im not to familiar with bruenor havent played the game to much but id have to go with gimili(book version) he was pretty badass. unlike the movie version where he was straight comic relief
I like Gimli but Bruenor wins this one. My favorite feat is in "Streams Of Silver" when Bruenor jumps onto the back of a black dragon and rides it all the way to bottom of the mines, killing it as it goes. EPIC!!
__________________ "I ain't no fraggin' hero. I'm th' main man. I booze.
I womanize. I swear. An' I beat th' living crap outta
anybody I fraggin' feel like."- Lobo
Bruenor isn't just aided by a good amount of magical items, he's also incredibly durable and has an iron will which allows him to tank melee damage to an extent almost superhuman. While Gimli is fantastic at hewing orcs (being able to keep pace with Legolas) and is described as a great warrior, Bruenor simply has too many instances of incredible ingenuity mixed with ridiculous fortitude and determination.