Game originally called "Open Saber Project", then MCS.
Official name is now Vertex, it's being developed by an old clanmate of mine named Dzon, from Jedi Academy.
The game was originally based around Star Wars but is now being turned into an original game with the mechanics of Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast in mind without the star wars elements. Trust and believe when I tell you this guy is the real deal, dude has thousands of hours into both games and understands how the mechanics of the original games work.
"Built on the Unreal Engine 4, Vertex allows players to experience an explosive and highly action-packed set of various combat scenarios. Thrown into the middle of a civil war on a dystopian planet, choose one of two sides: the meta-human sword wielding warriors or the most feared para-military mercenaries specialized in a wide range of weaponry and tactics.
Providing various levels of customization options, Vertex allows you to fully personalize the look and feel of your character. This allows you a unique approach to best match your style of gameplay. Dominate the fight with your very own trademark style whether it is from the many abilities unlockable as a member of The Vigil or as an Advocate from Section-8.
Taking inspiration from cult cinema and media such as The Matrix, Blade Runner and Underworld, Vertex is set in the perfect timeline sweetspot to allow an elegant balance of weaponry, technology and physical melee combat. Featuring a wide range of locations from ultra-modern skyscrapers to ancient underwater ruins: explore the post-apocalyptic world in its many wonders as you fight your opponent under epic and climactic conditions."