The series will initially be set in post-Buu/pre-BoG continuity...
"Reuniting the franchise’s iconic characters, Dragon Ball Super will follow the aftermath of Goku’s fierce battle with Majin Buu, as he attempts to maintain earth’s fragile peace."
"While the new series is said to pick up in a period of peace following the battle with Majin Buu, there is not yet any word on the specific timeframe (for example, a year in the “Age” calendar) that the story may take place."
"I am tired of Earth. These people.
I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives."
Evidently the new anime will start out chronicling the 5 year gap that exists between the Buu saga and BoG... And as you know, a LOT can happen in 5 years within the DBZ universe--there were roughly 5 years between the beginning of the Saiyan saga and the end of the Cell saga, for example.
The potential problem I foresee is that, sans Gods(which didn't surface until BoG), there really aren't any credible threats to the Saiyans anymore... So unless Akira goes the GT route and has the Z Fighters scour the galaxy/universe actively seeking out 'adventures'(ie. trouble), the villains might come off as forced/rushed. *Hopefully* this isn't the case and Akira comes up with some original plots, but I'm kind of skeptical right now...
"I am tired of Earth. These people.
I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives."
Last edited by Galan007 on Apr 28th, 2015 at 11:46 PM
The series already had several ass-pulls too many, like Majin Buu and Cell, for example.
And if they DO go the route of the Z-fighters scouring the universe for trouble, it'd just make a new GT series, which would also be stupid.
I just hope they can think of a good idea to make an interesting series. But it seems a little far-fetched, because DBZ has already had everything extracted from it that it could. Introducing new villains would make it seem even more forced than DBZ already was.
I'd just prefer them to go the route of telling the story of someone like Future Trunks, after he went back to the future. And showing what happened afterwards, including how he dealt with Buu, if he did, and what he managed to do against other threats to Earth. It would be MUCH more interesting to me, than seeing the Z-fighters train with their fingers up their asses, and do the same shit they've been doing for 30 years.
"Why is everybody so ****ing stupid?"- Kim Jong Il, Team America.
Much like any other Series or Movie, trouble comes looking for Goku on earth, and he defends it, then it sends them throughout the galaxy encountering more powerful people. Now different levels of gods and aliens.
Like Buris said, he was the 7th god (god of destruction), there are 11 others I'm guessing and there are possibly many different gods with teachers like Whis. Akira has never let us down, he will continue to make good work.
Yeah, setting it after RoF would make a lot of sense. The multiverse opening up allows for a ton of cool villains that would seem less forced. However, from the sound of it, it seems like it will be set before BoG. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
No clue whats going to happen in a era of peace so I am as well. We know he was training uub but that was already shown in GT. So I'm hoping it will take place after BOG. Makes the most sense, maybe he will get pressured into doing that.