I was talking with some friends to try a rpg game. However, it's an eternity since i played a game and they are new to it or as good as new. We want simple rules, so i thought about the original D&D. I had once the red, blue and green box from the 80ties iirc. Can i download them somewhere legally?
Thank you for the help ^^.
Sig made by my mate, the one and only One_Angry_Scot
Wizards of the Coast owns all of that in these days,. I doubt there is a free legal download as there is a habit these days of re-releasing old material (early editions of AD&D are on sale again, for example).
It must be said, in the modern day environment, even basic D&D would be considered of middling complexity rather than simple. There's a lot of mechanics involved.
"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"
A Pity. I am willing to pay for the games I download, even old ones.
That's true. But I miss those games where you could create a whole Party, instead of having pregenerated characters, as cool as Cloud, Suqall and co are.
Sig made by my mate, the one and only One_Angry_Scot
Check eBay, you can find older editions of AD&D there. All you'd really need would be The Dungeon Masters Guide, Player's Handbook and the Monster Manual to get an AD&D game going. Dice and paper of course.