Burtonverse Batman: The Timeline

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The BatKeaton in The Flash is not the same BatKeaton of the Burtonverse.

October 4th, 1961: Jack Napier is born. The birthdate on the mugshot which Max Eckhardt was spreading at Axis Chemicals must be wrong.
1975: Bruce Wayne is born.

This is the trascript of what you can read on-screen from the Police Case History Folder that Alfred gave to Bruce Wayne during his investigations:

Name: Jack Napier. Sex: Male. Address: 1379 P__ 565, Gotham City. Age: 38. __:5 ft. 8". __: Gotham. Height: 5 ft. 11". __: JN7. __:265-784. __ by: __. __: 2846287.
Assault: AC+D = __ N (8-29-76)
__: AC+D = __ A (2-16-78)
__: AC+D = __ A (11-6-80) Can not prove
Extortion: AC+D = __ J (12-16-81)

As Bruce Wayne openly claimed, Napier’s first certified crime happened when he was only 15 years old (1976).

1982: Selina Kyle is born.
1983: The murder of the Waynes. Jack Napier is 22 years old.
Oswald Cobblepot is born, 33 years before his war with Batman.
January 25th, 1989: the date in which Eckhardt’s mugshot was compiled. By this point, Napier has already visibly gained mass. Napier’s birthday is wrong (it’s 1961 and not 1964).
1999: Napier’s Police Case History Folder is created. Jack Napier is 38 years old.
2011: Batman begins. At first, he is considered to be an "urban legend".
2013: The events of Batman occur. Batman is 38 years old. The Joker is 52 years old.
2016: The events of Batman Returns occur.

Old Man Whirly!

Again because I know it'd p1ss his lurker a$$ to see him bumped off a Comic Book Forums thread.

I might even give 2:1 odds that he makes a sock to reclaim it.

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