Are YOU Anti-Arnie?

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Why oh why do people like the terminator moive? they're awful. Some of the worst moive ever created in my opinion *backs away* please don hurt me.
I like action flicks as much as the next person, and no i do not like rom coms in fact i hate them but that's off the point.
arnold schwarzenegger cannot act. he sounds monotone and yes i klnow the idea of the terminator is that he is a robot, they could at least make the movies good!
one more thing, why aren't the colours working? in text i mean.


I agree completely. His accent is awful! His acting is awful! All these muscles are awful too! What's to like? roll eyes (sarcastic)

You prbably won't get much replies to this because people love arnie. So why bother setting up this chat.

I agree Seraph, let's set one up where.....which forum.....evy will you join????? erm glenn....please see above.

Who watches Terminator for the acting...come on, get real guys!

as i said, i am a fan of action movies but they need someone with more than ONE expression playing to lead.

He's a friggin android man! Does his exo-skeleton face use, so why should his "human skin"? He suits the part...perfectly.

Yeah Sifer does has a point. Androids are not suppose to have any emotions at all. It doesnt really matter if his acting is bad.

WHAT!?!?! youre saying that T2 is awful..thats just insane..its such a great movie..there is just so much in it...and arnold isnt a good actor, but as the Terminator he isnt bad or anything...could you even imagine anybody else being him? And T3 looks tight..the new trailer makes it look really good..I just hope it wont be dissapointing..i mean Cameron was going to do it, and Linda Hamilton was suppose to be in it..but either Cameron didnt like the script(which he should have just wrote himself) or he doesnt think he can top T2..

acting smackting...who really cares?!?! It's like me reading Playboy for the articles

heh...good point

You know, I really never noticed Arnold's acting ability. But Terminator 2 was my favorite movie for a long time until Matrix came out. smile

I also liked True Lies. He is very funny I think.

About the muscles. He was a body builder since he was a teenager and was Mr. Universe. I don't think the Terminator would be the same with a wimpy guy. He wouldn't look as cool in the leather costume.
I think his facial expressions were appropriate for the movie.

I have read several interviews with him and he says he is really acting because he doesn't really have that kind of serious personality. He says he is more like the guy he played in that Christmas movie he was in with the the toy or something. Anyways I think that he is cool and his accent doesn't bother me much. If you think about it, we all probably have an accent of some kind. We probably sound weird to him if we tried to speak his language. At least he tries and he does make good movies. Some suck, but a lot of them are classics.

About Terminator 3, I just don't know how good it might be. I wish James Cameron had directed it. You can have the best actors in the world for a movie, but if the director sucks, then, I don't know how good the film can be.

I guess we will know on July 2 or maybe even before that. wink


LoL, of course I'll join!
I liked True Lies too...
And I do care about his acting... Since his paid millions of dollars to act, he should at least to it decently... roll eyes (sarcastic) It's a matter of taste, though, there's no use discussing it endlessly...

Seriously, I don't know what kind of person he is... He might be a great guy. I just don't like him as an actor stick out tongue

post here if you, like me, have a deep hate for arnold scharznegger and believe he needs to get more than one expression.

What do you mean more than one expression???

whoa..a little hostile against the Schwarzenegger..what did he ever do to you? stick out tongue

nothing more than one expression, senor, if people are getting paid lots of money then they should at least have TALENT.

since he has done a lot of movies, i'm sure a lot of people really think he has good talent.

he has expression though..of course in the Terminator movies he doesnt because he isnt suppose to...but watch something like Total Recall, he has more then one expression in that film

I told you that if you start up your anti arnie thing then you won't get much replies to it so its a complete waste of time if any one agrees with me. Perhaps i'll set up a true arnie fans room and see how much i get.

matrix dude
i agree with sifer...i mean who cares about the acting man?! i think he's pretty cool walking around like a robot. anonymo was right when he said that t2 was his fave movie until matrix. t2 is right behind matrix and reloaded for me now. i just saw t2 yesterday and thought it was so awesome i watched it agin! and thats a long movie man! i'm out

i think arnold's just a little old to be in a movie like this...

Well he's still fit. He still works out and is in perfect health.

Post here if you think anyone who types in Pink is either gay or lesbo

lol. Very funny. I'm sure you offended cermiestar.

oh yeah. weird freaks off the internet who like arnold scwarnegger are telling ME i'm gay. i'm terrified

he was also incredibly cool when he was pregnant, don't you think?

hey to evy o arnold is an awsome actor, and he is a ****in robot in this movie i mean come on he dosent have feelins he dosent know anything else but to kill how much of acting do u need in a movie like that. Also if u r going to rip on his muscels let me just tell u that i work out 6 days a week to even try to get half like him he is a inspiratuion to every body builder out there so unless u weight lift every day to even gain a view on him and his muscels i would say bak off.

and if anyone wants to see the true arnold go see pumping iron i have watched this movie over 50 times it shows his ambitions as a bodybuilder and the arnold that u guys dont know about it not a robot like in the terminator

Yeah as glenn put it u wont get any response to hating Arnie he is an awsome actor i have no idea y u think he only has one expression go watch sumthing other then the terminator go see true lies go see preditor or total recall jingel all the way, twins and pumping iron if u havent seen any other movie of his besides the terminator then u have no right to be talking about Arnld like that he has a wide varity of talent not only being a stone cold killer a father type brother weight lifter and a victime like in the sixth day. well if i read anything eles about hating arnold tonight i think that i will have to just really lay down into mr i write in pink. the only thing else i have to say is that u r lucky u are not a member on freakz online my friend becasue u would have gotten ya ass chewed out like u wouldnt belive for dissing arnold, so untill then get a new font color buddy

Captain REX
I'm not an anti-Arnie, and most of the replies in here are saying that anti-Arnies are being a little too harsh.

Hehehe. Most of the people who posted here are actually Arnie fans

Your only a few posts ahead of me "BUDDY"


Well if you're going to slam on anyone, work on your English skills first. That way you won't look like a moron.

As for wether he can act or much do you make a year compared to him again? LOL

The anti arnie misses the point. Arnie makes the mone because he has fans.. he has fans becasue they like what he has dine and is doing, and all this is a matter of opinion and only becomes fact if it is establishe and understood and is repeatable. I myself don't think he rate among excellent actors, but i tell you one long as keau reeves has a job, go bother him about how much money he makes in the matrix. Claire danes and nick stahl have nore more acting abiiltiy than arnold does....They sucked in t3. Arnold is like ranch dressing, is may be dsecribed as bitter but people go to the store to buy it everyday and if you asked someonw why, it's wouldn't be because it was percieved as bitter or whether or not it is the bset or the highest quality name brand or higest quality ranch.. most would say it;s because they like it. Are they wrong because they like it? no if it cost a lot and they pay it is that wrong, no does it mean becasue one person doesn't think it is worth it or that it lacks flavor mean that id does? no, only to that person... but here's the kcker. since so many people lick arnold ans an actor it doesn't mean that it is a the truth that he is good at waht he does.. it is a fact that he is good at what he does.. it is an established fact.. something that is obseved repeatedly to be the case.. well people say hes; good and but his tickets and he's #1 box office i'm afraid you lost this one. BTW if arnie doesn't deserve or sin't qualified to be paid $30 mil in good old america, than bush doesn'e deserve nor is qualified to be president in good ol america

chica, you are crazy. if he looks too old now, he looked too old in t2

there are some ignorant people in this forum. I don't mean stupid, but ignorant. Creamy hate the movie that necessitates the very reason why the characters in it have emotionless expressionless body language. I guess you have to ask youreslf a question...who can do a better terminator? What reason to make the terminator have the stage presence of something other than an emotionless machine who feels no pity or pain or remorse.. expressions are reactions to feeling. without feeling, to expression of feeling, physically or mentally. Liking the terminator is a matter of opinion as so is liking or not liking an actor, but the people in here that down arnold for having big muscles even though that was his former occupation one which made him money before trying to act. That is prejudice. His accent, i guess he has to drop his natural accent to suit opinionated a--holes who think he shouldn't have an accent. I guess someone having a native tongue is stupid. Come on. He is as his mother made him. You sound like a terminator who wants to eliminate people who dont sound or look like the way you think they should. Those comment on his excellent build for 54 years old and is characterisitc accent are ignorant just like when people think those with heavy accents and muscular builds are stupid for those reasons. Well arnold is and has been an excellent business man and has been amillionare since age of 23 way before acting. The man is intellegent and regardless of what creamy star basher says he does have to act to act like a robot because he smiles a lot in real life and has an incrdible sense of humor. He has to be very serious and non descript to be a terminator without grunting, sighing, all of these. The acting in the first 2 terminators was excellent. all of it. I don't think arnie rates as one of the best actors in history at all, but he has his place, one that is needed to play particular parts. If john malcovich or gene hackman were asked to play conan or the terminator, they would have had the same a movie you thought was stupid. By the way, if you are so concerned aabout acting, the acting in t1 what was the story. But if you like action , c'mon hardcore action doesn't require good acting. Sounds like you want to hate arnold or the terminator no matter what they do make up your mind. People that complain like creampie starfish must like speed.. plenty of action.. poor acting. If you want a poor actor, chase keanu reeves, i don't see you complaining there. I am a fan, but i thought mr freeze was thw worst acting i'd ever seen him do. That acting was poor. I think more so the case is arnold often is type cast.... He's played a russian, who @ the time were depicted as solemn people who didn't smile @ americans or american culture. Every role that he has played that required expressions of intensity or anger or rage or curiousity, he has provide just that. In roles where someone plays naive and silly like in twins, he did exactly what the character was supposed to be. Maybe you don't like the roles he plays, but face it, action heroes only dabble in heavy drama and vice versa. What action hero can you name that is an excellent actor. Stallone?no,Van Dammne? no, steven segal? no jackie chan? no charles bronson? no the rack? no. These are action stars and they do what they do good. It is an undesputable fact. ANy they all get called back time and time again by direcotrs who feel they are perfect for their roles.. and most films by these action stars especially arnie, pack theatres for that reason. they are what the film needs. The ratings, sales, and casting prove it. And since he is the #1 box office attraction, he is excellent in the acting roles hes's had as a whole. (mr freeze sucked). So i dont' think he's a hell of an actor, but he deserves the praise he gets for coming to this countriy legally, making a fortune for himself @ a young man, a real estate tycoon, a 7 time world champ in the art/sport of body building) all before acting. And then the usa's chancellor of fitness under bush 1. This is what he is and hes convincingly steps out of that into his characters. And the actiing is as follows.. does he convince the audience that he is who the character syas he is supposed to be? huh? most say yes, that is what acting is, not the ability to play roles that don't exist or play roles that require one to grin as much as 1 ignnorant specator wants.. no it is the ability to correctly play the roles that you under contract have agreed to play to the satisfaction of the employer , the director and to the role. And arnold does that! Period. Say anthing else about arnold and see what happens!

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