Tbh I don't know how to post pics in this forum so i'll describe the fight for those who don't want to read the issue.
Fight starts with Dooku lifiting a huge column and throwing it at the two Jedi, who dodge it easily. Mace comments that Dooku can't beat both of them together, the Count agrees and then opts to throw the collumn once again, this time towards a group of younglings nearby, forcing Windu to intervene. While Windu is busy, Dooku engages Yoda in close combat. While Dooku is busy attacking Yoda with force lighting Mace hits the Sith with the collumn and send hims flying into a pile of rubble. The fight pretty much ends here
Posting links to entire issues is generally against the rules, though nobody cares about some ancient 23 year old board, so hopefully Galan won't turn into some mutant Rancor and won't eat you... this time.
Might be wise to use spoiler tags next time, if you genuinely care about it
[SPOILER - highlight to read]: Like this, pretty simple.