First openly transgender ever sworn in as a four star officer

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Think I'm gonna throw up.

"Levine, 63, was ceremonially sworn in as an admiral in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced." -snip

Honestly, that's nothing to get triggered over, but you Trumpers are a very sensitive lot with your feelings.


If there's anything to be upset over this story, it's just how close the Senate confirmation vote came, vote was 52-48. Meaning almost every Republican voted "no" to her confirmation.

The tolerant Right strikes again.

Heh. The title actually read like Star might congratulate the person.

I'll admit it. He got me. I thought he'd be decent for a second.

Mentally ill person sworn in as a four star officer.

Fixed the title for you.


Originally posted by Klaw
Mentally ill person sworn in as a four star officer.

Fixed the title for you.

Gender confused person.... and a very ugly one at that lol.

I mean, shit.... he -- oh excuse me, "she" lol-- would make Medusa cringe.

So that's your problem, she isn't hot/sexy enough for you? laughing out loud

Originally posted by Robtard
So that's your problem, she isn't hot/sexy enough for you? laughing out loud

She's no Sinema, right?

I find Sinema to be fairly attractive, but "good looks" is not something I care about in my politicians or civil servants. Which is the point and why Ethneo is being mocked, again. Try and follow along, okay?

Rob you are just making an ass out of yourself.... an even bigger one than you already were lol.

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae

Think I'm gonna throw up.

You are an idiot stop talking. If you dont agree with someone's lifestyle dont have them in your life. Everyone should identify as they want, the way they want without haters.

Originally posted by Robtard
So that's your problem, she isn't hot/sexy enough for you? laughing out loud

HE is ugly as shit. That's probably what your wifey that cheats on you looks like lol.

It's not just that he is ugly... I don't like gender confused people holding positions of power or influence.

It's deeply concerning.

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae
Rob you are just making an ass out of yourself.... an even bigger one than you already were lol.

Yeah, I don't know wth he's talking about.

Originally posted by Klaw
Yeah, I don't know wth he's talking about.

He is just being his usual delusional clownish self I guess.

Not very attractive, good for them.

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae
HE is ugly as shit. That's probably what your wifey that cheats on you looks like lol.

It's not just that he is ugly... I don't like gender confused people holding positions of power or influence.

It's deeply concerning.

The point: Who cares on whether she's good looking or not? What does her looks have to do with the job she's doing?

The world doesn't care about your bigoted views.

You're so triggered and embarrassed that you're now attacking my wife laughing

So sorry I hurt your fee fees.



What man do you prefer?

Originally posted by Robtard

Both of the t****y chasers are transphobic. Shocker.

Originally posted by Adam_PoE
Both of the t****y chasers are transphobic. Shocker.

That's rich, coming from you.

Originally posted by Adam_PoE
Both of the t****y chasers are transphobic. Shocker.

That seems to be a thing with several of KMC's rightist...

It's like, dude, no one cares that you're attracted to women with dicks.

Originally posted by Robtard
I find Sinema to be fairly attractive, but "good looks" is not something I care about in my politicians or civil servants. Which is the point and why Ethneo is being mocked, again. Try and follow along, okay?

Originally posted by Robtard
Oh shit, totally forgot that the 2018 Blue Wave had Republicans losing a seat to Krysten Sinema (who is sexy too boot), so Republicans could lose everything in AZ if it goes Blue and McSally loses her seat in 2020.

i dont care how ugly you are, as long as you can do your job effectively. she isnt auditioning for brazzers ffs.

but i do think her speech was a bit over the top (in a cringey kinda way) at times.

Originally posted by Klaw


I do like that you're obsessing over me again and post digging, keep it up, it's flattering thumb up

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae

Think I'm gonna throw up.

Political appointment no doubt, disgraceful.

Is it? She's the Assistant Secretary for Health, and had a pretty decorated career before that. It's not like she's unqualified.

Funny, those who stupidly think bacteria turned into humans and call it "science" keep calling this man a "she" lol.

They claim to believe in science but don't even believe in basic biology lol.

Originally posted by StyleTime
Is it? She's the Assistant Secretary for Health, and had a pretty decorated career before that. It's not like she's unqualified.

Any time a minority status person is appointed under a Democrat President, they scream "political appointment", but when a minority is appointed under a Republican President, they proclaim "ground breaking". They've played this shit game for a long time now, I'd not expect them to change.

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae
Funny, those who stupidly think bacteria turned into humans and call it "science" keep calling this man a "she" lol.

They claim to believe in science but don't even believe in basic biology lol. We do believe in biology. Her biological sex is male. Her gender is female. They are different words referring to different things.

It's funny that your entire argument hinges on us believing something we don't believe. It's almost like you realize you have to lie, as engaging with what we're actually saying threatens your worldview.

Now, tell us more about how the Earth is 6,000 years old Star. Clearly, you're the science expert here.
Originally posted by Robtard
Any time a minority status person is appointed under a Democrat President, they scream "political appointment", but when a minority is appointed under a Republican President, they proclaim "ground breaking". They've played this shit game for a long time now, I'd not expect them to change.
Well, it's ground breaking because it breaks the ground and allows us to look at the Earth's geologic history and see that no human came from a fish.

Which disproves evolution. Checkmate.

So the same people who say jobs should be given on merit and gender shouldn't matter when choosing the right candidate are crying over the gender of someone appointed to a job and not whether the person is qualified.

OK then 👍

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae

Think I'm gonna throw up.

You're awfully down on transgender women for someone who has admitted to jerking off to them.

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae

Think I'm gonna throw up.
Fuuuuuuck, is this how Chris-Chan going to look like in 15-20 years?

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