Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: The Definitive Edition
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I was pleasantly surprised by the video. I might actually get this....
But one thing....
It seems there is going to be a replay mission option after failing a mission, which is by far the most important thing ever....but I haven't been able to find if they have mission checkpoints.
There has to be a system in place that allows you to restart the mission at the location of it....absolutely....
And I would prefer mid mission checkpoints as well.
GTA III is fantastic.
I never played Vice City or San Andreas, so this is great for me.
Originally posted by Impediment
GTA III is fantastic.
I never played Vice City or San Andreas, so this is great for me.
Vice City is alright, San Andreas is gonna blow you away.
Nemesis X
San Andreas I got lost in so many times not wanting to leave and GTAIII & Vice City I recall playing once so this'll be a good return.
Originally posted by Jmanghan
Vice City is alright, San Andreas is gonna blow you away.
Vice city is more then alright, It's ****en awesome
also i'm wondering are they gonna renew alot of the song licenses, Because the last release of these GTA games on digital. Alot of the songs were removed.
As long as they put checkpoints and easy way to restart missions.
I dont want to be driving to quest giver, then drive to an area...die near the end of the mission...which then requires me leave the hospital, get new guns...then redo the whole sequence.
Originally posted by Smasandian
I dont want to be driving to quest giver, then drive to an area...die near the end of the mission...which then requires me leave the hospital, get new guns...then redo the whole sequence.
Had no issue with that, Make sure you save your game alot and if you did die just load it back up "Shrugs"
60 quid is a lot imo. I know it's three games, but still.
Originally posted by Kazenji
Had no issue with that, Make sure you save your game alot and if you did die just load it back up "Shrugs"
Haha... saving your game didn't save any ****ing time at all.
For 20+ year old game, sure....but a would be terrible design if they didn't add a modern save system.
If not...then **** them.
Originally posted by -Pr-
60 quid is a lot imo. I know it's three games, but still.
It is.
And people will pay it, unfortunate but true.
I had fun enough back in the day but tried going back and just can't do it. Even San Andreas is way too clunky now, tedious missions, and those stupid tags always frustrated me because I'd be sitting on the spot yet NEVER quite able to find it.
Originally posted by Smasandian
Haha... saving your game didn't save any ****ing time at all.
Yes it did, You would still have all said guns before getting killed. Its not like it was a quicksave it was a hard save.
The quest structure still had to be completed repeated.
There is a reason why newer titles implemented a normal save system like checkpoints...because they are good.
But if you want to live in the past...knock yourself out...but its terrible design if they do not implement newer save systems..
I love San Andreas. I play it every couple of years because it still has one of the best stories in gaming...
But this is a total waste of resources. I'm getting very tired of just constant remake and remasters being announced. Is there a lack of writers in the gaming industry or something? Huge amounts of programming talent, money and resources being funnelled into recoding old games instead of making new ones. Sequels to great games being cancelled to remake games that have already been remade. It's getting worse than movies. I can live with sequels upon sequels so long as its new. But remakes. Absolute nonsense, laziness and money grubbing. I'd go so far as to allow companies to go back to constant loot boxes and pay to win if they so desperately need easy money because I don't play the games that utilise that kind of content. But to cancel triple-A, blockbuster titles to remake old ones. Getting to the point where it makes me want to give up on gaming altogether.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
I love San Andreas. I play it every couple of years because it still has one of the best stories in gaming...
But this is a total waste of resources. I'm getting very tired of just constant remake and remasters being announced. Is there a lack of writers in the gaming industry or something? Huge amounts of programming talent, money and resources being funnelled into recoding old games instead of making new ones. Sequels to great games being cancelled to remake games that have already been remade. It's getting worse than movies. I can live with sequels upon sequels so long as its new. But remakes. Absolute nonsense, laziness and money grubbing. I'd go so far as to allow companies to go back to constant loot boxes and pay to win if they so desperately need easy money because I don't play the games that utilise that kind of content. But to cancel triple-A, blockbuster titles to remake old ones. Getting to the point where it makes me want to give up on gaming altogether.
Who is canceling brand new games in order to create remakes???
This is one of the best "remasters" in history and it deserves literally nothing but praise.
Also it's nice for the majority of people who don't own their old systems. I can't think of anyone ik irl who still owns their PS2 or ALL THREE of these games.
Mot people ik traded them in for the hot new console on the market, the PS3. I kept all my old systems but that hardly matters tbch, because I know the majority didn't.
I am not bitter about this at all, this is nothing but a good thing for almost everyone.
It is literally a collection of some of the most revolutionary, ground-breaking games ever, but made 10,000x better.
I kind of disagree as well. Games are not the same as movies.....the are co-dependent on technology. Movies are generally not.
As long as they continue to sell the original games....I don't have that much of a problem. And....I wouldn't mind seeing updated versions of my favourite games...because I love them and I would love to see what companies can do with it. I preferred Mass Effect Legendary Edition over the originals completely...
Also....most of the remasters/remakes are done by seperate developers. It's not like Rockstar is taking away resources from GTA6 to make these games...its done by a separate company.
Originally posted by Jmanghan
Who is canceling brand new games in order to create remakes???
This is one of the best "remasters" in history and it deserves literally nothing but praise.
Also it's nice for the majority of people who don't own their old systems. I can't think of anyone ik irl who still owns their PS2 or ALL THREE of these games.
Mot people ik traded them in for the hot new console on the market, the PS3. I kept all my old systems but that hardly matters tbch, because I know the majority didn't.
I am not bitter about this at all, this is nothing but a good thing for almost everyone.
It is literally a collection of some of the most revolutionary, ground-breaking games ever, but made 10,000x better.
I still play San Andreas on my PS2, in spite of owning "remasters".
Mainly to have access to the classic playlists, plus the visuals look better compared to the ultra processed look of the remasters.
Originally posted by cdtm
I still play San Andreas on my PS2, in spite of owning "remasters".
Mainly to have access to the classic playlists, plus the visuals look better compared to the ultra processed look of the remasters. There will be literally no reason to go back to San Andreas on PS2 once these remasters release, absolutely none.
Unless you're a real stickler for playing games on their original hardware.
Originally posted by Jmanghan
There will be literally no reason to go back to San Andreas on PS2 once these remasters release, absolutely none.
Unless you're a real stickler for playing games on their original hardware.
They're getting the same playlist?
Even then, remains to be seen. The Devil May Cry HD remaster has a ton of changed or broken effects that completely changed the visual mood for old school fans, who still played the PS2 versions as definitive editions.
I disagree as well....there should be both options. If you want to play old school GTA, play the originals...nothing wrong with that.
I rather have a complete remaster/remake that changes bad gameplay mechanics and such....but I think fans should still be able to play and purchase the original games.
Part of my issue is that new triple A titles are getting fewer and farther between. The PS2 had 3 original GTA titles and 2 ports from the PSP. The PS3 generation had 2 originals and 2 decent size DLCs for GTA IV. The PS4 generation had no original GTA games. None.
Some developers are now 5, 6 or even 7 years between new games and now, with the sheer number of remakes and remasters being churned out those development times will only get longer.
Are we going to have a generation where Rockstar just remake their entire back catalogue? We've already got LA Noire remastered and Bully Anniversary Edition and apparently RDR is in the pipeline.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
Part of my issue is that new triple A titles are getting fewer and farther between. The PS2 had 3 original GTA titles and 2 ports from the PSP. The PS3 generation had 2 originals and 2 decent size DLCs for GTA IV. The PS4 generation had no original GTA games. None.
Some developers are now 5, 6 or even 7 years between new games and now, with the sheer number of remakes and remasters being churned out those development times will only get longer.
Are we going to have a generation where Rockstar just remake their entire back catalogue? We've already got LA Noire remastered and Bully Anniversary Edition and apparently RDR is in the pipeline. GTA V I believe was slated to come to PS4 before the PS4 even came out, yeah it originally came out on PS3 and Xbox 360, but it's pretty clear "if you want the REAL experience, but it on PS4."
This wouldn't stop them from announcing a new GTA game on the same day of this game's release.
Originally posted by Smasandian
The quest structure still had to be completed repeated.
There is a reason why newer titles implemented a normal save system like checkpoints...because they are good.
But if you want to live in the past...knock yourself out...but its terrible design if they do not implement newer save systems..
Well of course...
but you just said you would lose all your guns which isn't true if you bother to save the game up to that point.
I still remember the music in gta 3, so cool.
Originally posted by Jmanghan
GTA V I believe was slated to come to PS4 before the PS4 even came out, yeah it originally came out on PS3 and Xbox 360, but it's pretty clear "if you want the REAL experience, but it on PS4."
This wouldn't stop them from announcing a new GTA game on the same day of this game's release.
But it was still made for the ps3/xbox360 generation
Announcing isn't releasing. Look at this list of release years for the main GTA games...
Very likely we'll be at 10 years + before we see a GTA 6
But that's not because of remasters...Rockstar is not making this.
The reason why we are not seeing GTA6 for a very long time is because of GTA Online. It's making too much money.
And making AAA titles in this day, is so far away than making one in the PS2, 360 generation. Companies cannot slap together a game now.....Rockstar cannot just throw some pieces in like they did before...and not expect extreme fan feedback.
Sh1t excuses for money-grubbing sh1tcvnts and their retarded, sh1t-swallowing sh1tcunt sycophants.
Why isn't 2021 like 2004......making a game back then is the exact same as making a game today!!
Not a great idea trying to make that argument when all they're releasing in 2021 is remakes of the games they released in 2004.
Haha....because remastering a game (these are not remakes) the same as making a brand new title.
And that its not the same company that are doing it.
Yes. And Bend Studios have nothing to do with Naughty Dog. That didn't stop Sony from moving employees, money and resources from one to the other. I'm sure Grove Street Games has even less to do with Rockstar.
But keep making excuses for why its acceptable to take 10 years to make a new title whilst remaking/remastering/re-releasing old titles multiple times because they've been "upscaled" or because its the games anniversary etc. I'm 100% certain those programmers couldn't be doing anything original during that time.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
But it was still made for the ps3/xbox360 generation
Announcing isn't releasing. Look at this list of release years for the main GTA games...
Very likely we'll be at 10 years + before we see a GTA 6
If at all.
Could be Rockstar saw what happened with Bethesda's new offerings, saw that their biggest success is a game they're kept repackaging for two console gens now, looked at how their own two gen old staple is still popular enough to shut down Epic Game Store servers on a free offering, and said "We're good, stay the course people."
Originally posted by cdtm
If at all.
Could be Rockstar saw what happened with Bethesda's new offerings, saw that their biggest success is a game they're kept repackaging for two console gens now, looked at how their own two gen old staple is still popular enough to shut down Epic Game Store servers on a free offering, and said "We're good, stay the course people."
That's fine though, isn't it?
Not money-grubbing sh1tcvntery behaviour at all.
We're swiftly running out of developers who actually care about making great games. Actually it's probably not that. It's more likely shareholders and board members pressuring for quick, easy profits.
Some people are happy to keep eating regurgitated food, apparently.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
That's fine though, isn't it?
Not money-grubbing sh1tcvntery behaviour at all.
We're swiftly running out of developers who actually care about making great games. Actually it's probably not that. It's more likely shareholders and board members pressuring for quick, easy profits.
Some people are happy to keep eating regurgitated food, apparently.
The same old story everywhere unfortunately. People love to hate on the Boomer gen, but for every Donald Trump you had your Ted Turner.
By that I mean Turner actually cared about news at CNN for the sake of news. According to people who worked there, he'd regularly say there are no stars in his news room, the only star is the news and the truth.
And then AOL came in and took over, and did a complete 180 on everything. Celebrities over news, profits over truth.
The post Boomer gens look a lot more like Donald Trump than they do Ted Turner to me. All they care about is money, and NOTHING else.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
Yes. And Bend Studios have nothing to do with Naughty Dog. That didn't stop Sony from moving employees, money and resources from one to the other. I'm sure Grove Street Games has even less to do with Rockstar.
But keep making excuses for why its acceptable to take 10 years to make a new title whilst remaking/remastering/re-releasing old titles multiple times because they've been "upscaled" or because its the games anniversary etc. I'm 100% certain those programmers couldn't be doing anything original during that time. Rockstar. Has. Almost. Nothing. To. Do. With. These. Remasters.
The fact is even if these were just ports we'd have people complaining "wow they released these instead of a new game." Or hell "They just released these near 20-year-old games as ports without any enhancements."
Well not everyone is always gonna be super hype for a new game. In many people's eyes, the likes of Vice City and San Andreas still haven't been surpassed to this day.
It's like you'd be more happy they didn't release anything until a new game was announced. Not everyone is happy to wait for that, and whether or not these were released makes no difference.
Honestly though, it's none of these problems that's causing a delay for a new GTA, it's the fact that Rockstar is more then happy releasing content for the money-making machine that is GTA online rather then take out time and resources to make a new game. You wanna complain about us not getting a new game? Focus on that.
Tbh I don't care if these are remasters or not, it's still nice to play them on modern hardware, but the stuff they've put into trying to make these OLD GAMES feel like NEW ONES is a big deal. Hell I'm sorry, but did I hear you talk about remakes too? The ones that turn old games into literally brand new ones?
This is literally like saying "Ugh how dare they release Final Fantasy VII Remake, I just want Final Fantasy XVI."
It's like, screw the people who just wanna play these old games on new consoles, period, we should all just wait for new games right? It's reasonable to assume every single person on earth keeps their old consoles to play these near 20-year-old games.
It's only a good thing, even if you wanna argue that it's taking time out of Rockstar's schedule (it's really not), at most it's maybe 3 months, if even that. That would take absolutely positively no time at all out of a potential GTA sequel.
Like I said, they are content to keep drip-feeding content to GTA Online because it's the more lucrative option and tbh also the safest one. Millions upon millions still play it every day, and most do end up buying the cards or paying for some sort of in-game content.
Also it's such a versatile online game, I'd argue GTA Online is played more then the newest CoD in any given moment, they release new games but still more people are playing GTA Online during that brand new CoD's release week.
Also, this isn't regurgitated food, it's an old recipe that's been refined to be better. It's like that burger joint or pizza place you really like that you've been eating at for the past 10 years or so and then one day they add this new ingredient or something that turned something that tasted amazing into something that tasted even more amazing.
I honestly think that is due to GTA Online.....
And a little game called Red Dead Redemption 2.
It's just symptomatic of what the industry is increasingly becoming. Investors want short term profits. Big AAA titles aren't short term commitments particularly if they're creating new game engines and technologies to push the boundaries. The 2 don't go well together and you can see how that played out with one of the few studios who seemed, at the time, committed to putting quality content over highest profit margins...CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk. They were clearly pressured by shareholders into releasing when it wasn't ready and it's suffered badly for it. It should've been one of the biggest and most successful games in history.
We've seen the same short sightedness now from lots of previously big, well respected studios. Bethesda, Naughty Dog, Activision, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Konami.
It wouldn't be so bad if they were funneling the revenues from the cash cows into developing either great new sequels or new IP altogether but that seems to be happening less and less as well.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
It's just symptomatic of what the industry is increasingly becoming. Investors want short term profits. Big AAA titles aren't short term commitments particularly if they're creating new game engines and technologies to push the boundaries. The 2 don't go well together and you can see how that played out with one of the few studios who seemed, at the time, committed to putting quality content over highest profit margins...CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk. They were clearly pressured by shareholders into releasing when it wasn't ready and it's suffered badly for it. It should've been one of the biggest and most successful games in history.
We've seen the same short sightedness now from lots of previously big, well respected studios. Bethesda, Naughty Dog, Activision, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Konami.
It wouldn't be so bad if they were funneling the revenues from the cash cows into developing either great new sequels or new IP altogether but that seems to be happening less and less as well.
Spot on.
Again going back to my Boomer analogy, for all the hate they get it seems like the following generations adopted their worst philosophies.
It's like if you're a Millenial and was bullied by another millennial, and blame Boomers for it. The fact is Boomers are being replaced at a steady rate and the new leaders are proving to be as greedy and short sighted as the worst of them.
So are these versions of GTA going to be censored?.
Originally posted by robotflug
So are these versions of GTA going to be censored?.
Hot coffee should be added in and accessible in normal game.
Originally posted by cdtm
Hot coffee should be added in and accessible in normal game.
So would that mean those games would be entirely unedited for the re-releases?.
Hot Coffee was not part of the game.....and was removed very early in San Andreas release.
Nemesis X
Looking at it some more, think I'll wait 'til when/if it's improved upon via some patches. You know how if someone tries to bronze something and it comes out all broken? That's what this "definitive" edition looks like to me.
Have to say too it's dirty what Rockstar is doing to the switch owners, giving them a physical box at retail but it comes only with a code? Not everyone who plays Nintendo is expecting to play something on the scale of RDR2. If it means it can fit on the cartridge, dumb the graphics for the Trilogy back down to PS2 levels. You'd honestly be giving them the better version.
I'm playing San Andreas through Game's a bit wonky but I haven't seen anything to drastic.
There is mission checkpoint system....that's cool. I haven't gone through a more involved mission to see how it all works but I did do a racing mission, and lost. I loaded up the auto-save and it brought me back to start of the race.
Instead of driving through the city, starting the mission, driving back through the city to start of the race and then trying to complete it. If I didn't have the checkpoint system, there is a good chance I would of wasted at least 30 minutes (the race is super janky).
Honestly though....I like how they kept the original games uniqueness and the changes haven't changed the core game at all......but I'm glad the series evolved.
Nemesis X
Sure if you can endure how fugly it looks.
Heard these games are a disaster out of the gate.
Originally posted by BackFire
Heard these games are a disaster out of the gate.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
Wouldn't it be funny if they really did remaster the thing off a version that had the "hot coffee" mini game and went into a panic to head off another scandal?
Why do companies have to ruin everything?
When they announced it, it looked so damn good, looked like it was the original games but made better in every way possible.
Why is it that no matter what it's a port of, they can't lock it to 60FPS? They can't keep the original models but better? I really actually don't get it.
So is Grand Theft Auto Trilogy - The Definitive Edition worth a buy or a waste of time?.
Originally posted by robotflug
So is Grand Theft Auto Trilogy - The Definitive Edition worth a buy or a waste of time?. A waste of time, atm.
Buggy textures/odd textures, somewhat ass frame-rate, oh and don't forget that you can't see a thing depending on whether conditions.
Nemesis X
Speaking of weather, the fog is gone. I liked the fog!
Originally posted by Jmanghan
Why do companies have to ruin everything?
When they announced it, it looked so damn good, looked like it was the original games but made better in every way possible.
Why is it that no matter what it's a port of, they can't lock it to 60FPS? They can't keep the original models but better? I really actually don't get it.
The best era was the PS2 era, where creativity ruled. Then came the 360 era with DLC cut out of main story, like From Ashes in Mass Effect. From there came Fifa loot boxes. And suddenly everything was compared to the profits of that underhanded game mechanic, and basic game design took a back seat.
And now here we are with cheap remasters of proven IP and little innovation.
Originally posted by cdtm
And now here we are with cheap remasters of proven IP and little innovation.
That's more to do with the triple A industry, Plenty of innovation elsewhere.
Originally posted by Kazenji
That's more to do with the triple A industry, Plenty of innovation elsewhere.
No Man's Sky and Disco Elysium are examples of how the Indie scene has been going downhill progressively for awhile now. We've gone from Gunpoint, World of Goo, Super Meat Boy, and FTL: Faster Than Light to games that cost three to five times as much and do less.
Even Shovel Knight, great as it is, should never have gone from 15 bucks to 40. This is a sign we've entered the era of greed which always means diminished returns on gameplay.
I think indie games are also less innovative as they used to be.
Every new indie game that comes on Game Pass is usually a combination of survival, card, roguelike, turned based strategy or platform elements...wrapped in either 8bit, 16bit or voxel graphics/animation.
And maybe 50% are trying to recreate some ex-NES game.
Originally posted by Jmanghan
Also, this isn't regurgitated food, it's an old recipe that's been refined to be better. It's like that burger joint or pizza place you really like that you've been eating at for the past 10 years or so and then one day they add this new ingredient or something that turned something that tasted amazing into something that tasted even more amazing.
This aged well

Originally posted by cdtm
No Man's Sky and Disco Elysium are examples of how the Indie scene has been going downhill progressively for awhile now.
And your completely wrong with those two examples.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
This aged well

Thats because what they showed us then and gave us now is different.
I was half-and-half on this, but then the PC launch was that much of a ****ing mess. Nice job Rockstar.
Originally posted by Jmanghan
Thats because what they showed us then and gave us now is different.
Well I hope you still enjoy eating that big bowl of prolapsed pig buttholes instead of the pizza.
Originally posted by Kazenji
And your completely wrong with those two examples.
Not at all. Disco Elysium is overpriced junk that is worth a fraction of the asking price. Many indie games are far better, like Thimbleweed Park.
No Man's Sky is simply junk.
Nemesis X
Realize, guys, that EA put more efficiency into their remastered trilogy than Rockstar did with theirs in the same year. Let that sink in.

they never took out hot coffee. ****ing hell.
Originally posted by -Pr-

they never took out hot coffee. ****ing hell.
Called it!

The laziness involved in this release is shocking. Especially with remasters now having higher expectations in general.
Nemesis X
Rockstar didn't even make the "Definitive Edition", they threw it at their guys who make crappy ports of their games. Mostly for mobile. That...really should've been the big eye opener.
Nemesis X
It's entertaining at least.
Oh for ****'s sake
Originally posted by -Pr-
Oh for ****'s sake
Codes already leaked, Rockstar is just shooting themselves in the foot with the lockdown.
Remember when Rockstar used to be THE company?
Now it's like all the competent people jumped ship to create indy games, while only the really shitty talent gets stuck at major companies.
Originally posted by Nemesis X
Realize, guys, that EA put more efficiency into their remastered trilogy than Rockstar did with theirs in the same year. Let that sink in.
Yeah, The very same company that we've give them grief over microtransactions
as for this so called "The Definitive Edition". Better off going to the original releases and use people's mods.
Originally posted by Kazenji
Yeah, The very same company that we've give them grief over microtransactions
as for this so called "The Definitive Edition". Better off going to the original releases and use people's mods.
Are they still available? I read that the original ones had been taken off digital marketplaces.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Are they still available? I read that the original ones had been taken off digital marketplaces.
Or could just look on Ebay.
Well yes, but that's not a digital marketplace. Well, not really.
Wonder if I can mod the PS2 edition.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Well yes, but that's not a digital marketplace. Well, not really.
Then stop relying on the digital stores then.
Originally posted by Kazenji
Then stop relying on the digital stores then.
55 dollars new on Amazon, nearly as much used.
**** that.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Well yes, but that's not a digital marketplace. Well, not really.
Warez is digital.
If anyone deserves the five finger discount purchase, it's Rockstar.
So would anyone talk about this collection in the future or will it be forgotten?.
I'm playing San Andreas on Xbox...100% noticed the frame rate drops but it doesn't make the game unplayable. I have no problem with the art style either....
But in reality, I rather play GTAV again if I want my Rockstar/GTA fix....
Though...GTAVI should have those ambulances, drive around side activities...because I like them.
Oh, and the checkpoint is much needed and great.
Of all the GTA games, The 4th one really needs to be fix up especially on PC.
I know GTAIV is not working correctly in backward compat mode.....the framerate is too high so the last mission is almost impossible to beat because it requires button mashing. I believe when you hit the button, the high FPS makes the game not register half the amount of presses you do.
I might not need complete overhaul for the older games....but checkpoints is a must. Makes the games more enjoyable.
Also why the hell is GTA 1, 2 & GTA London being neglected and also the two games for the PSP
i know GTA 1 & 2 were free on the Rockstar site they took those links down.
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