Gender: Male Location: somewhere looking for trouble
he's been through a lot of changes on the new toon...the running gag is to show less and less of him and to f**K him up
the first time he failed Shredder Hun put out one of his eyes
the second time he failed..he was in a hover chair (think old xmen cartoon) and he had a robot arm (meaning he lost the orginal one as punishment) he had replaced his missing eye with a robotic eye piece.
he went to shedder claiming he could prove if the Turtles had died in in April's apartment after a big battle. he found a piece of Raph red ribbon that went around his sai and some "sciencific Proof" (dna reading) that proved the Turtles were "dead" Shedder gave Stockman the utron armor as a reward...Stockman then experimented on himself placing his head on top of a gaint ultron battle robot. he fough the Turtles and Shedder and was beating them all but Donny used a gun form Stockman battle armor against him he fall out of the the shedder's penhouse. next time we see Stockman he's just a head inside of a small spider robot who is being forced to work for Shedder..they have his spider robot "bugged" so that he must listen to shedder or he'll get shocked. Shedder was aparently killed...the turtles learn he's a utron..a brain alien similar to krang on the old show. next time we see stockmen he has his head inside the stomach of a utron battle bot he tricks Leatherhead into making a Turtle bot to destroy the turtles..they beat it by switching up weapons on him...Stockman time we see stockman he has his head on top of the Utron body and has team up with some gangter dudes...for some reason I keep missing an episode..but basically I can assume something happened to Baxter head cuz next time we see him he's just a brain and an eyeball inside a huge jar....they even have a volume control on the jar so they can "lower his volume" then an episode or 2 after that he's still in a jar but the eye is missing, he has cybernetic hand on the outside of the jar and his face is being projected on the top of the jar...but now he has both his eyes on his face. a few episodes after that a new science guy Chapman...who looks a lot like the white "old school Stockman" put Stockmen brain into a huge bulky hulk like robot. his "face" projects from the top just like before. in the newest episode Stockmen betrays Shedder and works for this secret agent science dude name Bishop. Stockmen more than likely promised to work with Bishop if Bishop promised to reclone him his orginal body. knowing Stockman luck he'll get his old body back but it'll just get f**ked up and we can play "let's mess up the evil genius all over again."
My brother had the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness role playing book, and I recently got a PDF of it. Here's a pic of April, drawn in '85 by Eastman and Laird.
I myself had been wondering why April's hair looked so odd, but had never thought her to be black. O.o
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