If it is Spawn 2, I hope they get the original cast back. But since it's been almost ten years since the first Spawn movie, I wouldn't mind if they just started over, there I would accept a new cast.
I really liked the first Spawn movie. Spawn is my favorite superhero so I hope to see another movie, whether it be a sequel or a restart.
McFarlane talked about this at the Image ComiCon thing or whatever.
a) It WILL be a restart. It will be a cheap movie, he's writing and directing. Also, he's making it a very dark and gritty film, wth influence from such films as LA Confidential. Spawn will not seak a single word in the movie.
b) The animated series is gonna be anothger hardcore "R" rated.
c) He's doing a third Batman/ Spawn crossover as well, with the art of God... (that's Greg Capullo)
Thanks to Badwolf for the great sig!
I liked the first one, and am hoping that the new one comes soon. I'm glad this one will start from scratch, though. There is much more they could have done. Still, I'd despise the idea of Spawn not talking at all. It kind of ruins the mysteriousness of the character. I actually thought the cartoons were utter crap. Sorry, but they added too much crap. I understand how violence is fun to watch, but gets irritating after a while when it's all just animated people getting killed or showing off their **** to a greasy old fat guy. So no, I didn't like the animated stuff.
Gender: Unspecified Location: Somewhere in the Far East, training
The HBO animated series pwnd all kinds of ass. It was the most mature oriented animation I've seen without it being porn.
Keith David's voice was just brilliant. IMO they should've used his voice in the movie along with Michael Jai White's body, kinda like James Earl Jones as Vader in SW.
‘Sorry but I just can’t trust anything that bleeds for about a week and doesn’t die’ My poetry and stuff
I enjoyed the first one. It had its flaws but overall, I really liked it. I thought making his costume armor was kickass. And Leguizamo as the Violator was hilarious.