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Harry Potter and Power of the Past......AU
Started by: Darth Macabre

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Darth Macabre
Grey King of the Debb

Gender: Male
Location: Wales

Harry Potter and Power of the Past......AU

OK, well this is an AU story that I wrote to try to get myself out of the writers block that I had writing my History midterm......Basically it's a completely different Harry Potter story; almost everything that happened in the real books, didn't happen in this universe....It's pretty self explanatory. If your questions aren't answered, they will be later on in the story. But here's a quick run down: Harry wasn't in Gryffindor, he didn't live with the Dursleys after his first year, and he isn't as innocent with his money like he is in the real stories. Well voila, I hope you like, and can comment on it.

Hitwizard Harry Potter was walking out of Auror Headquarters longing for his bed after a long night. It was early in the morning; aurors and other ministry officials were just making their way into work. As he was walking up to the fireplace to floo, a pink haired witch stumbled into him.

"Oh, I’m so sorry, I trip... Oh it’s just you Potter." Tonks said with a smile.

"Hey Nymphie, good to see you too." Tonks blushed at the nickname she only let Harry use, even if he didn’t know it.

"Going home?" The metamorphmagus asked with a frown.

"What, oh yes, long night you know. You are still coming for dinner tonight right?" Tonks nodded her head, kissed him on the cheek and waved goodbye while walking away.

Shaking his head in amusement at the antics of his girlfriend, he flooed to his 3 bedroom flat in muggle London. Making himself a quick breakfast, he ate and went to lie down in his bed. He fell asleep right when his head hit the pillow.

He awoke a few hours later to a tapping at his window. Rubbing his eyes groggily, he got up and opened the window. Mumbling something about bloody prophet owls, he paid the owl, threw the paper down and fell back to sleep. He woke up a couple of hours later, and started to prepare dinner. He was almost done when a noise came from the window again. He was startled when he saw a black-billed magpie carrying a roll of parchment. He took the parchment, gave the bird a owl treat and it went on its way. Taking a seat in the chair, the wizard unrolled the parchment.

Dear Mr. Potter,

I am writing you to offer the seeker position for the Montrose Magpies. Due to my age I am stepping down and taking on the Coaching role. You are our first option, please lets us know if you are willing to partake in our road to greatness.

With respect,

Wendell Aldon

Harry rolled the parchment back up, and placed it down on the end table. Just then the fireplace erupted into green flames and Nymphadora Tonks stumbled out. Harry smiled, greeted the female auror with a kiss, and showed her to the table. Dinner began quiet until Tonks started talking about quidditch.

"Did you read in the prophet Weasley has been made captain of the Cannons."

"Really, I didn’t read that." Harry replied with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah they showed a picture of him at his house receiving the badge. His family was all around him, owls, rats, and the like all around him."

"Hopefully he won't drive the team into the ground. You know Aldon stepped down from seeker for the Magpies." Harry said while pouring himself another glass of Fire whiskey.

"How did you know, I thought you didn’t read the Prophet?" Tonks said cocking an eyebrow, She watched as Harry walked over to the end table and picked up a rolled up parchment. He walked back and handed it to her to read. As she was reading her eyes lit up and squealed.

"Harry are you finally going to accept a position or are you going to have every team asking you to play for them. I mean how many teams are left that haven’t asked you to play either seeker or chaser?" Harry smiled and replied.

"Only the Harpies, Canons, Catapults, and the Wanderers are left. Anyway I'm happy playing for the National team, and being a Hitwizard. Plus the World Cups in three months I need to get ready for that."

"Do you know if you're playing Chaser or Seeker yet?" Tonks asked while cleaning up the dishes.

"Not yet, either ones fine with me."

"I hope its seeker, last cup you did great at Chaser but your first cup when you were seeker you were brilliant. Viktor and you really put up a show. What broom are you going to ride this time?'

"Bryson Jewkes is creating one for the English team. He says it’s going to be faster then the Firebolt." Harry excitedly said.

"So how did the Azkaban auror check go yesterday?" Harry asked intrigued.

"Dawlish wasn’t in today." They moved over to the couch in front of the fire, and quickly fell asleep leaning on each other.

Tonks woke up the next morning, and quietly walked next door to her flat. She made a light breakfast, and flooed to the Ministry.

A few minutes later, she apparated into Harry's flat with a loud crack. She ran over to Harry and shook him awake.

"Harry, Harry wake up you need to come to the ministry." He opened one of his eyes, and shot up once he saw her face. She had a look of fear on her face.

"Nymphie what’s wrong?" Harry worriedly asked her.

"My cousin Black escaped." Tonks answered with pure horror in her voice. " Shacklebolt wants you to come with him to investigate. Get dressed quickly."[I]


The only thing thats with you your whole life is complete and utter darkness.

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 02:53 AM
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Scotty Brockman
My hearts lost n Darkness

Gender: Male
Location: In my Heart Fighting the darkness

I like it good idea keep posting


Thanks H. S. 6 for making SIG and special thanks to Lana for helping me fix problem

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 03:48 AM
Scotty Brockman is currently offline Click here to Send Scotty Brockman a Private Message Find more posts by Scotty Brockman Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Female
Location: Canada

it's different, but it's cool. keep posting. i like it smile

* check out my Harry/Hermione story: Being With You **

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 12:06 AM
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kaz larner
Nice new Doctor..........

Gender: Female
Location: United Kingdom

interesting, post more soon big grin


Mmmm...nice new Doctor....

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 05:30 PM
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Scotty Brockman
My hearts lost n Darkness

Gender: Male
Location: In my Heart Fighting the darkness

Are you going to post more soon??


Thanks H. S. 6 for making SIG and special thanks to Lana for helping me fix problem

Old Post Apr 17th, 2006 02:49 AM
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Darth Macabre
Grey King of the Debb

Gender: Male
Location: Wales

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Scotty Brockman
Are you going to post more soon??

Yup, I should have it sometime with in this week....I'm thinking Tuesday.

I have a system, for every chapter I post, I write 2 before I post again....This way, by the time I'm ready to start really posting, the stories already done.


The only thing thats with you your whole life is complete and utter darkness.

Old Post Apr 17th, 2006 08:11 AM
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Darth Macabre
Grey King of the Debb

Gender: Male
Location: Wales

Sorry for taking so long...I wanted to build up a cushion so I can out put a chapter once a week...Well, hope you like this chapter.

"My cousin Black escaped." Tonks answered with pure horror in her voice. " Shacklebolt wants you to come with him to investigate. Get dressed quickly."

Harry then ran into his room, threw on his Blood red Hitwizard robes and rushed to the fireplace. Once he arrived at the ministry he ran straight to Auror headquarters’ with Tonks right on his heels. When he arrived there, he saw Minister Fudge, Auror Kingsley, Madam Bones, and Headmaster Dumbledore.

"Harry thank you for coming so quickly, we are leaving right away." Kingsley said while leading him out the door. When they arrived at Azkaban, after a ferry ride they were escorted to Sirius Blacks cell.

"How do you think he did it? Its never been done before." Kingsley asked him on the way to the cell.

"What did Dawlish say about him after his check on the prisoners?" Harry wondered.

"He said he was sane, almost eerily so. He asked to see the picture of Ron Weasley, said something about his favorite team being the Cannons. " Kingsley replied after arriving at the cell. When they both entered the cell, they recognized claw marks on the walls. After noticing this Harry told everyone to leave. Once he was the only one left in the cell, with a pop he was a medium sized white tiger.

He started to sniff around and he immediately recognized a scent of an animal. Already knowing Black was an animagus through his friendship with Remus Lupin; he knew that’s how Sirius stayed sane so long. He escaped the Dementors by changing into a dog.

'Brilliant if you ask me' Harry mused to himself. After changing back he cast a few simple tracking charms to draw people away from knowing he was an animagus. After all he didn’t become the best ministry tracker by being an idiot. He left the cell, and found Kingsley waiting for him right outside.

"Find anything, or should I say sniff anything?" Shackle bolt whispered with a smirk on his face. Other then Tonks, Remus, and Kingsley, no one else knew of Harry’s animagus ability. He, like his father, became an animagus to help his mentor Remus Lupin during the full moons. After taking two and a half years, he accomplished it by himself in the middle of his sixth year. He's been accompanying Remus once a month ever since. Tonight was one of the occasions he would be with Remus during the moons.

After leaving Azkaban with what everyone else except Harry thought was no new clues, they arrived back at the ministry. Being Harry’s day off he said he was going to think of what he learned at home. With a pop, he apparated out and into the leaky cauldron. With what was a quick lunch, he decided to walk to his flat, while he pondered what he learned.

'He escaped in his dog form, that I know for sure. Why would he escape now though, he’s been in there for twenty years? What about that paper, what does that have to do with anything.' He was pulled out of his thoughts when a garbage can was knocked over in the alley next to his Flat building. The can was knocked over by a thin shaggy black dog. When Harry saw it, the dog crept back into the shadows.

'Well speak of the devil' Harry thought with a smile on his face. He walked over to the dog, and bent down to pet him.

"You hungry boy?" The dog just tilted his head." Here follow me ill give you something to eat." The dog shyly followed Harry up into his flat.

When they both were inside Harry closed the door, took out his wand, and put silence and locking charms on the room. He turned around and stared straight at the shaggy black dog.

"You can come out now Sirius." Harry said softly


The only thing thats with you your whole life is complete and utter darkness.

Old Post Jun 18th, 2006 09:00 AM
Darth Macabre is currently offline Click here to Send Darth Macabre a Private Message Find more posts by Darth Macabre Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Location: Somewhere where the fairies rein su

That was so good are you going to post soon it has been 28 days and I am waiting *tap tap tap*

Old Post Jul 6th, 2006 07:16 PM
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Darth Macabre
Grey King of the Debb

Gender: Male
Location: Wales

Wow...Sorry, I've been posting on Fanfiction that I forgot that I posted on here....Sorry, again.

When they both were inside Harry closed the door, took out his wand, and put silence and locking charms on the room. He turned around and stared straight at the shaggy black dog.

"You can come out now Sirius." Harry said softly. Sirius eyes widened and backed away. Harry laughed at this, and continued.

"Don’t worry I just want to talk, look my wands away." after Harry said that the dog watched as he put his wand in his pocket. Once the wand was away, he looked at Harry again. With a pop, there stood the most infamous prisoner of Azkaban; the only man ever to escape, and Harry’s godfather; the infamous prisoner Sirius Black.

Sirius voiced cracked do to unuse as he spoke. "How, how did you know it was me?" Harry answered with one word.

"Remus." Sirius nodded in understanding. "So why now, after twenty years, did you escape?" asked Harry taking a seat on one of the chairs. He pointed at the chair across from him, and Sirius took it.

"I’m innocent." Sirius croaked with out looking at Harry. Harry was startled at this but did not show it.

"Look me in the eye and tell me that." spat Harry. Sirius looked up and again said he was innocent. Harry, using his legilimency skills, knew he was telling the truth, or at least a half-truth.

"Explain." Sirius took a second to collect his thoughts.

"Remus told you I was an animagus right." at Harry’s nod he continued. "Did he tell you that your father and Pettigrew were also? Pettigrew turning into a rat?" Harry again nodded "Did he tell you the story of how I was captured? What was the only thing left of Pettigrew after I supposedly blew him to pieces?" At that Harry looked up with wide eyes.

"A finger.” Harry replied, not really understanding where this was going.

‘He escaped, and claims that he’s innocent. If that were the case, then that means Pettigrew’s alive and well. But no one has seen him since he died. How could he hide for all these years? Unless…’ Looking up, Sirius saw something dawn in Harry’s eyes. Like he had a newfound understanding of the situation.

“The paper.” He whispered then ran into the kitchen and picked up the prophet from yesterday. He rushed back into the room and opened it. He turned right to the quidditch section and looked at the picture of Ron Weasley standing up with his missing toed rat on his shoulder.

"That’s Pettigrew?" asked Harry. Sirius nodded.

"You see he blew up the street himself, and killed all those muggles. He cut his finger off and screamed 'Lily and James, Sirius how could you?'…"

"How could you though he was your best friend, I should have killed you by now you know that." spat Harry.

Tears welled up in Sirius' eyes. "Harry I would never betray your father, I would have rather died. You see back then I was arrogant, thought my self more clever then everyone else. I told your parents to choose Peter as the secret keeper. I suspected the traitor in the order to be Remus, not Peter. So I told them to pick Peter, while I went into hiding. Voldemort would be looking for me, and you would be safe. After all, who would have suspected a talent less rat to be picked as the secret keeper?”

"You’ve got to believe me Harry I loved your parents, they were my best friends. I would have rather died then betray them. You’re my godson, I would never let you down, but I did and I’m sorry. I’m the reason you grew up an orphan." Harry heard the sincerity in his voice, and the tears falling down the dirtied mans face. Harry himself had tears in his eyes.

"So you were innocent of everything? You were framed by the rat?" When Sirius nodded, Harry got up and walked over to a cabinet. He opened up the top part, took out three vials of potion, and a wand. After putting the wand in his pocket, he walked back over to the chair, and handed Sirius a clear liquid vial.

"Veritaserum just to make sure." Sirius nodded and downed the vial. His eyes took a glazed over look, and Harry knew it was working.

"What’s your name?" The reply was croaked out.

"Sirius Black"

"Were you the Potters secret keeper?'

"No, it was Peter Pettigrew."

"Did you kill 13 muggles, and 1 wizard?"

"No, Peter Pettigrew is alive, he killed the 13 muggles. I had nothing to do with it." Harry smiled, and gave the antidote to Sirius to drink. When his eyes lost the glaze, Harry handed him another vial.

"Strengthening potion." He nodded and downed it. "Go take a shower, and get dressed. I'll make something to eat." Before Harry turned Sirius engulfed him in a hug.

"I’m so sorry Harry for everything, I should have been there for you. And I thank you, for believing me. If I were in your position I would have already killed me."

"Its alright Sirius, we'll catch him together. But we'll do it my way this time, not yours ok?" Sirius laughed, and walked into the bathroom. After a half hour a younger looking, gaunt Sirius Black walked into the kitchen wearing muggle clothes. Harry was sitting at the table drinking a butter bear waiting for him. They ate their mince pies in relative silence, broken first by Harry.


The only thing thats with you your whole life is complete and utter darkness.

Old Post Sep 17th, 2006 09:21 AM
Darth Macabre is currently offline Click here to Send Darth Macabre a Private Message Find more posts by Darth Macabre Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Senior Member

Gender: Female
Location: Australia

pretty good. i like it. plz post again soon

I was here,
here I was,
was I here,
of course I was

Old Post Sep 25th, 2006 10:07 PM
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Location: Somewhere where the fairies rein su

^^i agree with her

Old Post Sep 25th, 2006 11:36 PM
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Darth Macabre
Grey King of the Debb

Gender: Male
Location: Wales

Oh, man, I can't believe I posted this here....Sorry about that, I've been posting it on fanfiction and I completely forgot that I first posted the story here. Oh, well, here's the next "Chapter" I guess you could say.

They ate their mince pies in relative silence, broken first by Harry. "Eat up, full moon tonight." He told Sirius.

"Remus" Harry nodded and continued eating. "Are you? I mean, ah, anim..." He paused, trying to gather his thoughts. It had been so long since he had had a conversation, it was overwhelming.

Harry grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Of course, can’t let Prongs be the only one in the family, can I?"

Sirius smiled in remembrance of his best friends form. "What form do you take?" He asked after finishing off his pie.

"You'll see, I think you’ll like it. Remus does after all." Sirius nodded, while Harry went back to eating.

"So you’re a hitwizard?" He asked Harry.

"Yeah, how’d you know?" Harry replied not realizing he was wearing his robes.

"Your robes. I recognized them from when I was being carted away." Black stated somberly.

Seeing the pain in his Godfather's eyes, Harry veered the conversation away. "We should get going if you want to explain to Remus." Sirius nodded and got up. Harry walked over to the cabinet and picked up 2 vials. He pocketed them and walked over to the fireplace. He reached into his other pocket, and took out a wand. He looked at the wand, and gave it to Sirius. "It was my father’s. Dumbledore gave it to me the night of my graduation. Use it until we can get you a new one." After he said that, he took a handful of powder and said "Lupin’s Office." In a swirl of flames he was gone.

Sirius stood there looking at the wand. He was too shocked that Dumbledore had it to decline it. He shook his head and watched as the flames dissipated. He reached for the powder himself and in a flame he was gone.

He arrived in an empty office. Remus and Harry were in the middle of the room talking. When Sirius arrived Remus had his wand on him in a matter of seconds. "Harry why would you bring this murderer with you!" the enraged lycan screamed.

"Remus he's innocent let him talk." at Harry’s words the were wolf lowered his wand and looked pointedly at Black. After conveying his story, and showing the picture to Remus, they embraced each other like long lost brothers. Both apologizing for thinking the worst of one another.

"Don’t worry Sirius, we'll get him." Sirius nodded, and voiced a question that’s been bugging him for quite a time.

"Harry, what is your form? I’m dying to know."

Harry smiled and with a pop changed into a white tiger. Sirius marveled him. He was at a loss for words. Harry changed back and was laughing at the face of his godfather.

"Harry, your form is..." Remus slapped his friend on the back and finished the sentence for him.

"Gorgeous?" Sirius laughed and nodded. Remus looked at his watch and then it was time. Harry took one of the vials out of his pocket and tossed it to the were-wolf. He downed it and the animagi turned into their respected animal. When the wolf was out it immediately attacked the dog. If Sirius wasn’t in Azkaban for twenty years he could have held his own, but Harry had to detain the beast before he ripped the dog apart. It was a long night for all of them, and after Remus went to bed they both stayed by his side of his bed curled up in their forms.

When Remus woke up the next morning he noticed a large black dog, and a magnificent white tiger sleeping on the floor. They both awoke with a start and transformed back, when they sensed Remus was up. Harry yawned reached into his pocket, took out a vial and tossed it to the were-wolf. With another yawn he said good-bye to Remus, invited him over for dinner that night, and flooed home. Sirius bid his friend goodbye and followed his godson.

He stepped out of the Fireplace and walked over to where Harry was sitting. Harry got up and beckoned Sirius to follow. When they arrived at a door, he opened it and showed his godfather a bedroom.

"I hope this room's alright, there are some clothes in the drawers. I’m going to sleep, good night." With that Harry walked across the hall, before he closed the door he heard his godfather say thank you. With a nod he closed the door and went to sleep.

Sirius awoke a few hours later feeling slightly refreshed. It was the first time in twenty years that he got some sleep without a nightmare. After taking a nice long shower, and putting on some clothes, he walked out into the common room. Looking around he couldn’t find Harry, but saw the cabinet door opened. He looked inside and was startled that it was actually a room. Knocking on the outside, he heard a muffled come in. He strolled in on Harry leaning over a cauldron, with a book open on his side. He said nothing, not wanting to disturb his godson.

“Hey Sirius, how are you?” Harry asked still working on the potion.

“I’m sorry too disturb you, I didn’t know where you were.” Sirius replied while taking a good look around the room. He could tell it wasn’t actually a room. The cabinet must be charmed on the inside. One wall was lined with books about everything. On the other side rested potion ingredients, cauldrons, and magical artifacts. He was thrown out of his gazing when Harry called his name.

He watched as the man vialed the potion he was making. He then proceeded to walk out, with Sirius right on his heels, and closed the cabinet. Reopening the top part, the wizard placed all of the vials, except for one, in it.

Sirius gasped, impressed by the charm work done on the cabinet. Harry smiled and told him about it. “If I only open the top half of the doors, its just a regular muggle cabinet. I place all my finished potion vials, daggers, wand holsters, and wands, in this part. If I open the whole door, it becomes a room in which I keep all my magic books, and the like in there. Keep your eyes open while in this Flat, there are hidden rooms all over.” He finished with a wink.

Harry then handed a vial of blue potion, to a curious Sirius. Noticing his Godfather’s curiosity, Harry explained what the potion was. “A nutritional potion of my own design. Drink it now, and then when you go to sleep tonight, your body will not wake up for thirty-six hours. You’ll be as good as new, when you do wake up though.”

Sirius guzzled the potion down, and then went to the kitchen to help Harry with dinner. While cooking, Sirius learned a lot about his godson.

“Before Hogwarts I lived with my mother’s sister. She locked me in a cupboard, made me cook for them, and treated me like a bloody slave. After my first year, Ravenclaw, by the way, I never went back there. I used the gold in my vault, and rented out a room at the Leaky Cauldron for the summer holidays.” Just then the fireplace roared with green flames, and out stumbled Remus, carrying a bottle of mead.

After pouring three glasses, Sirius asked for Harry to continue. “Well, in the beginning of the summer between my 2nd and 3rd year I learned about the English quidditch team’s tryouts. I went to try-out not expecting to actually make it, but I surprised everyone there. I ended up making it as the reserve seeker. So I practiced, and the following summer, I caught a break. In the first match of the World Cup, the seeker, Henry Mason, was hit with a bludger. I had to substitute for him, and actually ended up catching the snitch rather quickly.”

Remus entered the conversation at this point. “This of course was unheard of. I mean having a fourth year on the team was a miracle, but having that fourth year catching the snitch before a grown wizard was lunacy. I remember watching, Harry proved to be one of the best, only meeting his match in Viktor Krum.”

Harry smiled thinking about his friend. “We made it all the way to the finals, and met Bulgaria. Viktor Krum, their seeker, was amazing that match. You know what Sirius, follow me.”

Sirius followed Remus, and Harry, into what he thought was a small broom closet. He wasn’t far off the truth either. The closet was enlarged, and had quidditch posters of Harry, broomsticks, uniforms, and books all over the place. He was startled out his stupor by Harry’s voice.

“This, my dear Godfather, is my quidditch room, or broom closet if you will.” Harry said with a smile. “Come here, see the match with your own eyes.” Sirius was soon led into a pensieve, and watched as a 14-year-old Harry flew around on a broom.

A half hour later, an amazed Sirius stepped out of the pensieve. To say he was shocked at what his godson could do on a broom would be an understatement. The feints Harry did were breathtaking.

“After that match, Viktor and I became the best of friends. He ended up coming to Hogwarts a month later to compete in the Tri-wizard Tournament. He came in second, behind another best friend of mine, Cedric Diggory. They, along with Roger, are coming over tonight for a nightcap.” After sniffing the air, Harry rushed out of the room mumbling something about burnt food, not noticing Sirius’s face.


The only thing thats with you your whole life is complete and utter darkness.

Last edited by Darth Macabre on Jun 17th, 2007 at 07:00 AM

Old Post Jun 17th, 2007 06:57 AM
Darth Macabre is currently offline Click here to Send Darth Macabre a Private Message Find more posts by Darth Macabre Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Darth Macabre
Grey King of the Debb

Gender: Male
Location: Wales

At Sirius hesitant expression, Remus spoke up. “Don’t worry, my friend, those four are like brothers. If Harry trusts you, they’ll believe you also.” Sirius let out a breath he was holding. “Harry was the best man at Viktor’s wedding a little over a year ago. He married Hermione Granger, a muggle born Gryffindor in Harry’s year. Viktor in turn was the best man at Roger Davies’ wedding. He married a Ravenclaw, also in Harry’s year, named Lisa Turpin. They have a year old daughter named Harmony. Those four are so close, that since Harry was neither the godfather of Harmony which is Cedric, nor was he his best-man, Roger named her after him.”

Sirius nodded at the information, but was bugged by a thought. “Remus, he was in Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor?”

Remus laughed at the confused expression of his best friend. “Harry’s smarter than Lily, and more clever than James; Ravenclaw is the only house for him. Imagine if Lily and James combined: having James’ natural talent, with Lily’s will to apply herself, and that’s what Harry is. In fact, Slytherin would have been my next guess of where he would have been put.” At Sirius face he kept going. “Harry has a thirst for knowledge, for power. From third year and up, I had to teach him extra classes just to keep him occupied. During his Owls, Marchbanks fainted at some of the things he did. When she woke up, she told Dumbledore he did things with a wand she thought not possible. Dumbledore believes him to be the brightest student to ever grace the halls of Hogwarts.”

Sirius stared at his werewolf friend in disbelieve. “He’s that good, huh?”

Remus gave a shrug. “Got all out standings on his Owls and Newts. The summer before his seventh year he traveled across the world learning magic. He’s good, but since he’s still young he’s no Dumbledore; if we were to duel him, we could give him a good fight. The only reason he works as a Hitwizard is because he only works one day a week, and gets paid a bundle. Harry’s quite the businessman, you know, owns a few stores in Diagon Alley. The Potter fortune has tripled since he took it over.”

“He lived alone at the Leaky Cauldron for the summer? That must have been rough.” Sirius sighed, barking out the word rough, like it were 'ruff', as if he were in his animagus form.

“Yeah, but it wasn’t too bad; Tom looked after him, and then in his later years I stopped by almost everyday.” Remus shrugged, not even paying attention to Sirius’ pun. Being friends with someone like Sirius for so long gets you used to things like that. “Dumbledore wasn’t too thrilled with him living away from his aunt’s house, but Harry knew about the Knight Bus, and threatened to run away if he had to go back to the Dursleys. Well, I guess Dumbledore would rather be on Harry’s good side, because he allowed him to stay, but made sure there was always someone there looking out for him. I think that’s actually why Harry’s such a good wizard. He had all summer to work on his magic, unlike the other kids. And that’s all he did; read books, worked on spells, and ate ice cream.”

The two friends walked into the kitchen, and found Harry sitting at the table waiting for them. After apologizing, they both sat down, and started to eat. The conversation was light, until Sirius asked about the stores Harry owns.

“Well, I have a third ownership in Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. Fred and George let me borrow the Marauder’s map to learn the secret passages out of the castle into Hogsmeade, when I had no one to sign my permission slip. When they graduated I gave them a good amount of gold in gratitude. They ended up making me a partner. I also own Quality Quidditch Supplies with Viktor—funny story on how we got it, but that’s for another time. Then I own a measly stake in the Owl Emporium with Cedric, Roger, and Viktor; but my share isn’t even worth mentioning.” Harry then looked around his flat, and to the window in the living room. “You know after I finish off my project, I’m thinking about turning this into an all wizarding loft complex. I mean there aren’t any muggles living here as of now, and it overlooks Diagon alley.”

Sirius looked confused for a second before asking Harry what his current project is. Remus was the one who answered. “Harry bought a piece of land after he graduated. Building a manor, the Potter Manor, all on his own. Refuses help from anyone. Says he wants a Potter’s hand to build an ancestral home.” Remus said while throwing Harry a dirty look.

Harry smiled. “You’ll see it when Nymphadora and I get married.”

“Nymphadora?” A curious Sirius asked.

“My girlfriend of three and a half years. I met her after we won the last world cup.” He said happily. His face took on a serene look when that memory came to mind.


The only thing thats with you your whole life is complete and utter darkness.

Old Post Jun 18th, 2007 11:09 PM
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