T3 General Purpose Thread - Misc.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger, who stars in the upcoming sequel film Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, told SCI FI Wire that he put up $1.4 million of his own salary to shoot part of a massive chase involving a construction crane. In the scene, the female TX cyborg (Kristanna Loken) is chasing John Connor (Nick Stahl), while Schwarzenegger's familiar T-800 cyborg is hanging from the crane's hook as it's dragged through a glass office building.
Schwarzenegger said that director Jonathan Mostow considered cutting the shot when the production fell behind schedule. "I didn't want them to cut certain things because they fell behind, because it hurts the movie," he said. "And this scene was written in, and I had very clear vision the way it should be. And so I said to Jonathan, 'Jon, we have to shoot the scene. It doesn't matter what anyone says.' And then I said to Andy , I said, 'Why don't I put the money in, and then later on, when the money comes back, you pay it back to me.' But, I said, 'We have to have that scene in there, because I think it's a great scene.'"
The scene, shot on a quarter-mile street set especially built on the former Boeing aerospace plant property in Downey, Calif., required 14 cameras to shoot as the crane arm slams into the glass building, destroying it. "I would say it's about 50 percent to 70 percent me," Schwarzenegger said. "To be honest with you, sometimes I don't know."
Isnt the female cyborg played by Claire Danes?
Even Keanu Reeves was reported to have gave the movie makers about 30 million dollars of his salary to make the Matrix. But in the end, it was all worth it since he got a profit of about 200$ million dollars.
no..she is Conner's girlfriend or something..Kristanna Loken is the TX....yeah im sure Arnold will make his money back 10 fold..unless the movie bombs..but it shouldnt
I hope not. IT looks really good
Whoops posted the last response in the wrong thread.
Arnold should have no problem making his money back for that "small" sacrafice.
i wonder how good T3 is, i read 2 reviews and said its actually good! What yall think?

happy kine
i have always been somewhat of a fan of arnold schwartzenwhatever... his movies usually are entertaining... i did like the other 2 terminators and i do know a girl that works at a movie house and she want me to go this weekend... so i'll let you know how it goes if you haven't seen it yet
i'm a arnie fan too, and of course a big terminator fan but the trailers etc look corny for the movie so i dunno plus this time the terminator is a chic she looks to hot to be scarey, rober patrick did a kick ass job on the last one i thought. Of course arnie as the terminator in the first one, kinda scared me too !

happy kine
i saw the first one whan i was 13 and it was great then. the second one was good... the previews did look a bit shotty, but since i can get into the movie for free i'll watch it. i don't think i'd pay for it though. my grading scale goes from -see at theater, rent on video, wait for cable, should have been tv movie and don't waste you time... and just judging from the previews id say rent on video... but since its free...
to be honest it looks like a B movie to me, i read one review that said it was worth the wait though!!! kinda shocked me, anyways i am sure its just good for effects but no more linda hamilton or the psycologist from the 1st one and the 2nd one so the only connection is arnie now which doesnt give it the same "feel" However i know i will end up watching it anyways. :/
happy kine
i agree... but maybe since my expectations are low i'll be pleasantly surprised.
Thomas H
the reviews are pretty bad...
I think this will be one of the biggest dissapointments of the year.
How is it that aRnold is the only one hwo has returned. Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong turned down the movie because of the bad script.
I read somewhere that even the trailers got bad reviews and I agree. It defenitely looks like BAD.
Thomas H
the best sequel this summer will be Bad Boys 2!
Linda Hamilton turned down the role for two reasons. She did not like the direction in which her character was going in the script and also because James Cameron was not the Director. Edward Furlong wasn't asked to reprise his role as John Connor because of recent drug and alcohol problems.
I was excited about T3 until I saw the preview. It doesn't look very good. None-the-less I am probably going to see it tonight.
I am not being biased because of me being an Arnold fan BUT THIS MOVIE KICKED MAJOR ARSE. I thought it was going to be decent at best but I ended up loving it. My fav. movie of the summer thus far. GO SEE IT!
Hmmm yeah to be honest i am begining to wonder if it really is that bad, seems i been getting feedback here and there that its actuallly good, but as far a story line and continuity without sarah conner etc to me the movie may lack something, but guess not, perhaps with the explosions and all no one would care eh!
This belongs in the dedicated T3 area...moving.
Well put it this way when i saw T2 over 10 years ago i had huge expectations build up over the last decade of this movie! Heck its the terminator! but i guess it will fall flat huh, however i do know i would be "entertained" by it since it cost what 150 mill to make? Plus arnie is in it so.... but over all i know for most of us terminator fans its a let down right. Dont be bad feeling like a loser, i sadly know all the lines to T1 and T2 also

god! arnie is how old now? 54 or something? he looks GREAT. for his age i mean. i am a diehard arnie fan, and know all the lines too! this movie is terminator 3. if thats not worth checking out then im married to orlando bloom (please suck, T3! only kidding, but id luv 2 be married to him all the same). so im going to see this movie even if the only person to take is my headmaster! and thats saying something
I saw it last night. It was better than I thought it was going to be, but still inferior to the previous films. As expected the focus was more on action than story, which isn't too bad considering the action sequences are amazingly well done. I still would have preferred more story and character developement though.
hmm i guess i shall have to see it, i guess the action will be good thats pretty much the given. I'll be back...later

You mean to say that the director didn't had enought money or what?!
Well i just saw it, where should i start hmm. Ok how do i feel after seeing it. It was good, i cant disagree, but what made it good was the action scenes, plain and simple. Great effects great scenes. As far as the movie it self goes, the story was mediocre, it lacked the human side just as i thought it would, Nick Stahl was a decent actor definatly, however, he didnt seem to have the qualities i thought john conner should have. No doubt its obvious T3 was directed as a pure action flick, blowing ups and crashes from the start of the movie. IT doesnt give you time to think about what it truly lacked. The one liners were good but however nothing like the ones in T2, hastalvista baby etc! Truly it lacked James Camerons way of tellign a story like most of his movies do. Now about the TX, let me just tell you i am truly in love with Kristina Lokenhttp://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/in_love.gif
But lets save that for a new thread i am gonnna start
She honestly didnt seem scary enough to be a Terminator, Arnie in the 1st one, scary! Robert Patrick in the 2nd on, also scary. Kristina, just made me drool and sigh a lot heh.
Ok about the story line: T2 they destroy cyberdyne, cyberdyne had the contract to build skynet, fine the delayed it, now obviously the guy miles in T2 was the head of design in cyberdyne and he said finding the original terminator chip showed them new avenues on computer processors etc taking them to new heights. But in T3 john conner says this was all about software, so truly cyberdyne etc didnt really mean anything because the software was inevitably created. My question why bother going back in time to kill john conner, send terminators back in time to kill ppl? Its more effective, and secures the future doesnt it. Or does that mean they sign their own death warrant as they never get created?
Questions questions, overall i did come out of the movie somewhat satisfied, but definatly felt this franchise isnt the same anymore.
However obviously this screamed sequel again. However if the wait the same about of time they did from t2 - t3 i would be in my late 30's and almost 40!!! Arnie aint gonna be very effective then will he! So i am guessing the movie is gonna be just the eksoskeleton T101's!
Oh yes about the skynet virus thing, skynet was created by the military but who created the virus? or was the virus infact skynet just infecting computers so that they would run the actual program on all the defense computers.?
Any thoughts guys??? http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/afro.gif
disapointing to say the least. cant touch the previous movies.
Yeah definatly, T2 is a classic much as T1, this unfortunatly isnt. There wasnt much beliavble emotion in this, sarah conner has to much rage and emotions and love for kyle it trancended onto the story line so much, this just lacked all that. To bad linda hamilton was on board i really do think they messed it up because of that too.
The virus was skynet
so the virus was skynet but at that point was skynet self aware? or only after skynet went online to the defense networks it became self aware.
I think when skynet went online it became self-aware. Thats when all hell breaks lose.
ok thats what i thought too but WHY did skynet start becoming or acting as a virus? Was it aware that by doing that it would fool humans into loading the software unto the defense network, so it was truly AI, hell it learnt to manipulate ppl!
When Kate tried to dial for help, I think Arnie said "Skynet is shutting down the network in preparation for war." So I'm a little lost on that virus thing, to. I thought it was just a virus, and they used Skynet to attempt to fix it, but as you see, it took over. So I really don't know where the virus came from.
Remember they said when they got to kates (?) dad that Skynet was causing the virus, basically so it could be released. Therefore it must have already become AI and started manipulating the system so it could be let out.
skynet was the virus throughout the cilivilian computers! It couldn't get into the Military Command Center, until they made the connection, so that it would find the virus (which was leaking through the military firewalls from the cililian internet into the military one) and stop it. When this solid connection was made, the virus (skynet) was able to gain the control it wanted and whammo!
it just seems strange , that if skynet was the virus to begin with, or made a virus, it could upload it to the civilian internet traffic, yet it couldnt upload itself to the civilian traffic to "release" itself, or because the civilian traffic is not connected directly to the military servers it knew being released on the ciivilan traffic wasnt uselful, hence it thought by creating a virus uploaded to civilian traffic, it would totally shut down everything leaving military servers running, which in turn controls everything, thats more than AI, i know humans that cant think like that!!!
Anyways in the john said, skynet was afterall nothing buyt software right. My impression of skynet all these years was some big looking cyborg computer, it was software using the computer chips availble, multiprocessing with pc's all over the world. That is cool, scarly if it seems quite plausible in todays day and age as well!
I liked the movie, i thought it was real good, I dont know y people think its so bad. I just wanted linda hamilton in it, but it was still a good movie.
i thought it was good, but i didnt like the style in which was done, not enough human emotional development i felt, linda hamilton did a good job as sarah conner and frankly to me its one of her best roles ever. That was removed from this movie, which felt empty. However thats my opinon. Overall i am and always will be a terminator fan and oh yes Kristanna loken=hot as hell.

James cameron is BY FAR a better director in this arena
hi guyz i am new here! i am from pakistan and a really really big big fan of t3. i never knew one day t3 would b coming out. u no it is really confusing why people say that they HATE t3, i mean y is that? it is an a$$ kicking movie. i loved it! i wish i could just slap all the people hard who think t3 sux

Kristanna Loken did a great job( yeah i no t-1000 was better) but still u no times change. they couldn't do the same thing again! that would've been boring. i give it a 10/10!
p.s: forget JAMES CAMERON for heavenz sake! hes gone, mostow did an excellent job
i agreee everyone needs to look at the movie throw a new set of eyes this is not James cameron and i think Mostow did a danm good job
You dont know what you're talking about...JAMES CAMERON will never be forgoten...he created TERMINATOR you stupid Pakistan boy...
We wait for 12 years for the best movie of all time...we wont to see what we saw in T2 and T1, what we wont be able to see again.
We all now that James Cameron is not the greatest director, but his greatest part of his carrier is terminator and he now all secrets that we are all wont to know...HE IS OUR ANSWER...
O k i didn't like some of the scenes in t3. like when the t-x is in the car and is scott( kate's fiance) and all of a sudden stabs the driver( or whatever u may call it) and takes control of the staring wheel.THAT IS A SICK SCENE. there was no reason 2 show that. am i the only one who thinks this is funny
JOHN CONNER: judgement day. 2day? u gotta b $hittin me
ARNIE: no, i am not $hitting u!

i mean the way arnie says it so so funny
and when the t-800( arnie) says' TALK 2 THE HAND' that's pretty funny 2. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! T3 RULES, there is something really wrong with people who dont like it
look i know james cameron built terminater. but at this time v r only talkin bout t3! and cameron didn't direct it 2 bad! talk bout MOSTOW right now and what he did, dont talk about what cameron COULD HAVE done if he were 2 direct t3, of course he a brilliant director
You might be 10yo...am I wrong?
i am 15, a big t3 fan, whats wrong bout being young?
I dont say its wrong being young....i'm sorry if I said that. But its wrong to be a smart ass. When did you saw T2 and T1? What do you know about terminator?If you saw T3 that dont tell me a lot....
i saw t 1 in and t2 in 1995, of course i wasn't there when the terminator came out but that doesn't mean that i know nothing, i am a die hard fan. i really do love the story, thats the most amazing part of the terminator movies. o k fine i may not know so much bout cameron but in t3 it is mostow who directed it and we should talk bout him rather saying what cameron could've dont with t3, of course he would've done it better since he made t` and t2, and by far t2 is better than t1 and t3.
We didnt say...we dont like it. But we compare it with T2 and T1 and we didnt expect movie like that. We didnt wish to see just funny action fiction movie. Terminator is the best movie ever, but only T2 and T1...T3 must be CUT OVER and make another one.
OK...few minutes ago I read on web site of Continentalfilm about T3 and they are talk about T2 and they said the T2 is the greatest action/scie movie ever...but on CNN official web site they said T3 is the greatest movie of Arnie's carrier - that does not make sence!
What do you think about music in T3 and T2?
i guess u r right, t2 had the style of its own. o k dont critisize me but i wasn't impressed that much with the terminator. i think b coz it was 1983 at that time and i watch it 13 to 15 years later,that could b the problem. i am sure that when it was released it was a smash hit. the coolest thing bout t2 is that no matter when u watch it u will still b amazed by it
And also i think in T3 there are no scary scenes and horror like in T2... they screwed up...
t2 is by FAR better than t3, t3 is just a good comeback movie after something as cool as t2. i think t2 is one of the best films of all times! i really dont concentrate on the music that much but I LOVE the terminator theme music( u no with the drums, i guess u no what i mean) the music for the trailer of t3 wasn't that good, the trailer sucked but that might've been a strategy, so that the people dont anticipate much from t3 and then they get this
the one thing that was missing in t3 were the BLUE AND BLACK scenes, the one with endoskeletons and stuff like that. i guess that will happen in t4 IF IT COMES. T3 has grossed 110 million in 2 weeks in USA. it still is 2 b released in UK and globally. if it keeps going like this we might not c another terminator movie
T2 groosed 500 million $ in whole world...but for T3 is shining future it is in cinemas just in USA, wait to see when it comes to Europe (UK is not the only contry in Europe) and Asia...I hope it will be best movie of the year...but like they said FUTURE IS UNVEBITABLE!...I dont know what that mean:-))), but it works
wouldn't b cool seeing terminator 3 the highest grossing film of 2003. IT TOOK THEM 175 MILLION 2 make that movie, which i still am confused bout since T2 WAS 100 MILLION and i went like WOW. yeah i no the crane scene and everything but still . 175 MILLION? THEY BETTER MAKE UP FOR ALL THAT MONEY. i want it 2 gross 250 million. WOW THAT WOULD B COOL
Yea...but that just in USA and you must know they will make T4 and they must have mobey for another movie also...
Not true T3 was released in some parts of Asia already in the same week, not sure about Europe though.
No offense CoCooN, but your English is not very good...
I liked the movie, I mean what other story did you wAnt? Not many people are really explaining, they just say it sucked.
I can tell you I was pretty emotionally involved when those T1-2(3,4,5,etc...) tank machines came rolling through there office mowing down everyone in sight! Just imagine if that happened...Then they went outside and were killing everyone. And the Nukes going off! Just imagine whats going to happen next!
Did that affect no one emotionally? Am I the only one!?
At least your English is better than CoCooN's...
EUROPE IS A place where t3 can do very well. letz hope that happens. we will have 2 push hard for t4
Yesterday was a big premiera in BERLIN!!!Arnie and Kristanna was here!!! Now i just hope it will be great movie for all people in Europe!
Prepare Mostow to be reach:-))))
OK. I speak much better Slovenisch. I'm wondering how many lenguages do you speak?! hm............just one I guess.
I'm not from USA or UK, but I'm trying to tell you as good as I can! sorry for mistakes...
Isnt funny that the T1-2 had written on his armor what's his name? "Hello my name is T1-2, and I'm very dangerous!":-))))
Very emotionally!
T3 will do fine in money matters, and there will be a T4 I dont think we have to worry about that.
Yep this movie will do fine money wise. People in the Asian and gulf countries love Arnold more then most American actor. (People in Asia love American action movies) They ever liked his more resent moves like the 6th day.
And we got to think about VHS/DVD sell they will be huge to
C'mon rather than saying people cannot criticize the directiing, the acting the casting and the story in this forum.. it should be the name calling the age bashing and the making fun of peoples spelling or english that should be left outside. First of all, most people who loved t3 were very young when t2 came out so there is no connection with the story, or little connection. An msot peole who think that t2 was better than t1 was for the same reason. Those of us who watch the movies over and over like i do and who are sci fi fans and are kinda detail oriented like t1 the best.. and it was the best. If the date and budget are included it was by far a better film than t2. There are abhout 1000 reasons why. But again even though this is an opinion when i explain why, most people agree. I went with a fellow diehard termianto fan, and medium terminator fan and two not really terminator fans and nobody there really liked it. The two who werren't fans saw t2 but don't remember t1. so i played it for them and they were blown away by t1. Even after 20 years t1 hold up well. Do you guys know why? because 1 the story, for 2 the arnold's evil character and thirdly the special effects were outstanding, especially for 1984! Compare robocop or any other sci fi in the eighties i dare any one and trmiantor is on top there too. Similar with t2 compare anything in the 90's and almost the same thing name better sci fi effects and story.. same result.
Verdict t1 A+
t2 A
T3 C
t3 had half of what make a good terminator flick, special effects and action and in the case of arnie dr silberman and tx, good casting. What was poor was the script, the lines, the plot and the music. The timing was poor. So it was half excellent and half shitty so i think it was ok as a movie, but when compared to what a terminator flick is it kinda sucked.
Remember both t1 and t2 wer blockbusters so the standards must be high.. Of course the quality of the direction and production will be compared to t1 and t2...who else to compare with.. people that did a toy story.. no we are talking trmiantor saga and that is the subject.. ALL aspects of the terminator saga. I feel eveybody who went to t3 hoped it wouldn't suck and looked at it thru a differrent set of eyes .. and some didn't like wjhat they saw. I n respose to what was suggested above.. I would like to slap everyone who thought t3 was excellent.. because really, it wasn't
I agree doing the same thing with now chage is boring.. but then again the more things change the more they stay the same.. there is a reason for that saying.. becuse it is true.
And most of them who are saying T3 is the best of all...they didnt saw T2 in 1991, but they saw movie 3 years later, because they were to young to watch that movie...terminator has a dark future!
And they are comparing T2 and T3 as a profit. T2 get only 30 million in weekend and T3 44 million...but problem is, nobody ask WHY?! because in 1991 there were no internet and Tv were not on so high level, and cinmes were not in every small city like today. The way of life changed, thats why T3 gets more money as T2.
T2 did good because after seeing t1 peole lined up to see t2 and t3 did good becuase t2 was so good, but let;s keep in perspective. marketing being equal, terminator was the biggest suceess of all. they had to fight to produce it and actually do some un ethical things to convice that iw was a good movie and when the producers saw bits. they had to have it.
many don't take into consideration that t2 was the msot expensive movie of all time and was a megahit, but the terminator was a budget flick, a b movie with no named actors other that the two cops and an unknown director and shot on a shoestring budget.. arnold giving back a fe mil to to the t3 window truck scene was nothing... a poor use of money.. in t1 they actually ran out of money and could not pay camera men and wardrobe people or security.. so arnold had get his wardrobe out of the trunk of a car and cameron had to shoot some scenes himself with no one but he and arnold around.... They used a hydrulic crane to punch thru the windshied. Ti is condierd by most fil critics to be the better crafted film than the second. this is the reason why t2 made so much money... t1 was a budget flick that was shot on a night of living dead budget and achieved top gun status and reviews. Thusly t2's excellence pave the sales for t3.. not on it's own merits. Now if t4 does even better, it's because t3 was well liked or that people are hoping for t4 to redeem or explain t3. if t4 does bad at the box office and struggles to cover much over ot even make the 170 million, it will likely be the fault of t3. Most peole i know want to see a movie because of the previous and cause the trailer's and actos seem good. Most i know don't listen to what friends say if they liked the first... most go to see for themselves and that is what will give the us the answer how much money t3 and t4 will make. As for scenes, the talk to the hand was ill timed and the body movement poor... it was a little funny but James CAmeron would have left it out becasue although james liked humor, he felt it has it's place and that making a clown out of the terminator removes the seriouseness of the subject, the intesity of the t-800 and terminators in general and takes a way from the fact than in his programming, that he is only 1 digt away from pulling the hearts out people who threaten him or his mission. A mostow mistake. It was a little funny, but the scene should have went like...are you going to pay for that..(they show the red screen choose a response) are you shitting me? and they clerk says you'dd better pay or il'll
(the converstation interrupted, cut to the next scene showing the clerk being thrown through a the storefront glass window..followed by arnold stepping on the glass as he walks towards the truck. the clerk, hurt and scared read the plates and that's the scene. Now that would have been funny, but not at the terminators expense making him seem campy, but having humor intertwined with fear...mostow missed this point. And the glasses in the stripp club.. when he walked out and he put the ugly shades on, and took them off and stepped on them (copied cameron) It was funny, i won't lie, but the humor should have been @ the stripper's expense. I agree the whole hand thru stomach was unecessary and looked more like a horror flick than a sci fi flick. It lacked the intensity and grit of the heart fillet scent in t1. Also cutting the chest meat off looked fake and nasty, he should have just removed a small piece near a wound and opened the hatched and unscrewed a cylinder chamber. There is NOTHING wrong with those who don't really like t3. There's nothing wrong with peole that think a good car goes beyond a toyota carolla. Die hard terminator fans have high standards..and they should considerding the first 2 were groundbreaking films and were blockbusters. we should expect nothing but the very best int t3 and t4.
I must tell you, James Cameron didnt left terminator as a director of the franschise because of funny stuffs or money or other problems with presure on him by fans of terminator....he left because of story. I read James Cameron wasnt totaly prepared for T2, but Arnie came and help him to finish a script...and in the middle of the shooting (t2) Arnie help James to finish the story, because James was not prepared 100%, he lost ideas. In T3 he was not anymory interested in T3 script writing, he dont even give comentary to T3. He started to write a script for Alien 5, and Arnie will perhaps act in it. But the problem in T3 is, Mario Kassar and Andi Vajna were producers in T1 and T2...and the big question is, why they didnt help to Mostow to make movie like it should be!
we all know james didn't like the script of t3 and are you sure those 2 prouced t1...i'm pretty sure it was gale anne hurd (camerons'wife @ the time) with hemdale films arnd ditributed by orion. Anyways i'm surprised james cameron neede help wtih anything.. if you see treminator 1 spedical edition it showa what james took out, and what he took out was the plot for t2.. it's goood it did take it out, but t2 is basiclly a rehash of what was removed from t1
t3 got crappy review from seasonedc critics and good review from people who were not really into t1 and t2, in general. People don't want to see movies from a different set of eyes, they want to see it from their eyes and that is what is happening here. Some like empty action like speed 1 and speed 2, some like sci fi action substantiated with a compelling story...after 12 years, we didn't get that from t3. And if we can extract james camerons' subconscious menaings and themes as laymen than sure johnathon could have... i kinda think he wanted to do it different to rpove a point and it was @ our expense.. and when it comes to sci fi James cameron is up there with george lucas and even on par in general with steven spielberg.. look how many hit james has had since t1, his seconf film but first feature film. All but the abyss did excellent.. and the abyss was a good movie.
Wow, guess I'm not really in to T1 and T2 since I liked T3. Guess thats why I come to this message board to talk about The Terminator movies. I'm never watching Terminator again. Thanks for setting me straight.
No problem...if you like just T3 that does not help to support the real terminator fans....because we dont like T3!
YES 10000%...the first name that appear after logo of CAROLCO in T2 is name MARIO KASSAR and ANDI VAJNA....they were producing T1, T2, T3...and that is not all....Andi Vajna helped James Cameron to make the first Terminator, and he very supported him. And Vajna is very good friend to James. On Cnn web site was interview with Vajna and he said, the last time he was speak with James, was when he called him to be a director of T3....but James wasn't interested in that!!!
PS. watch T2 and T1 again
evil 101 arnold is more menacing
dont like any of the films sorry
shut up CoCoon you wierdo, you talk a load of jibberish dont you i just cant tell what your saying
Hell yah! Plus she could control other things also (cars, etc..) Could the T-1000 do that? Nooo! All he could do was make knives and stabbing weapons! She even had built in weapons on her arm! Could the T-1000 do that? Noooo! The TX could lick blood and tell who it was. Could the T-1000 do that? Noooo!
Sorry, put t-1000 in a room with tx.. the tx wouldn't last for 5 minutes. As soon as she tried to fire a shot, t-1000 would either forma an opening, or blend into the floor.. before she could react, he wouldform a blade from the floor penetrating her power cell. Please she certainlt did not convince anybody that she is more intellegent and t-100 conveyed his charm when he said, he's a nice looking boy.. do you mind if i keep this picture...i wouldn't worry about him.. thanks for your cooperation. C'mon t-1000 was a better infiltrator and when he took other forms, certainly took on their personality better than tx.. all she did was look @ people with an eerie look like she was high.. she would have been picked up by the police for the drug look in her eyes. Also, the t-100 was busy cutting carrots waiting for john connor saying i was beginning to worry...if you hurry i'll make beef stew...C'mon t-1000 can form @ woman as fine as tx @ any time and copying sarah is proof, the only reason anyone suspected t-100 is because the women were more bitchy than the actual women (sarah, and johns stepmother). Certainly the tx wasn't bitchy, just assertive. I'm sorry, the t-1000 in actuallity is simply for efffective as wouldn't have alsted as long as t-1000 did in in t2 and t-100 would have lasted longer than tx did in t-3. Every situation in t3 would have went in t-1000's favor had he been in her place. ALso, @ the end there is no way t-1000 could have gotton stuck under the helecopter and theres' no way he'd bee stuck under the blast door and there's no way arnie could grab him while holding open the blast door and the t-1000 would have survived the blast much better than the tx.... but like i said, wouldn't have been caught there in the first place. Tx suffred damage early on. The t-1000 didn't suffer anything until frozen solid, or in the regular edition until killed completely. There's no comparison. As far as being relentless, she ran after the car just like t-1000 would... but there was no cliff to jump off of onto the top of the car, c'mon, th t-1000 ran after a dirt bike! and the only reason he didn't continue is because he found a semi truck. In t3 she was too stupid to pursue arnold in the hearse in the semi truck right behind her...smarter? they say so, but proven in the movie? no. She should have detected the emf device.. especially if she is designed to control machinery. Overall, controlling machinery didn't help her mission much anyway! Frankly in t2, they had t-10000 hold back to give the t-800 a chance.. he could have stabbeda rnold thru the power cell with his arm during the fist fight ... but the director knoew fans would not like that....the t-1000 wasn't smarter than the t-800 either.. it hasn't been proven....remember when first he beat t-1000 to johns house... and kept johhn from going home because t-800 anticipated that the t-1000 would anticipate that move.(like chess) and when asked, he said.. I would.. meanwhile the t-1000 did wait just lik arnie knew he would. The t-1000 answered the phone and arnie outsmarted him by asking the dog's name and the t-1000 got outsmarted...then in special edition, t-100 goes out to look @ the dog'd collar just to drive the point home that he'd been had. The tx maybe is supposed to be all that but it isn't. Finally in the last scene of t1 because the dirctor was silly to make the ending scene just like t1, where legs are damaged so she has to remove them then crawls to get to jiohn....good thing rather than beign crushed under the door, arnie blew them both up, but if the tx had a pipe bomb place in her ribs and it blew her apart like in t1, and she went crwling (never could happen to t-1000) and tried to reach for sarah, she'd been crushed just like arnie and the liquid metal would have been helpless as it only is an apperance package. t-1000 fould have survived the blast and if in the hydraulic press, would have liduified and reformed out of the machine or it would have crushed nothing or he would have formed a long rod and killed sarah. rmrmber that if tx reached for the bomb, her arm would have been blown off too, so her cannon would have went bye bye. Verdict:
the terminators as currently shown have about equal intellegence and all have th capability of outsmarting eachother
as far as being lethal.. the t-1000 is the most lethal. Rlentless? the t-800
charming? the t-1000 is the most chraming. sexy (i n real life) the tx. She just isn't as scary as t-1000 and DEFINATELY not as ascart as t-101 in t1.
Yeah I totally agree with duloblast25.
Well as far as the blood licking thing, i think that was stupid, instead of touching the blood scan the dna, why did the TX "have" to lick it? Only living things have to lick to find the taste etc, a machine could meerly "scan" the blood sample, so i personally thought that part was dumb, 2ndly we have all critised on the TX saying the T1000 was far advanced, dudes do not forget how the tx got destroyed, in a pool of molten steel, excessive heat damanged its systems so bad it could not retain its shape shifting capabilty to escape etc. When arnie in T2 was lowered in, it took a few mins before his system shut down, meaning he could espcape if he wanted to etc. T-1000 liquid polymer outer shell got damaged much faster. TX has the skeleton frame with the liquid polymer for the outter skin, thus being able to change out characteristics, but the inner skeletal structure is much more durable, hence in T3 arnie had to hold her next to him while his power cell exploded. As much as i think t-1000 is cooler, its better as an infiltrator not as a combat soldier, TX however i think is a bit more capable as a soldier. However tihs is my opinon only

c'mon blur, you know what I mean.. but it's true.. if you don't like either of the first films, then you are not truly a fan. I guess maybe i'm not either since i didn't really care for t3. Well i guess i was a true fan befor t3, not i'm really just a cameron and t1,t2 fan. T3 was ok, but was lacking something.
170 million, where did it go?
arnie-30 mill, claire danes i would say - 8 mill? nick-9? kristianna-5? thats like waht 50 gone arleady? leaving 120 mill left, yeah were the hell did it go???
the matrix films r wat better than the Termenator films
Only the first Matrix film was any good they should have ended the series there. The first one was new and revolutionary the second one was just stupid..
they had 2 try something new for this movie. they couldn't have used t-1000, the teenagers and 20 year old guyz would've have said THAT THE MOVIE IS GAY! so i think T-X WAS an awesome idea
mostow sux, cameron rules!
mostow probably spent the money on himself.
i think the best terminator to send back would be something like the T1000 with nanobots, cept instead of 1 terminator, it could break down into its polymer form and form seperate terminator entities, hunting down and helping each other like a team, basically like the way agent smith had copies of himself in the matrix reloaded. Arnie cants stop all of them!
Hey no one ever said T1000 was gay???? i think T1000 was the coolest of them all, the only plus point TX had was the nanotech plus she stood out to much unlike T1000 who assumed a cops identity giving him the best advantage to hunt down his prey.
dont remember seeinh vajna or kassar anywhre in t1 credits... I'll look again
Ok i just got some additional info, perhaps some of you had read it already.
Originally there was no female terminator character for T3, it was a male terminator model T-1G, one of the actors thought of for that model ..was Vin Diesel. Claire Danes was not the original actress casted as Johns Wife, it was someone else sorry i forgot her name.
Anyways just a lil info for u guys, maybe some of u knew these already.
Oh i have more to add, original Terminator movie, arnie was casted as Kyle Reeses role, and Lance Hendrikson (spelling) was casted as the terminator. Arnie liked the terminator role better.
And originally arnie was meant to say "ill come back" but it was changed to i'll be back eventually.
Again, some of u may know all this already !
were do you get this
i saw it on a tv segment it was like a quick "did you know" thing.
JRatT12> how can u say that The Matrix Movies r all part of a story!!
Damn, I'm always the last to find out info.
HEhehe ..i always thought i was the last.
Frankly, as much as i want to agree with those who think the t1000 is cooler than tx, the tx may make a better soldier, but the terminator is an infiltrator.....and the t1000 did that the best, assuming a cops guise as well as forming other women only failing to be as bitcy as the ones that were copied. Soldier are not what a infiltrator is for..it is about being and assassin. In all fairness IF the t1000 got hit by the tx blast, it would have likely been rendered unstable and had lost it's shape shifting ability..and MAYBE being made by cyberdyne maybe being able to re orient and control the nanomachines in t1000 the way skynet programmed him..maybe she had been programmed with the knowledge to control all machines..or all terminators, assuming the t-1000'existance was not wiped out by the ending of t-2. IF that happened, tx, but it is unlikely as t-1000 (if it knew about the tx cannon would have dodged it. And he is as quick if not quicker than any terminator. But her cannon isn't foolproof as she wasn't able to completely immobliize arnold for long (she should have programmed him then mostow..but then, no movie) so i guess since t-1000 got him by arnie, i guess she would have hit him too, but it would have needed to have been hit over and over. If he knew about her, which is unlikely since she was created later he would have pierced the power cell immediately as he would know she is fast and advance and he' woul have to worry about her.' In short, is the t-1000 cooler, i think so. Better at everything? no, better @ most? yes, a better infiltrator? yes scarier? yes, more relentless? about equal..i think more. Sexy? no way
A better solder? Tx maybe, but who cares.. all the terminators are used as soldier when without skin and in the field. And then they all have weapons.. all advanced weapons and there is little close contact when wepons like that are invlolved.. but when trying to infiltrate and assassinate..advantage t-1000. Soldier well only in future and in 2029 or whatever ther is little advantage once all are armed. T1000 would likely fare better cause if a soldier, he'd be likely armed and when not, he's still got weapons. In present day, all must infiltrate. Intellegence..equal amongst all models.. what made t-800 sucessfull was not strength or intellegence..most all the infiltrators are the most intelligent amongs the machines and among those, it is the guise that gave the advantage..'the 600 series had rubber skin..we spotted them easy, but theese are new.. they look human sweat, bad breath, eveerything' a 600 model had the same strength as all and likely similar speed and intellegence but could not infiltrate as well, thus a new model was created..same with t-800, thus t-1000, but tx cannot infiltrate better than t-1000 unless it is truly a t900 which is a pushed back tech timeline came out before t-1000 but would only infiltrate better than arnie and still not better than t1000. I still think t-800 is of all the coolest, not the most advanced, but the coolest.. kinda like 65 mustang fastback vs a 2003 hyundai tiburaon. the hyundai is more advanced and might be quicker and better handling and gas mileage ans might even have more power than a 65 fastback, but the fastback is cooler..and I actually like jap cars, but the mustang is cooler. C'mon liquid metal is hard to beat, but the t-800 endo sleleton freakin revolutionized movies and havs never been eclipsed again...it's what made the terminator so damnde cool. Is' arnie's presence and the endo that made us hooked. And there's a reason why they made it in all the movies...I'm in my twenties andi watched it with 14 and 15 ,20 and 34 year olds none of which thought t2 was gay, so i dissagree.
Korri, get lost..why are you here, we aren't visiting the shitty matrix site and telling them those movies suck. I mean keanu's acting is worse than arnolds and i like matrix like the next guy, but the terminator has entered our society like rolleroblades.. there's a reason. Besides the matrix writers heavily stole and modified the story from the terminator and plot details from total reecall, i movie i didn't really like. While matrix is better than total recall, it is not terminaotr flick.
Korri, the terminator flick are all a part of a story too? if you think ALL terminator films all suck why can't the second matrix suck. besides the matrix story is not as good as the terminaotr story.
t1 A+
T2 A
T3 C+
MAtrix A-
Martix 2 B-
Hulk B-
fast n furious C+
fast n furous 2 A
xmen C+
xmen2 A
terminator has high standards to uphold and t3 missed the mark.
Martrix 2 sucked already. Sucked means it's just not @ the level
Then go to web pages...to read about T3 and other terminator movies.
"trust me"
Yeah, the whole plot for t2 was removed from t1..orig, sarah wanted to destroy cyberdyne in t1 even james cam said it was good becuse it wah the whole premise for t2. The term was originally supposed to be more like the size and shape and non descript like t-1000, james was able to make this a (improvement) more avencaed feature as a better infiltrator in t2 another item omitted from t1. In some ways, t2 is part of the story that just couldn't be told in t1. Yeah arnoe as played i bad guy and one only..the terminator. arnie has been typecast to be the goodguy and has been before and ever since (alittle in t3, but it's jsut not the same)
should be in t1 credits
and the terminator series is better than the matrix series
Hell Yes Terminators are way better movies then the new F***ing matrix Worst sequel ever (except for the predator sequel)
predstor sequel was garbage...batman 2 was garbage too
frankly i think in large scale combat, the tx's powers become worthless.. kind like a muscleman with a rifle and a15 year old girl with a rifle..shot either one with a rifle.. they are both dead...I'm sure the tx would be affected the same way the 800 would be if shot by her own plasma rifle.. but t800 are equipped with plasma rifles, so they could shoot at her just like she can shoot at her problem is her rifle takes longer to fire.. by then she would be laying on the ground.. I think the biggest strenght of her cannon is in present time as it is hidden and it is mor powerful than present day waepaons, but if arnie showed up holding a plasma rifle in t3 the outcome would have been different, they would hav just exchanged shots.. I kinda agree, but I really don't think in a war,tx would make much diff..kinda like john connnor driving a tank and mr t driving a tank...it basically is tank vs tank..here it would be gun against gun.p.s Lets all remember the t800 outsmarted the t-1000!
t3 was action first ,story second
ah old thread buddy posted this few weeks ago

u r all PISSIN ME OFF! t3 is an excellent movie! there aint no doubt bout that! i hate it when people say it sux
alice t3 is good is you never saw t1 or t2. Martrix is same way if you saw reloaded, youdd think that the first was good but the second topped it
U GUYZ NEED 2 STOP THIS! can u just stop looking at how t1000 is more powerful than t-x and look from a different point of view. all the guyz would b like' HEY LETZ CHECK OUT THAT CHICK IN T3' that has made a big difference, u guyz need 2 stop lookin at thing like OH T1000 CAN TERMINATE T-X IN 2 MINUTES OR BULL$%*% LIKE THAT, ENJOY THE MOVIE AS IT IS
ohh well just stating the facts biih


u just got me so mad!
Ej f*** you alic88...you know nothing about terminator...you should go to Harry potters site!!!
how old are you guys?!...now we have to start everythink over and over again.
whoa whats happening here, why is everyone bitting each others head off!
U GET LOST COCOON, u r the 1 who is a PHYCHO! u should just mind your own business! I HAVE MORE TERMINATOR THAN U EVER KNOW OF! so shut up! look this is getting nowhere, we should find a solution. u should stop saying bad things bout TERMINATOR3! it is a fantastic movie. i think u r some kind of James Cameron agent! BEAT IT! i have watched the first 2 movies millionz of times. u should be going 2 somewhere else since u have a problem with terminator3! IDIOT
the movie was good following something as good as terminator 2! t3 was never gonna b better than t2 but still I LOVED THE STORY! it is really sad that sarah conner aint in it, she could have terminated the t-x alone!
hes abusing keanu...ill not have that
i think keanu is cool, hez a good actor
Alic88 you are a b----! There now that you resorted to name calling i'm replying saying that i'm mad that you could possibly like t3. Now that childish behavior is aside and name calling an anger are aside, You responded to a typo.... What i meant to say is t3 is good if you(meaning if someone) never saw the first two. It would be like if reloded happened first and then the matrix second, eveyonw would have thought it topped the first, not pick it because it is first. I did'nt say you were young, I implied that when people have an expericne when they are young often time details stick like storylines and they expect that quality form sequels. It's harder to judge a movie when comparing it to the first two, but t3 would seem even better if we never saw t1 or t2, this is why it is trailing behind the league and bad boys, and pirates.. when t2 was out it and t1 topped the box office and no movies such as these could have threatened it...There was no need to start the name calling...I see why cocoon reacted.....no reason to get pissedlike that, we are all stating our opinions and ideas and feeling and i like to base mine with what i feel is facts why certain movies are more likable than others, but in the long run it's up to taste...Keanu reeves sucks as an actor and frankly neither him nor will smith aren't really much better than arnie.. why, Whell I THINK THAT john malcovich, gene hackman, (sometimes denzel washington) al pacino, robert dinero, morgan freeman, george clooney, kurt douglass kurt russell, alec baldwin, nick nolte, russel crowe, (stallione was good in first blood, rocky 5, and get carter and some others) these i consider good actors and they even have award to back it up.. some others, but i didn't mention all the good ones, will smith is funny and a goo lyricsit and is fortunate to have good roles..like keanu was fortunate to land matrix, but the movie was good, not him, same with will smith...but i watch their movies.. I think this stuff boils down to taste and facts.. not name calling. So i had a typo in my message and i'm correcting it.. can't we all just get along? I dont base fandom on what merchandise just on the movie side ..thats what we are talking about, the shirts and stuff are a different topic. Your age has nothing to do with not being able to watch the movies.. you misunderstood me. And i'm sure you might have seen the first two it's just that MANY who like t3 are people who never saw 1 and 2.. MANy.. few who did often don't say it's better than 1 or 2 and those that do say so typically because it was different and thus original, well the first two ar equally if not mor original and james cameron has more #1 hits than mostow and mostow did an ok job to not be the creator, but not a good enough job making the story seamless. I appaud originallity, but in a sequell, i dunno if you want to change what a ferrari is, buy a different car, you can't improve a ferrari, by changing everything, you have to keep what make the ferrari great and change only what's broken to improve the car.. you don't change most of the car,, you risk ruining the end product. mostow took the risk and i congratulate him, but many feel that sometimes risk improve or worsen. I don't think t3 bettered 1 or 2 and with high terminator fan standards as we should have, comparitivly, t3 did suck..relatively, as did matrix 2.
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Pakistan
korri, since you want to start with the vulgarities, well then F U C K, Y O U too, B I T C H ! there! Now that we are on level playiing fields, matrix 3 sucked and if you don't like the terminator flicks, then so be it. I just don't undersatand why come here to tell us that all the movies are no good when the term fans aren't going to the matrix site and telling them that all their movies suck..It's a matter of fairness. Say what you want, but i just think that term people shouldn't go to the mat site and say they all suck and we shouldn't be victimized by that either.. now if you think one of the t movies suck with respect to another, that' what the rest of us are here for and we are ll ears.
I agree with you alic88 but i think t3 had the potential to beat t2..just like t2 had the potental to beat t1..it's jsut t1 and t2 are tuff acts to follow and t3 looks better when not compared with t1and2. I think marteix reloded looks better if not compared with matrix..it' just hard to no compare what youare used to..it is sad sarah wasn't in it. I wish they could write her in...creatively and lets us see her murder @ the beginning of t4 before the war takes full swing..@ the hand of the la police .
No, tx was sold as a superio model, so it's ability to be superior is a valid issue and judging the movie as it is is exactly what we are doing..it's obvious that it' not going to change the movie. hey i liked t1 and t2 and i would want people to take those they way they are, but they have falws too and it's okay to state opinions about things that could have been done better, fan help mold the box office sales and our opinions as fans are what matters....I don't thin putting in tx was the best move and it being a female is not he issue.. the girl is pretty in real life....nobody is crazy regarding that issue...some peopl just feel that the 1000 was the most advanced not the tx. And they are all very valid points we are all viewing t3 from a different point of view.. our own not yours and that is what minds and eyes and opinion is all about
we need 2 stop comparing t3 with t2 and t1, we all know that t2 is better so just forget this. otherwise i think the movie is awesome. one of the best movies
when i buy a new home, i'm hoping that the reason why i'm even looking considered, otherwise why not buy one just as good as the first? well because we are hoping for improvement somewhwhere,, I mean that is a part of life..we just have to be real..i mean we ar judging the parts of thw whole seres.. looking at a movie independently is not the primary purpose of a sequel.. that's why it's a sequel. it should be looked at in light of the first. Only excuse is if it is the first movie seen. then there's nothing you can do. I just hope w bros learns form these mstakes...We are her to voice our happiness and disgust and that is what we are doing i mean why talk about sarah connor?..becasue she was an aspect and part of the first two, that most agree lacked in this movie..now if we conceptuallize this movie indeoendently, that whay talk about sarah conner then. I'm sorry, most disagree.. we have to look at the whole story and the whole saga and discusee the faults of all 3 and the good stuff of all 3 and hope that each movie will have the best of what the others had..nothing wrong with that!
i think if it was sprent like it was in t1 it would have been twice the movie of t2, but since it appeared thant3 was full of unnecessary things like catching bullets in mouths and psychology courses, that if just didn not meet up to the pequesite standards that terminator movies set. I think t3 will be an easy act to follow, but in defense of t3 t2 and t1 were tough acts to follow
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