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A World-Wide Wake Up Call
Started by: NuclearWinter

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A World-Wide Wake Up Call

David Mason

September 7, 2009

We are living in a plutocratic oligarchic society. There are a small group of wealthy eugenicists who own our political parties, our media, our industry, our military, our economy and our education system.

The political parties do not represent us, but instead represent an ideology put forward by their funders and their funder’s eugenicist researchers, such as Obama’s Science Czar John P. Holdren.

They put fluoride in our drinking water and tell us brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day to lower our I.Q.’s and our fertility. They vaccinate us with syringes full of mercury, squalene and polysorbate to cause brain inflammation and auto-immune diseases which destroy our natural immune system, thereby making us more susceptible to chronic disease. They spray bromide ions and aluminium dioxide into the atmosphere to lower our I.Q.’s, sterilise us, and give us cancer. They feed us genetically modified food, interfering with our D.N.A. and reducing the gene pool of the plants and animals we humans need to survive. They sweeten our drinks with aspartame, an industrial waste product, which lowers I.Q. and interferes with brain function. They flood our streets with harmful drugs which reduce brain function and induce dependency, amongst a myriad of other health issues. At the same time, they have banned what many people believe to be the cure for cancer; vitamin B-17 which can be found in the pips of apples. An apple a day keeps cancer away.

They indoctrinate our children between 6 and 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, 40 weeks a year, for up to 15 years. They own and run all major television, radio and internet communication networks. They tell us what to think about and how to think about it. They tell us the world is over populated, that earth cannot sustain 6.5 billion people. In fact, there is enough room on the land of this planet for every man, woman and child to have 175m by 175m of land each. We accept the lie of overpopulation because of the rat-maze, prison-like cities which they have created and we find ourselves in. They tell us global warming is caused by carbon dioxide, when in reality carbon dioxide levels increase after a period of warming has begun, due to the abundance of life which flourishes in warm environments. Carbon dioxide is what humans breathe out and plants breathe in. Most life forms on this planet are carbon based and produce or require carbon dioxide in their respiration. They use the excuse of global warming to increase our taxes and demonise our fellow human beings. In fact, the entire solar system is going through a period of warming. Your carbon footprint is not responsible for the melting of the ice-caps of Mars and the frozen seas of Europa. Global warming is an excuse to reduce population and raise taxes.

They own, fund and operate abortion clinics.

They are the largest contributors to all major political parties, set their policies and thereby control our government. They pass thousands of laws each year without congressional or parliamentary debate. They frame political discussion in a false left-right paradigm, thereby dividing the people so as to never allow the people to resist them. The political parties do not represent us, but instead represent an ideology put forward by their funders and their funder’s eugenicist researchers, such as Obama’s Science Czar John P. Holdren. They have set up supra-national governmental institutions, such as the United Nations and European Union, to erode our national sovereignty and distance the individual from the political decision making process.

They conduct foreign wars of aggression. These wars are murder in the name of corporate greed. They control the oil fields of Iraq and the poppy fields of Afghanistan. They conduct staged terror attacks and invent phantom enemies to frighten the public into accepting appalling losses of liberty in the name of national security. Al-Qaeda, in Arabic ‘The Database’, was a list of C.I.A.-Mujahedeen agents who thwarted the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980’s. Osama bin Laden was on the C.I.A. payroll until, at least, 1999. They use the phantoms to force us to accept that our every action is tracked, traced and scanned, that privacy no longer exists, that you have to present your papers on a daily basis, even to purchase cigarettes and alcohol. All in the name of national security, and the health of our children.

Perhaps most pervasive of all, and the reason for their continued wealth, is their control of the money supply by use of public-private banking partnerships such as the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. These institutions are run purely for the benefit of their investors. They print at least 10 times more money than they have in their reserves. They lend this money, which is printed out of thin air, to governments and other banks, at interest, on the security of that government’s people and the people’s taxes. This is why national debt exists; to fund the wealthy elite. They have created a debt black-hole from which we cannot escape. This system has led to, and will further lead to the debasement, robbery and rape of our domestic populations. On a supra-national level, private off-shore banks, such as the I.M.F. and World Bank, impose their will upon poor countries which are in need of financial investment. These off-shore banks openly control the governments of the countries which are indebted to them.

It is this controlled system of wealth which is in control of our lives. For this is the truth of our existence; we are slaves. We are money-slaves, debt-slaves and mind-slaves. We cannot escape this system until we recognise it for what it is; a plutocratic oligarchic slave system. And we cannot escape this system until we do something about it.

This is my hope; that each recognise his bonds and rends them asunder, so that each may live their lives with the freedom of the earth, and with love, hope and charity in their hearts.

Freedom is Strength, Ignorance is Slavery, War is Unneccessary.

"To ignore factual reality by believing it to be otherwise does not mean that a person is removed from that reality. It only means that they suffer it ignorantly."

Old Post Sep 7th, 2009 10:00 PM
NuclearWinter is currently offline Click here to Send NuclearWinter a Private Message Find more posts by NuclearWinter Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Hello NW...Good to see you back, my friend.

How's things?


You come at the King, you best not miss!

Old Post Sep 7th, 2009 10:09 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by jaden101
Hello NW...Good to see you back, my friend.

How's things?


Just been trying to enjoy every single day on this planet as if it was my last.

"To ignore factual reality by believing it to be otherwise does not mean that a person is removed from that reality. It only means that they suffer it ignorantly."

Old Post Sep 7th, 2009 11:23 PM
NuclearWinter is currently offline Click here to Send NuclearWinter a Private Message Find more posts by NuclearWinter Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Always a good way to do it.

You have any research papers to add to that article above?

Out of curiousity, who's David Mason?


You come at the King, you best not miss!

Old Post Sep 7th, 2009 11:41 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by jaden101
Always a good way to do it.

You have any research papers to add to that article above?

Out of curiousity, who's David Mason?

Mason is a writer over at

As for the research, heres a little something on the fluoride in the water that you might be interested in:

Respected Medical Professionals and Scientists are warning that water fluoridation has dangerous long-term consequences to health. For over 50 years, the U.S. government and media have trumpeted fluoride as a safe and effective means of reducing cavities, especially in children. But fluoride is not the benevolent and innocuous substance the public has been led to believe.

"I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable."

Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association ----

"Fluoridation ... it is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has."

Professor Albert Schatz, Ph.D. (Microbiology), Discoverer of streptomycin and Nobel Prize Winner

CDC Covering Up Serious Hazards of Water Fluoridation

Dr. Mercola - "In 2005, eleven unions within the EPA publicly called for a ban of water fluoridation, over concerns that it may cause bone cancer. And in 2006, the American Dental Association warned mothers about using fluoridated water to mix their powdered baby formula. Now, finally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is developing software to try to assess just how much fluoride you’re ingesting, citing new findings that cumulative fluoride intake might lead to painful skeletal fluorosis. Yet despite long-standing, ever-mounting evidence of fluoride's hazard to human health, the CDC still clings to its outdated recommendation to add fluoride to drinking water in order to protect your oral health. Even though it was a lie, right from the start."

90 percent of the fluoride added to your drinking water is hydrofluoric acid -- a compound of fluorine that is a chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. Fluoride is also the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder. It is nothing but a carcinogenic industrial waste product, passed off on the public as a “nutrient” with necessary health benefits, to benefit the nuclear arms, aluminum, and phosphate manufacturers financially, to the tune of about $ 10 billion per year. Aided, of course, by your federal health agencies, controlled by political interest.";_ylt...b-top&sao=1

"To ignore factual reality by believing it to be otherwise does not mean that a person is removed from that reality. It only means that they suffer it ignorantly."

Old Post Sep 8th, 2009 12:48 AM
NuclearWinter is currently offline Click here to Send NuclearWinter a Private Message Find more posts by NuclearWinter Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Yeah the fluoride in water is something i've never agreed with. For different reasons though. There just isn't a need for it. You get all the fluoride you need from foods and drinking water (with none added) that you need for dental health. Too much of anything is detrimental. An example being that you need iron to produce red blood cells but too much iron and it becomes very toxic and shuts down your liver and kidneys. Same applies to fluorine. Although it's symptoms require larger amounts.

Starts with dental fluorosis then skelatal fluorosis leading to potential rheumatoid artheritis, Bechterew syndrome, possible genetic damage and death.


You come at the King, you best not miss!

Old Post Sep 8th, 2009 09:54 AM
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FistOfThe North
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Re: A World-Wide Wake Up Call

quote: (post)
Originally posted by NuclearWinter
David Mason

September 7, 2009

We are living in a plutocratic oligarchic society. There are a small group of wealthy eugenicists who own our political parties, our media, our industry, our military, our economy and our education system.

The political parties do not represent us, but instead represent an ideology put forward by their funders and their funder’s eugenicist researchers, such as Obama’s Science Czar John P. Holdren.

They put fluoride in our drinking water and tell us brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day to lower our I.Q.’s and our fertility. They vaccinate us with syringes full of mercury, squalene and polysorbate to cause brain inflammation and auto-immune diseases which destroy our natural immune system, thereby making us more susceptible to chronic disease. They spray bromide ions and aluminium dioxide into the atmosphere to lower our I.Q.’s, sterilise us, and give us cancer. They feed us genetically modified food, interfering with our D.N.A. and reducing the gene pool of the plants and animals we humans need to survive. They sweeten our drinks with aspartame, an industrial waste product, which lowers I.Q. and interferes with brain function. They flood our streets with harmful drugs which reduce brain function and induce dependency, amongst a myriad of other health issues. At the same time, they have banned what many people believe to be the cure for cancer; vitamin B-17 which can be found in the pips of apples. An apple a day keeps cancer away.

They indoctrinate our children between 6 and 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, 40 weeks a year, for up to 15 years. They own and run all major television, radio and internet communication networks. They tell us what to think about and how to think about it. They tell us the world is over populated, that earth cannot sustain 6.5 billion people. In fact, there is enough room on the land of this planet for every man, woman and child to have 175m by 175m of land each. We accept the lie of overpopulation because of the rat-maze, prison-like cities which they have created and we find ourselves in. They tell us global warming is caused by carbon dioxide, when in reality carbon dioxide levels increase after a period of warming has begun, due to the abundance of life which flourishes in warm environments. Carbon dioxide is what humans breathe out and plants breathe in. Most life forms on this planet are carbon based and produce or require carbon dioxide in their respiration. They use the excuse of global warming to increase our taxes and demonise our fellow human beings. In fact, the entire solar system is going through a period of warming. Your carbon footprint is not responsible for the melting of the ice-caps of Mars and the frozen seas of Europa. Global warming is an excuse to reduce population and raise taxes.

They own, fund and operate abortion clinics.

They are the largest contributors to all major political parties, set their policies and thereby control our government. They pass thousands of laws each year without congressional or parliamentary debate. They frame political discussion in a false left-right paradigm, thereby dividing the people so as to never allow the people to resist them. The political parties do not represent us, but instead represent an ideology put forward by their funders and their funder’s eugenicist researchers, such as Obama’s Science Czar John P. Holdren. They have set up supra-national governmental institutions, such as the United Nations and European Union, to erode our national sovereignty and distance the individual from the political decision making process.

They conduct foreign wars of aggression. These wars are murder in the name of corporate greed. They control the oil fields of Iraq and the poppy fields of Afghanistan. They conduct staged terror attacks and invent phantom enemies to frighten the public into accepting appalling losses of liberty in the name of national security. Al-Qaeda, in Arabic ‘The Database’, was a list of C.I.A.-Mujahedeen agents who thwarted the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980’s. Osama bin Laden was on the C.I.A. payroll until, at least, 1999. They use the phantoms to force us to accept that our every action is tracked, traced and scanned, that privacy no longer exists, that you have to present your papers on a daily basis, even to purchase cigarettes and alcohol. All in the name of national security, and the health of our children.

Perhaps most pervasive of all, and the reason for their continued wealth, is their control of the money supply by use of public-private banking partnerships such as the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. These institutions are run purely for the benefit of their investors. They print at least 10 times more money than they have in their reserves. They lend this money, which is printed out of thin air, to governments and other banks, at interest, on the security of that government’s people and the people’s taxes. This is why national debt exists; to fund the wealthy elite. They have created a debt black-hole from which we cannot escape. This system has led to, and will further lead to the debasement, robbery and rape of our domestic populations. On a supra-national level, private off-shore banks, such as the I.M.F. and World Bank, impose their will upon poor countries which are in need of financial investment. These off-shore banks openly control the governments of the countries which are indebted to them.

It is this controlled system of wealth which is in control of our lives. For this is the truth of our existence; we are slaves. We are money-slaves, debt-slaves and mind-slaves. We cannot escape this system until we recognise it for what it is; a plutocratic oligarchic slave system. And we cannot escape this system until we do something about it.

This is my hope; that each recognise his bonds and rends them asunder, so that each may live their lives with the freedom of the earth, and with love, hope and charity in their hearts.

Freedom is Strength, Ignorance is Slavery, War is Unneccessary.


You know, for a few years now i've begun to believe that there's more to humanity, and this planet, than meets the eye.

As i've matured you see things, occurances, the games people play, the politics of it all, that and adding 2 and 2 and you figure out that something's not right.

You ask yourself why do things happen that are detrimental overall and seemingly and so, so easily preventable in our society and you poder about it and i think it may just come to one thing: self interest.

it's all about looking out for you and your and i see it happening at every level from the poorest of the poor to the upper class elite. whether you a president, a mother, or even a priest, it's all about interest and how can I benefit.

i think at the core, everyone is interested no matter how much they think they're not. And this is what causes the clandestine groups, the racism, the negative side of capitalism, the wars, culture, societies, corporations, and almost all of the problems connected with these selfish destructive human practices.

All i think it all boils down to interest.

my take.

"The darkside, Sidious, is an illness no true Sith wishes to be cured of, my young apprentice .."

- Darth Plagueis

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2009 08:59 PM
FistOfThe North is currently offline Click here to Send FistOfThe North a Private Message Find more posts by FistOfThe North Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
From Ganymede

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Location: Cydonia, Mars

Just wanted to add to this the fact that in Germany at the moment there' s a bit of a row because the government has ordered a different swine flu vaccination than the rest of the population.

More info HERE

Old Post Oct 21st, 2009 02:15 PM
Bicnarok is currently offline Click here to Send Bicnarok a Private Message Find more posts by Bicnarok Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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