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Middle Earth vs A mirror version of itself
Ok, this is Middle Earth (all its injhabitants ever, including Maia and Valar)
Against itself from an alternate reality
they are not the same, the alternate reality is everything is exactly the opposite of what it is in Middle Earth, Morgoth won the War of the Jewels, and so he has hordes numbvering in the rtillions, with millions of balrogs and dragons etc. He was joined by the Valar and Maiar, and there are elves men and dwarves All the alternates orcs are as skilled as the common soldier in Middle Earth
I got bored so I just thought of this for no apparent reason at all probslby a crappy thread........... may help keep the forum alive however.......
Nanye i ne Anduril i macil Elendilo
Lercuvanten i moli Mordoreo
Turgon aran Gondolin tortha gar a matha, i vegil Glamdring gud dae lo, dam an Glamhoth.