Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Total Warrior

Total Warrior

The force is definitely stronger with female characters that is for sure.

Total Warrior

Total Warrior
Liked the first two eps

thoroughly enjoyed first 2 episodes

don't really care for the moronic fragile white dude ignorants

Total Warrior

First two were pretty solid, looking forward to #3 and hoping this one doesn't Book of Boba us into retardation.

Nothing original whatsoever though, the secret great evil pulling strings in the background, the disgruntled padawan, Jedi being dopes etc. Which is a shame.


Thought the first two eps were mediocre. But I suppose that pretty much the most that can be expected for Disney Wars as it puts it well above most of the other Disney+ SW shows.

Episode 3 was absolute dog shit. Good god.

And Disney continues to go out of their way to diminish Anakin and Luke in anyway they can.

Well after ep.3 I... won't be watching this show anymore. What an absolute joke.

It took you 3 episodes?

What a complete piece of shit.

Trump 2024

Total Warrior

Originally posted by Galan007
Well after ep.3 I... won't be watching this show anymore. What an absolute joke.

That bad, huh?

What happened?

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
That bad, huh?

What happened? Lesbian space witches, who can use the Force to create Force-sensitive babies with each other, without a male/father/donor.

Feel like Disney is literally going out of their way to shit on Lucas at this point.

Total Warrior
Nah, they did release some good shows like Andor and the Mandalorian (S-1/2). The video games and some of the comics are also pretty good.

Episode 3 was boring, but it wasn't just because of a group of force sensitive females can do some force-stuff.

Originally posted by Galan007
Lesbian space witches, who can use the Force to create Force-sensitive babies with each other, without a male/father/donor.

Feel like Disney is literally going out of their way to shit on Lucas at this point.

laughing out loud laughing out loud laughing out loud

Thanks, Galan. I regret asking already.

No wonder why Rob is loving and defending the show.

Darth Thor
Meh it didn't bother me too much. There are major differences in the sense that this was purposely done through sorcery. It wasn't the Force acting or reacting on it's own.

What irritated me more was how easily "Master" Indara went down. Like "oh no can't fend off two different attacks from a Noob".

Overall show is pretty mediocre and predictable.

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
laughing out loud laughing out loud laughing out loud

Thanks, Galan. I regret asking already.

No wonder why Rob is loving and defending the show.

I did say the show is unoriginal and that episode 3 was boring. I also have a feeling my earliar concern is correct and this is going to Boba Fett and turn to ripe shit as it goes on. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Also, my penis is larger than average, probably why I'm not bothered by a lesbian couple who can do some stuff smile

Total Warrior

Even John Campea the massive Disney shill who has Iger sauce dripping from his mouth has turned against this.

Anyone have any idea who the Sith Lod is?

Originally posted by playa1258
Even John Campea the massive Disney shill who has Iger sauce dripping from his mouth has turned against this. I used to watch that numbnut now I can't stand him.

As for the show I can't believe that Disney has turned me against Star Wars Ike this. I didn't watch episode 4 and I'm not sure I can take any more of this.

Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
Anyone have any idea who the Sith Lod is?

The Sith Lord has a slender figure and black skin. It's the black space lesbian.

25 minutes of nothing exciting happening and then, in the last half a minute, when something cool beings to happens, the episode suddenly ends. ****in hacks.

Also lmao at Mae's out of nowhere heel turn. No moments of introspection, just a sudden turn.

Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
Anyone have any idea who the Sith Lod is?

Everyone knows. It couldn't be more blatant that it's the Ezra Miller knock off. Maybe he is a red herring, but the show doesn't seem smart enough to pull something like that off. Plus, he's easily the second best character in the show so it would be disappointing if it was someone else.

Total Warrior

Originally posted by ares834
25 minutes of nothing exciting happening and then, in the last half a minute, when something cool beings to happens, the episode suddenly ends. ****in hacks.

Also lmao at Mae's out of nowhere heel turn. No moments of introspection, just a sudden turn.

Everyone knows. It couldn't be more blatant that it's the Ezra Miller knock off. Maybe he is a red herring, but the show doesn't seem smart enough to pull something like that off. Plus, he's easily the second best character in the show so it would be disappointing if it was someone else.

Look at the end of the episode again. The Sith has black skin.

I want my black, transgender, holocaust survivor Sithlord!

Total Warrior

Originally posted by Psychotron
Look at the end of the episode again. The Sith has black skin.

Meh. Could be simply a combination of poor lightining and deleibritely trying to hide the character's identity.

All I know is that this episode very deliberately (and IMO quite blatantly) sets up the Ezra look-alike as Smilo Ren. Maybe they will do some twist and make that not the case, but it would feel quite cheap.

Total Warrior

Originally posted by ares834
Meh. Could be simply a combination of poor lightining and deleibritely trying to hide the character's identity.

All I know is that this episode very deliberately (and IMO quite blatantly) sets up the Ezra look-alike as Smilo Ren. Maybe they will do some twist and make that not the case, but it would feel quite cheap.

It's too blatant. It must be a red herring unless they're completely incompetent.

Originally posted by Psychotron
It's too blatant. It must be a red herring unless they're completely incompetent.

Have you been watching the past few episodes?

Originally posted by ares834
Have you been watching the past few episodes?
Yes, but... Fine.

Originally posted by Robtard
I did say the show is unoriginal and that episode 3 was boring. I also have a feeling my earliar concern is correct and this is going to Boba Fett and turn to ripe shit as it goes on. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Also, my penis is larger than average, probably why I'm not bothered by a lesbian couple who can do some stuff smile

You are just obsessed with defending wokeness at all cost, Rob.

The reveal makes Anakin not special, that's the problem.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
You are just obsessed with defending wokeness at all cost, Rob.

The reveal makes Anakin not special, that's the problem.

I guess if we go by the theory that Palpatine and Plagueis manipulated the Force into creating him.

However if the midi-chlorians simply conceived him themselves (as alluded to by Qui-Gon in TPM), by the will of the Force, then that's very different.

Total Warrior

Nope. It's deliberately left ambiguous.

Just shows how big of hacks these guys are. Anyone while it may not have been the intent, anyone with some even basic understanding of SW and who was paying attention to the comic should have picked up what it seemed to suggest.

Because it removes the uniqueness of Anakin's birth. I also hate the idea that Plagueis learned it from the coven. The point was that Plagueis, being the culmination of a thousand years of Sith teaching, was so knowledgeable and powerful he was able to master life and death to such a degree that he even discovered how to create life. But now he might have just learned it from a backwater cult of witches. It's lame.

Total Warrior

Total Warrior
Originally posted by ares834
Nope. It's deliberately left ambiguous.

Just shows how big of hacks these guys are. Anyone while it may not have been the intent, anyone with some even basic understanding of SW and who was paying attention to the comic should have picked up what it seemed to suggest.

Because it removes the uniqueness of Anakin's birth. I also hate the idea that Plagueis learned it from the coven. The point was that Plagueis, being the culmination of a thousand years of Sith teaching, was so knowledgeable and powerful he was able to master life and death to such a degree that he even discovered how to create life. But now he might have just learned it from a backwater cult of witches. It's lame. Just look at it this way, the lesbians found this power, Plagueis took it, mastered it to the point he created a much more powerful being in Anakin

I can't believe it was actually the asian guy. It was far too obvious, yet they went with it anyway.

No shit. Like I said, this show is dumb. It's written for dumb people.

Originally posted by Total Warrior
Just look at it this way, the lesbians found this power, Plagueis took it, mastered it to the point he created a much more powerful being in Anakin

It's horseshit either way. I don't particularly care about power levels. The point was that Plageuis delved so deeply into the secrets of live/death that he discovered how to create it. That's gone now if he just got it from the witches.

Yep. Okay lightsaber fight, at least. If you don't count the part where a Sith Lord got his ass beat by a child and had to resort some bullshit trickery to kill her.

Great lightsaber duel honestly. Easily the best since RotS. Shame that the writing is not up to scratch.

Darth Thor

Darth Thor
Originally posted by ares834
No shit. Like I said, this show is dumb. It's written for dumb people.

It's horseshit either way. I don't particularly care about power levels. The point was that Plageuis delved so deeply into the secrets of live/death that he discovered how to create it. That's gone now if he just got it from the witches.

As far as I understood it, Plagueis's thing was more about how to manipulate life to avoid death.

Anyway will wait for the end of the series before I make any proper judgment on that. But so far the show's weakness isn't ruining canon. It's more so just being kinda dumb.

The idea was that he was delving into these deep mysteries, likely in pursuit of immortality, and discovered these incredible and unnatural powers. But it's undermined if he just got it from some lame coven.

And both things can be true. The show can be poor quality (it is) and also introduce concepts that weaken the overall SW lore.

Episode 5 was the best of this series so far, IMO

I do not care for any of the imbecilic, dumbass, ignorant, infantile, fragile children

if you have actual legit gripes then yes but if you gonna be infantile then FRACK YOU

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
You are just obsessed with defending wokeness at all cost, Rob.

The reveal makes Anakin not special, that's the problem.

I am? Screaming "wokeness" at everything people don't like has made the term meaningless.

Well, no? Because Anakin's mother was raped by The Force, so he could bring balance. The force-twins were created by their stupid mother. So you can stop crying about Anakin the great White savior not being special, he's still special... for now smile

Originally posted by Robtard
Well, no? Because Anakin's mother was raped by The Force, so he could bring balance. The force-twins were created by their stupid mother. So you can stop crying about Anakin the great White savior not being special, he's still special... for now smile

People keep saying this, but as I've pointed out again and again, Anakin's conception is deliberately kept ambiguous. He may have very well been created by Plagueis or Palaptine (FYI, in the earliest script the later was explicitly the case). Personally, I subscribe to the theory he was created by the Sith. I think there is a certain poetic irony to the whole thing that makes it more powerful.

Total Warrior

Originally posted by ares834
People keep saying this, but as I've pointed out again and again, Anakin's conception is deliberately kept ambiguous. He may have very well been created by Plagueis or Palaptine (FYI, in the earliest script the later was explicitly the case). Personally, I subscribe to the theory he was created by the Sith. I think there is a certain poetic irony to the whole thing that makes it more powerful.

Unused scripts would not override the final product, yeah? What we learned in ep1 points more strongly to the the Force being the "father", least how I see it. The very nature of the Force is to bring balance, this is drilled into us viewers ad nauseam and when Vader sacrifices himself to save Luke and kill Palps, it balanced things out.

I do like the view on Anakin being the spawn of Sith machinations and Palpatine's tale to Anakin about Plagueis' ability to "create life" does lend some weight to that, but I think that tale was a chess move to turn Anakin darkside, due to his foresight of Padme's death.

Total Warrior
Originally posted by Robtard
Unused scripts would not override the final product, yeah? What we learned in ep1 points more strongly to the the Force being the "father", least how I see it. The very nature of the Force is to bring balance, this is drilled into us viewers ad nauseam and when Vader sacrifices himself to save Luke and kill Palps, it balanced things out.

I do like the view on Anakin being the spawn of Sith machinations and Palpatine's tale to Anakin about Plagueis' ability to "create life" does lend some weight to that, but I think that tale was a chess move to turn Anakin darkside, due to his foresight of Padme's death.

Yeah tbh Palpy coming back to life stronger than ever and Rey killing him for good just 30 years after EP6 is much worse.

But then, we had the same issue in Legends with DE Palpy. Though you could argue that Anakin still had a hand in his defeat since it was his son who did it

Originally posted by Total Warrior
Yeah tbh Palpy coming back to life stronger than ever and Rey killing him for good just 30 years after EP6 is much worse.

But then, we had the same issue in Legends with DE Palpy. Though you could argue that Anakin still had a hand in his defeat since it was his son who did it

Ep7 wasn't terrible imo, though extremely lazy and safe by giving us a basic repeat of what we've seen before. But bringing back Palps was just lame, surely they could do something even slightly different. I can't watch ep7-9 again, especially ep9.

Honestly felt that Palpatine wasn't supposed to be in it when they finished ep7, but was written in after ep7 under-performed.

Originally posted by Robtard
I am? Screaming "wokeness" at everything people don't like has made the term meaningless.

Well, no? Because Anakin's mother was raped by The Force, so he could bring balance. The force-twins were created by their stupid mother. So you can stop crying about Anakin the great White savior not being special, he's still special... for now smile

As we found out in the Sequel Trilogy, his sacrifice meant very little in the long term.

Kathleen Kennedy has a hateboner for Anakin, it's really that simple.

Anakin, Luke and Han too. I wonder what they all have in common...

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
As we found out in the Sequel Trilogy, his sacrifice meant very little in the long term.

Kathleen Kennedy has a hateboner for Anakin, it's really that simple.

I'm not a fan of the sequel trilogy as I've said, but I don't buy the angle that Anakin's ep6 sacrifice meant nothing because of ep7-9. The Force is always trying to find balance, but rarely in balance, why we have space drama we do.

Kathleen Kennedy doesn't have some nefarious plan to destroy Star Wars like the dudebros cry about, she likes money like the rest of the Disney execs. I don't like her vision for a lot of what DSW shat out, but we did get some gems like Rogue One, Mandalorian and Andor.

Darth Thor

Darth Thor
So Sith bro Qimir is implying he's older than he looks. And is trying to restore Rule of Two. So I guess he probably will be the Sith Master.

Story is getting so stupid though. The depths of idiocy they have to go to stop the Jedi from finding out...

Total Warrior
He said he is a former Jedi... I don't think he's a real Sith. I mean, a Sith belonging to the Rule of Two lineage. He's a fallen Jedi who follows the Sith code

Darth Thor
^ That makes sense.

I'm caught up to ep 6, aside from the pretty good sabre duels, this show doesn't have much to offer, writing just gets worse and more dull.

I did like the inverse ninja jedi law being on display.

Total Warrior
Oh well rip Anakin for good lmao

Fight coreography was great though

Laughable episode.

Another episode of backstory and it's basically a repeat of the first? Plus all the "reveals" were obvious as hell. Every one of "reveals" were a big dud. Absolutely not worth the wait. Heck, if anything, the most surpising aspect is how little the Jedi are to blame. Sure, the Jedi made some mistakes but I don't blame Sol for attacking the witch leader when she turned into a smoke demon and Mae started dissolving into smoke in a very tense situation. So, yeah, got no clue why Jedi Tommen (don't know his actual name) was so guilty he killed himself.

And the character work was complete nonsense. Tommen starts going stir-crazy after a mere 7 weeks on the planet and this homesickness is his entire motivation in this episode... Then you got Sol getting completely obsessed over Osha after spying on her for a short time.

Total Warrior
Yeah, especially Indara and Kelnecca were completely innocent, Indara more than anyone else. Sol maybe is to blame for not stopping the padawan, and the padawan is to blame for rushing to get the twins even though the council denied it. Anyway yeah i don't know why the showrunner assumed we would have blamed the Jedi. They weren't perfect but didn't act bad either. What was even Mother ANiseya trying to do by turning into smoke?

Well, here's hoping the next SW show is more like Mando and Andor quality.

Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
wow what a great episode

seeing Osha use force choke on Sol and then when she bled the crystal holy shit that was excellent to see

great choreography this series has had

God this show was truly awful.

They try so hard to make Sol out to be the bad guy and it doesn't work. Then you've got Osha going with Qimir (and seemingly having a romantic relationship with him?) despite the fact that he murdered many of her friends. Probably the worst part of this episode though was the Gopher dude just randomly betraying Sol and sabotaging the ship. WTF was that about? lol Just baffling, nonsencial choices. Almost nothing any of these characters do makes any sense.

But there was a Plagueis cameo! Yoda! Glup Shitto! I CLAPPED! I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW IT!

The funny/sad thing is plenty of "fans" think that way. A 5 second cameo and they all too happily start praising the show as the second coming.

Wow. WOW this was awful. I cannot put it into words.

PS was the implication that Darth Plagueis learned how to create life from the lesbian witches?

Probably. I'd prefer Plagueis being the one to create them or at least have taught the witches. But of course that won't be the case.

Total Warrior

The issue is the people behind this show lack any sense of coherent morality. They think that the Jedi were entirely in the wrong, that they deserved to die, and that Qimir was more "heroic" than Sol. We are meant to be happy that Osha killed Sol and joined up with Qimir. And Mae is meant to be "innocent". Notice how she is wearing white, portrayed in a (literally) very heroic light when Osha sees her again, and how she selflessly she sacrifices herself.

Another big issue is they treat the Jedi as an analogy for real world religious oppression. But unlike the supernatural in various religions, the Force has a real tangible effect on the temporal world. The Force is not merely a belief, it is FACT; and the threat posed by dark siders are all too real.

Why did Mae "sacrifice" herself anyway? She could have just gone with them. Absolutely brain-dead writing.

Total Warrior
Mae betrayed Qimir, I think he would have killed her

Darth Thor
Sol was the only good thing about this show. Fights were cool too.

But yeah none of the characters or plot twists made any sense. And what was even the point of this show? Qimir and Osha are just loose ends in canon now.

Originally posted by Total Warrior
What was even Mother ANiseya trying to do by turning into smoke?

Yeah that was strange. Defo her own fault if Sol misread that as her killing Mae.

Originally posted by Total Warrior
Mae betrayed Qimir, I think he would have killed her

I dont know why she did that. Given she still hated the Jedi.

None of the characters made any sense. Except for Sol.

Originally posted by Total Warrior
Mae betrayed Qimir, I think he would have killed her

Okay, why didn't he?

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Psychotron
Okay, why didn't he?

Because of Osha I guess. She did make the deal with him to let Mae go.

Originally posted by Darth Thor
Because of Osha I guess. She did make the deal with him to let Mae go.

In that case, why didn't he take her with them? There's no logical reason to do this mind wipe except to set up the next season.

Darth Thor
^ Yeah especially given they are the same person (whatever that means). 2 acolytes would give him a greater chance of overthrowing Plagueis, and technically not even break the rule of 2.

But yeah aside from Sol, the shows characters made no sense whatsoever.

And yes either this was setting up a season 2, or it has just needlessly created a load of loose ends in Sith canon.

There could conceivably be two Anakins now. Another one somewhere that they could make shows about.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by ares834

But there was a Plagueis cameo! Yoda! Glup Shitto! I CLAPPED! I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW IT!

The funny/sad thing is plenty of "fans" think that way. A 5 second cameo and they all too happily start praising the show as the second coming.

I mean you have to be a fan to even recognise Plagueis. Not sure what that cameo meant to a casual watching it. I guess they just figured that's Qimir's Sith Master.

But yeah, back of Yoda's head. What a cameo.

If anything it's more problematic to me that pre-TPM Yoda is fully aware there's a former Jedi running around that's completely embraced the dark side.

Also F that green Jedi master for blaming everything on Sol to hide her apprentice turning to the dark side.

Originally posted by truejedi
There could conceivably be two Anakins now. Another one somewhere that they could make shows about.

LMAO That would be hilarious.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Darth Thor

Also F that green Jedi master

Not Yoda FYI. The woman.

Total Warrior
Vernestra Rwoh, from the comics :3

Eli Vanto
Originally posted by Darth Thor
I mean you have to be a fan to even recognise Plagueis. Not sure what that cameo meant to a casual watching it. I guess they just figured that's Qimir's Sith Master. I didn't even understand why the Sith Master (Plagueis) was just standing there like a creepy stalker rubbing the cave walls and shit. The cameo was absolute trash.

I hope to god they don't get a season 2 for this show.

Originally posted by Darth Thor
If anything it's more problematic to me that pre-TPM Yoda is fully aware there's a former Jedi running around that's completely embraced the dark side. Well Yoda isn't fully aware. Vernestra clearly didn't tell him the true story, so he, like the rest of the Council, just thinks Sol went rogue before getting put down. The Sith reemergence thing is still unknown to the Jedi at that point.

The stupid part is that Yoda couldn't sense the overt conflict within Vernestra to figure out that she was clearly hiding something. God this show was bad.

But how could he believe that? Sol as a scapegoat makes absolutely no sense. He was on Coruscant when Trinity was killed and tons of Jedi would know that. I mean he was literally teaching kids at the time. That's a pretty damn strong alibi. lmao

Eli Vanto
That's true. A few of the deaths really can't logically be pinned on Sol, but I guess maybe the mass murders can with Vernestra's lying shit? I dunno.

In this new spin on continuity I guess it might also be possible that Yoda chose to accept Sol being the scapegoat because of the Senate inquisition that is also going on at the time, because it's "cleaner"? **** if I know. This show was just terrible.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Eli Vanto
Well Yoda isn't fully aware. Vernestra clearly didn't tell him the true story,

I thought that was the point of the end cameo.. That she was going to tell him.

Originally posted by Eli Vanto
In this new spin on continuity I guess it might also be possible that Yoda chose to accept Sol being the scapegoat because of the Senate inquisition that is also going on at the time, because it's "cleaner"? **** if I know. This show was just terrible.

That seems to be the justification. Why she pinned it on Sol. To keep from the senate from finding out that her former padawan is out there having embraced the dark side.

Eli Vanto
Originally posted by Darth Thor
I thought that was the point of the end cameo.. That she was going to tell him. I interpreted it differently. Vernestra had lied to everyone up to that point, so I figured she was just taking her lies all the way to the top of the totem pole. Because if Yoda bought her story, then it would be solidified as fact among the Jedi.

IOW, no former apprentice of hers that became a Sith and is still out there with a new pupil. Just a wayward Jedi that went rogue for a bit, and then was put down. So in the Council's eyes the mess has been cleaned up, just in time for the Senate inquisition.

Still stupid as ****, but that's how I'd reconcile it if I had to.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Eli Vanto
I interpreted it differently. Vernestra had lied to everyone up to that point, so I figured she was just taking her lies all the way to the top of the totem pole. Because if Yoda bought her story, then it would be solidified as fact among the Jedi.

IOW, no former apprentice of hers that became a Sith and is still out there with a new pupil. Just a wayward Jedi that went rogue for a bit, and then was put down. So in the Council's eyes the mess has been cleaned up, just in time for the Senate inquisition.

Still stupid as ****, but that's how I'd reconcile it if I had to.

I mean you're right in that technically we don't know what she told him, and we know she can't be trusted, so not necessarily an issue (as of now).

But if there's no 2nd season (and I'm not sure I want one), then all this show has done is introdiuce loose ends with Qimir, Osha and maybe Mae as well.

Eli Vanto
Originally posted by Darth Thor
I mean you're right in that technically we don't know what she told him, and we know she can't be trusted, so not necessarily an issue (as of now).

But if there's no 2nd season (and I'm not sure I want one), then all this show has done is introdiuce loose ends with Qimir, Osha and maybe Mae as well. I don't think there will be a second season. So if they decide to wrap up the loose ends they've created with this show, hopefully they just do it in novel or comic format. It's a lot cheaper, and would still accomplish the same thing. Just have Darth Osha eventually turn on Qimir and kill him. Then have apprentice Palpatine enter the fray and kill Osha.

And ideally I'd like to see Plagueis be the one who taught the lesbian witches how to create life via the Force just to see if the technique actually worked, but that's another topic of discussion.....

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Eli Vanto
I don't think there will be a second season. So if they decide to wrap up the loose ends they've created with this show, hopefully they just do it in novel or comic format. It's a lot cheaper, and would still accomplish the same thing.

Of course they can always do that.

But they shouldn't be so casual with that Imo. It just leaves casual audiences more lost than ever. I'm personally getting fed up of explaining canon to friends/relatives. It just means Lucasfilm isn't doing a good job themselves of communicating it.

Like why make a show like this that adds nothing to the Saga and only creates loose ends?

Total Warrior
Tbh it's no big deal. Qimir is just a former Padawan who fell to the dark side, not the first under Yoda's tenure (Ssker did too about 100 years before this series, and there was another Jedi Knight too who followed this path). I'm sure Qimir will eventually be killed, and for very obvious reasons Osha won't be the next sith apprentice cuz Palpy needs to fill that spot. Will she die a Sith? Go back tot the Light and defeat Qimir? As long as she is not aware of Plagueis's existence, she may as well live. Yoda and everyone else will think Qimir will be just one of the many Dark jedi who popped up and died

Total Warrior
Now that I think of it that little guy Bazil probably knows more than anyone else about what actually happened. He could spill the beans about Qimir

Eli Vanto
Originally posted by Darth Thor
Of course they can always do that.

But they shouldn't be so casual with that Imo. It just leaves casual audiences more lost than ever. I'm personally getting fed up of explaining canon to friends/relatives. It just means Lucasfilm isn't doing a good job themselves of communicating it.

Like why make a show like this that adds nothing to the Saga and only creates loose ends? I agree that it's all dumb as shit, and if the story eventually ventures off into novels or comics, then it just makes things more difficult for casual fans to understand. But canon is canon now.

Originally posted by Total Warrior
Yoda and everyone else will think Qimir will be just one of the many Dark jedi who popped up and died Aside from Vernestra, no one even knows about Qimir. I highly doubt she'd tell Yoda about this massive deception, so at some point before the PT they'll all either be killed/die or go off the grid somewhere.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Eli Vanto
But canon is canon now.

Supposedly. But in reality it's more like the old system where there's levels of canon. I.e. comics and novels can be retconned to suit the films and animation.

Regardless that's not the point. The point is your casual fan isn't going to pick up a comic or novel to find out what happened to Qimir. Heck I probably won't, and will find out from you guys laughing out loud

Total Warrior

Darth Thor
What a mess.


Thank god they won't get their mits on Plagueis.

Plagueis being revealed to be a goofy-looking ayy lmao is probably my favorite thing about the EU.

Bashar Teg
Unsolicited hot take on the whole damn thing from non-EU fan perspective:

Long ago I had assumed that the sith/empire were meant to be alien-phobic space nazis. They were all human in film canon, and they were all white men with the same accent. Darth maul confused me, awesome as he was, because he wasn't human. He seemed more like an expendable attack dog, which I thought was confirmed when it turned out that sidious was also grooming dooku for apprentice. I think that adding alien/gender/ethnic diversity and inclusion to a military cult of space-nazis was a dumb idea

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