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Epsiode 2 weapon report on TFN
Started by: Dim

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Epsiode 2 weapon report on TFN

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Jedi Padawan
posts: 65
(3/22/01 10:52:22 am)
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Anyone seen the report of a weapon that will be used that will be an early version of something from the original trilogy? Well apparently it has a major part in a battle scene. Maybe it's a star destroyer or even an early version of the laser from the death star.

DJ Velocity
Jedi Padawan
posts: 3
(3/22/01 12:20:24 pm)
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I don't think it will be the death star (I don't think this will come into play until E3). I would say it could be an early version of a star destroyer. This is because, the Old Republic was peaceful and had no need for that type of destructive technology. However, they were plentiful in the OT. Things like that don't appear overnight and as with our war technology, we need "prototypes". Palpy probably had this prototype constructed without the senate knowing.

But I could be wrong and it could be an early death star laser. But in ANH when all of the top brass where discussing the death star it appeared that it was only just fully operational and was yet to be tested (enter Alderaan).

posts: 2062
(3/22/01 12:35:06 pm)
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I think we will be seeing more prototypes of OT technology in ep2. These things have to have their start somewhere, just like the characters. We just have to be alert enough to recognize them. So skip the popcorn, boys !

Jedi Knight
posts: 260
(3/22/01 8:24:34 pm)
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Yeah, the best bet would be the Star Destroyer. I don't even have any idea what else it could be, I think the DS is only going to be in the OT. Is there anything else that it could possibly be?
"Are you feeling stupid? I know I am,"-Homer J. Simpson

Jedi Padawan
posts: 3
(3/22/01 8:45:40 pm)
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I believe that the new weapon could very well be a Victory-Class Star Destroyer. They were used during the time of the Old Republic, but we haven't seen any yet. I think it is still too early to see a full-flegded Imperial-Class Star Destroyer. But who knows?

Jedi Padawan
posts: 81
(3/22/01 10:39:34 pm)
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Exactly what other things could it be? Landspeeder? x-wing? Or is it something other then a ship. Maybe the reference made was something like the stormtroopers.

Jedi Padawan
posts: 2
(3/24/01 5:52:45 am)
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I think it could be a Y wing or a headhunter. They were both in use by the Old republic.

Jedi Knight
posts: 585
(3/24/01 1:40:29 pm)
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Anyone seen the sketches of the early version of the Millennium Falcon? Or some kind of YT at least.

posts: 3777
(3/24/01 1:41:53 pm)
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Maybe it's a prototype of the laser on the Deathstar. A star destroyer is not a weapon, neither is a Y-Wing or a headhunter. They're ships. The laser on the Deathstar is quite intricate: the combination of laser beams to make one big destructive beam. I reckon that'll a take a few years to develop.

Jedi Padawan
posts: 13
(3/24/01 3:16:45 pm)
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Couldn't this "new weapon" be an early version of stormtroopers?

posts: 2117
(3/24/01 5:36:35 pm)
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I think when we do finally see stormtroopers, they're gonna look just like they do in the OT.

posts: 3793
(3/24/01 11:16:14 pm)
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Stormtroopers aren't "WEAPONS" either. They're troops and we'd better see them like in the OT.

Jedi Padawan
posts: 24
(3/25/01 3:19:31 pm)
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I'm just saying that the new weapon better not be a super laser like on the Death Star. I watched ANH last night, and I paid attention to all the Death Star scenes in particular. The idea of a planet destroying weapon was Tarkin's idea to go with the plan of ruling by the threat of force. Destroy one planet and you'll never have to destroy another one again. The construction of the super laser 25 years before ANH seems like too much of a stretch to me.

Jedi Knight
posts: 842
(3/25/01 3:24:23 pm)
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well in ANH Vader adresses Tagge, when he says "Don`t be to proud of this technological terror you have constructed. It`s insignificant compared to the powers of the force" In the novilisation however it is Tarkin he adress.
Go figure.
is unavoidable, he is your destiny

posts: 3816
(3/25/01 8:48:45 pm)
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A laser like that may take several years to develop. Maybe it starts with a handgun with that system. I'm sure to make a laser that destroys an entire planet will take quite a lot of R&D. IMHO OC.

Jedi Padawan
posts: 90
(3/25/01 10:41:13 pm)
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But why would the Death Star even be in the planning at this stage?

Jedi Knight
posts: 632
(3/25/01 11:38:23 pm)
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Perhaps they had it planned as an enormous millenium-celebrating garden centre, before the Empire changed the plans...

The most terrible, terrible possibility is that it is a prototype superlaser, used to wipe out the Jedi in the Temple in one stroke. I'm far more comfortable with the Victory-Class Star Destroyer idea.

Jedi Padawan
posts: 32
(3/26/01 12:05:51 am)
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In the movies OB1 said that Vader helped the Emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He said nothing about a superlaser killing all of the Jedi in one blast. I think it would be cool if Palpatine created a force storm though and killed the Jedi that way. I could definitely live with that.

Jedi Knight
posts: 640
(3/26/01 12:11:55 am)
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The superlaser/bomb thoery has been advanced in the past as an attempt to work ouy exactly HOW 10,000 of the hardest people in the Universe were ever tracked down and killed- destroying the Council would seem almost impossible. The possiblity of some Sidious uber-force thing still exists...

My bet is still that wewon't see the Jedi wiped out in the Prequels, just the events preceeding it... so we have to foucs more on how they kill the Council. A super-weapon just seems such a poor way of doing it...

posts: 3860
(3/26/01 9:10:41 am)
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According to rumours only a four members of the 12 council memebrs survive Ep2. I guess that means some slaughter take place. There's supposed to be a big fight in the arena where Jedi fight super battle droids. I'm sure a couple will die. So I'm not so sure about that.

As for the superlaser, it would not be the major tool for destroying ALL the Jedi. Vader helped hunt down and destroy the Jedi since a laser would not be able to wipe them all out. And the true power of Palpy lies not in the hardware but in his power in the Dark Side. So I'm sure to efefctively kill off the remaining Jedi Palpy needs the best to do that.

Also, if you want to develop a super laser that can destroy an entire planet you need to first develop the idea, prototype. Second, you need to develop some kind of ship taht can carry it. Maybe there's a SD in amaking with a smaller version of it. All in all, making a Death Star like that may take many many years. But it's just a thought.

Darth Pants
Jedi Padawan
posts: 10
(4/2/01 11:49:24 pm)
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I heard that Samuel L Jackson said in an interview that the Jedi don't start really dying until the clone wars in Episode 3. May have dreamt it.... What I would like to see before the end of the trilogy is a victory class star destroyer entering planetary atmoshpere and strafing the ground with ridiculous amounts of turbolaser fire. Sort of like Independence Day, but more brutal and with better battles going on at the same time.
Author Comment
Jedi Master
posts: 1064
(4/2/01 11:50:59 pm)
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I still think it's the Millenium Falcon.

Jedi Padawan
posts: 92
(4/6/01 12:09:38 am)
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I go along with the Death Star laser idea!

It could be a small scale weapon that is used on the battlefield, carried by a tank like vehicle.... or maybe a starship mounted super laser.

George Lucas loved the Death Star weapon so much he brought it back for ROTJ...I hated the idea when I first heard it was making a return, way back in '83.

The thing is, if George likes an idea he tends to repeat it!

[Jedi Council Member]
posts: 4615
(4/6/01 8:20:29 am)
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A lot of repeating. There's even a report of OB1 chasing Jabgo into an asteroid field in Ep2. And the lines from 3PO that have seeped through are also pretty familiar, like "sometimes I don't understand human behaviour."

Hope this doesn't get too annoying.

Jedi Council Member
posts: 3562
(4/7/01 5:07:47 am)
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Hehehehe..It's human nature to be repeatitive.

Jedi Master
posts: 1319
(4/7/01 8:40:15 pm)
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You said that already...

Jedi Council Member
posts: 3613
(4/8/01 1:55:14 pm)
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I did? *confused*
grrrrrr...Damn you George Lucasss!!!!!

Jedi Master
posts: 1396
(4/8/01 1:58:55 pm)
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See how het gets all his fans in a twist?

Jedi Council Member
posts: 3617
(4/8/01 2:04:34 pm)
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*raises her fist*
Daaaaaaaaammmmmn You Ush!!! J/K

Jedi Master
posts: 1400
(4/8/01 2:06:00 pm)
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Bwahahahahaha! Ahem.

Nice to talk with you, Dim... as I've said before, you're the only non-Raz Council Member that I haven't really got to know...

Jedi Council Member
posts: 5049
(4/8/01 2:09:02 pm)
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She's a handful, that much is certain.

Jedi Council Member
posts: 3630
(4/8/01 2:37:18 pm)
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You even know Xiz and UBH?..

Jedi Master
posts: 1415
(4/8/01 2:39:20 pm)
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UBH is the exception, of course. Xizor has been kind enough to grace my role-play forum, and you'll be surprrised what you can find out about a person there...

Jedi Council Member
posts: 3632
(4/8/01 2:41:08 pm)
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Oooh...well, see..Can't do that!...I've got to have my mystery

Jedi Master
posts: 1417
(4/8/01 2:44:51 pm)
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Really... but will RC tell all?

Jedi Council Member
posts: 3650
(4/9/01 1:47:27 pm)
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Somehow, I think not


Old Post Apr 10th, 2001 12:23 PM
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Plo Koon

Registered: Apr 2001
Location: Weston - super - Mare


It won't be the Millenium Falcon - that's just an illegally modified Corellian YT 1300 Freighter. Too early for a Death Star, as the Old Republic hasn't even been disbanded yet. Possibly a TIE fighter prototype?

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Old Post Apr 12th, 2001 09:09 PM
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Registered: Sep 2000
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Nothing CANONICAL is known about the MFs past... there was once a rumour that Mace Windu owned it... had a very interesting sketch on at one point that looked a lot like the MF... I'm not certain, but I certainly think it's a strong contender.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

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Old Post Apr 12th, 2001 11:47 PM
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darth fester
jay & silent bobs friend

Registered: Apr 2001
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I remember when i was 7 and saw star wars when it first came out, i was totaly blown away by the guns on the millenium falcon(not literally) in that scene where han and luke shoot the tie fighters after escaping the death star

Go Go Power Rangers

Old Post Apr 13th, 2001 07:49 AM
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i dont know about weapon but the transition from battle droids to stormtroopers is supposed to happen in epll

wwhhhhhhaaattttssssss uuuppppppp!!!!

Old Post Apr 13th, 2001 08:54 AM
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Registered: Jul 2000


And more importantly, the explanation of that change.

Actually I don't think iot's that big a deal on the explanation. Three Words: Droid Control Ships...

Old Post Apr 13th, 2001 09:58 AM
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darth fester
jay & silent bobs friend

Registered: Apr 2001
Location: geordie in milton keynes


i thought they already started in tpm those ships looked like tie fighters and so did darth mauls cool

Go Go Power Rangers

Old Post Apr 13th, 2001 10:11 AM
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Registered: Oct 2000
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I don't think the droid fighter looked like TIE's at all. The Sith Infiltrator, however, did. Same Twin Ion technology.


Old Post Apr 14th, 2001 08:17 PM
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