Just thought of a few situations that I don't know if they are possible or not and thought I'd ask about it. And I'm classifying this as character vs. situation OR power vs. power
1. Can Venom bond with Collosus when he's metal?
2. Can Classic Black Tom Cassidy block out Black Canary's scream? (The Cassidy that was immune to Banshee)
3. Can Gambit, with enough power, charge up air particles?
4. What would happen if Rogue touched Martian Manhunter?
5. Could Hulk, if he got mad enough, break through a GL's shield?
6. If Gambit charges up a metal object, could Magneto stop it from exploding?
7. Could Kitty phase through Invisible Woman's shield?
8. Could Kitty phase through a GL's shield?
9. What would happen if Banner had his bones bonded with metal? Would he not be able to grow if he became the Hulk?
10. I once heard the Nightcrawler teleported by transferring to a different dimension. If this is true, could he stay there?
11. Is Juggernaught unstoppable if he's not moving?
1. Can Venom bond with Collosus when he's metal? - Yes. Colossus is organic steel. The key word being ORGANIC.
2. Can Classic Black Tom Cassidy block out Black Canary's scream? (The Cassidy that was immune to Banshee) - Dont know.
3. Can Gambit, with enough power, charge up air particles? - Probably if he had herald-level power, yea. Otherwise, no.
4. What would happen if Rogue touched Martian Manhunter? - She'd probably turn Green, and gain his powers. Rogue's powers work on Aliens. She showed this when she absorbed a fraction King Hyperions powers.
5. Could Hulk, if he got mad enough, break through a GL's shield? - Yes. Tho he would have to be really pissed off.
6. If Gambit charges up a metal object, could Magneto stop it from exploding? - Probably. He could probably just make it super-dense or make it absorb the impact so it wouldnt explode, much like what would happen if Gambit charged Cap's shield.
7. Could Kitty phase through Invisible Woman's shield? - No. Kitty has shown to, even when phasing, be able to be hurt by cosmic-level energies, which IW's shields are made of.
8. Could Kitty phase through a GL's shield? - Same as #7.
9. What would happen if Banner had his bones bonded with metal? - He'd die.
Would he not be able to grow if he became the Hulk? - If he had them bonded to him when Banner he'd die. If he had them bonded to Hulk he'd probably still be able to grow, but his bones would break because the adamantium wouldnt grow, and then he'd just regrow his bones over the adamantium.
10. I once heard the Nightcrawler teleported by transferring to a different dimension. If this is true, could he stay there? - It is true. But i dont think he can stay there.
11. Is Juggernaught unstoppable if he's not moving? - That doesnt make sense.
Well, I thought that once he started moving, his momentum was unstoppable. So, I thought, if he had no momentum, he would still be very hard to hurt, but would he lose his famed unstoppability?
1. Can Venom bond with Colossus when he's metal?
A - He should be able to, like it was stated, colossus is organic steel.
2. Can Classic Black Tom Cassidy block out Black Canary's scream? (The Cassidy that was immune to Banshee)
A - I have no idea.
3. Can Gambit, with enough power, charge up air particles?
A - with enough power, and control of it, he should be able to charge up just about anything, but obviously he doesn't have that kind of power.
4. What would happen if Rogue touched Martian Manhunter?
A - She would be pretty awesome (and dangerous).
5. Could Hulk, if he got mad enough, break through a GL's shield?
A - Hulk can do almost anything when it comes to strength with enough rage.
6. If Gambit charges up a metal object, could Magneto stop it from exploding?
A - Yes he can.
7. Could Kitty phase through Invisible Woman's shield?
A - I would have said yes, but i don't know about kitty all that well, and Genis said no, so i guess no.
8. Could Kitty phase through a GL's shield?
A - nope.
9. What would happen if Banner had his bones bonded with metal? Would he not be able to grow if he became the Hulk?
A - I'm sure that if they were bonded the way that wolverines are bonded he would experience immense amounts of pain when he transformed into hulk, which could be good or bad. but what i was thinking, was that because hulk is constantly evolving his system may recognize the metal as superior to bone and incorporate it or something cool like that.
10. I once heard the Nightcrawler teleported by transferring to a different dimension. If this is true, could he stay there?
A - He does travel to another dimension, and i don't remember where i read this, but the reason he can't stay there is because it is hell-like and basically scares the crap out of him, which is why he is so religious or something to that nature. basically he doesn't stay because he doesn't like it there, but i think he would be able to if necessary.
11. Is Juggernaught unstoppable if he's not moving?
A - juggernaut is always unstoppable to everybody but himself. if he isn't moving, it is because he doesn't want to be. (assuming that this is classic juggs, of course)
1. Can Venom bond with Collosus when he's metal? if carnage can bond to silver surfer... then venom can bond to colossus
2. Can Classic Black Tom Cassidy block out Black Canary's scream? The Cassidy that was immune to Banshee)Just like cyclops and havok are immune to each others powers... black tom is immune to banshees...
3. Can Gambit, with enough power, charge up air particles? At full potential.. he'd be the equivalent of NEW SUN". And that guy had complete control of kinetic energy in all its forms. This translates into flight, explosion of matter, and manipulation of time and space, including travel to alternate realities... so yes he'd be able to charge up air particles as they would be subject to kinetic energy
4. What would happen if Rogue touched Martian Manhunter?She managed to absorb Ms. Marvel (Kree based powers) and has shown that her absorbtion works on alien races such as the skrulls. If she touched martian manhunter long enough she'd gain his psyche and powers assuming he doesn't resist... otherwise his powerful mind would overwhelm her
5. Could Hulk, if he got mad enough, break through a GL's shield?If superman and doomsday each can punch through a GL'S shield... then eventually hulk could reach whatever strength level was required...
6. If Gambit charges up a metal object, could Magneto stop it from exploding? Yes and no. While the kinetically charged materials would seek to expand... magneto could constantly contain it. if it was a test of wills...magneto could infinitely contain the metal. however against full potential gambit.. New son could charge up the particles themselves... therefore no longer making the "metal" a metal... and there would only be energy for magneto to contain and no metal... versus new sun he wouldn't be able to, but regular gambit yes.
7. Could Kitty phase through Invisible Woman's shield? [B}possibly. Kitty has shown to be able to walk through energy fields and energy blasts before, why not an energy force field.[/B]
8. Could Kitty phase through a GL's shield? see answer for #7
9. What would happen if Banner had his bones bonded with metal? Would he not be able to grow if he became the Hulk? Interesting question. Most likely the answer would be that he would retain a mass closer to banners as the adamtanium would not permit his bones to enlarge. He'd probably look like superman or doc samson or something... average human size with oversized muscles
10. I once heard the Nightcrawler teleported by transferring to a different dimension. If this is true, could he stay there? theoretically Yes.. since his subconscious guides him through that realm and then back into ours... all he'd have to do is to choose no exit point
11. Is Juggernaught unstoppable if he's not moving? [/B][/QUOTE] classic was immovable, he was only movable.. by moving the world around him. however current juggs can get tossed by warhulk... and others...[/B]
__________________ Quotes from Hia8:
"I claimed that the science is sometimes faulty."
"You don't understand. This is fiction. That means none of this stuff really happened."
"There is no writer to purposely ignore a character's natural ability just because it suits the story."
"in some cases because the writer knows that Character A will dominate Character B easily and refuses to allow this to happen for the sake of the story."
He'd be stopped already... how can you stop someone whos stopped...
__________________ Quotes from Hia8:
"I claimed that the science is sometimes faulty."
"You don't understand. This is fiction. That means none of this stuff really happened."
"There is no writer to purposely ignore a character's natural ability just because it suits the story."
"in some cases because the writer knows that Character A will dominate Character B easily and refuses to allow this to happen for the sake of the story."