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Star Wars: Rebels Season 2 Trailer
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
Eh, I can see it (for Vader and Tarkin). What else have they got to do? Stare at the Death Star some more? Two Jedi openly defying the Empire should get the Vader response, honestly.

Tarkin and Vader are more or less the de facto number two and three of the Empire respectively. Given the scale and scope of the Empire, I'm pretty sure there's a vast array of responsibilities and demands for those two than Kanan and Ezra.

Kanan and Ezra are the responsibility of mooks like the Inquisitors. If you bring Vader in, fine, but it should be resolved in two swings. Not exactly conducive to a full-length TV show.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:05 AM
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|King Joker|
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I hope Ahsoka doesn't go out (assuming she even dies) the predictable martyr route, sacrificing herself or some shit.


Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:06 AM
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Oh and that's definitely Jones as Vader and Witwer as Sidious.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:08 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
Don't see why not. The Sorting Algorithm of Evil dictates that each subsequent season tackle a greater threat. If this show lasts longer than its next season, Palpatine is the next step. He's the only guy better than Vader.

TCW had the heroes foil Dooku's plot in the film before the show even began airing. Yet, they never made the main heroes face a greater threat. Don't see why they would need to do so here.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:08 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by |King Joker|
I hope Ahsoka doesn't go out (assuming she even dies) the predictable martyr route, sacrificing herself or some shit.


she'll be killed by Ezra after her betrayal is revealed!

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Shadilay my brothers and sisters. With any luck we will throw off the shackles of normie oppression. We have nothing to lose but our chains! Praise Kek!

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:09 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by ares834
TCW had the heroes foil Dooku's plot in the film before the show even began airing. Yet, they never made the main heroes face a greater threat.


Shadilay my brothers and sisters. With any luck we will throw off the shackles of normie oppression. We have nothing to lose but our chains! Praise Kek!

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:10 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by ares834
TCW had the heroes foil Dooku's plot in the film before the show even began airing. Yet, they never made the main heroes face a greater threat. Don't see why they would need to do so here.

Bit different, wasn't it? Unlike Vader, Dooku was introduced as a major player in TCW from the get-go and TCW never really ascribed to the Sorting Algorithm of Evil, whereas Rebels has obeyed it right from the beginning: Aresko & Grynt -> Kallus -> The Inquisitor -> Tarkin -> and now Vader.

If Filoni puts his money where his mouth is, this show's either only going to last another season (unlikely) or Palpatine's going to get involved the next season.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:11 AM
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The Merchant
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Registered: Sep 2012


Now I kinda wanna see Palpy face off against the crew just for the sheer fanservice.

"Vader's pulse and breathing were machine-regulated, so they could not quicken; but something in his chest became more electric around his meetings with the Emperor; he could not say how. A feeling of fullness, of power, of dark and demon mastery -- of secret lusts, unrestrained passion, wild submission -- all these things were in Vader's heart as he neared his Emperor. These things and more."

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:13 AM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
Tarkin and Vader are more or less the de facto number two and three of the Empire respectively. Given the scale and scope of the Empire, I'm pretty sure there's a vast array of responsibilities and demands for those two than Kanan and Ezra.

Kanan and Ezra are the responsibility of mooks like the Inquisitors. If you bring Vader in, fine, but it should be resolved in two swings. Not exactly conducive to a full-length TV show.

Such as? Tarkin's an admiral in a time of peace, putting down fledgeling rebellions is his job and any Jedi is a big enough deal to demand his attention. And Vader's whole job is the Empire's enforcer and Jedi killer. There really aren't enough Jedi left for him to focus on instead of Kanan and Ezra. These guys aren't politicians, they don't actually run the Empire or have ongoing jobs that demand their attention, they fight its enemies and there just aren't bigger fish for them to fry at this time.

And mooks like the Inquisitor proved ineffective, repeatedly. I think it's smart that the Empire isn't putting up with constant failures and brings in bigger guns when its proven necessary. Also Vader does seem to clown them, calm ur **** until you see the actual episode on that.

Also Vader could be there because of Ahsoka.


Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:14 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by The Merchant
Now I kinda wanna see Palpy face off against the crew just for the sheer fanservice.

God, no. Please, no.

As great as Sidious is, TCW handled him perfectly. Sometimes, less is more with the big guns. Filoni, et al.'s policy for Sidious was, "he shows up, everyone in the room dies." So with that in mind, he doesn't really show up that often.

Much more effective that way.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:15 AM
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The Merchant
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Registered: Sep 2012


Didn't he say sorta the same thing with Vader though? How he didn't want Vader cause he'd kill the crew in like, seconds? Although I would prefer it if Palpy was just there being portrayed like how he was in TPM, I really doubt that's going to happen.

"Vader's pulse and breathing were machine-regulated, so they could not quicken; but something in his chest became more electric around his meetings with the Emperor; he could not say how. A feeling of fullness, of power, of dark and demon mastery -- of secret lusts, unrestrained passion, wild submission -- all these things were in Vader's heart as he neared his Emperor. These things and more."

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:17 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
Such as? Tarkin's an admiral in a time of peace, putting down fledgeling rebellions is his job and any Jedi is a big enough deal to demand his attention. And Vader's whole job is the Empire's enforcer and Jedi killer. There really aren't enough Jedi left for him to focus on instead of Kanan and Ezra. These guys aren't politicians, they don't actually run the Empire or have ongoing jobs that demand their attention, they fight its enemies and there just aren't bigger fish for them to fry at this time.

Tarkin is governor, not admiral, of the Outer Rim territories. Like any governor in any government ever, there's more to the job than killing fools. He's both a political and military official. Vader, of course, isn't a politician. But it's a big galaxy and there's a lot to enforce. thumb up

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
And mooks like the Inquisitor proved ineffective, repeatedly. I think it's smart that the Empire isn't putting up with constant failures and brings in bigger guns when its proven necessary. Also Vader does seem to clown them, calm ur **** until you see the actual episode on that.

Also Vader could be there because of Ahsoka.

And again, if they want to end the show by bringing in Vader and having him slaughter or scatter the main characters, that's fine. But if you want a multi-season series with long-term character arcs, bringing in Vader and Tarkin is a bad idea.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:17 AM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

Registered: Dec 2007
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
Tarkin is governor, not admiral, of the Outer Rim territories. Like any governor in any government ever, there's more to the job than killing fools. He's both a political and military official. Vader, of course, isn't a politician. But it's a big galaxy and there's a lot to enforce. thumb up

Ok, but that still has the same problem. If he's governing the Outer Rim, whats more important? As a governor its still his job to put down rebellion, arguably the most important job. A Jedi with the kind of success the crew has had shouldn't just be ignored.

And whats more important for Vader to enforce than a Jedi who's killed an Inquisitor, repeatedly beaten the Imperial forces and broadcast a message of open rebellion? Whats he gonna do, fight gangsters? Putting down rebels and Jedi is his biggest job and the Ghost crew seem to be the top on that list.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
And again, if they want to end the show by bringing in Vader and having him slaughter or scatter the main characters, that's fine. But if you want a multi-season series with long-term character arcs, bringing in Vader and Tarkin is a bad idea.

We don't know if Vader is a long-term villain, just that he fights them once. Given all the other Inquisitors that seem to be showing up I think its more likely he kicks their ass, Ahsoka saves them and he decides they're no threat and siccs the goon-squad on them. Tarkin likewise isn't known to be a repeated threat.

So just wait until this becomes an actual issue instead of a potential one. You're jumping the gun here.


Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:27 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
Ok, but that still has the same problem. If he's governing the Outer Rim, whats more important? As a governor its still his job to put down rebellion, arguably the most important job. A Jedi with the kind of success the crew has had shouldn't just be ignored.

The problem being that Lothal is one of a zillion backwater podunk worlds that Tarkin is supervising. Unless we're to believe that Lothal is pretty much the only one of those zillion worlds that have played host to some sort of uprising against the Empire.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
And whats more important for Vader to enforce than a Jedi who's killed an Inquisitor, repeatedly beaten the Imperial forces and broadcast a message of open rebellion? Whats he gonna do, fight gangsters? Putting down rebels and Jedi is his biggest job and the Ghost crew seem to be the top on that list.

That goes back to the larger complaint. The crew of the Ghost has been entirely too meddlesome for the Empire proper. I'm fine with their hijinks obstructing Imperial operations on Lothal, but the notion that their actions are so potent as to now draw the attention of Vader, Tarkin, and now Palpatine himself {since he was the one who sent Vader}? It's absurd.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
We don't know if Vader is a long-term villain, just that he fights them once. Given all the other Inquisitors that seem to be showing up I think its more likely he kicks their ass, Ahsoka saves them and he decides they're no threat and siccs the goon-squad on them.

Given that Vader's apparent mandate is to quash the rebels who embarrassed Tarkin and the Empire above Mustafar and on Lothal, I rather doubt it.

Tarkin likewise isn't known to be a repeated threat.

So just wait until this becomes an actual issue instead of a potential one. You're jumping the gun here.

...I'm not jumping the gun, Neph. My issue is with Vader and Tarkin's inclusion. All I need to complain is to know that Vader and Tarkin are involved. We know that they're involved and they shouldn't be, period.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:31 AM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

Registered: Dec 2007
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
The problem being that Lothal is one of a zillion backwater podunk worlds that Tarkin is supervising. Unless we're to believe that Lothal is pretty much the only one of those zillion worlds that have played host to some sort of uprising against the Empire.

That goes back to the larger complaint. The crew of the Ghost has been entirely too meddlesome for the Empire proper. I'm fine with their hijinks obstructing Imperial operations on Lothal, but the notion that their actions are so potent as to now draw the attention of Vader, Tarkin, and now Palpatine himself {since he was the one who sent Vader}? It's absurd.

And the answer to both of these is that Kanan is a Jedi. None of the zillion other worlds has a Jedi screwing things up on it, that's what makes it different. Tarkin didn't give a shit about Lothal, he just understood that a Jedi is too big a deal to leave to fester. IIRC he also mentions other rebels cells, but points out that the Lothal cell was unusually effective, hence his attention.

One barely trained Jedi was enough to blow up the Empire's superweapon. A Jedi is a real threat and that's why the Ghost crew have gotten so much attention. They haven't achieved much yet, but their potential to kickstart the Rebellion proper is pretty legit. A Jedi who keeps beating the Empire like this should turn some heads.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
Given that Vader's apparent mandate is to quash the rebels who embarrassed Tarkin and the Empire above Mustafar and on Lothal, I rather doubt it.

But you don't know do you? You should try criticizing some actual facts instead of what you think might happen.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
...I'm not jumping the gun, Neph. My issue is with Vader and Tarkin's inclusion. All I need to complain is to know that Vader and Tarkin are involved. We know that they're involved and they shouldn't be, period.

You are. Tarkins been in 2 episodes and Vaders been in 10 seconds and a trailer. Its way too soon to be whining.


Last edited by Nephthys on Apr 19th, 2015 at 12:45 AM

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:42 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
And the answer to both of these is that Kanan is a Jedi. None of the zillion other worlds has a Jedi screwing things up on it, that's what makes it different. Tarkin didn't give a shit about Lothal, he just understood that a Jedi is too big a deal to leave to fester. IIRC he also mentions other rebels cells, but points out that the Lothal cell was unusually effective, hence his attention.

......And given the size and scope of the Empire, Tarkin still should not have been involved this soon for a ragtag group of vandals and thieves. thumb up

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
One barely trained Jedi was enough to blow up the Empire's superweapon.

While details are of little consequence to you, I'll remind you that that barely-trained Jedi was Luke Skywalker.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
A Jedi is a real threat and that's why the Ghost crew have gotten so much attention. They haven't achieved much yet, but their potential to kickstart the Rebellion proper is pretty legit. A Jedi who keeps beating the Empire like this should turn some heads.

Those heads shouldn't belong to Vader, Tarkin, or Palpatine.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
But you don't know do you? You should try criticizing some actual facts instead of what you think might happen.

You are. Tarkins been in 2 episodes and Vaders been in 10 seconds and a trailer. Its way too soon to be whining.

I see this is TDK all over again. Neph, you're 24 years old. If you can't handle gentle criticisms of something you like on the internet, it doesn't bode well for your remaining 50 years on this planet.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 12:50 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest

While details are of little consequence to you, I'll remind you that that barely-trained Jedi was Luke Skywalker.

To add, Luke only blew it up because Han came in and saved him. So Luke didn't really blow up the DS alone.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 01:01 AM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

Registered: Dec 2007
Location: The End


quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
......And given the size and scope of the Empire, Tarkin still should not have been involved this soon for a ragtag group of vandals and thieves. thumb up

There's no reason why that should be true though. If they really were just some random mooks, sure, but a Jedi and padawan should be a big deal. Tarkin should get involved here.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
While details are of little consequence to you, I'll remind you that that barely-trained Jedi was Luke Skywalker.

He was still barely trained. Kanan is a much bigger threat than Luke was in ANH.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
Those heads shouldn't belong to Vader, Tarkin, or Palpatine.

Again, that's just your opinion. I disagree and I've told you why.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest
I see this is TDK all over again. Neph, you're 24 years old. If you can't handle gentle criticisms of something you like on the internet, it doesn't bode well for your remaining 50 years on this planet.

Uh, right back at you. I was slightly aggressive in my response. If you can't take any kind of criticism as anything less than a personal attack or only as the person getting super mad, you shouldn't be debating as a hobby.


Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 01:03 AM
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Neph, your reputation for getting defensive over the things you like is very well known. By your own admission, you were aggressive here and your behavior today with Ant was most distressing.

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Just make this your avatar and be done with it. Let's agree to disagree, ok? {Nice legs, btw.}

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Zenwolf
To add, Luke only blew it up because Han came in and saved him. So Luke didn't really blow up the DS alone.

Yeah, not only was Luke's victory extremely circumstantial {Han's intervention, Tarkin refusing to activate the Death Star's TIE Fighter complement, etc.}, but it owed more to his unparalleled Force sensitivity than Jedi training.

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 01:11 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by The_Tempest

Yeah, not only was Luke's victory extremely circumstantial {Han's intervention, Tarkin refusing to activate the Death Star's TIE Fighter complement, etc.}, but it owed more to his unparalleled Force sensitivity than Jedi training. [/B]

Tbh Tarkin didn't really need to unload the whole TIE fighter compliment, Vader and his TIEs wrecked Red and Gold squadrons.

Plus what's more amusing is the fact that the DS was literally in no danger, if Luke was just another random pilot no one would have made the shot he did. Which is why I find it amusing at when people say

"Oh the DS is so easily destroyed, just fire a torpedo into it! Anyone can do it!"

Lol right..

Old Post Apr 19th, 2015 01:14 AM
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