I could use some help, and I could think of no better place to ask but here . I'm currently taking Film Analysis and every quarter we have to wholly analyze a particular film or, in this case, series. I've done the SW: OT already this year and now I've chosen to do The Matrix series.
I've already written many major points of my paper, but I am missing a few things that I could use help with.
I've discussed, in depth, the debate of choice versus causality presented in Reloaded.
I've also analyzed the message of purpose with lines like
"We're all here to do what we're all here to do." and
But I am missing one (perhaps more) of the major messages: love. Reloaded and Revolutions both seem to carry a message about love, but I can't really word it right.
It is shown in Reloaded through, mainly, Merv's wife. And Neo's choice. But I feel it is also present in Revolutions. I want to try and use this line in my paper:
If you could help me with the love thing, and any other topics you feel my paper couldn't be without, I would be much obliged.
__________________ There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.