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Thanos vs Superman, Darksied , WW
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If I remember correctly, Thanos was battling against a mad Thor WITH a power gem (that he stole from Drax) and was holding his own before resorting to his gadgetry to take him down (he chose to physically battle him for the hell of it).

Old Post Jun 13th, 2005 11:39 PM
radioboy121 is currently offline Click here to Send radioboy121 a Private Message Find more posts by radioboy121 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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no, he battled thanos without it. and still not one person/thanos lackey has said what happens to thanos if he is tied in the LASSO??!



care to enlighten the forum? are you both gonna tell me he can break it? that he's immune to its effects? or you just don't think the 3 of them could get it around him, that he's THAT far above them? and odin would certainly have ko'd a nearly spent thanos had that battle gone on.

one final time - he couldn't beat thor (even REGULAR thor!) - he's not beating these 3.


Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 02:03 AM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by leonidas
no, he battled thanos without it. and still not one person/thanos lackey has said what happens to thanos if he is tied in the LASSO??!



care to enlighten the forum? are you both gonna tell me he can break it? that he's immune to its effects? or you just don't think the 3 of them could get it around him, that he's THAT far above them? and odin would certainly have ko'd a nearly spent thanos had that battle gone on.

one final time - he couldn't beat thor (even REGULAR thor!) - he's not beating these 3.

thor , thor , thor give it up

Mad Thor punched BRB and kicked his ass with few hits , Mad thor would hace also punked supes so bad etc.

Thor is not superman – Thor’s power is magic (which has effected Galactus before)

Lets use general Thanos for once.
Thanos has stopped Fallen one easily ( who can travel at warp speeds) , Trapped the Hulk in force filed ,

Made a force field that Champion had to use all his might with power Gem to even come close to break it

Lasoo? Thanos was smart enough to avoid Champion.

So Wonder Woman has lasso so she traps Thanos?

As for Lasso he teleport her, or give her a cosmic blast that will send her packing

Superman - what does he have punches? Have you heard of Hulk, Champion, Drax?
Speed - have you heard of silver Surfer?

Darkseid - Have you heard of Superman?


Stay Thirsty, My Friends.

Last edited by kgkg on Jun 14th, 2005 at 03:25 AM

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:18 AM
kgkg is currently offline Click here to Send kgkg a Private Message Find more posts by kgkg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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thanos powers
Fighting Monstrous
Agility Remarkable
Strength Shift-Y
Endurance Class 1000
Reason Monstrous
Intuition Incredible
Psyche Unearthly

Health 1295
Karma 215
Resources Unearthly
Popularity -100


Immortality: As the Power and in all planes. Thanos is currently bared from Death's dimension, by Death itself, and cannot die by any fashion.
Invulnerablity: Thanos has Class 1000 Resistance to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins, Corossives and Disease.
True Invulnerability: As the most powerful "Cosmic Eternal", Thanos has Shift-X protection from physical and energy attacks.
Cosmic Energy Control: Thanos can manipulate enourmous quanties of cosmic energy with Shift-Z ability. Thanos regularly uses the follwing Stunts:
Energy Blasts of force or energy with Shift-Z intensity.
Boost any or all physical abilites to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds.
Raise Body Armor to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds.
Absorb any form of energy with Shift-Z ability.
Detect any form of energy with Unearthly ability.
Psionic Attack: Psionic Blast of Monstrous intensity.
Life Support: Thanos does not require good, water, sleep, or air to survive and has Class 1000 Life Support.
Teleportation: Thanos can Teleport himself and others with Unearthly ability.


Martial Arts B, Wrestling, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Genetics, Physics, Computers, Electronics among many others. Thanos is a expert in Death Lore and is also knowledgable of Occult Lore.
Fighting Amazing
Agility Incredible
Strength Unearthly
Endurance Unearthly
Reason Monstrous
Intuition Monstrous
Psyche Unearthly

Health 290
Karma 190
Resources Class 1000
Popularity -100


Continuum Control: With this power Darkseid is able to tinker with the nature of matter and control the space/time continuum at Class 1000 rank. Darkseid may perform more actions than are normally permitted, as long as all the excess actions are mimicked powers. The power rank number is distributed among the mimicked powers. He can mimic the following powers with continuum control:
Electrical Generation: Class 1000 rank
Damage Transferal: Class 1000 rank
Disruption: Class 1000 rank
Time Travel: Class 1000 rank
Teleportation: Class 1000 rank
Regathering: Class 1000 rank
Body Transformation: Class 1000
He has developed the ability to temporarily increase the rank of his Strength, Endurance or any other power by 500 points. He can automatically retain the enhanced state for 1-10 game turns, but he must make a Psyche FEAT each turn beyond that to retain the enhancement.
Dimension Travel: Class 1000 rank
The Omega Effect: Darkseid's most terrifying power is the "Omega Effect". These potent beams of energy project from his eyes and can lock on and trace their chosen targets. When the beams do inevitably connect, they produce one of any number of effects, ranging from disintegration to teleporting the target across time and space and can even reach out into other dimensions.
Omega Beams: The Omega Beams can either disintegrate it's target or steal it's life force for future reanimation on under Darkseid's control at Class 1000 intensity intensity.
Regeneration: Incredible
True Invulnerability: Unearthly

Fighting Incredible
Agility Monstrous
Strength Unearthly
Endurance Shift-Y
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Remarkable
Psyche Amazing

Health 415
Karma 110
Resources Good
Popularity 100


Class 3000 Solar Absorption and Storage that provides Superman with mass amounts of energy that support all his other powers and abilities. He may direct this stored energy to enhance the following abilities:
Kryptonian Physiology: Exposure to a Yellow sun alters a Kryptonian to allow great physical abilities that provide Superman with the Agility, Strength, and Endurance Ranks listed under statistics and includes the following powers.
Invulnerabilities: Superman has Class 1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation. His body's cells protect him internally as well so even his insides wouldn't be melted by drinking a vial of acid.
True Invulnerability: Superman's dense Kryptonian body provides him with Unearthly protection from physical and Energy attacks.
True Flight: Superman is able to defy gravity and fly at Unearthly airspeeds in atmosphere whilst at Class 3000 speed in space.
Heat Emmision-Eyes: Superman can emit his body's stores of solar radiation through his eyes causing Unearthly Heat damage with a 10 area range.
Hyper Speed: Superman is fast. He possesses hyperspeed at Amazing rank. He may:
Substitute for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3 combat actions per round.
Substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
Substitute for Intuition for initiative.
Hyper Breath: Amazing Cold within 1 area
Recovery: Superman's body continues absorbing solar radiation even after death. This energy may eventually return him to life making it virtually impossible to kill him.
Superman needs an Earth like atmosphere to breath in. His Endurance enables him to last for extended period holding his breath, but in space he will eventually need a space suit. His greater constitution provides little need for sleep, however eventually he will tire and require rest.
Superhuman Senses: Superman heightened senses as below:
Enhanced Hearing: Unearthly
Microscopic Vision: Amazing
Telescopic Vision: Good
Penetration Vision-Xrays: Unearthly
Power Boost: Superman can direct his bodies energies into his Strength, Flight or Speed, raising them as high as +2CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. He would normally raise +1CS, then +2CS if the initial boost is ineffective. He can boost immediately to Shift-Y if he needs too. To activate an increase he must make a Psyche FEAT.

Wonder Woman
Fighting Unearthly
Agility Incredible
Strength Unearthly
Endurance Monstrous
Reason Excellent
Intuition Remarkable
Psyche Incredible

Health 315
Karma 90
Resources Good
Popularity 40


True Invulnerability: Diana's heritage offers her Monstrous protection from blunt attacks. She hasGood protection against other forms of damage.
Hyper Running: Excellent
True Flight: Amazing air speeds.
Enhanced Senses: Excellent level sight, hearing, taste and smell.
Animal Empathy: She has a special rapport with animals and is able to calm and befriend them with Good ability.


Lasso of Truth: Class 1000 material, Monstrous entanglement, if capture, victim must make a Red Psyche FEAT vs. Amazing Mind Probe. The Golden Lasso of Truth made out of an indestructible metal taken from Gaea's girdle. It is 150 feet long and it's controlled telekinetically.
Bracelets: Diana's bracelets were forged by Haephestus and created from Zeus' aegis, an impenetrable shield from the primordial goat-goddess Amaltheia. It was this goddess who wet-nursed Zeus and provided the binding energy which created Mount Olympus. Diana can use her bracelets to deflect up to 90 points of damage by thrown weapons or bullets
Gauntlet of Atlas: This mighty artifact has the power to increase Diana's strength to Shift-Y
Tiara: The tiara is golden and has a star engraved on its front. Not evident, but the tiara has other uses than being an ornament; it can also be used as a razor-sharp throwing weapon. Made from Unearthly material capable of inflicting Incredible edged or blunt damage. The tiara also acts as a boomerang.
Amazonian Battle Armor: This armor offers , Unearthly protection against all Physical, Energy and Magic attacks and damge
Sword: Made from a Class 1000 matrerial the sword is capable of inflicting Unearthly damage.
Shield: wonder Woman is able to block up to 200 points of damage iwth this Class 1000 material strength shield although she is still subject to stuns and sla

God is an ATHEIST

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:30 AM
supremthor is currently offline Click here to Send supremthor a Private Message Find more posts by supremthor Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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God is an ATHEIST

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:31 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by supremthor

how are they going to stop him?


Stay Thirsty, My Friends.

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:35 AM
kgkg is currently offline Click here to Send kgkg a Private Message Find more posts by kgkg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by kgkg
Omega Effect like he did to doomsday.

Thanos is immortal

He will ***** slap all of them pretty easily

If Odin couldn’t K.O Thanos these 3 are dead.

He used the Omega Beam not the Omega Effect. smile

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:39 AM
dvampire is currently offline Click here to Send dvampire a Private Message Find more posts by dvampire Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by kgkg
how are they going to stop him?

By beating him very badly. smile

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:43 AM
dvampire is currently offline Click here to Send dvampire a Private Message Find more posts by dvampire Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by dvampire
He used the Omega Beam not the Omega Effect. smile

And Omega Beam whould have worked?

that;s why he needed Supes help to stop him


Stay Thirsty, My Friends.

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:45 AM
kgkg is currently offline Click here to Send kgkg a Private Message Find more posts by kgkg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by dvampire
By beating him very badly. smile

beating him with what punches?


Stay Thirsty, My Friends.

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:46 AM
kgkg is currently offline Click here to Send kgkg a Private Message Find more posts by kgkg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Cosmic Cube
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by dvampire
By beating him very badly. smile

Not happenin. The Omega effect, Omega beams, what's the difference?

None of them will even be able to scratch Thanos. He is immune to almost all forms of attack. He can't die, either.

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 03:49 AM
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<<thor , thor , thor give it up>>

just so's we all understand where you're coming from - regular thor puts up a great fight, mad thor entirely stalemates him, and ss actually defeats him through power AND outthinking the 'master strategist'. but you still contend that he CRUSHES these 3 easily, that he is WAY smarter than all of them and that they can't even get close enough to him combined to tie him in a rope?

yep, you've got a great case, kg. you've convinced me.


Last edited by leonidas on Jun 14th, 2005 at 02:41 PM

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 02:37 PM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by leonidas
<<thor , thor , thor give it up>>

just so's we all understand where you're coming from - regular thor puts up a great fight, mad thor entirely stalemates him, and ss actually defeats him through power AND outthinking the 'master strategist'. but you still contend that he CRUSHES these 3 easily, that he is WAY smarter than all of them and that they can't even get close enough to him combined to tie him in a rope?

yep, you've got a great case, kg. you've convinced me.
SS actually defeats him? Lol ya he does doesn’t he

SS has been bitchslapped by Thanos before with ease.

WW will tie him with a rope? lol like she tied DD in the rope? She has failed to tie people and some actually got out of the rope before.

ya she will get through his force field , or is more agile than Champion? roll eyes (sarcastic)

Champion with Gem > Superman, Darksied , or WW
Hulk >= Superman in terms of punching
Silver Surfer > Superman , Darksied
Drax >= Superman
Fallen One = Superman
Superman >= Terrax
Superman >= Darksied

Rope nice counter 

And ya Superman will put a fight – when Terrax , Drax , Hulk has all been bitchslaped pretty easily in the past.

You keep bring Thor up. Lol did you see the battle with Odin?

Someone said Thanos has never used anywhere his full power because he never needed to, or been tested yet.


Stay Thirsty, My Friends.

Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 04:21 PM
kgkg is currently offline Click here to Send kgkg a Private Message Find more posts by kgkg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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<<SS actually defeats him? Lol ya he does doesn’t he>>

and here i thought you knew everything about ss . . . he beat him soundly when strange shipped them off to some other world so they could battle out their differences and then join forces amiably. i forget the issue, but it's no problem finding it.

<<WW will tie him with a rope? lol like she tied DD in the rope? She has failed to tie people and some actually got out of the rope before.>>

good counter. aren't you (or was it cc) arguing about the fact that we shouldn't use a characters weakest battles as examples. and for every one time she failed or someone 'got out of it' (evidence would be good there, by the way) i can cite 2 or 3 examples of the opposite. the rope has held gods.

<<And ya Superman will put a fight – when Terrax , Drax , Hulk has all been bitchslaped pretty easily in the past.>> when did he fight hulk? thing has done well against terrax alone, and drax has been beaten by many different opponents. os now supes is below all these guys too? you continue to demonstrate some profound knowledge of the character . . ..

<<You keep bring Thor up. Lol did you see the battle with Odin?>>

and you keep bringing up this fight. thor has done well against odin (oops, he wasn't trying lol, my bad!!) and thor was equally impressive against zeus (odin's equal) who said almost the same thing about thor as odin did about thanos. ie - 'it's been an age since last i fought a being like this . . .' yaddayadda.

<<Someone said Thanos has never used anywhere his full power because he never needed to, or been tested yet>>

yah, it was warlock in the issue where thanos fought odin. and i'm sure he was still holding back at the end when he could barely stand up and would have been killed on the next page. odin looked pretty roughed up, too . . .

and who cares about a shield?? he had to lower it to hit champ. and champ is a moron!!! and thanos never beat him - he tricked him. what the hell does that have to do with anything? could thanos stay behind his shield? ya. sure as hell won't win the fight, but he'd save himself a beating. . . and to claim the omega effect (which affected galactus!!) wouldn't 'scratch' thanos is . . . well, the statement speaks for itself.

anyhow, i'm officially done with this thread. thor can and has held his own against thanos. ss defeated him. those 3 against him would beat him.

your anti-fanboyism is pretty apparent. my question is if you were so convinced that thanos would crush these 3, why bother with a thread?


Old Post Jun 14th, 2005 06:24 PM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by leonidas
<<SS actually defeats him? Lol ya he does doesn’t he>>

and here i thought you knew everything about ss . . . he beat him soundly when strange shipped them off to some other world so they could battle out their differences and then join forces amiably. i forget the issue, but it's no problem finding it.

<<WW will tie him with a rope? lol like she tied DD in the rope? She has failed to tie people and some actually got out of the rope before.>>

good counter. aren't you (or was it cc) arguing about the fact that we shouldn't use a characters weakest battles as examples. and for every one time she failed or someone 'got out of it' (evidence would be good there, by the way) i can cite 2 or 3 examples of the opposite. the rope has held gods.

<<And ya Superman will put a fight – when Terrax , Drax , Hulk has all been bitchslaped pretty easily in the past.>> when did he fight hulk? thing has done well against terrax alone, and drax has been beaten by many different opponents. os now supes is below all these guys too? you continue to demonstrate some profound knowledge of the character . . ..

<<You keep bring Thor up. Lol did you see the battle with Odin?>>

and you keep bringing up this fight. thor has done well against odin (oops, he wasn't trying lol, my bad!!) and thor was equally impressive against zeus (odin's equal) who said almost the same thing about thor as odin did about thanos. ie - 'it's been an age since last i fought a being like this . . .' yaddayadda.

<<Someone said Thanos has never used anywhere his full power because he never needed to, or been tested yet>>

yah, it was warlock in the issue where thanos fought odin. and i'm sure he was still holding back at the end when he could barely stand up and would have been killed on the next page. odin looked pretty roughed up, too . . .

and who cares about a shield?? he had to lower it to hit champ. and champ is a moron!!! and thanos never beat him - he tricked him. what the hell does that have to do with anything? could thanos stay behind his shield? ya. sure as hell won't win the fight, but he'd save himself a beating. . . and to claim the omega effect (which affected galactus!!) wouldn't 'scratch' thanos is . . . well, the statement speaks for itself.

anyhow, i'm officially done with this thread. thor can and has held his own against thanos. ss defeated him. those 3 against him would beat him.

your anti-fanboyism is pretty apparent. my question is if you were so convinced that thanos would crush these 3, why bother with a thread?

lol can you give me issue numbers lol

last time I checked SS got his ass kicked.

Anyway lasso will be able to stop Thanos. Ok laughing

Thanos has defeated opponents like supes etc and takes care of them.

One or two bad showing doesn't matter.


Stay Thirsty, My Friends.

Old Post Jun 15th, 2005 01:54 AM
kgkg is currently offline Click here to Send kgkg a Private Message Find more posts by kgkg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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in the wizard about a year or more ago they had a thanos vs darksied battel and darksied ended up defeating thanos.

God is an ATHEIST

Old Post Jun 15th, 2005 02:05 AM
supremthor is currently offline Click here to Send supremthor a Private Message Find more posts by supremthor Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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and this was a one on one fight

God is an ATHEIST

Old Post Jun 15th, 2005 02:05 AM
supremthor is currently offline Click here to Send supremthor a Private Message Find more posts by supremthor Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
KMC Authority!!!

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Their explanation for Flash beating Hulk was that Wally would "vibrate" through him, causing a big green splosion. Their Silver Surfer vs. Supes explanation was solar energy draining. They had both Flash and Superman beating DOCTOR STRANGE. They also had Lex Luthor beating Thanos, when Thanos would simply screw himself up and leave Lex confused as to how he won. Wizard isn't perfect.


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Old Post Jun 15th, 2005 02:14 AM
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<<One or two bad showing doesn't matter>>

imagine my stunned amazement!!! lol of course they don't. the showings don't fit your argument.

<<lol can you give me issue numbers lol
last time I checked SS got his ass kicked.>>

i could, but that would require effort. strange needed both thanos and ss, but they would not join forces until their differences were settled so strange transported them to a world and let them have at it. ss won, but thanos got the upperhand when ss refused to kill him and turned his back on thanos. someone probably knows the issue i'm talking about. and it doesn't matter anyway. you'd just chalk it up to another meaningless 'bad showing' lol

<<Thanos has defeated opponents like supes etc and takes care of them.>.

lol like he takes care of thor and ss. yep. and in any event, PERHAPS one on one he could do so. not in this 3 on 1 case though.

by the way, the only reason i'm still debating this after saying i was done was because you never answered my question: why start a thread if you are already convinced the battle is a done deal?

<<in the wizard about a year or more ago they had a thanos vs darksied battel and darksied ended up defeating thanos. and this was a one on one fight>>

pssst, supremthor, he's not gonna buy that. those wizard guys know nothing and it doesn't fit with his argument . . .



Old Post Jun 15th, 2005 02:25 AM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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imagine my stunned amazement!!! lol of course they don't. the showings don't fit your argument.

Don't fit my argument? Your argument is WW will lasso lol good one.

My argument is Thanos is too powerful to be hurt of any of them, if he chooses to use his powers.

- He has talking a full blast from Silver Surfer – Nothing happened
- battle Odin (and made him use all his got) Odin with one blast knock both Drax , and Silver Surfer out.
- Thanos has easily Trapped: Mad Thor , Stopped Fallen One
- He toys with heralds
- Avengers , Warlock – Etc all know what thanos is capable of and fear him
- Thanos has easily defeated supes level people in the past in general: Hulk , Drax , Thor , Silver Surfer , Firelord , Morg , Fallen One , Champion , Elder(using his intellect) and list goes on…. Supes level and higher

i could, but that would require effort. strange needed both thanos and ss, but they would not join forces until their differences were settled so strange transported them to a world and let them have at it. ss won, but thanos got the upperhand when ss refused to kill him and turned his back on thanos. someone probably knows the issue i'm talking about. and it doesn't matter anyway. you'd just chalk it up to another meaningless 'bad showing' lol

Funny, I have seen Silver Surfer’s powerful cosmic blast had no effect on Thanos, Silver Surfer was shocked at the power that is Thanos.

I have never seen SS defeated Thanos find me the issue because it doesn't sound like it happened, he did beat Thanos (but it was a fake) , you said refused to kill him? How can you kill an immortal?

Can you find me the issue buddy? Pretty please 

lol like he takes care of thor and ss. yep. and in any event, PERHAPS one on one he could do so. not in this 3 on 1 case though.

Yes he has easily defeated Silver Surfer in the Past. He also defeated mad Thor by trapping his ass. ( technology ? lol he did it to Odin without it(tech)) , so he doesn't really need anything to trap somebody who's power is at Mad thor's level and anger)

So much for defeating him? laughing

by the way, the only reason i'm still debating this after saying i was done was because you never answered my question: why start a thread if you are already convinced the battle is a done deal?

I never said it was a done deal: o But lasso will do the job won't it?

Ok here we go.

Seth backslapped all of Asgard - Odin was the only one strong enough to take him (he did it with ease)

Thor can battle Zues – So he at sky father level now? Well than that just Thor >>>> Superman

Like I said Thor can’t come close to Odin’s power.

Superman – so he is stronger than Hulk , and Drax , fallen One now?

Thanos can easily Crystallize there ass and end of story.

Let see what thanos can do:
1) Force field: to protect him - Even champion with Power Gem couldn't break it. (Champion with Power gem - Is the strongest physically you can get)

2) He has trapped people in crystal force, he has done it to mad Thor (with tech), and has shown he can do it without tech (Odin), Supes or anyone at his level won't be able to escape it(if Mad Thor couldn't)

3) Power that is greater than even Silver Surfer - SS has tried to attack Thanos with Lot of power it has no effect; in fact Thanos just ignored the shot ( SS was shocked , this is after his rebirth)

4) Intellect - He has outsmarted the elders etc , Got IG , HOTU , Cosmic Cubes etc.

5) Teleportation - He can teleport himself and his opponents where he chooses

5) He can't die – Omega beam etc won’t affect him – DD fu#ked Darkseid

Now you are telling me

Some whose powers is greater than: Hulk , Drax in physical power.
Someone who: can take full blast of Power Cosmic and act like nothing happened.

In his battle with Odin : when Worklock said Thanos's power has never been FULLY TESTED
ya and What does Adam Worlock know? wink he was just making that up

Yes Thanos has some bad showing - But most of the time he is easily kicking SUpes level with ease.

As for Darksied = Thanos in power? Please

Darkseid = Supes in terms of Power – Supes has defeated him how many times? And DD messed him pretty bad too 

Thanos >>> Silver Surfer, and kicks Supes level ass all the time


Stay Thirsty, My Friends.

Last edited by kgkg on Jun 15th, 2005 at 03:18 PM

Old Post Jun 15th, 2005 03:10 PM
kgkg is currently offline Click here to Send kgkg a Private Message Find more posts by kgkg Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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