Black Noir VS Yulaw (nods to Jmanghan)

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1. H2H match up no weapons.
2. Each gets a knife.

They warm up by killing Bane.


Noir is slower and less skilled, let's get that out of the way immediately.

However, Noir is far more durable and far stronger. This doesn't mean that Yulaw can't hurt Noir, I'm confident he can... But I don't think it's enough to actually put him down, and Noir only really has to get ahold of him once to kill him.

Why is getting ahold of him once enough to kill him? I think there's a reason he dodged bullets instead of trying to tank them.

He's strong enough, fast enough, and skilled enough to keep up with Noir for awhile (longer then Kimiko and Starlight, imo), but he's going down like the rest.

Good Match, honestly could go either way. Noir is stronger and has way better durability but Yulaw is far and away faster and the better hth combatant.

Like Jman said Noirs durability will probably be what wins it for him but that being said while Yulaw didn't have big all around durability. He would need minimum super human blunt force trauma resistance to not be pasted when fighting his alter(who while not as strong as Noir he has the speed to avoid hits and the knives.

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