
Loving this show so far. Still not as good as Doom Patrol or The Boys but its a quality comic based show I can watch with my kids (which I cant with the ones I rate above it)
season 2 is coming...
My youngest is 7, oldest 13. She (oldest) could watch the DP and The Boys, but I'd prefer she didnt.
Love that its renewed, not sure how I feel about it only beingna CW show though. Will that lower budget and if so levle of effects? Or will it just stay as a short series with a similar overall budget just more to spend per episode. If it becoming a CE show makes its quality more like SG, Batwoman, Flash etc I will NOT ne happy
shiv, part 2 was pretty decent
That scene where Captain Autism is checking out Cindy's room was fvcking stupid. They tell her that Cindy is entering her house, and she's all like; 'Lemme just keep looking round her room casually like the loser I am.' Then when she hears her voice asking her stepmother what's for dinner when she's halfway up the stairs even though she just walked past her like 10 seconds earlier and could have asked then. Then captain Autism gets all panicked upon hearing her voice as though she wasn't told on multiple occasions that that Cindy was home. If I was the new Hourman, I'd have kicked that dumbass in the *** for not listening to her team, then maybe try to have a threesy with Wildcat and Stargirl.
Old Man Whirly!
If I was the new hour man I'd have robbed a few banks etc without hurting anyone... victimless crime imo.
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
If I was the new hour man I'd have robbed a few banks etc without hurting anyone... victimless crime imo.
yea definitely
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
yea definitely just broken in the vault with a big bag.
Old Man Whirly!
I know stargirl is a little short and dumpy but I really could do some dirty shit to the actress, something about her is very sexy.
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
I know stargirl is a little short and dumpy but I really could do some dirty shit to the actress, something about her is very sexy.
Posts like this are why every time I see a thread about incels made by you, I take it with a grain of salt. peaches
Heard this is moving to the CW next year. Now I'm worried.
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by -Pr-
Posts like this are why every time I see a thread about incels made by you, I take it with a grain of salt. peaches
Heard this is moving to the CW next year. Now I'm worried.

I'm a deviant what can I say, I used to buy the sun for Sam fox on page 3.
I still don't know how I was brazen enough to walk in to shops and buy FHM each month.
I miss part of the lads mag culture sometimes, nobody gave a fvck about anything in the late 90's.
Except Y2K. Everyone was afeared o dat!
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by -Pr-
I still don't know how I was brazen enough to walk in to shops and buy FHM each month. Originally posted by samhain
I miss part of the lads mag culture sometimes, nobody gave a fvck about anything in the late 90's. I used to buy FHM, GQ, Playboy and Mayfair for the articles as well as to wank.
The did have some good articles.
One had a bunch of women standing around in lingerie...
...and ppl started writing in asking about the one w. the great ass.
And so the career of Vida Guerra was launched!
I had a copy of that FHM and def. noticed the boo-tay!
Vida remembers that issue too.
Originally posted by -Pr-
I once bought an issue that, I kid you not, came with a second magazine that was literally "100 sexiest asians".
They were big on performing charity work like that, yeah!

Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by -Pr-
I once bought an issue that, I kid you not, came with a second magazine that was literally "100 sexiest asians".
Seriously. Top notch

Hope Lucy Liu was in the top 10, she's still a great looking woman to this day.
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by samhain
Hope Lucy Liu was in the top 10, she's still a great looking woman to this day. Both the girl in Iron fist (top notch ass) and Dais in Agents of shield would make my top 10 right now.
Originally posted by riv6672
They were big on performing charity work like that, yeah!
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
Top notch
Originally posted by samhain
Hope Lucy Liu was in the top 10, she's still a great looking woman to this day.
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
Both the girl in Iron fist (top notch ass) and Dais in Agents of shield would make my top 10 right now.
Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
Both the girl in Iron fist (top notch ass) and Dais in Agents of shield would make my top 10 right now.
chloe bennet will be around much more lol
Originally posted by -Pr-
Unleashed the many headed Asian fetish Hydra.
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by -Pr-

Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
chloe bennet will be around much more lol i hope so Bruce

Originally posted by Old Man Whirly!
Both the girl in Iron fist (top notch ass) and Dais in Agents of shield would make my top 10 right now.
Jessica Henwick was the only good thing about Iron Fist TBH, I only saw season 1 though.
Originally posted by -Pr-
We should ask a mod to change the name of this thread to; 'The Hot Asian Women Appreciation Thread'.
Remember how hot Tia Carrere was back in the day?
Old Man Whirly!
Originally posted by samhain
Jessica Henwick was the only good thing about Iron Fist TBH, I only saw season 1 though. Jessica Henwick in jeans or jogging bottoms is a sight to behold and yeah she was easily the best thing about that show, although Bunker from Banshee tried hard.
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
that could happen , we;ll find out in 4 shows
Originally posted by riv6672
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
They got it reversed.
It's heat based villians who logically wouln't be bothered by a steaming plate of dumplings. Mr. Freeze couldn't stand room temperature.
I'm no lawyer, but wouldn't the signature have been worthless?
Who names their minor kid the executor of their estate?
Originally posted by cdtm
They got it reversed.
It's heat based villians who logically wouln't be bothered by a steaming plate of dumplings. Mr. Freeze couldn't stand room temperature.
Unless the parts making direct contact cooled off the heated areas.
Originally posted by cdtm
They got it reversed.
It's heat based villians who logically wouln't be bothered by a steaming plate of dumplings. Mr. Freeze couldn't stand room temperature.
Mister Freeze isn't really like Icicle. Icicle is more like Iceman in that he would be cold enough to cool down the parts of the bowl he's touching without fear of burning himself. It isn't the best clue they could have given Courtney, but it works imo.
^^^Ha, my drunken ass was right!

To be fair, there have been plenty of times when "ice characters" get beaten by what is essentially room temperature, but Icicle is being written as being so powerful that I don't think anything other than a super-hot flamethrower like Heatwave would have, would even bother him.
If I was to guess, he might be the most powerful character in the show. We've yet to see Grundy at his peak, but still.
^^*it makes me wonder how powerful The Shade will end up being, given he was so bad ass in the comics.
Did you read James Robinson's run? That was the definitive Shade.
As good as Starman was, the only thing I'm never sure of about Robinson writing is his habit of inserting "preppie" hobbies everywhere.
Like a snake themed villian visits an antiques dealer, decked out in a trench coat and hat, and says in a terrifying voice "Hellllooooo. I colllect trannsssiiisstoor raadddioooos. Do yoouuu haaavvveev aannnnyyyyy?"
It was both interesting fir being different, and confusing because I can't identify in the slightest with collecting antiquities, and sure can't imagine a blood thirsty snake person having that passion.
Would be neat seeing it on the show though..
I very much doubt that we'll get to see Shade in the show (beyond the little shadow grabbing Dr Midnite we've already seen).
1. It was necessary to have a powerhouse like him and a plot device like the Fiddler as members of the ISA during the 10 years ago battle to add to Brainwave, Wizard, Grundy and Icicle to make the defeat and deaths of Alan, Fate, etc believable.
2. The reverse of that very thing is why they cant be with the bad guys now. If we still had Shade, Fiddler (at the full competency) and Wizard as well as the rest, the kids wouldnt sta d a chance. My guess is even BW Snr wont be back to full capacity by the time Jnr JSA take on the ISA.
As it currently stands we've had Sportsmaster confirm that mrs Fiddler isnt up to her hubbies level. Wizard is dead, BW is NOW recovering from coma. That only leaves Icicle and Grundy with any real powers vs the New JSA kids plus Stripe and (one hopes) Shining Knight. Justin should be able to make a decent fight for Sportsmaster and his wife. Stripe and Hourman can take Grundy (provided he plays along given they lock him up, but then he clearly played along vs Rex and Wizard's wifes car). Surely dr Autism (as Ive heard Midnite called) can take on Gambler in some tech/hacking battle. That leaves Court for Icicle and Yolanda for Black Dragon.
Having shade appear on either side upsets the valance too much
finally watched.. real good episode
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