Gender: Female Location: Where ever Shatterstar came from...
NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@#$%^&*()&**%$##$%@@^!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's SH*T! He's too hot not to be in it!
__________________ Wolverine)
Who am I ? Where am I? How many girlfriends do I have?.......... Oh man now that I think Of it, how many kids do I have?!
Gender: Male Location: somewhere looking for trouble
I think they pushed Gambit back to X4...think about it 3 xmen are suppose to if Gambit not in it he can't die...even when Gambit fans lose..they still win...
Gender: Male Location: somewhere looking for trouble
let me think...they did a poll after Xmen 1 "which character would you like to see in X2..." Gambit won. Gambit was suppose to be in a got pulled...about 50 sites said he'd be in X3..yet he's not....hmmmmmmm interesting. my bullsh*t sense is tingling...I know what they saying...."Gambit too much like Wolverine" really? Gambit got a healing factor and claws...he can't remember stuff, he want to get in Jean's pants, (that one might be true though..but what guy xman don't) Gambit was a lab rat for canada? Gambit a white thug would be player Wolverine a tough guy with honor and rage....they're as different as Superman is to Lex. and the other one "Gambit powers are too much like Cyclops" for the love of Apocalypse...does anyone in hollywood even know what Gambit powers are? Gambit charges up none living objects...Cyclops fires an optic is that similar...theirs that bullsh*t sense said Xmen 4 people...they can't push Remy back forever.
Using that charm power eh? For some reason I got a horrible santa/michael jackson feeling about what u just said.
"I don wanna see x3... I'll come sit wit Gambit instead"