Travolta's role in The Punisher

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Darth Vicious
the following is an article from Wizard 143: The comics magazine, "Superstar John Travolta has signed on for the role of Howard Saint, a former underground figure who goes straight but returns to the game once his son is slain, leading to conflicts with Frank Castle(The Punisher)", now that seems interesting because if thats in fact the character that he is gonna play its pretty much how Frank Castle became The Punisher, their origins are pretty much alike.

who is howard saint???i haven't read the punisher since his orginal mini series by mike zeck,is thsi saint guy a charcter from his new series or is he made up for the movie???

i think is made up for the movie

travolta is gonna kick ass in a punisher movie

this movie looks like shit. The punisher looks like a little *****. Watch the trailers, he's a little pretty boy who doesnt know how to hold a gun. Punisher is supposed to be intimidating not pussified. This movie is gonna be full of comic book cliche's and horrible comic book to movie adaptations. and to top it off Travolta is in it. GOD damn they only thing i can say looks positive in this movie, is during the trailers it looks like jack nicholson is gonna have a small part

dude you are so wrong, this is the best punisher look ever, and jane is gonna give a great dark calm punisher performence which would make a good impact on garth ennis' comics.

Asian Hulk
I think Thomas Jane will play the role as the Punisher.but Travolta will be as the Punisher's villain in the movie.

Mr. Fantastic
What role is Kevin Nash playing in Punisher?

I like John Travolta, not for his early films like Saturday Night Fever (he looked too efiminate)but for his later roles - Broken Arrow, I even liked his sci-fi role as a villain (forget the title), Phenomenom was great...ect... Yet, I'm not to comfortable with him playing a role that goes into a specific persona of a comic.
I think that Travolta should keep with his own roles that are made for him. It's gonna bother me all the time if he's in the Punisher flick. I'll always think of something like the dancer against the Punisher...jokes, jokes, ect...

Iron Falcon
I have seen the preview at
and let me tell you i think the new punisher is gay because they killed the story line, that i know anyway,
1. Frank is a sissy boy, that and they did not bring back Dolph
2. It takes place in what looks like Miami and not New York
3. It does not look like he is a cop. going to have to do more research on that one.
4. Travolta is in it. I like Travolta and i thought he would have learned his lesson with Battlefield Earth.
5. like RagesRemorse said his does not know how to hold a gun.

Iron Falcon
and another thing, as i just get finished the preview, Thomas Jane does not have the hard @$$ look about him, he just looks like a whinny child. they need some that can pull of hardcore out of their @$$

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