Can we please talk for a moment about the trailer of the game? First of all, this Jedi has the face of Cameron Monaghan. I really liked the actor in Shameless and as the Joker so I appreciate his appearance in the game. But I really liked the trailer in general, the Inquisitor hunting him etc looks like the game is set a few years after 19 BBY and this guy is padawan. Overall, I really did like it. What do you think?
Normally, I'd agree, I'm the first to be disappointed in the new movies and on how Diseny handled the franchise in general, but I really liked the trailer and I'm looking forward to more videos before deciding if I'll buy it or not
Though is the antagonist suppose to be an Inquisitor or? The electrostaff kinda throws me off. Also I gotta say that weapon is really overrated or well overused a lot.
About the Vader’s issue, we were told in one ogni the last issues that the Inquisitors hunted down most of not all of the Jedi they could find. That might already be a spoiler of Cameron’s ultimate fate in the game..
__________________ RealistRacism: "Sheevites, much like the Banites, were meant to increase in power with each member. From Lightsnake to Gideon to Azronger, this was supposed to be the case. However, knowledge must've been lost in some kind of Gravid-like incident, as Az turned out to be a mid-tier debater with a sub-par track record, sh!itting all over Tempest's legacy. Sad."
Did you see the new Jedi Fallen Order's gameplay? Did you like it? It kinda reminded of the recent Tomb Raider series. Hopefully it'll be challenging, wouldn't like ti if it were to easy
"The Daemon lied with every breath. It could not help itself but to deceive and dismay, to riddle and ruin. The more we conversed, the closer I drew to one singularly ineluctable fact: I would gain no wisdom here."