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Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis vs Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
Started by: NewGuy01

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Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis vs Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader

All at their peaks, Sidious is restricted from using Force Storm

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 01:27 AM
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Registered: Oct 2014
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Vader would be stomped by either Sidious or Plagueis due to their raw speed/power. Then they gang up on Luke for some kind of majority.


“The galaxy must experience the pain of death and the rapture of rebirth as I have. I will bring chaos. It is time for war.

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 01:31 AM
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Eternal Commander

Registered: May 2014


Luke can take Sidious, and Vader can take Plagueis.

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 01:33 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by ILS
Vader would be stomped by either Sidious or Plagueis due to their raw speed/power. Then they gang up on Luke for some kind of majority.

I don't see Vader getting stomped by Plagueis at all, really.

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 01:34 AM
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Why wouldn't Plagueis stomp Vader? He's a great deal faster, a great deal more powerful, and only a tier or so behind him in raw skill.


“The galaxy must experience the pain of death and the rapture of rebirth as I have. I will bring chaos. It is time for war.

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 01:51 AM
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He's a great deal faster,

Based on?

a great deal more powerful,

Based on?

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 02:32 AM
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For speed.

Plagueis and Venamis's duel would have looked like lightning flashing through the forest, which is especially impressive given the obstructive environment.
To Plagueis, lightsaber duels were tedious affairs, full of wasted emotion and needless acrobatics. Tenebrous, however, who had pronounced Plagueis a master of the art, had always enjoyed a good fight, and had clearly bequeathed that enthusiasm to his other trainee. For no sooner had the blades of their weapons clashed than Venamis began to bring the fight to him in unexpected ways, twirling his surprisingly limber body, tossing the lightsaber from hand to hand, mixing forms. At one point he leapt onto an overhanging greel branch and, when Plagueis severed it with a Force blow, hung suspended in the air—no mean feat in itself—and continued the fight, as if from high ground. Worse for Plagueis, Tenebrous had made Venamis an expert in Plagueis’s style, and so the Bith could not only anticipate but counter Plagueis’s every move. In short order, Venamis penetrated his defenses, searing the side of Plagueis’s neck.
The contest took them backward and forward through the trees, across narrow streams, and up onto piles of rocks that were the ruins of an ancient sentry post. Plagueis took a moment to wonder if anyone at the fort was observing the results of the contest, which, from afar, must have looked like lightning flashing through the forest’s understory.

Or, deflecting omni-directional blaster fire whilst orbiting Sidious, deflecting or dodging every single bolt. Him and Sidious alternate after each ring of droids die.
On Hypori they were the prey, standing back-to-back in their black zeyd-cloth hooded robes at the center of concentric rings of droids, retrofitted by Baktoid Armor to function as combat automata. Two hundred programmed assailants—bipedal, treaded, some levitated by antigrav generators—armed with a variety of weapons, ranging from hand blasters to short-barreled burst-rifles. Plagueis hadn't allowed his young apprentice to wield a lightsaber until a few years earlier, but Sidious was brandishing one now, self-constructed of phrik alloy and aurodium, and powered by a synthetic crystal. Made for delicate, long-fingered hands—as much a work of art as a weapon—the lightsaber thrummed as he waved the blade from side to side in front of him.
"Every weapon, manufactured by whatever species, has its own properties and peculiarities," Plagueis was saying, his own blade angled toward the ferrocrete floor of the battledome's fabricated cityscape, as if to light a fuse. "Range, penetrating power, refresh rate... In some instances your life might depend on your ability to focus on the weapon rather than the wielder. You must train yourself to identify a weapon instantly—whether it's a product of BlasTech or Merr-Sonn, Tenloss or Prax—so that you will know where to position yourself, and the several ways to best deflect a well-aimed bolt."
Plagueis put his words into action as the first ring of droids began to converge on them, staggering the attack and triggering bursts at random. Orbiting Sidious, the Muun's blade warded off every volley, returning the bolts to their sources, or deflecting them into the facades of the faux buildings surrounding them or into other droids. At other times Plagueis made no attempt to redirect the attacks, but simply torqued his rangy body, allowing the bolts to miss him by centimeters. Around the two Sith, the automata collapsed one after the next, gushing lubricants from holed reservoirs or exploding in a hail of alloy parts, until all were heaped on the ferrocrete floor.
"The next ring is yours," Plagueis said.
Rugged, uninhabited Hypori belonged to the Techno Union, whose Skakoan foreman, Wat Tambor, owed his seat in the Republic Senate to Damask Holdings. In exchange, the bionic humanoid had made Hypori available as a training ground for members of the Echani Sun Guard and provided the necessary battle droids. Calling in another favor, Hego Damask had requested a private session in the fabricated cityscape, so that Plagueis and his apprentice could be free to employ lightsabers—though only for the purpose of deflecting bolts rather than dismemberment or penetration.
When it came Sidious's turn to demonstrate his skill, Plagueis spoke continuously from behind him, adding distraction to the distinct possibility of inadvertent disintegration.
"A being trained in the killing arts doesn't wait for you to acquire him as a target, or establish him or herself as an opponent, as if in some martial arts contest. Your reactions must be instantaneous and nothing less than lethal, for you are a Sith Lord, and will be marked for death."
The droids continued to converge, ring after ring of them, until the floor was piled high with smoking husks. Plagueis issued a voice command that brought the onslaught to an abrupt end and deactivated his lightsaber. The pinging of cooling weapons, the hiss of escaping gas, the unsteady whir of failing servomotors punctuated the sudden silence. Alloy limbs spasmed and photoreceptors winked out, surrendering their eerie glow. The recycled air was rotten with the smell of fried circuitry.

For power, atomizing a dozen armored assassins with a Force wave whilst heavily injured.
The wait lasted only until Plagueis attempted to unleash lightning. His second subsidiary heart failed, paralyzing him with pain and nearly plunging him into unconsciousness. The assassins wasted not a moment, throwing themselves at him in groups, though in a vain attempt to penetrate the Force shield he raised. Again he rallied, this time with a ragged sound dredged from deep inside that erupted from him like a sonic weapon, shattering the eardrums of those within ten meters and compelling the rest to bring their hands to their ears.
In blinding motion his hands and feet smashed skulls and windpipes. He stopped once to conjure a Force wave that all but atomized the bodies of six Maladians. He spun through a turn, dragging the wave halfway around the room to kill half a dozen more.

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 02:54 AM
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Plagueis and Venamis's duel would have looked like lightning flashing through the forest.

Which, while good, is by no stretch of the imagination a feat that makes Plagueis vastly above Vader speed-wise.

Vader himself has moved faster than thought, as well as imperceptibly and preternaturally fast, produced multiple afterimages, and woven shields of light with his lightsaber blade. Each of which he's done on more than one occasion.

A better speed feat to note for Plagueis is when he was nearly imperceptible to 11-4D, who could track blaster bolts. Even that, however, is not enough for him to overwhelm Vader through sheer speed--As Vader has on multiple occasions done the same to Jedi.

Or, deflecting omni-directional blaster fire whilst orbiting Sidious, deflecting or dodging every single bolt.

Again, extremely good. Perhaps even better than Vader is capable of. But by no means is it a feat that would allow him to "stomp" Vader through sheer speed. Vader himself has defended against omnidirectional fire from dozens of shooters, and more than once.

For power, atomizing a dozen armored assassins with a Force wave whilst heavily injured.

Common misconception, the text said that he "all but" atomized the Maladians. Still, this implies that he quite literally blasted a half dozen of them into pieces with a single wave, which is a high-end feat.

Still, Vader has literally collapsed a cathedral, "whilst heavily injured", and by my estimation that's just as if not an even more impressive display of power on Vader's part.

Even if Plagueis's feat were superior, it would not be by any great margin.

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 03:32 AM
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Which, while good, is by no stretch of the imagination a feat that makes Plagueis vastly above Vader speed-wise.

Vader himself has moved faster than thought, as well as imperceptibly and preternaturally fast, produced multiple afterimages, and woven shields of light with his lightsaber blade. Each of which he's done on more than one occasion.

A better speed feat to note for Plagueis is when he was nearly imperceptible to 11-4D, who could track blaster bolts. Even that, however, is not enough for him to overwhelm Vader through sheer speed--As Vader has on multiple occasions done the same to Jedi.

It kind of does. None of the feats you mentioned are as good as lightning up an entire forest whilst dueling someone, in an obstructive environment. Moving faster than thought is just about the best feat you mentioned, even then I'm not sure how to quantify it. Moving imperceptibly fast, or superhumanly fast alone is nowhere near comparable to the feats I've listed for Plagueis. Afterimages and shields are likewise not much better.

Again, extremely good. Perhaps even better than Vader is capable of. But by no means is it a feat that would allow him to "stomp" Vader through sheer speed. Vader himself has defended against omnidirectional fire from dozens of shooters, and more than once.

Yes, but he's never orbited someone whilst doing it. Plagueis was outpacing the blaster bolts.

There's also Plagueis and Sidious non-lethally incapacitating hundreds of Kursid warriors, without being hit by a single blow. I have never seen Vader come close to that level of speed or agility, never mind over the course of several hours.

Common misconception, the text said that he "all but" atomized the Maladians. Still, this implies that he quite literally blasted a half dozen of them into pieces with a single wave, which is a high-end feat.

Still, Vader has literally collapsed a cathedral, "whilst heavily injured", and by my estimation that's just as if not an even more impressive display of power on Vader's part.

Even if Plagueis's feat were superior, it would not be by any great margin.

I can agree they're comparable feats, but I'd still vouch for Plagueis being more powerful. To me, nigh-atomizing six beings twice in a row is more impressive than ripping down a cathedral, just due to the level damage being inflicted on the recipient of the attack. To cite another example of his power, though, Plagueis was capable of choking/ragdolling Sidious throughout parts of his training, and this iteration of Sidious could have easily collapsed a restaurant. In order to do this to someone you generally need to be a hell of a lot more powerful than them. Sidious' feat is comparable to Vader's in that whilst his feat has less results, it wouldn't have required any effort on Sidious part, whereas Vader's feat required substantial effort.

Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 03:58 AM
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Registered: Jan 2013
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That restaurant was not even remotely comparable to an Atoan Cathedral, don't be silly. Vader has also collapsed the ceilings of small buildings with consummate ease, literally just pointing his fingers downward.

Besides, choking a force sensitive who does not have their defenses risen is no different than choking a non-force sensitive. As was the case with Sidious and Tyranus, for that matter.


Old Post Oct 18th, 2014 04:32 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by ILS
Why wouldn't Plagueis stomp Vader? He's a great deal faster

This is true, but just being fast isn't going to be enough to take down a sith lord whose technical skill with a blade surpasses Plagueis's. Just because Palpatine, himself a consummate duelist, could pull it off, doesn't mean that Plagueis, an exceptionally skilled but nonetheless inferior duelist, could do it against Vader. The mere act of being fast doesn't mean much when all of these combatants can casually deflect blaster bolts.


a great deal more powerful

Is he? Taking Lucas's statement at face value (seeing as how there isn't compelling evidence to suggest the contrary), Vader is 80% of the Palpatine we see in RotJ, and so the difference in raw power between him and Plagueis is likely slight.

Old Post Oct 19th, 2014 09:01 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
This is true, but just being fast isn't going to be enough to take down a sith lord whose technical skill with a blade surpasses Plagueis's. Just because Palpatine, himself a consummate duelist, could pull it off, doesn't mean that Plagueis, an exceptionally skilled but nonetheless inferior duelist, could do it against Vader. The mere act of being fast doesn't mean much when all of these combatants can casually deflect blaster bolts.

Plagueis is much faster than Vader, to the point that the latter's superior skill would be negated. Plagueis would simply slash Vader over and over again, which would make the latter's durability irrelevant as well.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
Is he? Taking Lucas's statement at face value (seeing as how there isn't compelling evidence to suggest the contrary), Vader is 80% of the Palpatine we see in RotJ, and so the difference in raw power between him and Plagueis is likely slight.

Granted I agree that Plagueis's superior power wouldn't give him the edge against Vader, that still doesn't prove that the difference in power is slight, as it is actually at least noticeable (though not vast).

Old Post Oct 19th, 2014 09:16 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nargaroth
Plagueis is much faster than Vader, to the point that the latter's superior skill would be negated.

Vader's precognition allows him to deflect blaster bolts; why would this old man moving really fast "negate" his superior skill? Palpatine was able to speedblitz the masters because he was a prodigiously capable duelist, and there's no evidence that Plagueis is anything beyond "really good" in that category.


Plagueis would simply slash Vader over and over again, which would make the latter's durability irrelevant as well.

Vader only has to move his blade a fraction of a distance Plagueis has to swing his. Precognition significantly increases the ease of blocking; and it's not as though Vader is literally a cripple. I'm not saying Darth Vader is going to win, but in a lightsaber duel he is not exactly folding as quickly as you think he is. It's probably the type of battle here where he has the best chance of victory.


Granted I agree that Plagueis's superior power wouldn't give him the edge against Vader, that still doesn't prove that the difference in power is slight, as it is actually at least noticeable (though not vast).

In raw telekinesis, he may have an advantage. Everywhere else, Plagueis's knowledge of the dark side vastly surpasses Vader's, and he actually is probably better off preventing a lightsaber duel.

Old Post Oct 19th, 2014 09:24 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
Vader's precognition allows him to deflect blaster bolts; why would this old man moving really fast "negate" his superior skill? Palpatine was able to speedblitz the masters because he was a prodigiously capable duelist, and there's no evidence that Plagueis is anything beyond "really good" in that category.

That was a product of speed, not skill. All those masters he blitzed are more than one tier below Palpatine in skill, but still not vastly. In spite of this, he killed them before Mace Windu, a duellist who is in Sidious's skill tier, could realize what happened:

Before Mace realizes what has happened, Kolar, Tiin, and Fisto have fallen to Sidious's blade.

-- The Complete Visual Dictionary

Conclusion: it was mostly a matter of speed, not skill.

And calling Plagueis an "old man" is just as stupid as labelling Vader as a "crippled half-droid half-man" and say he is slow because of that. Let's not lowball characters like that shall we?

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
Vader only has to move his blade a fraction of a distance Plagueis has to swing his. Precognition significantly increases the ease of blocking; and it's not as though Vader is literally a cripple. I'm not saying Darth Vader is going to win, but in a lightsaber duel he is not exactly folding as quickly as you think he is. It's probably the type of battle here where he has the best chance of victory.

And you know what determines precognition? Exactly, power, which in Plagueis's case supersedes Vader's. And have you even seen the feats ILS posted here? They far exceed Vader's feats, and even if you argue that Plagueis is only slightly more powerful than him, speed is also dictated by how much you specialize in augmenting your physical stats with the Force, which means that having approachable power (something I disagree with anyways) doesn't automatically grant you an approachable level of speed.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
In raw telekinesis, he may have an advantage. Everywhere else, Plagueis's knowledge of the dark side vastly surpasses Vader's, and he actually is probably better off preventing a lightsaber duel.

What is dark side knowledge supposed to have to do with this fight? And Plagueis would actually do better to engage Vader in a duel, for the reasons I have already explained, and because he isn't more powerful by such a degree that he could ragdoll him.

Last edited by Nargaroth on Oct 19th, 2014 at 11:52 PM

Old Post Oct 19th, 2014 11:41 PM
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The Merchant
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Team 2.

"Vader's pulse and breathing were machine-regulated, so they could not quicken; but something in his chest became more electric around his meetings with the Emperor; he could not say how. A feeling of fullness, of power, of dark and demon mastery -- of secret lusts, unrestrained passion, wild submission -- all these things were in Vader's heart as he neared his Emperor. These things and more."

Old Post Oct 19th, 2014 11:44 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nargaroth
That was a product of speed, not skill.

You are forgetting the fact that Sidious's command of the dark side far surpassed the ability of any of the B team to detect or counter any of Sidious's attacks. In contrast, Vader's inferior "speed" is something that refers only to his physical movement speed, not to his precognition or his ability to rotate his lightsaber blade a few degrees. His command of the Force is likely lesser than Plagueis's, but not by the same extent that was needed for Sidious to pull off his speed-blitz.


In spite of this, he killed them before Mace Windu, a duellist who is in Sidious's skill tier, could realize what happened

Yet without his vapaad, Mace Windu's command of the Force rests below Sidious's by a far greater margin than Vader's rests below that of Plagueis. Windu's ability to "realize what has happened" has nothing to do with his ability to translate across a room very quickly, and Vader's ability to guard against a speed-blitz has nothing to do with his 100 meter dash.


And calling Plagueis an "old man" is just as stupid as labelling Vader as a "crippled half-droid half-man" and say he is slow because of that. Let's not lowball characters like that shall we?

I don't know what else I can call him when you haven't established that Plagueis is so far beyond Vader in the Force that he could pull off what his apprentice did, as though Vader's lack of physical mobility were somehow relevant to his ability to avoid an --old man-- leaping cross the battlefield really fast.


And you know what determines precognition? Exactly, power, which in Plagueis's case supersedes Vader's.

Yes, but not by such an extent that Vader is going to be sitting there like an Agen Kolar.

even if you argue that Plagueis is only slightly more powerful than him, speed is also dictated by how much you specialize in augmenting your physical stats with the Force, which means that having approachable power (something I disagree with anyways) doesn't automatically grant you an approachable level of speed.

Why wouldn't Vader specialize more in augmenting his physical stats in the Force, if he sees infinitely more combat than the reclusive Plagueis?


What is dark side knowledge supposed to have to do with this fight?

For example, Plagueis's mastery of the Force has advanced to a point where he almost survived Palpatine's FL just by lying there. Vader will have a tough time killing him from a distance; Plagueis doesn't have as much of a chance against a lightsaber through his head, were that to occur.


And Plagueis would actually do better to engage Vader in a duel, for the reasons I have already explained, and because he isn't more powerful by such a degree that he could ragdoll him.

So speedblitzing comes before ragdolling when Force powers become disparate? Says who, exactly?

Plagueis is more powerful than Vader in the Force, but by your own point he does not have the same demonstrated technical expertise with a blade. It stands to reason to confine the confrontation to a level that only involves his advantage.

Old Post Oct 20th, 2014 12:12 AM
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Herald of the Judgement

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There will be no stomping involved in this fight. erm

I think Plagueis has an overall edge over Vader, but stomp is out of question.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
Plagueis is more powerful than Vader in the Force, but by your own point he does not have the same demonstrated technical expertise with a blade. It stands to reason to confine the confrontation to a level that only involves his advantage.

thumb up

Last edited by Stigma on Oct 20th, 2014 at 02:07 AM

Old Post Oct 20th, 2014 02:04 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
You are forgetting the fact that Sidious's command of the dark side far surpassed the ability of any of the B team to detect or counter any of Sidious's attacks. In contrast, Vader's inferior "speed" is something that refers only to his physical movement speed, not to his precognition or his ability to rotate his lightsaber blade a few degrees. His command of the Force is likely lesser than Plagueis's, but not by the same extent that was needed for Sidious to pull off his speed-blitz.

Of course Sidious is vastly more powerful than them, who ever denied that? The point is that Vader is also vastly more powerful than those masters, yet they're all in his speed class. You could argue that it's at least partially because Vader is also hindered by his cybernetics (as per Lucas' word and Eu sources), but then you must explain why someone like, say, Malgus, is also in their speed class despite being far more powerful than them. Not only that, but Kit Fisto is actually faster than both Vader and Malgus:

To the rear of the car, where Grievous's pair of MagnaGuards had made the mistake of pitting themselves against Kit Fisto, the Nautolan's blade was a cyclone of blazing blue light. Resistant to the energy outpourings of a lightsaber, the phrik alloy staffs were potent weapons, but like any weapon they needed to find their target, and Kit simply wasn't allowing that. In moves a Twi'lek dancer might envy, he spun around the guards, claiming a limb from both with each rotation: left legs, right arms, right legs...

The speed of the train saw to the rest, ultimately whisking the droids into the canyon like insects blown from the windscreen of a speeder bike.

-- Labyrinth Of Evil

Having an even vastly superior command of the Force doesn't make you necessarily faster, and it' actually one of the unclear matters of the SW universe. My conclusion is that this should be judged according to the situation.
And having a lot of precognition isn't gonna save you if your speed isn't good enough anyways.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
Yet without his vapaad, Mace Windu's command of the Force rests below Sidious's by a far greater margin than Vader's rests below that of Plagueis. Windu's ability to "realize what has happened" has nothing to do with his ability to translate across a room very quickly, and Vader's ability to guard against a speed-blitz has nothing to do with his 100 meter dash.

I'm not arguing that Vader would be blitzed by Plagueis, only that the former can defend himself for just a moderate time before being overwhelmed. His speed is still not enough to allow him to last very long against Plagueis, and Vader still has no chance to land a hit on him even if he could react, unless Plagueis is somehow caught off guard. Vader's precognition, again, won't save him here.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
I don't know what else I can call him when you haven't established that Plagueis is so far beyond Vader in the Force that he could pull off what his apprentice did, as though Vader's lack of physical mobility were somehow relevant to his ability to avoid an --old man-- leaping cross the battlefield really fast.

Again, just see the feats ILS posted in this thread and make a comparison with Vader's best showings. The latter doesn't lack mobility, and I never said he doesn't have impressive speed (though his agility is still nothing special). Only ignorant people or haters who want to lowball him would argue otherwise, despite evidence proving them wrong. No, the point is just that Plagueis's showings are much better, not that Vader is slow.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
Why wouldn't Vader specialize more in augmenting his physical stats in the Force, if he sees infinitely more combat than the reclusive Plagueis?

For example, Plagueis's mastery of the Force has advanced to a point where he almost survived Palpatine's FL just by lying there. Vader will have a tough time killing him from a distance; Plagueis doesn't have as much of a chance against a lightsaber through his head, were that to occur.

1. I don't know why, but Vader's feats are still not comparable. And Palpatine also deemed lightsaber duelling unnecessary, as well as something that is used by Sith just to mock Jedi. Do we want to say he is a bad duellist because of that?

2. Vader will never be able to kill him from a distance. So what? Vader withstood a more powerful Sidious's full power Lightning and still survived several minutes after that. You'd better choose another example, and I still don't see how this is relevant in a fight. Anyway, and just so you know, Starkiller is far less knowledgeable than Plagueis, yet he is well above him in power, and his speed is still just on par with Vader's.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Skybreaker
So speedblitzing comes before ragdolling when Force powers become disparate? Says who, exactly?

Plagueis is more powerful than Vader in the Force, but by your own point he does not have the same demonstrated technical expertise with a blade. It stands to reason to confine the confrontation to a level that only involves his advantage.

In this case, yes, the difference in speed is greater than the difference in power. Two characters of approachable power (this is not the case, however) are not going to have the same speed (precog is meaningless) just because of that, otherwise Vader should be able to blitz Kenobi despite being interminably more powerful, yet he is only his equal in speed. Yes, I know, this probably doesn't make sense, but that's how SW works, and it's probably an inconsistency.

Last edited by Nargaroth on Oct 20th, 2014 at 02:09 PM

Old Post Oct 20th, 2014 02:06 PM
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Registered: Mar 2014


Team 1.

Plagueis will beat Vader sooner than Luke would beat the Emperor, and while Vader can indeed raise a shield against Plagueis's TK if he gets hit he's taking massive damage and a combination of Plagueis's superior speed/brutal force usage would take Vader out of the game.

"Happiness is a lie. Life is horror. The light is always dying all across the universe. The last star will flicker out someday, when it does, all that remains is shadow. And I will be its king!"'-Amahl Farouk

Old Post Oct 29th, 2014 03:11 AM
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Is this a Joke?
Does we talk of Sidious before or after plagueis death? Are we talking of Luke the youth one with a lot of luck.... Or, or, the one who is the master of the academmy !?
I'm gonna to say plagueis and sidious anyway...

Old Post Oct 29th, 2014 09:18 AM
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