Cosmo vs. Apocalypse

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Wonder Man
laughing out loud Can Cosmo bark for the win?

Perfect thread no notes

Cosmo gets two extra heads attached to his body and becomes a new horsemen.

Senor Cage
Originally posted by Thinkerer
Cosmo gets two extra heads attached to his body and becomes a new horsemen.

Who has the higher tp abilities?

Cosmo is actually better at TP, I think.

Apoc isnt really an offensive telepath, but his defenses can fight off some of the best telepathy, similar to Thanos.

I don't think I've ever seen offensive telepathy from Apoc, either.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I don't think I've ever seen offensive telepathy from Apoc, either.

Maybe during the Twelve arc.

He might have shown some during that arc in which Cyclops and Jean went to Cables timeline. Or that was purely defensive aswell, but he did counter Jean I think.

He seemed pretty shocked to learn about TP and said that's something he needed to prepare better for the next time, so yes, just a great resistance feat.

I think Xmarks did a comprehensive breakdown of apoc's lack of offensive TP feats back in the day.

So unless he's picked up something in the Utopia or Krakoa eras, I don't think there's much.

Well, he did punk Xavier in the Twelve arc... it appeared to be a psionic attack.

But Nur was amped then, iirc.

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