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Four Way Battle of Doom
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Senior Member

Registered: Dec 2009


I do not think any of these four are blitzable by anyone.

Naruto ranks One Piece ranks

Old Post Aug 25th, 2014 09:02 PM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


quote: (post)
Originally posted by carthage
He may or may not get blitzed. But Krayt has superior dueling feats, is faster, is more skilled, and dark transfer/superior speed > Kun's blasts.

Would be a close fight though.

Kun leaves after-images in his duels, just like Krayt does, so I don't see how either of them has the speed advantage.

I also don't see how he is more skilled as a Niman duelist than the guy who is the poster boy of the form.

Dark Transfer is likely also only going to make things ten times worse for Krayt, Kun can Force Drain him to death from the inside out, whilst being unaffected by any of Krayt's techniques.

Kun however has black lightning that evidently surpasses lightsaber conduction, can freeze the lightsabers of all three of his opponents, Force Blast them, rend their essences from their body and more...

Krayt can't exactly compete with that.

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 02:55 AM
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Registered: Feb 2013
Location: USA


What the ****.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 03:02 AM
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The Immortal Emperor

Registered: Aug 2013
Location: The Eternal Throne


quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
What the ****.

thumb up

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 03:03 AM
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Registered: Mar 2014
Location: The Proud Nation of Kekistan


quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
What the ****.



Shadilay my brothers and sisters. With any luck we will throw off the shackles of normie oppression. We have nothing to lose but our chains! Praise Kek!

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 03:04 AM
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Registered: Jan 2013
Location: USA


I actually know what he's talking about, but he's way off. It wasn't the lightning that froze the lightsabers, it was the Tendrils.


Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 03:59 AM
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Senior Member

Registered: Dec 2009


quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower

Dark Transfer is likely also only going to make things ten times worse for Krayt, Kun can Force Drain him to death from the inside out, whilst being unaffected by any of Krayt's techniques.

What? I'm not sure how one 'force drains him from the inside out' or what that is supposed to do with Dark Transfer.

It's a shatterpoint-based technique, Kun has shatterpoints, if Krayt grabs him and uses it I don't see what force drain has to do with anything.

Krayt also has force drain btw- He used it against Abeloth.


Kun however has black lightning that evidently surpasses lightsaber conduction, can freeze the lightsabers of all three of his opponents, Force Blast them, rend their essences from their body and more...

Krayt can't exactly compete with that.

Krayt has excellent force defense and has bare-hand deflected lightning. He also broke through Wyyrlok's sorcery. He knows essence transfer, so even in the unlikely event his essence was rent, it'd just pop back in.

Naruto ranks One Piece ranks

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 04:10 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


*Sigh* I see knowledge of Exar Kun is retrained to just Force Blast around here:

The Sun Crusher hung suspended over the temple, still steaming in the morning air, resurrected from its tomb at the core of the gas giant. Kyp Durron spun around to stare at Luke, his black cape swirling with the rapid motion. Stunned, Luke reeled backward. “How dare you bring that weapon back!” he said. “It goes against all the Jedi knowledge I have taught you.”
Kyp laughed at him. “You haven’t taught me very much, Master Skywalker. I’ve learned a great deal beyond your feeble teachings. You pretend to be a great instructor, but you’re afraid to learn for yourself.” He looked back at the Sun Crusher. “I will do what must be done to eradicate the Empire. While I make the galaxy safe for everyone, you can stay here and practice your simple Jedi tricks. But they are no more than children’s games.”
“Kyp,” Luke said, keeping his voice even and taking a step toward him, “you’ve been lured by the dark side, but you must return. You were deceived and misled. Come back before its grip becomes too strong.” He swallowed. “I went over to the dark side once, and I came back. It can be done if you’re strong enough and brave enough. Are you?”
Kyp laughed in disbelief. “Skywalker, it’s embarrassing for me to listen to you talk. You are afraid to risk anything yourself, yet you want to call yourself a Jedi Master. It doesn’t work that way. You’ve stunted the training of your other Jedi candidates because of your own narrow-mindedness. Perhaps I should just defeat you here and now, and then I can take over their training.”
With trembling hands and a deep-seated dread in his heart, Luke reached to his side and wrapped his hand around the slick handle of his lightsaber. He pulled it free, igniting it with the familiar snap-hiss. The brilliant green blade extended, humming and ready for battle. A Jedi could not attack an unarmed opponent, could not resort to violence before all other avenues had been exhausted—but Luke knew the deadly potential of his most talented student. If Kyp had fallen to the dark side, he could become another Darth Vader. Perhaps even worse…
“Don’t make me do this,” Luke said, raising his lightsaber, but unsure what to do. He couldn’t just cut down his student, who stood unarmed at the top of the temple. But if he didn’t… “We have to send the Sun Crusher back,” Luke said. “At one time you yourself insisted that it should never be used.”
“I spoke out of ignorance,” Kyp said, “just as you do.”
“Don’t make me fight you,” Luke said in a low voice.
Kyp made a dismissive gesture with one hand, and a sudden wave of dark ripples splashed across the air like the shock front of a concussion grenade. Luke stumbled backward. The lightsaber turned cold in his hand. Frost crystals grew in feathery patterns around the handle. At the core of the brilliant green blade a shadow appeared, a black disease rotting away the purity of the beam. The humming blade sputtered, sounding like a sickly cough. The black taint rapidly grew stronger, swallowing up the green beam. With a frizzle of sparks Luke’s lightsaber died.
Trying to control his growing fear, Luke felt a sudden brush of cold behind him. He turned to see a black, hooded silhouette—the image that had impersonated Anakin Skywalker in Luke’s nightmare…the dark man who had lured Gantoris into a devastating loss of control.
Kyp’s voice came as if from a great distance. “At last, Master Skywalker, you can meet my mentor—Exar Kun.”
Luke dropped his useless lightsaber and crouched. His every muscle suddenly coiled and tensed. He rallied all the powers of the Force around him, seeking any defensive tactic. With the Sun Crusher looming behind him, Kyp stretched out both hands and blasted Luke with lightning bolts like black cracks in the Force. Dark tendrils rose up from the gaps in the temple flagstones, fanged, illusionary vipers that struck at him from all sides. Luke cried out and tried to strike back, but the shadows of Exar Kun joined the attack, adding more deadly force. The ancient Dark Lord of the Sith lashed out with waves of blackness, driving long icicles of frozen poison into Luke’s body.
He thrashed, but felt helpless. To lose control to anger and desperation would be as great a failure as if he did nothing at all. Luke called upon the powers that Yoda and Obi-Wan had taught him—but everything he did, every skillful technique, failed utterly. Against the full might of Kyp Durron and the forbidden weapons of the long-dead spirit of Exar Kun, even a Jedi Master such as Luke Skywalker could not prevail.
The black serpentlike tentacles of evil force struck at him again and again, filling his body with a pain like lava coursing through his veins. As he screamed, his voice was swallowed by a hurricane from the dark side. Luke cried out one last time and crumpled backward to the blessedly cool flagstones of the Great Massassi Temple, as everything turned a smothering, final black around him…
--Taken from Dark Apprentice

Exar Kun was controlling him directly, filling the lack of his own Force energy with Kyp's own energies and fueling his powers:

Exar Kun passed the millennia in uneasy slumber. For a moment, and only for a moment, he was roused partially from his stupor by the bright presence of a man strong in the Force. Slowly extending his feelers in the direction of the mysterious man, Kun discovered that one of his great temples was inhabited by a small band of armed humans. But before he could gather enough strength to reach out to top this energy source, the Force-user and his fellows departed, and Kun again lapsed into sleep.
A few scant years later, Kun is brought sharply awake by the arrival of not one or two, but a dozen humans blazing with the power he needed to live again. Eagerly but cautiously, Kun observes each arrival, probing for weaknesses and the power he needs to restore his lost reserves of energy. For a time, he is able to subside by feeding on their residual energy, but soon he will need worshippers if he is to grow more active. With a nucleus of followers to provide him energy-providing anger and fear, Kun will have enough power to escape his exile and take on human form. To his surprise, Kun recognizes the leader to be the same man who had visited Yavin Four years earlier, now much more powerful in the Force. Too powerful, for the moment, for Kun to tackle.
Kun finds Gantoris, strong-willed and impatient to learn, to be a more promising first candidate. He easily seduces Gantoris in the same manner that Nadd had seduced him—by promising forbidden knowledge and the truly powerful Jedi secrets Gantoris cannot wait to learn. Carefully building up and feeding on the anger of his first apprentice, Kun grows in power. Soon he feels confident to make an attempt to subvert Luke, knowing that if he can sway the teacher, the students will all follow. Kun, posing as Anakin Skywalker, appears to Luke and attempts to pull him toward the forbidden Sith teachings by tempting hi to use Sith power to seize control of the New Republic and destroy the Empire. Realizing that this shade is not that of his father, Luke rejects the offer.
Enraged and drained, Kun returns to Gantoris. Desperate for more energy, he goads Gantoris to new heights of anger by showing him the Eol Sha colonists dying on Dantooine. Gantoris is pushed too far, however, and turns on his Sith master. Realizing that Gantoris is no longer his, Kun utterly drains him to provide himself a reserve of energy to last until he can subvert more students.
Kun has just begun edging in on Streen when Kyp Durron arrives at the Jedi Academy. Kun immediately senses in the young man his ideal subject. Like Gantoris, Kyp is strong-willed and impatient to learn. Moreover, he is far more powerful than the Eol Sha leader, and young enough to be overconfident and naive.
Over a number of weeks, Kun slowly bends Kyp to his will, and begins to augment his power. He grows very powerful on Kyp's hate, and soon his hold on Kyp is so complete that he can send Kyp beyond the planet to do his will and still retain control over his subject. Ultimately, he has Kyp return to Yavin Four and helps him reclaim the Sun Crusher. He also bolsters Kyp's talents to allow him to defeat Luke and place him in a coma.

--Taken from the Jedi Academy Sourcebook

Again this is only Kun at partial strength, as stated by Vodo Siosk Baas.

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 04:47 AM
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Registered: Feb 2013
Location: USA


So Exar Kun used Kyp Durron as a prolonged source of energy to fuel his powers? Laem.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 05:00 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


Yes, because he himself as an essence has no Force energy reserves, what is clear though is that even at partial strength, Exar Kun can do shit like this to characters like DE Luke.


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 05:03 AM
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Registered: Feb 2013
Location: USA


So badass. I'm putting him Mortis level. thumb up


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 05:11 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


Nice switching of the goal posts there. But thanks for conceding the point.

Exar Kun retains these abilities and was still only at partial strength, glad you agree.

Kun tears the essences from their bodies, GG.


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Last edited by AncientPower on Aug 26th, 2014 at 05:21 AM

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 05:18 AM
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Registered: Feb 2013
Location: USA


Conceding the point? We weren't in a debate. erm


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 05:34 AM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

Registered: Dec 2007
Location: The End


Kun or Krayt win.


Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 11:55 AM
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Yo Da Best

Registered: Nov 2013
Location: Above Anakin


quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
Kun or Krayt win.

How does that work?

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 12:56 PM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

Registered: Dec 2007
Location: The End


Dark Transfer or Amulet spam. Pick your haxxx.


Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 12:58 PM
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Yo Da Best

Registered: Nov 2013
Location: Above Anakin


lol, that seems fair I guess. I'm still siding Kun here.


"That is why you fail."

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 01:29 PM
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The Immortal Emperor

Registered: Aug 2013
Location: The Eternal Throne


quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Kun leaves after-images in his duels, just like Krayt does, so I don't see how either of them has the speed advantage.

It isn't just that, though. Quinlan Vos can also leave afterimages. Darth Krayt, however, has blitzed 4 of the most skilled Imperial Knights in the galaxy while they had him completely surrounded, (360 sweep,) in a dying state due to his Vong Implants. All before having his power redoubled through his rebirth.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
I also don't see how he is more skilled as a Niman duelist than the guy who is the poster boy of the form.

I gotta say--this is pretty lame. Kun was the first great Niman duelist, therefore he's above any other Niman user? There are so many examples proving your statement wrong. He duels aggressively? So does Krayt. Kun's skill with the blade is hyped and harped on moreso than Krayt's, I'll admit, but utterly eviscerating of the best IK's in the galaxy while heavily weakened and still before his prime + dominating Cade Skywalker is already more than what Kun has to his name in terms of lightsaber feats.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Dark Transfer is likely also only going to make things ten times worse for Krayt, Kun can Force Drain him to death from the inside out, whilst being unaffected by any of Krayt's techniques.

Oh lord.

In case you didn't know, Krayt has demonstrated quite a bit more prowess than Kun has in force drain sans a prepared ritual. He kinda, y'know, drained the shit out of Abeloth. erm

And Dark Transfer would prove ineffective because......reasons? No technique would affect Exar Kun? laughing out loud

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Kun however has black lightning that evidently surpasses lightsaber conduction, can freeze the lightsabers of all three of his opponents, Force Blast them, rend their essences from their body and more...

....Lightning that phases through sabers? What the f**k?

he isn't doing any of those things.....unless they stand there and let him do it. Out of all those things you listed, force blast is still his best chance.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Krayt can't exactly compete with that.

roll eyes (sarcastic)

Old Post Aug 26th, 2014 09:58 PM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


quote: (post)
Originally posted by XSUPREMEXSKILLZ
It isn't just that, though. Quinlan Vos can also leave afterimages. Darth Krayt, however, has blitzed 4 of the most skilled Imperial Knights in the galaxy while they had him completely surrounded, (360 sweep,) in a dying state due to his Vong Implants. All before having his power redoubled through his rebirth.

I gotta say--this is pretty lame. Kun was the first great Niman duelist, therefore he's above any other Niman user? There are so many examples proving your statement wrong. He duels aggressively? So does Krayt. Kun's skill with the blade is hyped and harped on moreso than Krayt's, I'll admit, but utterly eviscerating of the best IK's in the galaxy while heavily weakened and still before his prime + dominating Cade Skywalker is already more than what Kun has to his name in terms of lightsaber feats.

Oh lord.

In case you didn't know, Krayt has demonstrated quite a bit more prowess than Kun has in force drain sans a prepared ritual. He kinda, y'know, drained the shit out of Abeloth. erm

And Dark Transfer would prove ineffective because......reasons? No technique would affect Exar Kun? laughing out loud

....Lightning that phases through sabers? What the f**k?

he isn't doing any of those things.....unless they stand there and let him do it. Out of all those things you listed, force blast is still his best chance.

roll eyes (sarcastic)

Quinlan Vos was an exceptional duelist himself, he isn't some Darth Bandon.

I would direct you to the fact that Kun defeated and stalemated two of the best Djem So duelists in the history of the Order(PotJ), despite not being a power duelist.

In NUMEROUS sources is Exar Kun given as the example of the Niman duelist, the best. Not Krayt but Exar Kun.

Exar Kun with a GLARE burned Gantoris from the inside out. Draining him completely, taking advantage of his opponent's own rage.

Actually Dark Transfer would be a positive for Exar Kun because he knows how to effect the material world as an Essence, you're forgetting that he knows how to anchor himself to Dark Side structures(in this case Korriban).

Once in said state, he would destroy them all in this manner because none of them have the Light Side capabilities to destroy him in this form(requires WoL).

Your source for that claim? Kyp literally just waved and Luke's lightsaber was rendered useless... honestly did you even read the above quotes?

He can tear all of their essences from their body and destroy said Essences with his Force Blast(Like he did to Freedon Nadd).

Old Post Aug 27th, 2014 03:48 AM
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