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ROJ still needs some work
Started by: darth stu

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darth stu

Registered: Not Yet

ROJ still needs some work

i watched ROJ the other night and was dumbfounded by all the things that were wrong with that film (and i've watched it a lot of times!). don't get me wrong, there are some good things in that film, but there are so many things wrong that i really can't enjoy watching it very much. to have that movie be the final chapter in GL's star wars movies really disappoints me.

here's my gripe list
1. what is in a droid's feet that would steam when touched by a hot iron? and do droids have pain sensors in their feet?

2. i hate it when lando pulls down his mask in jabba's palace. he would NEVER do that! he is in disguise. i know it was just for the camera to establish his presence there. should have been done some other way though.

3. the door droid says to 3PO, "de wanna wanga". in TPM, the merchant selling frogs says to Jar Jar, "de wanna wanga" after Jar Jar steals a frog (and the interpretation at the bottom of the screen says, "hey are you gonna pay for that?"). so in ROJ, 3PO knocks on Jabba's door and the droid peeks out and says, "hey, are you gonna pay for that?"

4. wouldn't the empire have known that the shuttle was stolen? i mean we are pretty good at finding stolen cars and things. you'd think that the empire would know if shuttle tyderian (spelling) was stolen.

5. why do they have to deactivate the shield before they can land on endor? the shield doesn't go around that endor moon, it is generated from that satelite dish looking thing and surrounds the death star. why not just land on the moon? why did the shield have to be deactivated (and the rebels discovered by vader) for them to land there? non sequitur.

6. luke says, "master yoda, you can't die," whereupon yoda says, "strong am i in the force, but not that strong." does that mean that if he were stronger in the force, he could live forever? anakin is pretty strong. can he cheat death?

7. ewoks and an entire legion of the emperor's best troops. enough said.

8. luke's ability with the saber leaves much to be desired. but i guess that's just elegance and form. after all, he didn't really have anyone to teach him how to use it in a pretty way.

9. vader wanted luke to join him so they could rule the galaxy as father and son. (sith master and apprentice apparently). so when luke takes a swing at the emperor, why did vader block the stroke? let luke kill him.

10. what was the emperor thinking? did he think he could actually have two apprentices at the same time? or was he counting on one of them killing the other one?

11. who are those two old guys that lurk around in palpatine's throne room? they look terrible and a little scary. maybe they will be introduced in 2 or 3 coming up.

now, lest you think i hate this movie, i don't. it's okay. i just feel really disappointed about a lot of it. so here are my vented frustrations. i really hope that some how, some way, some day, episodes 7-9 are produced. ROJ as the final filmed chapter leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Old Post Oct 27th, 2000 06:33 PM
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Darth Daft
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Registered: Oct 2000
Location: London, UK


Thanx for that Darth Stu. Most of what you said I agree with and I too would like to see Episodes 7, 8 and 9. ROJ was indeed a little disappointing as the last chapter.

Things you don't remember, haven't really happened...

Old Post Oct 28th, 2000 01:09 AM
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I agree with everything DS has listed, in fact the part about the droid torture scene I had listed on "five things about ep6..." before it was (I know, accidently smile ) deleted. I think ROTJ is more open for debates than any of the other four movies and I wanted to respond to this topic since DS only had one other response.


Old Post Nov 2nd, 2000 02:37 AM
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Darth Daft
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On Stu's point number 7 about it being silly that Ewoks could defeat an entire legion of the Empire's troop, I agree that it does indeed make the Imperials seem like helpless little toads.
But still, I'd like to point out that perhaps we don't realise just how many Ewoks there are. The number of Ewoks involved in the battle could actually number in the millions, its just that we only saw a small fraction of these. And as it is their homeworld, I'm sure they're more aware of the opportunities to make traps and ways to hide and avoid danger. Still, I'm sure that for every Imperial killed there may have been 20 Ewoks killed, it's just that they outnumbered them so much that it hardly makes a difference.

Things you don't remember, haven't really happened...

Old Post Nov 2nd, 2000 06:04 AM
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darth stu

Registered: Not Yet


good point on #7 DD. i guess GL just likes the underdog to win. ewoks and gungans defeating the bad guys seems to appeal to him. i admit that there could have been tons of them around too.

Old Post Nov 2nd, 2000 11:30 PM
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darth stu

Registered: Not Yet

what about # 3, 4, and 5? does anyone have any insights on these?

what about #9, 10, and 11?

Old Post Nov 2nd, 2000 11:33 PM
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Darth Daft
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Registered: Oct 2000
Location: London, UK


Well we'd better go one at a time.

#3: I just checked the script for ROTJ and it says that the eye thing says "Tee choota hhat yudd."
I guess the strange voice just makes it sound very similar to the seller on Tatooine in TPM.

Things you don't remember, haven't really happened...

Old Post Nov 3rd, 2000 04:31 AM
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darth stu

Registered: Not Yet

oops, my bad. it's not the eye thing that says it. it's bib fortuna after they are inside. thanks for picking that up. i'm pretty sure bib fortuna says "de wanna wanga" and 3p0 says, "oh my, de wanna waygoa" or something. thanks DD

Old Post Nov 3rd, 2000 08:34 PM
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Darth Daft
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Registered: Oct 2000
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On point number 4, I assume that maybe it was stolen a very long while ago and the report that it was stolen was forgotten. Or perhaps it could be the opposite and it was stolen so recently than no one had realised it was stolen. I guess it depends on where it was stolen from. Perhaps it was amonst many others and it was hard for the Imperials to keep count of all of them.
Or maybe the ship went down in a cross fire during a battle and was picked up and modified by the Rebellion. The Empire thought it had crashed and been destroyed so they said nothing of it.
They're all quite possible, although I doubt we'll ever find out what really happened.

Things you don't remember, haven't really happened...

Old Post Nov 4th, 2000 07:35 AM
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I don't know who brought these 2 up before, yet I found them very good so I'll say it again:

- Nobody asks where Luke goes the next day on Endor. The leader of the group dissapears and nobody is curious, frustrated or even wanting for an answer. Makes little sense.

- Luke carries Vader from the throne room to the shuttle and nobody bats an eye or lets a jaw drop. Then Luke carries him out of the shuttle and starts a bonfire with nobody noticing that either. Also confusing.

Some of mine:

-Where did those ewoks drag all those catapaults, traps, hangliders and cartd full of debris from? I mean one second they leave the droids and a few seconds later all the fuzzballs show up, probably from miles away, with all sorts of heavy gear. Also, these guys get speeders and troopers to walk into the most blatently obvious primitive traps, again not realistic.

- Bib Fortuna did sat Te Wanna Wanga or whatever it was the alien in Mos Espa said.

Lots more will be coming from me later.

Old Post Nov 5th, 2000 10:47 PM
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