Wanda's powers can't be controlled, not even by her so it's doubtful she'd be any help here, more likely she'd go against everyone.
Zatanna gets taken out the first second with a spell that makes her unable to talk. But, she could prove a good enough distraction for Fate to come in and blind side Strange, thus winning.
But, if he goes avatar, he stomps them all. 6-7/10 Fate's.
Are we forgetting that Strange gets 10 HOURS of prep? Strange can hold his own against them w/o prep (not necessarily winning), but with that much prep time, I don't see any way for them to take him.
thank you good sir.....the guy blasted galactus.....and challenged eternity and death......and even LT...he has the most will power i ever saw in any character.....he was banished into another universe by warlock with the IG and he just came back in a few sec.thanx to his will power.....
Zatanna has to speak to commit a spell, you may say "yada yada yada someone said yada", doesn't matter, she's never caste a spell without speaking before so until she does, I'll stick to my earlier comment.
Zatanna gets taken out the first second, she isn't in either of Fate or Strange's league and she can be blasted away with a finger.
In the words of the Ancient One, "A god all but by blood"....so yeah, he basically is. He has every trait of a god including immortality.
Yes, he could take these three, not easily but he could. Giving prep to Strange is almost giving him a sure win.
And I thought you meant pre-crisis Fate, not the new guy.
Strange could go into the astral plane and beat all three of these without fear of being harmed.
Like was stated before, she doesnt have to speak the spell in order to do it. It just helps her to focus better. Its how she learned from her father. But becuase shes a natural born sorceror, she surpassed him in the fact that she doesnt have to recite the spells.
Zatanna is in the same league as Fate. They are part of the most powerful group of mages and sorcerors on the planet. Which not everyone in the DCU is part of.
Strange going in astral form would be a wise idea against them. Reasons are because, Strange isnt as powerful in astral form as he is in normal form. Against Fate, Zatanna and Scarlet Witch, hed get finished.
Second, Fate and Zatanna are able to precieve things in astral projections. Not so sure about Scarlet however. There has also been times where Strange has been attacked of has his attacks stoped while in astral projection.
Strange alone has had a hard time vs Scarlet Witch. Combined with Fate and Zatanna is truly overkill.
Dr.Strange vs Any Dr.Fate would be a good entertaining fight.Certain Fates could beat Strange others dont have it in them.The present Dr.Fate Hector Hall could match up well with him after the Princes of Darkness storyline but beforehand would lose easily
Zatanna is great and all but for all she can do Dr.Strange should still beather
Wanda is ok probably another notch below Zatanna.Current "Crappy storyline" Wanda is too illdefined and barely explored.Most likely shes gonna come out of the gates in the House of M storyline able to humble Galactus and 2 months after its done she will level out as the writers relize its a stupid idea [and will move onto pheonix in the same situation rinse wash repeat god i hate Marvel]
__________________ Coolness rating-Rakushun>Canti>Taishi>Kenshin>Gohan>The Chainsaw of Natural Selection>All>DB:GT