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USH'S STAR WARS GAME- Draft of new templates
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Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


USH'S STAR WARS GAME- Draft of new templates

As discussed in the General Discussion thread, I'd been wanting to redo the templates for some time, as I was unhappy with what we had for various reasons.

Here is a draft of my proposed new setup. any of you are unaffected. Those of you who would be, none of your backstories will be affected and I am willing to stretch far to make things work, even allowing you to continue to use effectively discontinued templates. If people still don't like these, we won't use them.

If we do change, those who think they might have reasonably used a new template can take one. Alien powers, if approved by my brother, have also become available for some other templates.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 12:39 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



The Light Side is the side of 'Balance'. In Star Wars Terms, a 'Balanced' galaxy is a good galaxy, where the evil that seeks to imbalance the way of things is prevented from doing so. This means pursuing concepts like justice and peace... but though the Light Side seeks peace, the way of the galaxy is that this will have to be fought for. Light Side characters are the heroes that embody this concept and in their stories they are expected to fulfil these noble ends- peacefully if possible, by force if necessary.

By default, this means being a member of the Jedi Order, the ancient organisation dedicated to training those who can use the Force and then going on to fight for the cause of the Light Side. This is no mere assumption on their part; the democratic Senate of the Republic grants the Jedi the powers of enforcing law and dispensing justice. In turn, the Jedi accept that they have no moral right to just assume their role as lawgivers; they must work with the Senate. The Jedi

Knights go where they are needed to arbitrate disputes, catch dangerous criminals and deal with threats to the Republic. Being a Jedi is a position of great power and great responsibility; they are part of a hierarchy and they must obey many laws and orders.

Some Light Side templates are no longer members of the Order. These 'Renegades' have become disillusioned by the evils the Order cannot fight, like corruption in the Senate and other official arms, that they feel have prevented the Jedi from achieving the justice they should. Although Renegades have freed themselves from the rules of the Order (at the price of their legal authority), they still will not violate the moral rules of the Light Side, at least not intentionally. Renegades continue the fight for Balance in their own way, with their own advantages and issues, though when it comes to grander storyline threats they will join as one with the Jedi.

In the campaign as it stands, the Renegade Jedi are part of an independent group of investigators taking cases for those who find themselves denied justice, whilst the Jedi are part of a large special operations group looking into unusual threats, though often called away to deal with more prosaic issues that the Jedi get involved with. At the start of Episode VI, both groups are effectively working together against a particularly threatening villain.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 24th, 2012 at 12:43 PM

Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 12:41 PM
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Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic…”

The Adventurer is a veteran Jedi agent. By 'veteran' I mean experienced rather than old; Adventures tend to be late 20s/early 30s. Other than his broad experience of Jedi missions, what distinguishes an Adventurer from his fellows is his extreme curiosity and wonder about the Galaxy. he tends to take the more dangerous or exotic missions and assignments simply so he can learn something new. Over his career the Adventurer has picked up all sorts of skills and tricks; he is a highly skilled Lightsabre fighter and well skilled in the ways of the Force also. The Adventurer's specialism is skills, but he's actually good at everything, so if in doubt, take one of these guys.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 2
Persuade: 2
Leadership: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 1
Languages: 1
Observation: 1
Survival: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0

Life in the Field: An Adventurer chooses one of the following skill/schtick packages

A. Man of all Talents: Guns 2, Pilot 2, allocate an extra point to skills (from the list above)
Choose 1 Pilot and 1 Gun schtick

B. Jedi Ace: Pilot 4, choose 3 Pilot Schticks

C. Gunman: Guns 4, choose 3 Gun Schticks

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 10 others


MERITS: Jedi Knight. Choose 3 others.



“This party’s over.”

The Swordsman is a young and inexperienced Jedi Knight, perhaps on his first mission. He is very talented indeed, but his impulsive nature and lack of patience has caused difficulties with his Force training. Meanwhile, having spent all of his life within the temple, he has not had much chance to acquire skills. But the Swordsman has shown an incredible knack for combat, the use of the Lightsabre, and unarmed fighting (not guns- too impersonal). He is already fighting as well as Jedi ten years older than him. This makes him a very useful agent for the Jedi for use in certain missions- but the Council are looking for him to develop as time goes by. The Swordsman has an overwhelming superiority in Blade skills...


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4. Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Intimidation: 0
Languages: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 6 others


MERITS: Jedi Knight. Choose 3 others.

Born to the Sword- A Swordsman gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.



“A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.”

War makes not one great... the Scholar is not as excitable as the Adventurer (and certainly not the Swordsman!) and is the most calm, measured and (perhaps) professional of the Jedi templates, studying all required skills diligently. He has studied the use of the Lightsabre as he would any other skill, which means he is no slouch, but he doesn't quite have the lethality of his more active counterparts. But the Scholar is very well versed in the Force (including offensively if need be), and although he has learned from the library rather than the Adventurer's galactic experience, the Scholar is still well skilled and, as his name suggests, he is very academically capable.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 8
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Persuade: 2
Languages: 1
Leadership: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 1
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Combat: 0
Law: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 11 others


MERITS: Jedi Knight. Choose 3 others.

Academic Expert- The Scholar is very well learned. He gets +1 to all Intelligence-based skill rolls. He also
chooses one of the following bonuses:

A. Widely Learned- When making Intelligence rolls, never receive a penalty for not having the skill

B. Specialist- Choose a skill type (this is a permanent choice). Your bonus to Intelligence rolls of this type is
+3, and you may re-roll one such roll per story and choose the best result.



“You’ll find I’m full of surprises…”

Physical Balance- and hence fitness- is important to a Jedi just as many other skills and disciplines are. The Athlete dominates this area, having the same sort of pride in his body as a Swordsman does with the blade, and he is a formidable physical specimen. He's not become quite so mono-focussed as a Swordsman, however, and has a few missions under his belt as well. Not quite as skilled with a sabre as an Adventurer, an Athlete's physical edge in a fight is still telling and he is well-skilled in all forms of combat. He's not bad with the Force either, though he has much still to learn.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 6
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate seven points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Combat: 3 (Fixed)
Guns: 3 (Fixed)

Spend 8 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Persuade: 0
Intimidation: 0
Languages: 0
Intrusion: 0
Savoir-Faire: 0
Survival: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 7 others


MERITS: Jedi Knight. Choose 3 others.

Gifted Acrobat- An Athlete gets three extra dice when making any form of acrobatic roll



“The Force is strong in my family.”

The Acolyte is a phenomenon- some kind of natural tie to the Force (destiny, mysterious forces, high midi-chlorian count, etc.) meant that even as a baby the Jedi knew that he was going to be very strong in the Force indeed. Such a thing can be dangerous, and the Acolye's training has been very specifically geared to ensure control of his talents.

Now come of age and ready to do his first mission, the Acolyye has led an intensely sheltered life in the Temple, learning about his gift. He has almost no experience of the outside Galaxy, so not many skills, and although he has trained hard with the sabre he has no natural affinity for it, and nor is he quite as fit as his fellows. But the Acolyte is devastatingly powerful with the Force, and has only just begun exploring that talent; so far he lacks the experience required to make full use of it. The Acolyte is a very passive and measured character; although strong in the Force he is not actually very good with it in a fight.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 9
Force Attack: 6
Force Defence: 2

Allocate five points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Languages: 1
Combat: 0
Persuade: 0
Medicine: 0
Fix-it: 0
Observation: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 13 others


MERITS: Jedi Knight. Choose 3 others

Alien Adept: The Acolyte may choose to take two fewer Force Powers in order to take a single Alien schtick. This
must be from the mental class.

Natural Flow- The Acolyte treats his Force Defence rating as being one higher than it actually is (except for
improving it with xp).

The Acolyte restores a Force point at the end of each fight or major action scene.

These abilities are cumulative with Tranquillity and Flow of the Force


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Apr 14th, 2012 at 10:07 PM

Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 12:44 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“Do. Or do not. There is no ‘try’.”

Jedi Masters are the stuff of legend- wise, powerful, considerate, noble. A heavy responsibility. In this game, taking a Master does not make you Mace Windu. Instead, a Master choice is that of an older Jedi (not pensionable, but certainly getting on) who has retired from active service. He's not even on the Council- he's done his part and wanted to spend the rest of his life in quiet contemplation and maybe a little training of others. But for whatever reason, he's gone back to his Jedi life- some incident has pulled him back, or the Force has made it clear to him he is neeed. The Jedi Master is no longer at his prime, but despite this has a formidable array of skills, combat and force powers. His true weakness is his body- it just cannot take it any more. Fitter than any normal, person his age, nonetheless, this kind of running about under fire is a young man's game. A Master brings great power (and great responsibility), but is very fragile if things go wrong.


Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Perception: 3

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Add one either to Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 10 (total pool)

Jedi Lore: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Languages: 3
Leadership: 3
Savoir-Faire: 2
Persuade: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Survival: 1
Law: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others


MERITS: Jedi Knight. Choose 3 others.

Alien Master: The Master may take one fewer Blade schtick in order to take an Alien schtick. This may not be from the Physical class.

Chosen by the Council- The authority and expectations of the Master's 'Jedi Knight' Merit is greatly increased.



“A Jedi's strength flows from the Force.”

Many Jedi are human, Many others are species very comparable to humans. Some are more exotic, with alien attributes that make them clearly different. The Devout is one such alien Jedi. However, his culture is just as distinctive as his biology. The Devout comes from an ancient alien race that has long had an association with the Force. his may be a biological association that means his race is force sensitive and produces an unusually high amount of Jedi, or it may simply be that his culture fully embraces the tenets of the Light Side (much will depend on which Alien schticks you

Regardless, the Devout's race takes these beliefs exceptionally seriously by default, and as a Jedi his dedication is total- indeed, likely the biggest problem with training a Devout was preventing him becoming fanatical. The Devout is determined to excel in all areas and his enthusiasm may need to be tamed. Nonetheless, he is noticeably competent with both the Force and matters martial, and whilst he is young and inexperienced, his alien physiology gives him unusual advantages.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Languages: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Intimidation: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 10 others

Choose one additional Blade or Alien schtick

MERITS: Jedi Knight. Choose 3 others

Traditional Beliefs: The Devout is absolute in his devotion to the Force and the Jedi Order and will not defy the Jedi Council, even if there is story advantage in doing so



“Without the approval of the Council if I must.”

The Knight without a Master... the Ronin is a highly experienced agent, much like the Adventurer, but one who no longer takes orders from the Council. The Ronin was almost certainly once a Knight, and has left the Council most likely after some argument. Maybe the lawyers meant the bad guy got away after an otherwise successful mission. maybe one too many corrupt politicians were behind a plot, and they got away scot free whilst the Ronin could only deal with the
underlings. Maybe the Ronin objects to the entire direction the Order has taken. Regardless, he has taken leave of his office, but not of the responsibilities he feels.

The Ronin has the same breadth of Galactic experience as an Adventurer. He's a bit more aggressive with the sabre, a little less calm with the Force.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Savoir-Faire: 2
Languages: 2
Survival: 2
Intimidate: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 1
Jedi Lore: 1
Observation: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0
Persuade: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 8 others



Life amongst the Stars: A Ronin chooses one of the following skill/schtick packages

A. Man of all Talents: Guns 2, Pilot 2, allocate an extra point to skills (from the list above)
Choose 1 Pilot and 1 Gun schtick

B. Wandering Ace: Pilot 4, choose 3 Pilot Schticks

C. Gunman: Guns 4, choose 3 Gun Schticks

Renegade- The Ronin can expect hostility from NPC Jedi and may be treated with suspicion by people if his status becomes known to them.



“He’s got to follow his own path. No-one else can choose it for him.”

The Freelancer isn't much good as a Jedi. Not that he is in any way ill-intentioned, he is just inattentive, indisciplined and really doesn't like working with officialdom. Like a Swordsman, he is very young (perhaps never worked as a Knight) and extremely good in a fight (and lacking the whole Jedi vibe, doesn't object to using a gun either).

He lives his life now drifting from place to place, offering his martial skills to whatever cause he finds- though being a Light Sider, he won't work for obviously evil ones. In return, he asks for enough money to get by, the thrill of winning a fight being his other reward. His studies in the Force are perhaps the least complete of any character, but compared to a Swordsman he is drastically more skilled, having experienced some of what the Galaxy has to offer.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Guns: 2
Languages: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Survival: 1
Jedi Lore: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Intimidation: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 5 others



Born to Fight- A Freelancer gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.

Renegade- The Ronin can expect hostility from NPC Jedi and may be treated with suspicion by people if his status becomes known to them.



“If you would just follow the Code you would BE on the Council!”

A Renegade Master- and so a bit of a puzzle.

The Solitaire left the Council at some point in his Jedi Career, and his relationship with them has been rocky. But on the other hand, the Solitaire thrived, and gained wisdom, and to a a certain extent reigned in his rebellious instincts, and eventually the Council awarded him the title of Master, as befitted his skills and abilities.

The Solitaire still had some of that independent and rebellious streak, though tempered by experience and wisdom. He achieved some things that the Jedi couldn't do, he took missions from them and even, if appropriate, trained Padawans for them.

Based very much on Qui-Gon Jinn, the Solitaire straddles the world of the Renegade and the Knight, sometimes being one and sometimes the other. Sometimes his instinctive wisdom gives him insight even the Council doesn't have- but sometimes his reckless nature causes unnecessary trouble. The Council both respect him and are exasperated by him, a feeling that
goes both ways...

Like all Masters in this game, the Solitaire is an aged and retired agent, recently returned to Galactic affairs.


Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Perception: 3

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Add one either to Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 10 (total pool)

Spend 5 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Languages: 3
Leadership: 3
Savoir-Faire: 3
Survival: 2
Persuade: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Intimidation: 1
Lying: 0
Intrusion: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others



Alien Master: The Solitaire may take one fewer Blade schtick in order to take an Alien schtick. This may not be from the Physical class.

Respected by the Council- A Solitaire has no legal authority or voice in Jedi affairs but he is still a respected figure in the galaxy.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 12:48 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



The Dark Side is all that the Light Side is not- selfish, cruel and evil. Generally associated with the power of emotions, the Dark Side is wild and exciting and brings great power, but generally at a terrible cost to both the user and those around him. Generally, the accumulation of power for the self is the central objective of any Dark Sider, though their individual psychologies can be complex. The life of the average Dark Sider is brutal; they are marginalised from society and hunted by the law when they try their schemes. They must rely on their wits to survive, as well as the two main weapons of the Dark Side- destructive power and the ability to deceive.

Dark Siders, then, make great bad guys, but playing one is a little different. Being on the Dark Side makes you a generally amoral or immoral person, but playing one is not about glorifying in evil for its own sake. The Dark Side has its challenges about survival and trying to thrive that make for good stories, whilst at the same time looking at what it is like to be a Dark Side. Much of the challenge in playing a Dark Sider is to trying to achieve your ambitions whilst staying sane and, perhaps hardest of all- to try and work with others without the group self-destructing as is the fate of so many Dark Side organisations over time. Where the Light Side works well with others, the Dark Side is parasitic and co-operation is its major challenge. The great advantage, of course, is the freedom the Dark Side offers you- no rules or restrictions save those you make yourself for practical reasons.

There are two broad types of Dark Sider- ex-Jedi, who were trained as Jedi but fell to the Dark Side, and Outsiders; those from outside the Republic who were found and trained by another Dark Sider (the Jedi generally find and train all those within the Republic). In the current campaign, the Dark Siders- along with virtually all of their kind- have been driven out of civilised space by a shadowy and evil new organisation employing lethal alien hunters to destroy all Dark Siders they find. However, fortune has found the Dark Siders with a hidden base outside the Republic that is a safe haven for them. The group comprises of some leftovers of followers of the famed (and disappeared) fallen Jedi Kuylen, a group of ex-Jedi that joined with the ex-Kuylen group some years back, and other drifters that have found their way to safety with the group since. Various trials have seen the group work together to some extent, but there is no clear leader or power structure and much argument.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Mar 25th, 2012 at 09:18 AM

Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 12:50 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the Dark Side as you do!”

The Marauder is an agent of the Dark Side. Talented and experienced, he is a very dangerous man indeed- a threat to the Republic. The Dark counterpart to Adventurer, this is a good template to take as an ex-Jedi but works just as well as someone trained independently who has learnt and done much. Like the Adventurer, the Marauder is perhaps a little older than some templates and has a great curiosity about the galaxy and its many wonders. With a broad skill set and no area in which he is deficient, the Marauder is well equipped to cope with the dangers of life on the Dark Side. His main motivation is purely survival. If that means setting up his own empire to protect himself, then is is ready for that, but even if left with nothing he will fight in any arena he can, regardless of circumstances, to keep going one more day at a time


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 2
Lying: 2
Intimidation: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 1
Languages: 1
Observation: 1
Survival: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 10 others



Life on the Edge: A Fallen chooses one of the following skill/schtick packages

A. Man of all Talents: Guns 2, Pilot 2, allocate an extra point to skills (from the list above)
Choose 1 Pilot and 1 Gun schtick

B. Fallen Ace: Pilot 4, choose 3 Pilot Schticks

C. Gunman: Guns 4, choose 3 Gun Schticks



“Fear is my ally.”

The Pariah is a trained warrior- possibly an ex-Jedi, or he ended up fighting in some far away war. Like the Swordsman, the Pariah is entirely focussed on discipline of lightsabre combat and is truly lethal to behold in battle. However, something went wrong. Pride and love of battle where feelings the Pariah could not control, and he was thrown out of the army he belonged to. This could be the moment he fell from the Jedi Order, or if never a Jedi he ended up annoying whatever force he fought for. Regardless, the Pariah is no longer a soldier but a lone warrior of immense and dangerous skill. Although prone to violence and not afraid to kill a man for any reason, a Pariah has known a certain discipline and it is entirely possible for them to value such concepts as honour and rules in a fight. A Pariah should prefer to beat a foe in a straight fight rather than stab them in the back as this proves something of value.

Unfortunately, like Swordsmen, Pariahs have dedicated so much time to the blade that they lack in many other areas and often find themselves drifting around as hired muscle for one group or another, a position that rarely satisfies. They will fight and fight until they either find some kind of satisfaction- or perhaps the death in battle that they were seeking all along. The challenge of playing a Pariah is to maintain their military feel, avoid going mad and find some kind of purpose. In the meantime, they are a lethal addition to any team.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 1
Intimidation: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Lying: 0
Languages: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 6 others



Born to kill- A Pariah gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.



“The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural.”

One notable facet of the Dark Side is that for all its associations with violence and thoughtless behaviour, it is no less a path to knowledge than the Light. Intelligence, learning, even wisdom are all traits that have been known in such organisations as the Sith. Of course, such learning still has a Dark Side bent to it, and those who seek knowledge on the Dark Side will approach it in what might seem an almost religious reverence for knowledge and- perhaps better still- secrets.

The Cultist is one such a person. An academically able man, he intends to use the Dark Side to find out as much about all things as possible. Knowledge is a weapon and he will guard it jealously; the more secrets he can find, the better. The secrets of the Dark Side are the best of all, and so it is that whether he seeks to found his own cult or not, he himself is a cultist of the phenomenon that is the Dark Side. Academia is the Cultist's main speciality, but his curiosity about the Dark Side and general theoretical ability means they have become noticeably powerful with the Force

Such people are very useful to any Dark Side group. The puzzle for the Cultist is this- how to thrive amongst his more violent and thoughtless companions? The Cultist sees a greater purpose for him but he will need others to help him- it is a difficult path.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 8
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Lying: 2
Languages: 1
intimidation: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 1
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Combat: 0
Leadership: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 11 others



Dark Learning- The Cultist is very well learned. He gets +1 to all Intelligence-based skill rolls. He also
chooses one of the following bonuses:

A. Widely Learned- When making Intelligence rolls, never receive a penalty for not having the skill

B. Specialist- Choose a skill type (this is a permanent choice). Your bonus to Intelligence rolls of this type is
+3, and you may re-roll one such roll per story and choose the best result.




The Brute is simple- a vast, alien powerhouse of muscle and terror (most certainly, the Brute was never a Jedi). Where the Athlete represents balanced physical superiority, the Brute's physicality is rooted through his superhuman strength. Regardless of what tactics of speed and finesse opponents may come up with, the simple fact is that a huge, skilled and powerful opponent is directly lethal in a way that most cannot deal with. The Brute is the strongest Force-using template in the game and obviously dangerous in a fight; no-one else can take as much punishment and stay up. They are
brutal killers and not subtle people. They enjoy violence and death. They also need not be idiots, though their enjoyment of being who they are has not exactly left them as Force Masters.

The Brute's issues are obviously related to ever being seen as anything more than muscle, which he embodies literally as well as symbolically. Does he even want to be anything more? Does he even have a real point? He enjoys being what he is, but even a Brute will start to wonder over time about other things, and what his place in it all is.


Strength: 6
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 6
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate two points amongst Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Intimidation: 2
Languages: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Languages: 0
Survival: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 6 others

The Brute has the Alien Schtick 'Superior Physiology' automatically applied to his Strength in addition to the Alien
schtick he chooses





“If he had been born in the Republic he would have been detected quickly”

An Orphan of the Force is someone who came into full force power without ever being trained- he never had any master, any trainer. This can only be because of the Orphan's amazing natural ability, equivalent to that of the Acolyte.

The tragedy of this is shown in why the Jedi took such care in the Acolyte's training, Lacking guidance, the Orphan increased his power in the Force in the only way he knew how, the way that came naturally to him- the power of Emotion. The Dark Side.

Added to the normal trials of an Outsider, the Orphan has also been hated and even hunted for his strange, random powers. He has never been accepted. In finding other Dark Siders, he can find those that at least understand what he is, and there is some comfort in that.

What an Orphan wants in general is up to you. Their story is sad as they never had a chance, but by now they are thoroughly in the thrall of the Dark Side. An Orphan's natural talent is amazing, but it has developed as far as it can just naturally; the Orphan will be seeking to expand it still further by experience or learning from any source he can.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 9
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate five points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 2
Languages: 2
Combat: 2
Savoir-Faire: 1
Lying: 1
Survival: 1
Persuade: 0
Medicine: 0
Fix-it: 0
Observation: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 13 others



MERITS: 4 The Orphan always has the Merit 'Uncivilised Upbringing'; the four Merits he chooses already includes the
bonus from this.

Intuitive Flow: The Orphan has an amazing (though raw) natural gift with the Force. He treats all Force rolls (NOT Force Attack rolls) as Easy.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 12:53 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours.”

The Bane is a Dark Sider of talent who has survived for a long time- and in surviving, he has become powerful in the Dark Side to the point where he is the equivalent of a Master, a throwback to the possibilities of the days of old and the Sith Lords.

Like the Master, the Bane is potent but old- possibly old before his time, due to the deleterious effects of the Dark Side and the lifestyle needed to survive on it. Unlike Jedi Masters, he need not have had his powers decline; his skill set may represent what he has genuinely reached in his period (for it is difficult to reach the power level of a true Mace Windu level Master without the resources of the Temple behind you- at least, not since the days of the Sith).

With the power of the Dark Side has come obsessions over power, control and the building of an empire in their name. Frankly, it is at least as difficult- possibly more so- to play a Dark Side Master as it is a Light Side one, so this option is not for the faint hearted. It takes something special to lead such people.


Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Perception: 3

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Add one either to Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 10 (total pool)

Jedi Lore: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Languages: 3
Lying: 3
Savoir-Faire: 2
Intimidation: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Survival: 1
Leadership: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others



Alien Terror: The Bane may take one fewer Blade schtick in order to take an Alien schtick. This may not be from
the Physical class.

Megalomaniac- The Bane must always strive to be the leader of any group he is in, and also to have either the highest Lightsabre or highest Force rating of such a group. The Bane must always be actively plotting the death of anyone stopping these conditions being reached.



incomprehensible declaration of superiority

The galaxy is home to many cultures, and outside the fringes of the Republic there exist words still generally unknown where races strange and wild live. The Outcast is one such alien from a world far outside of public consciousness. For whatever reason, the Outcast is no longer wanted on his world. Maybe he is a criminal, a dispossessed noble, a political opponent or on the losing side in a war. Regardless, he has been exiled and has drifted towards the rest of the galaxy.

This would mean little except that the Outcast is Force Sensitive, and he began his training on his own world. He learned more in exile, and though he has not yet had time to master the sabre he is talented with the Force. What is also clear is that either his world was right to exile him or maybe his whole world is an unpleasant one, for he was effectively on the Dark Side right from the start. The Outcast knows little of the Republic or its ways but he has learned much quickly. His unusual alien abilities give him an extra edge. The Outcast carries a lot of resentment about his exile. Maybe he dreams of setting up something to replace what he lost... or to one day revenge himself on those who exiled him. This cause is helpful in keeping him sane, but an obsession can also destroy.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 8
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 6 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Lying: 2
Languages: 1
Intimidation: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 1
Jedi Lore: 1
Savoir-Faire: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Combat: 0
Leadership: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 9 others

The Outcast may take either one extra Alien schtick or two more Force Schticks


Outsider: Outcasts must make Language rolls to communicate in Basic to others and are ignorant of many aspects of the Republic that others know by default. If dealing with his own world, he has a minimum Savoir-Faire skill of 2.



“If only you knew the POWER of the Dark Side…”

The Warlord is another survivor on the Dark Side, but for whatever reason he has not infused himself with the Dark Side like the Bane, though time and practice has still left him potent. Instead, the Warlord has led a more prosaic life, fighting war after war beyond civilised space, during which he has learnt much of people, battle, power and death. His wars are now long over and, win or lose, he ended up with nothing... except the skills he learned and the desire to fight his way to power again.

The Warlord is similar to a Master; less potent with the Force but a little more fit than the other Master templates. He is middle aged at most and not affected by the Dark Side as a Bane may have been. Like the Bane, he is a good choice for group leader but hard to play for the same reasons. They see the Force more as a useful weapon than the ultimate source of all power and this may limit them in some ways, but also leaves them very practical in others. They are, of course, entirely obsessed with power and it is very possible the Warlord is never going to be happy with getting power- only the process of fighting for it.


Strength: 3
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 4
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate four points between Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Savoir-Faire: 3
Languages: 2
Lying: 2
Jedi Lore: 2
Combat: 2
Leadership: 2
Guns: 1
Intimidation: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Leadership: 1
Survival: 1
Persuade: 0
Warfare: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others



Alien Terror: The Warlord may take one fewer Blade schtick in order to take an Alien schtick. This may not be
from the Physical class.

Power obsession- The Warlord must always strive to be the leader of any group he is in. His psychology finds it exceptionally difficult to even feign submission to any other being. He finds all social rolls that involve him deferring, or pretending to defer, to another as Hard.



“Fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate... leads to suffering...”

The Corsair is the embodiment of Dark Side violence and destruction. The bully given power, the warrior with no controls or limits. He is pure destruction personified. He glorifies death and violence. He grew up in a violent part of space and he responded in kind, and never stopped.

Corsairs are extremely dangerous fighters, and unlike Pariahs have little regard to the rules or nobility of battle, and they see the Force and sabres as another tool to use- like guns, They prefer the sabre as it is so useful, but that is the only reason.

All a Corsair has ever done is destroy, blazing a path of destructive glory across the fringes of the galaxy. This means not only do they have to contend with what their purpose is, they also cause problems for aa group that may wonder at the wisdom of having such a person with them. Corsairs are by default condemned to destruction... but just maybe they might break their own cycle and become something greater than they originally seem. Regardless, Corsairs are an excellent and feared combat choice and demand respect in their own direct manner.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Guns: 2
Languages: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Intimidation: 1
Medicine: 1
Survival: 1
Jedi Lore: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Lying: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 5 others



Born for Carnage- A Corsair gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.



“I HATE you!”

The Revenant is a unique phenomenon to the Dark Side- the person who should be dead, and kept himself alive by sheer willpower. A Force user of talent, something happened to the Revenant that should have killed him- an accident, a disease... more likely a fatal wound in battle. But he survived- crippled, unnatural, beyond reason, but still here. Only the Dark Side can sustain such an unnatural existence, and if the Revenant was not on the Dark Side before, he was when he 'came back' to the galaxy. Denied everything his former life gave him and kept in existence only by the power of his emotions, the Revenant is twisted and consumed... and that resentment and anger has given him phenomenal power on the Dark Side.

As a template, the Revenant is powerful in most areas and is the most dangerous template with Force attacks, he but is permanently and irreversibly crippled by whatever should have killed him. Whilst he is as mentally acute as ever, he is effectively insane, deep down. He is not obviously acting like a lunatic but his deep-seated madness is, in effect, keeping him alive. He is full of resentment against much of the galaxy. but ironically this has given him terrible purpose, and he is much less worried about his role in things than other Dark Siders tend to be over time. His
challenges in existing are rather more obvious.

The Revenant is a difficult role to play but he comes with may strengths.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 9
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Choose one of Strength, Agility or Dexterity. That stat is permanently set to 1 and can never be improved. Allocate four points between the other two stats.

Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Intimidation: 5 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Lying: 2
Languages: 1
Medicine: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Survival: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0
Fix-it: 0
Observation: 0

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 13 others



Emotional Flow- The Revenant’s terrible inner self has twisted his mind and his actions- but given great power to his offensive use of the Force. The Revenant treats all Force Attack rolls as ‘Easy’ (successes are on a 4 or more).



"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 12:57 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Oh shucks- I cannot edit these as they are over the character limit, but the Warlord has a Force rating of 8, not 10.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 03:34 PM
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Hah, won't let me do it either.


Old Post Feb 23rd, 2012 03:38 PM
REXXXX is currently offline Click here to Send REXXXX a Private Message Find more posts by REXXXX Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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So in response to being asked to post my sheet here, ta da! I have the backstory worked out, if that's relevant. If you have any questions, or need to slap me for a mistake feel free to do so.


Strength: 3
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 5
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 3
Perception: 4

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1


Lightsabre: 4
Guns: 4

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Savoir-Faire: 2
Languages: 2
Survival: 2
Intimidate: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 3
Jedi Lore: 1
Observation: 1
Intrusion: 2
Sabotage: 1


Master Push/Pull
Master Swiftness
Master Co-ordination
Master Balance

Orthodox Guard

Dodge and Weave
Whirling Strike

Eagle Eye
Eye of the Storm

Ally - Senator
Contact - Senate

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 03:13 AM
Leddniz is currently offline Click here to Send Leddniz a Private Message Find more posts by Leddniz Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: verdant brink


Which template did you go with? I'm guessing Ronin but generally it helps to state that :P


under the pale tree - my [email protected]

I can hear the call of the dragon...

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 03:19 AM
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Oh, right, of course! Yes, it's Ronin.

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 03:28 AM
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Rio Rio
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Oh man. My character is kind of similar but different in little ways. I want to stand out so I'll probably make some changes. I'm also going for Ronin.

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 06:04 AM
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I've made some changes so I think I'm ready to post it.

My Ronin is named Rast. He has a reputation as a bounty hunter, who has strayed from the Order because he felt that they were not doing enough to bring in criminals. He goes after the most dangerous contracts, though usually only if it benefits the galaxy in a great way. It's his way of helping the galaxy. He generally goes after people like warlords and serial killers that create mass suffering.

He's also a survivor man and tracker sort, relying on his wits and knowledge to keep on his feet and find his prey.

He's a quick-draw gunslinging space cowboy basically.

He has a contact that supplies him with weaponry and gear that he needs for some of his hunts, a gunrunner. He also has ties to a lawyer to help him legitimize some of his borderline vigilante adventures.

Strength: 4
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 3
Defense: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 3
Perception: 4

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defense: 1

Lightsaber: 9
Guns: 4
Combat: 2
Savoir-Faire: 2
Languages: 2
Survival: 3
Intimidate: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-It: 1
Jedi Lore: 1
Observation: 2
Sabotage: 2
Intrusion: 1

Reputation (bounty hunter)
Contact (gunrunner)
Ally (lawyer)


Push/Pull [Mastered]

Swiftness [Mastered]
Coordination [Mastered]

Sense [Mastered]

Intuition [Mastered]

Orthodox Guard
Perfect Strike

Street Fighting
Dodge & Weave

Close Quarters Gunman

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 07:42 AM
Rio Rio is currently offline Click here to Send Rio Rio a Private Message Find more posts by Rio Rio Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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You're playing Batman: The Jedi. Cool!

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 02:18 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Nothing wrong with multiple Ronins- a very flexible template.

I've not done a full-on mathematical check but, running through them, they all look good.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 04:51 PM
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Rio Rio
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Are all my schticks good for one-on-one fighting?

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 05:58 PM
Rio Rio is currently offline Click here to Send Rio Rio a Private Message Find more posts by Rio Rio Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Yes, though note that Orthodox Guard and Perfect Strike overlap, though you would still get two conversions of a '1'.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 05:59 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Glancing them over...yeah, you'll be pretty good at that. Master Coordination is the one-on-one power. Riposte is also great for that.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Ushgarak
Yes, though note that Orthodox Guard and Perfect Strike overlap, though you would still get two conversions of a '1'.

I like the overlap, myself - means if one's tapped out I still have the other to fall back on!


under the pale tree - my [email protected]

I can hear the call of the dragon...

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 06:00 PM
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Rio Rio
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Overlap meaning the dice bonus yes?

Do Marksman and Close Quarters also overlap?

Old Post Feb 28th, 2012 06:09 PM
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