Sasquatch vs. Pyro

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Wonder Man
smokin' Can Sasquatch face the heat? Who wins?

I don't know if Sasquatch can take the heat very well I'd imagine burt hair doesn't smell all that good.

Depends on Sasquatch's heat resistance. Look what Pyro did to Colossus :

Aside from Mungiforce, there's nothing that could protect Walter here.

Originally posted by zopzop
Depends on Sasquatch's heat resistance. Look what Pyro did to Colossus : It's been a minute or two since I saw that. They had a 2nd encounter going off of memory I think it was similar.

Originally posted by juggernaut74
It's been a minute or two since I saw that. They had a 2nd encounter going off of memory I think it was similar.
That's what I thought too until I looked it up. This time Colossus wrecked him :
I think it was the Super Heating then the Super Cooling (liquid Nitrogen) that messed Colossus up the first time.

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Aside from Mungiforce, there's nothing that could protect Walter here. Eh

Leap at Pyro + thunderclap ftw

Originally posted by Smurph

Leap at Pyro + thunderclap ftw

Pyro is pretty good at creating firebirds and whatnot.

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