James Cameron or Jonathan Mostow?
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Now we are being able to see T3 and the diferences between T2 & T3...
T2 writen by James Cameron - T3 writen by Jonathan Mostow
Which is greater?
I'm sorry but comparing Jonathon Mostow To James Cameron is much like comparing george lucas to rob reiner. Ther have different directing backgrounds. In addition James has more experience with sci fi and since he created the terminator concept and did a superb job, he cannot be surpassed my any director in this area. In fact James Cameron with the terminator made a star of all but 2 of the main characters and made notoriety for everyone invloved. stan winston, james, linda hamilton, fantasy ii. In short it is comparing apples to oranges and frankly the other mostow movies in my opinion are not that great. He did a respecable job with t3 but i was disappionted. 12 years and i expected more. Frankly arnold and the stunts made the movie. However the movie pales in comparison to t2 and t2 pales in comparison to t1. If there is a t4, james cameron must be involved or we will be left with halowwen resurrection, jason x, candyman 3, speed and speed 2 and all the other sequela that diminished the franchise. Frankly james cameron was wise to leave the project alone after reading the script. You see he no longer owns the rights and does not have primary control over the script. The script anc climax were poor and james felt the important aspects of the story had been told. Ine thing though, James Cameron did say that he did t2 because the greatness of t1 made in necessary to made t2 and he wanted to be @ the helm to ensure the detail, the intensity and the vision remained clear and true to the man, vs, machine story. By eliminating the theres' no fate, the future is not set ideaology in the third film, it eliminated the importance of the story, the relevance and fesability of the story and eliminated the need for time travel @ all. If the future is set and detiny is set and the trminator is aware of this, skynet must be aware and why waste energy for a mission that would surely fail? well the tx did fail....get the picture?
Verdict: James Cameron
Good reply...but what do you thinik about that the Cameron said there shouldnt be any T3...
Although i wanted to see more and see the war, i agree that there was not that much more of interest that was true to the story was to be told. Now that it is here for sure, i'd wish cameron was involved, but he figured it would make money but would be emotionally lacking and plot dry and redundant of t2, all of which it was. If there is a t4, i hope he is @ the helm and aims it for a conclusion. (the humans ahould loose)
me like most ppl would say james cameron of course, i became a fan of his direction after watchin T1 i think.
If T3 was truly a bridge for Mostow to direct T4 in a whole new light, it could be possible, think about it in T4 you are gonna see the resistance fighting all the skynet machines, ie the flying ones, the tank ones (sorry i dont know the model numbers) plus skynet begining production on the T101's, its gonna be a war movie basically, which sounds cool the more i think about it.Or perhaps he isnt gonna direct it and there is no T4?
But in T3 shooting, Arnie had to give money to Mostow...how can he create a movie, like war against the maschine, he would need twice more money like in T3, and DULOBAST25 in T4 we will not sew that war, beacause Nick Stahl will play in T4 and T5. I think Mostow should think about what he is doing in the future...if he will make a movie just about street action like in T3 and no horror scenes and no story he should give directors place to other more interesant story writer.
if t3 does very well then v could b in for a very expensive t4
PS. Hey alic88 what is now time in Pakistan? I'm from Slovenia and there is now 7:53 AM.
they can show the war, but we don not know how many years there will be between t3 and t4. I think nick will be older, but i would like them to use the john connor (adult) used in t2. BTW James may have walked away form t3 but that is because to him the script looked like a "lets make more money out of the story" script. The movie does feel that way and the more experienced film critics agree. The action was good, the bathroon scene was my favorite, but the action scenes were ill placed and the truck scent was so long that you forget what the movie is about for a second. The intro was too long and boring before anythign with action happens. The bordom was too long and the action was too long. It should be sprinkled in a little here a little there, but strategically placed not to just correctly tell the story, but not for fatigue or bore the audience. Cameron is more clever in that he tells the story in the point of view of a viewer who wants to understand the importance of the movie w.o getting bored or your intelligence being insulted. John Mostow could read take a few lesson from james cameron. @ any rate i hope james in involved ins some way like script in t4 cause t3 had good aspects.. arnie and dr silberman and the tx otherwise the casting sucked, the storyline and script sucked, tha acting sucked, the action was excellent the attire and wardrobe was excellent arnie looked good the special effects were good (except for arnolds red screen.. it was low quality and the wording unlike that of a terminator). So the items that were excellent were up to the terminator saga standard. What wasn't was the casting, soundtrack, timing, scrpt, and the story. James Cameron said all things considered johnathon did a great job, and i agree, but i think the best aspects of the film were what from the people who were responsible from the sucessul terminator flicks. Al else went down hill.
I think mr mostow should have had a diehard fan to ensure that details that were omitted or wrong or forgotton or mis construed were kept or added or more seamless..as like a consultant. I know one thing, I wouldn't be able to direct like mostow, but t3 would have been better if he had me on the consulting team.
Mostows problem is that, he was thinking just about the money "more action, more babes - that gives you MORE MONEY!". I think T3 movie failed like T-1000 in T2. When I was watching trailers for that movie, I was crazy and i couldnt wait to see that movie. But when a compare T2 and T3 I saw T3's disadvantages. At first of all there were no James Cameron on directors crew, that mean there is no good story, then i realized there is no Brad Fiedel...then i realy know movie will be just a classic in action movies...
T3, I thought it would suck, then found out that cameron turned ot down then i was afraid it would suck, then found out no sarah, then i was sure it would suck, then no michael beihn then i knew it sucked. and for awhile no arnold then i was convinced it would suck. Then no brad fiedel then afraid the music would suck.
So heard stan winston was involved and i said the moviemight be good. then arnold was in it the movie ought to be good, then saw the first teaser and thought that will be no good, then saw the second trailer and said damned it hink it will be good.. and i heard the music in the trailers and looked forward to it being good, then heard that the composer would not expand on any music from the other terminators and then i was afraid the music would suck. then found out no edward furlong and said man john connor might suck, but didn;t think the workd of furlong so said that might not make it suck then found out female terminaor and though oh yeah, but the idea sucked and hoped it would be trinity from matrix and when it wasn't thought that sucked, but saw krisitana and sai damned she fine like alyssa milano but the movie is till gonna suck and when I found out that the director directed movies that nobody said was good then i feared that it would suck, but then i swa a nother version of the trailer and thought it will be good and swa some of the fight scenes and thought this will be good and heard the music and thought this will be good and saw the t800's this will be good and saw the destruction, this will be good and so i went see the movie and saw the intro and thought this will be good and saw the explosion and john connnor and said i on't like him, but this will still be good, saw the girla and the lexus and thought ok, she's fine and it's too early.. lets' wait for arnie. then she showed up and ok let's see.. strip club? arrive in the desert? hmm no music? hmm. the scrren writing... inapproprtiate? hmm ok too early
the shades.. camreon would not have done it, but damned funny ok lets start, monster truck, cool killing resistance leaders.. cool. The vet hostpital, that represented the shitty-ness of the whole movie.. like 20 minutes of bore and finally the collsison. Cool. the acting? hmmm. For those who haven't seen the movie iwon't spoil it, but i like the fire truck scene, the bathroom scene but those are the high points goes downhill from there and when i saw the end...that sucked..then after hearing no cool termiator music the whole time.. heard off tone shitty wannabe termiantor music that was an insult and sucked even more. I felt like matrix 2 and the hulk. Something needed seasoning.. somehting was bland.
We can just say to other terminator fans who didnt see terminator 3......
MISSION FAILED!...it is not the way it should be. Like T-101 said in T2 "it has to end here!"...but they enyway screwed up....
T3 i dunno i hope t4 is better.
Any reasons why James Cameron didn't direct Terminator 3?
Since December 15, 1998 Cameron did plan to write and direct a third Terminator movie. I thought that Arnold wasn't going to be in it unless
Cameron was included. If Cameron directed it, I reckon it would be a great action movie, because he would make the story better.
Terminator: Take off your clothes.
Male Stripper: Patience, honey!
Male Stripper: Woah, *****! Wait your turn!
Terminator: Your clothes.
Male Stripper: Talk to the hand!
Terminator: Now.
Gas Station Cashier: Hey! are you gonna pay for that?
Terminator: Talk to the hand.
James Cameron thought the Terminator story was complete after the first original movie, there was no need for even a second movie... 10 years later, he was convinced that some of his ideas for the first movie, ideas that didn't make it into the completed first movie, could be expanded upon and included in a sequel, so Terminator 2 was born...
after T2, Cameron decided for certain that there would be no more Terminator movies, then someone else wrote T3, and CAmeron read it and laughed at how stupid the whole idea was, so he didn't want to do it... even Arnold tried to convince him to do it any way, because Arnold was interested in another go-round, but Cameron just said NO!, kicked Arnold in the nuts, and ran away...
that's all true... I heard it from SuperShadow! hee hee!
I knew that Arnold wasn't going to do it unless J.C. directed it. Neither did Linda Hamilton. She did not want any part in it unless he did it. I don't think J.C. kicked him in the nuts, i think he persuaded him to do play the terminator for a third time because he already knew how to play the role.
nah. he got paid 30 million. YA 30 MILLION. keanue reeves got paid 30 million for doing 2 matrix films. so u can just imagine the money lol.
U Neek
Seriously though, why didn't Cameron direct it?
As he said, it's because he didn't want to direct a film he didn't write {and the reason he didn't write it is cos he felt there was no more story left to tell}. Enter Mostow...
He had considered an ending for T2 where SkyNET was annihilated completely. In fact, it was a last minute change to make the ending the highway at night again. The original ending showed Sarah with her grandchild in the playground with no nuclear fire.
Cyberdyne were dealing with technology too advanced to be controlled. Because of the presence of future technology in the present, it was perfectly feasible that technology should evolve faster than Mankind. Without Cyberdyne, it could still have been invented eventually in the natural course of things, but there is every reason to suppose that the hominids would know what they were dealing with by then.
Shaber - I've seen that ending on the "Ultimate Edition" DVD. It's so cheesy! "Judgement day came and went. And nothing happened. Michael Jackson turned forty. The nuclear holocaust never came. John continues to fight though... as a memeber of the senate {!}" Though I'm sure in retrospect it appeals to T3 haters {as it would remove the need for T3 entirely}, I just can't stand it! I'm SO glad Cameron changed it!
Your not the only one
Shaber - I agree with you about your other point. In retrospect, it sounds silly to assume that blowing up one building would detract from the development of AI for the rest of human history!
But why do you say that the humans should be aware of what they are doing? The events of T3 seem to disprove that theory...
I was making a vague philosophical point. SkyNet is technology that evolved faster than mankind. Something like that would happen in a time line with future technology sent back to the present. However, once natural order were restored, then from a story telling point of view, it should be the case that the reason for technology growing TOO fast is gone.
Then do you believe cyberdyne gaining control in T3, supposedly in 2003, was too fast?
I think that the fact that SkyNET took over anyway is too cynical

Machines overrunning the world - could happen, y'know...
Why did James Cameron let someone else make Terminator 3. Doen't the Terminator property belong to him so he could decide wheter there can be another movie. Besides he wrote the first 2 terminator movies.
John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don't say "affirmative," or some shit like that. You say "no problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say "eat me." And if you want to shine them on it's "hasta la vista, baby."
The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby.
John Connor: Yeah! Or "later dickwad." And if someone gets upset you say, "chill out"! Or you can do combinations.
The Terminator: Chill out, dickwad.
John Connor: Great! See, you're getting it!
The Terminator: No problemo.
Zero The Hero
I think that has to do with the rights of producer Kassar. I think he wanted a third movie, but Cameron didnt feel there was any stuff to tell.
So he hired Mostow for the job.
U Neek
Yeah, like after other top producers turned down the chance to direct the third Terminator they hand it to an unknown. Good move(!)
Ah U - welcome back... and I see your cynicism has also returned!
Mostow was a virtual unknown, it true - but Breakdown was quite good...
And the time line really is a hopeless mess!

right heres what I heard about all this....
James Cameron didn't want to direct it because the story was so shit, at first he DENIED any rights and whatnot of the terminator to ANYONE else, but in the end he changed his mind
Linda Hamilton didn't want to return - I heard she didnt want to return because her and Cameron were an item and she didnt want to remember jack shit about cameron and whatnot
Its a pity he never came back, im sure he wouldve spruced up that pathetic effort by the new boys.
The movie was pretty lame, it was heavily CGI driven. There was very little story to back it up, and im totally convinced that it was all meant to end with T2, this is just a money-grabbing concept. Im sure cameron wouldve instilled more purpose for this movie, other than a showcase of how the machines take over. Only the last five mins of the movie really do anything different from T2.
A money grabbing exercise? Perhaps, but if you think about it {and as I've explained in other threads} the logic still holds ...
Vvvrulz - Ah, but you're forgetting that the STAKES are much higher in T3; THAT'S what makes it different! In T2, Judgement Day was years away; in T3, merely hours away ...
Bumping for discussion.
James Cameron of course

Cameron hands down.
Cameron without breaking a sweat.

End of discussion really, lol.
Unless, someone comes here and votes for Mostow. Then we have a good argument on our hands.......
Maybe I will vote for Mostow.......shifty

For arguements sake, lol.
Ok lets say hypothetically that I did vote for Mostow, in what specific areas would you say that James Cameron is a better director for the Terminator films than Mostow?
(er everything) lol.
Well i preferred the way he handled the theme music and the action sequences. Always high octane and riveting. Mostow had the most dour beginning and ... silence during the car chase... silence !!
Cardinal sin in my opinion. Also the dialogue was far better.
I agree, the theme music was near perfection and Mostow didn't even manage to capture half of the greatness achieved with the original music. Mostow had a very dull beginning unlike Cameron in T2 with the flaming skull which immediately grasped the attention of the audience.
Exactly, the entrance is critical to holding the audience, and Mostow only managed a dead, silent opening with John on his bike.
So very true, if you can't bring in the audience at the very start then they will most likely become uninterested and less likely to enjoy the rest of the film. Mostow clearly still has alot of learning to do when it comes creating a good film.
I liked T3, but it doesn't compare to T1 and T2. Cameron has a way of having good drama and great action. T3, was all action, until the end. I think Mostow did a good job, but I think he could of had better character development. I also think they were rehashing old plot points: Arnold walking into a bar to get his clothes, again! A car chase on a major highway at the starting of the movie. Even though I enjoyed T3, they should have stopped at T2.
Agreed, they could have come up with a few original concepts at least.
I completely agree with you ccoo.

Mostow, new blood means change, and change can be good.
Too bad his changes suck ass! :P
Haha yeah, fresh idea are good if theyre pulled off properly.
oh my God i cant believe y so many choose of u chose cameron allright hez good but he is over-rated. i think mostow did a better job considering what a hard job he had of making t3 i think he did it spectacularly, mostow deserves some credit, and for me he gets my vote

LOL boy you had me fooled.
And worried !!
lol, he had me too.
Yeah, but the biggest trickster was Mostow and company tricking us into believing he would actually do something that would even come close to Cameron's previous works.
ya when he did t3 i so thought he was gonna make sense out of all of the project by making t4 and explaining all the shi! he confused us wid. the time-lines, WHAT NOT?!.. hez a jerk he ran away i wish i could just have 1 conversation wid him and KILL HIM
Don't we all,

i wonder if he'lll have anything to do with t4, i mean there must be something he would b involved him, he was the 1 who signed the actors for t4 and t5 and had a major storyline set.
Hopefully not, although a newbie might make it even worse.
Bad either way.

Well at least it can't get any worse than what Mostow did.
You just never know mate...
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