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Halo: Darkness Ascendant
Started by: Liquid_Fire

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White Guy

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Location: raxacoricofallapatorius

"Wow," Atkins said staring in amazement. "How the hell did you hit that I couldnt even see the damn thing," He said. Atkins was surprised to say the least he hadn't ever been assigned on a single mission with a spartan working at his side. Most times he was supposed to work with a spartan they were taking care of other things at the time so this was his first. Atkins stood up he looked down at Rae who was still crouching.
"Hey Rae you think we should go after that thing?"

I've got a Charisma of 23, max ranks and skill focus in Seduction, and I just rolled a 17. Are we doing it yet?

Old Post Apr 8th, 2006 06:18 PM
General_Iroh is currently offline Click here to Send General_Iroh a Private Message Find more posts by General_Iroh Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Over there. Maybe there, too.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Liquid_Fire
[For now yeah, after it settles you can be a Spartan]
[Got it..just gimmie a little recap on where u guys exaclty are again, and i'l take on the marine position]


(Thanks Raijin) Xbox Live-Frisky Marcus

Change my attempt, good intentions.
Should I? Could I?

Old Post Apr 8th, 2006 11:30 PM
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Location: Somewhere hidden in the shadows.

Raevynn sighed. Atkins was impressed but to most that shot would have scared the living hell out of them. She was no ordinary human, and with each passing day she started to feel more like an alien.

"We'd never catch that other elite." She growled, standing up straight and lowering the rifle. "He had something human in his claws. Perhaps Nuron can keep an aerial watch on him while we look for the rest of that armor."


"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi
"Violence may not be the answer. But it sure as hell gets a point across."-Spartan264

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 01:56 AM
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The Phantom stayed low to the ground, travelling in the canyon and then through the larger rocks, trying to stay undetected by sensors, definately undetected by eyes. It touched down and a shaft of light that was the gravity lift activated, some troops fell out, though not all that had been in the vehicle. As quietly as it came, the Phantom turned and flew off.

There were seven Elites. One in silver armor, three in red, and three in blue. The silver one grunted and pointed. One of the red Elites took command of a blue Elite and a few grunts. The distraction. The other two blue elites took command of three Jackal's holding beam rifles, and lead them in the other direction, the main attack. The Silver Elite then took the two remaining red Elites, and lead them away, activating camos.

The distraction consisting of one red Elite, one blue Elite, and a few Grunts weaved it's way through the rocks, getting as close to the enemy as they could before this cover would stop, about one hundred, one hundred and fifty feet from the enemy ground troops. They had no camo, only the standard weapons. The chances of them taking the force out was slim, but they would be the focus of attention.

The main attack, two blue Elites wielding plasma rifles and three Jackal's with beam rifles also weaved their way through the rocks, but to the side. They would be about one thousand and five hundred feet or so from the enemies, and would emerge during the final stages of the fight with the distraction, partly undercover. Chances of them being spotted were low, and the Jackals were very good snipers.

The two red Elites and the Silver Elite were running swifty but quietly, making a very broad arc to come around the enemies and ambush them. Their camo's had quite a bit of time left.

The Elite with the Demons "head" growled when his partners ghost crashed, hurling the Elite into a boulder, killing it. He sped ahead at full speed, away from the dropship and the troops, also away from Ten.


Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 02:47 AM
Liquid_Fire is currently offline Click here to Send Liquid_Fire a Private Message Find more posts by Liquid_Fire Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Over there. Maybe there, too.

[....waits for a recap..]


(Thanks Raijin) Xbox Live-Frisky Marcus

Change my attempt, good intentions.
Should I? Could I?

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 03:04 AM
Rodgort is currently offline Click here to Send Rodgort a Private Message Find more posts by Rodgort Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Under the stars

Gender: Unspecified
Location: The gates of all existance.

Davaran turns around again, hearing the yell of the marine behind him.. Davaran runs to the second marine, who had been hit in the leg pretty bad.. davaran crawls up to brute taps his shoulder and takes his first aid kit from his pack and crawls slowly back over to the marine and begins administering treatments.. He looks over watching brute and the oncoming grunts and few elites in amazement... Brutes rifle, seeming with ease, moves from one target to another, firing just a few rounds, all landing in faces.. "Holy shit man, where'd you learn to shoot!?" he tries to yell over the gunfire to no avail..

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." psalm 23

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 05:18 PM
FinalSepharim is currently offline Click here to Send FinalSepharim a Private Message Find more posts by FinalSepharim Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
White Guy

Gender: Male
Location: raxacoricofallapatorius

"Yeah maybe," Atkins replied. Atkins had a hard time thinking other people could get the job done and wanted the job to get done his way. He wanted to go face to face with the elites and slaughter each one brutaly. He wanted to see blood fly onto trees. He wouldnt settle for anything less. Atkins knew he alone couldnt do that job but maybe he could with the spartan. Atkins looked around for any trace of covenant life. "Maybe we dont have to come to the elites maybe they'll come to us besides I havent slaughtered any elites in awhile." he said smiling.

I've got a Charisma of 23, max ranks and skill focus in Seduction, and I just rolled a 17. Are we doing it yet?

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 05:27 PM
General_Iroh is currently offline Click here to Send General_Iroh a Private Message Find more posts by General_Iroh Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Elijah MK III
Nihilistic Existentialist

Gender: Male
Location: Sol system, 3rd planet out.

((Sorry I haven't kept up with the posting--I've been busy in a good way, and in a bad way, too. Glad to see that things are moving along, though! Welcome back, everyone!

And Spawn_Master, here's a recap for you, briefly: The Marines (mostly, which is to say those you'll be joining) are on a Covenant ship, the Divine Blade (correct me if I'm wrong, Liquid). There is a group of wounded in the hangar bay, "guarding" the Pelicans.

There is a group with Mike "Brute" Hawkins (an inexperienced Private) and Lance Davaran (a Major, a pilot with substantial engineering skills), who have cobbled together a strange tank-contraption, which is an armored Ghost pulling a sled with a Warthog's LAAG mounted on it. Two others are with this group, as I've mentioned; either Victor Rupani or Janet Elisio has been wounded more than they were already. This group is trying to shut down the tractor beam which is imprisoning the third group.

The third group is trapped in a lifepod outside the ship, having been lured there by attacking Covenant troops. There are a number of "friendly" Heretic Elites with that group, as well as some Marines under the LT (we haven't given him a name, just the LT). They'll be busting out in this post.))

Mike fired a Battle Rifle in a trance, servicing targets like an experienced ODST might. Grunts and Jackals dropped like flies as he emptied clip after clip. A Blue Elite charged him, yelling, and he dropped it with the majority of his last magazine, every shot impacting on the Elite's head area. Taking down a few more Grunts, he heard the rifle click, and reached for another clip. There wasn't one.

The trance broke, and he fumbled for another weapon as plasma bolts began to rain down around him more quickly, now that Covenant weren't being cut down as fast as they came through the door. Brute dropped to his belly and began to crawl backwards, looking for another gun, but he reached the control panel Davaran had been fiddling with before he found any. The controls caught his eye, seeming strangely familiar. . .

Pausing for a moment, shielded from the enemy fire, he reached out his hand, and tapped a few holographic buttons. A moment later, an audible "clunk" rang out through the ship, and a few seconds later, a warning alarm went off, and a recorded voice began to speak in the Elite's language. Soon the Marine's HUDs began to translate.

"Hull breach in sector G-5 lifepod bays. Hull breach. . ." The Grunts stopped in consternation, looking around.

One screamed, "Humans come, bring big ship! We're all gonna die!" and dropped his gun in panic.

Within a minute of Brute's actions, the lesser aliens were in rout, and the Elites began striking them and shouting, "Maintain discipline!" but to no avail. Davaran jumped up on the LAAG gun and started cutting down Elite and Grunt alike as they ran around in disorder.

Meanwhile, on the lifepod, Izual was still fiddling with the radio, trying to resolve the signal he had lost almost ten minutes earlier. This "Davaran" couldn't be reached anymore, he was beginning to conclude, when the lifepod began to move quickly. Just as suddenly, it came to a jarring stop as it impacted the ship's hull, door first.

Zeshi, knowing what had happened, wasted no time in activating Bloodshock and slicing through the locked door and the Divine Blade's hull. Incredibly, the tractor beam kept the atmosphere from explosively decompressing, and Zeshi charged straight into the Covenant ship. The Marines and friendly Elites followed, finding a set of blast doors having closed to contain the hull breach. Zeshi had already cut through those and had continued on at top speed, not waiting for anyone.

The LT began to broadcast on the powerful squad radio. "This is the LT. We're free now, and are going to move out from our previous position to resume looking for the AI from the Iron Fist. Major Davaran, where are you, Sir? Do you have differant orders for us?"

Brute had pushed a few more buttons, and the main power core was now closed off from the rest of the ship, when his comm began to crackle, and the LT's broadcast came through. "This is the LT. . . "

((Silent, if you have a problem with anything I've posted, feel free to just erase it. I'm realizing that things are more fluid and interesting if we don't have to wait for each character to respond to each and every reaction. Feel free to control Yi if you need to, as well.))

Groundside on Diagona, the trio of Yi, Atkins, and Raevynn were continuing to follow Ten's trail, when Rae noticed a group of Covenant moving their way, emerging from some rocky terrain ahead, only a hundred feet ahead. There wasn't any time to do anything but shoot, and Rae took out the Red Elite immediately. The others opened fire and tore the Grunts apart, to reduce the volume of fire, almost before the Covies got a shot off.

But alarms were going off in Yi's head, and her instincts were telling her that something was very wrong. And then she felt a tingling on the back of her neck. Yi immediately dove toward Rae on her left, hitting the Spartan directly on the back of her knees.

The Spartan was taken by surprise and, while she didn't actually fall, lurched enough that the Jackal's shot missed her head by a few inches. Similarly, Yi's manauever was fast enough that the Jackal targeting her caught only the edge of her helmet, and that only briefly enough to heat it up a bit.

Atkins was lucky enough that a rock was blocking the third Jackal's shot, and he dove to the ground in time to avoid even being targeted. Yi was needlessly yelling "Down! Snipers!" as Atkins began to fire at the remaining Blue Elite, which was returning fire by this point. Spartan-116 quickly took it down.

The 40mmx53mm grenade launcher Yi had attached to her MA2B coughed, and a round arced toward a point in the rocks where nothing seemed to be happening. As the grenade hit the ground, smoke began to boil out of it, and was caught by the light wind blowing across their path. A number of vaguely humanoid shapes stood out for a moment, and the woman smiled viciously. "You two see what you can do from here, or with a very careful frontal attack. I'm going to flank."

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 10:26 PM
Elijah MK III is currently offline Click here to Send Elijah MK III a Private Message Find more posts by Elijah MK III Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Over there. Maybe there, too.

[Thanks Elijah..remember, i'm a regular marine until further notice]

*Tucker shouldered his BR55 across his shoulder, running through the halls of the ship "Divine Blade". Being one of the scouts for Lance Davaran's squad, he was returning to his position with the Major to discuss what he had found. Suddenly, he saw plasma fire come from behind him, as 3 Elites-one in Red armor, the others in Blue-came running down the halls following him. The red one yelled in a strange language that Tucker couldn't understand. He turned and fired, trying to lower the Elites shields so his last grenade would finish them off.

The red one charged in for close combat, but was killed instantly as his shields flickered off, and bullets went flying into his face. The other two stayed back and fired with Plasma Rifles. One of the blues yelled in the strange tougne for the other to duck. As it did, a Plasma Grenade zoomed over it's head in Tucker's direction. He quickly jumped out of the way as it exploded, blowing a hole in the ship's hull from an earlier explosion.

Tucker continued to run, and threw his grenade, knocking the shields down from the other Elites. He tried to fire, but only a small "click" "click" met his reply. He cursed loudly and continued running, searching for ammo in his pack. He heard the strange alarm go off, and heard the translation "Hull breach in sector G-5 lifepod bays". He continued running down the halls, hearing voices around the next bend*


(Thanks Raijin) Xbox Live-Frisky Marcus

Change my attempt, good intentions.
Should I? Could I?

Old Post Apr 9th, 2006 11:30 PM
Rodgort is currently offline Click here to Send Rodgort a Private Message Find more posts by Rodgort Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Under the stars

Gender: Unspecified
Location: The gates of all existance.

Davaran, amazed at brutes abilities stares at him in shock. "You sure do learn fast, and quite adept with a rifle.. here." He pushes a button and a rack extends from a side panel of the room. "I remembered they kept weapons in this room but I couldn't remember where.. These, my friend.. are carbines, Covenant ion trace rifles, in the particle stream are about seventy different radioactive materials, all very deadly.. (Sorry if it doesn't match the original carbine, I hnestly didn't know much about it.. if its a problem, this ones shot is red.. lol) He throws the Carbine to mike.. along with about 18 charges, able to fit four in each of his one rifle magazine holsters.. "Oh, and you keep that up with learning covenant technology, you may land yourself a very respected job after the war.." he says with a smirk as he walks back to help the downed marine.. "Mike, third panel on the left, Should be a key sequence, see if you can crack it, It'll roughly sound like Metallicas Intro to the song Enter sandman.. atleast the first five notes.. Thats if you listen to oldies.. heh.." he smirks as he starts bandaging the marine, who is now stable.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." psalm 23

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 04:26 AM
FinalSepharim is currently offline Click here to Send FinalSepharim a Private Message Find more posts by FinalSepharim Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Over there. Maybe there, too.

*Tucker charged into the same room Davaran was in. He was about to make his report, but ducked as the Elites from behind him caught up* Oldies eh? I remember that song..*Tucker rolled behind the wall and reloaded, finally finding another clip. He ran out and fired, taking down an Elite's shield and killing it. The other he butted up close, taking it down instantly. He turned to the Major and made his report* Sir, I found something I think you might want to see..*He pushed "Brute" out of the way and pressed a few buttons on the control panel until he found what he wanted* There, look..*It was a brief description on a certain bomb the Covenant were looking for. It was a bomb that was able to destroy an entire planet.* Their probably going to use it to destroy...*He gulped*..Earth..


(Thanks Raijin) Xbox Live-Frisky Marcus

Change my attempt, good intentions.
Should I? Could I?

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 12:06 PM
Rodgort is currently offline Click here to Send Rodgort a Private Message Find more posts by Rodgort Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
White Guy

Gender: Male
Location: raxacoricofallapatorius

(you didnt happen to get tucker from Red vs blue did you?)

I've got a Charisma of 23, max ranks and skill focus in Seduction, and I just rolled a 17. Are we doing it yet?

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 05:23 PM
General_Iroh is currently offline Click here to Send General_Iroh a Private Message Find more posts by General_Iroh Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Unitied states

um the trainning camp sent me here.they hated me so here i am.(in a sacastic voice)

The cause of voldemorts death
ok new challenge steal the treaure chest from the dragon(which has the egg in it)

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 06:03 PM
springboy34 is currently offline Click here to Send springboy34 a Private Message Find more posts by springboy34 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Space

((WTF? Who are you?!))

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 08:03 PM
Nola_One is currently offline Click here to Send Nola_One a Private Message Find more posts by Nola_One Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Canada

I second that.


Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 09:33 PM
Liquid_Fire is currently offline Click here to Send Liquid_Fire a Private Message Find more posts by Liquid_Fire Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Unitied states

springboy34 iditiots a.k.a. samwise

The cause of voldemorts death
ok new challenge steal the treaure chest from the dragon(which has the egg in it)

Old Post Apr 10th, 2006 10:04 PM
springboy34 is currently offline Click here to Send springboy34 a Private Message Find more posts by springboy34 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Over there. Maybe there, too.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by FG725
(you didnt happen to get tucker from Red vs blue did you?)
[No, I just randomly thought it up..I forgot that Tucker was in it..silly me.. embarrasment ]


(Thanks Raijin) Xbox Live-Frisky Marcus

Change my attempt, good intentions.
Should I? Could I?

Old Post Apr 11th, 2006 12:46 AM
Rodgort is currently offline Click here to Send Rodgort a Private Message Find more posts by Rodgort Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Elijah MK III
Nihilistic Existentialist

Gender: Male
Location: Sol system, 3rd planet out.

((OK, OK, Liquid, I'll field this one. But guess what came in the mail today?

First off. This is Liquid's RP. Yes, it really is, it has his name written on it with permanent marker. It's a "hosted" RP, which means that Liquid controls the major plot elements (and he micromanages the smaller ones, too). This has several effects.

First off, you can't just start doing your own thing beyond a certain level. New plot items (like special new bombs, new plans beyond an immediate battlefield tactic, fancy new tech that gives you a crazy edge), have to be run by Liquid_Fire first.

Second, you can't just pop into existence. For those of you who don't know, you need to PM Liquid_Fire with the profile of your character before you start. And you have to enter the game in a way that makes sense. This also includes doing things that relate to the plot. I would strongly recommend reading the past five or six pages (it's not that long, really, and you can skim through a lot of stuff) just to understand what's going on. A very general and short recap is available a few lines above, which I gave for Spawn_Master. And Spawn_Master, please do take the time to read. It'll help you orient yourself better.

Plot and accuracy are very, very important in this RP))

Brute took the purple and green weapon from Davaran with a grimace. "And I thought the pink gun was bad. I'll try it, but I dunno, it feels somehow. . . wrong. I don't like it already." The big man shook his head, and slung the rifle, discarding the BR55. "I dunno what happened back there. I don't even really remember it. I was just sorta in the zone, I guess. I've never had that happen before. I'm not really a very good shot, usually."

Later, after Tucker arrived, Brute furrowed his brows as he looked at the image on the Covenant screen. "No, I think that's the screensaver, or some image an Engineer put up to drool over. See, if you push these buttons you can bring up other stuff--" he pressed a few more holographic buttons, and a less-than-fully-clothed Elite appeared on the screen. This Covie computer stuff is pretty intuitive. I just seem to know which button to press, somehow. Don't you think so, Major?"

Brute took a moment to look Tucker over. "Wow, you sure look a lot better than the last time I saw you. You must have just been knocked unconscious back there in the hangar. Glad to see Major Dav and I fixed you up well enough so you could recover pretty fast."

Just then, the rest of the Elites following Tucker showed up and burst through the door they had opened for Tucker, and incoveniently forgotten to close. Brute raised the Covenant Carbine and started blowing holes in the wall in the general vicinity of the Elites, and then got smart and dropped down behind some cover. "I told you I don't like this thing, Major! Could you kick that needler over my way, please?"

Old Post Apr 11th, 2006 02:13 AM
Elijah MK III is currently offline Click here to Send Elijah MK III a Private Message Find more posts by Elijah MK III Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Over there. Maybe there, too.

[.............Ok, for the 3rd f*cking time, I posted my damn profile, and he knows about it already!!! I'm sorry that It all should be under his control, but wtf was I seppoused to do, stand there like an idiot and let myself get shot? You know, I think it woulda been better if I never joined this RP at all! Now i'm getting some damn lecture about "Oh, you need to PM ur profile" and "You can't do this, or that, or this" This is like middle school all over again!]


(Thanks Raijin) Xbox Live-Frisky Marcus

Change my attempt, good intentions.
Should I? Could I?

Old Post Apr 11th, 2006 02:18 AM
Rodgort is currently offline Click here to Send Rodgort a Private Message Find more posts by Rodgort Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Under the stars

Gender: Unspecified
Location: The gates of all existance.

Davaran frowns as he pulls the carbine away with a jolt.. "fine.. be that way! some combat commander I am.. Giving guys the wrong guns and all.." he leans over grabbing two needlers.. "Here, Be.. careful with these.. please?" he says as he fires seven shots bursting an elites shield, then three more into the mouth killing the creature. "You see, This is the only weapon I'm accurate with.. Dunno why.." he says as he begins firing in the direction of the elites, trying to keep their heads down till brute was ready.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." psalm 23

Old Post Apr 11th, 2006 02:22 AM
FinalSepharim is currently offline Click here to Send FinalSepharim a Private Message Find more posts by FinalSepharim Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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