Gender: Male Location: The Mighty Boosh.
Gender: Male.
venom was knocked backwards. great, now thee was four of them (i really need some help here...) he threw himself at deadpool, who was knocked backwards. he knew he had to get out of this bulding, so he lept out of the window and fell the rest of the floors down to the ground, and ran.
(woot, 100th post!!)
(they are all the same Venom except ultimate just some are weaker and Wolverine venom and she venom are clones and if he has all the venom's powers then he obviously cannot be hurt by bullets)
Deadpool jumped up and kicked venom in the face knocking him to the ground. Deadpool pulled out both of his guns and shot Venom in the face the bullets slowly popped out one by one. "what the hell are you," Deadpool asked while backing away.
__________________ I've got a Charisma of 23, max ranks and skill focus in Seduction, and I just rolled a 17. Are we doing it yet?
Last edited by General_Iroh on Jan 22nd, 2006 at 07:26 PM
Gender: Male Location: The Mighty Boosh.
Gender: Male.
'we, are, VENOM!' he said as he leaped on deapool, punching him in the face 3 times before the mercinarie had even hit the ground, and continued to pummel him from there on. shield arived, but venom merely stretched out some tentacles and punched any of the agentswho got too close, occasionally consuming there energy force to keep him in tip top shape.
Jason ran to the side of the building to look out and down the window. Seeing Deadpool and Venom in combat again, he took a vew steps back, and jumped out of the window himself. Using his psychic powers, he created a large floor of solid collected arir beneath him, to slow his fall. It shattered when he hit the ground, and made the earth shake slightly. His eyes were practically blazing now. He created another sphere out of solid air, and again, thew it at venom.
Gender: Male Location: The Mighty Boosh.
Gender: Male.
venom was knocked of deadpool as the ball of air struck him. shield agents began to jump on him, trying to get him down. he was almost down, but then he tossed himself upwards, and threw the agents into the air. more aproached, but he swatted them away like flies. he ran again.
Gender: Male Location: The Mighty Boosh.
Gender: Male.
venom let out an angry roar, and in one huge jump, lepted over Dp and to the top of a close buliding. shield choppers had arived, and so venom lept up onto one of them, and caught the spinning blades, and ripped them off, like he was lucking of spiders leg. the chopper fell to the ground, with venom, and venom threw the wreck at the other chopper, blowing it up.
Hernando moved out into the street and began to levetate, concentrating on Venom, he slowly began to rise further, readying himself for the mutants next moves and making sure the others weren't badly injured.
Gender: Male Location: The Mighty Boosh.
Gender: Male.
venom backflipped backwords, dodging two. he ducked the next, blocked another, but the last one caught him in the chest, knocking him off the building and down to the floor. he got up, only to see around 15 shield agents ina cricle around him. with his tentacles, he knocked them all out, and continued to run. he reached the empire state bulding, and leapt up it. he grabbed the outside of the scy scraper, and began to climb. he jummped onto a shied chopper, sending it down, and then jumped off it, giving himmore altitude. when he reached the top, he leat out another ear splitting roar. (please can somone help me already?)
Hernando watched the destructive path of the mutant and winced as he crushed far too many innocent norms for his personal liking, "Oh that's gunna hurt tomorrow." He muttered.
Gender: Male Location: The Mighty Boosh.
Gender: Male.
Venom bounced off an invisible wall, and fell to the ground. he got up, and ran in a different direction, and again fell to the ground. he felt all around him and discovered the force field.
'we dont like this, one bit'
Gender: Male Location: The Mighty Boosh.
Gender: Male.
venom sudenly realised that the force field was shrinking. he swore loudly.
'we've got to get out of here!!' he tapped his ear again 'help us help us help us help us help us help us!'
Suddenly Jason winced and staggered backwards, holding his head with his hands, gritting his teeth. "Son of a-" He stopped suddenly, wavering on the spot, before his back arched and then he collapsed onto his hands and knees. He twitched once, and then slowly got to his feet. Looking down at his hands, which he turned over slowly. Then a smile, an unreal smile, crossed his face. He clenched his hands into fists, and looked up. His eyes were no longer fogged over, but the irises were a deep blood red. "Good to be back again." Apex said, "I've been gone far too long. That's one problem with your power Jason. I know it too well. Now I can control you." He held out a hand and gathered more solid air, and launched it at Noah, knocking his former ally off his feet, and causing the forcefields to weaken because of the lack in concenctration. "Venom, looked like you could use a hand."