Personal Attacks/Threats

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This is rule #1 for KMC:

Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully ... without insult and personal attack.

There are some who think this rule doesn't apply since KMC is a "dead" forum or because it's the GDF/OTF. The rule applies, especially to those we've given a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. chance.

If I continue to see personal attacks based on someone's private life, and you've been given numerous chances, you will be gone for good. This includes attacks on a job, family, financial situation, hearsay rumors, sexual preference and calling people pedos/rapists. No exceptions. This also includes threats to a person.

This also means you can't harass or stalk people in private messages with those attacks and threats. The same perm ban will apply for PMs.

Forum Rules


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