But what if Dante and Kratos have no choice but to choose hand to hand combat? I think Kratos will win. Cause' hell just rip Dante apart. And if Dante won, Kratos will just come back from the underworld.
And I have a funny idea. If Kratos is overpowered by Dante, Kratos will call to Ares. Like when the Barbarian King almost killed him but Kratos called to Ares. That's Good
Sparda mode and sword, time stop and doppelganger, and the 600 and something more weapons Pandoras box lets him use. Wonder if Kratos can survive being frozen in a block of ice `,`
"Gonna need more chloroform..."
"If you look down on us, judge us, condemn us... then you shall fear us!"
Pandora's Box and BoO, time travel and Army of Hades, and the other dozen or so superior magic spells. I wonder if Dante can survive being a brittle statue.
The Golden Fleece alone deflects an ordinary gaze as an AoE-like blast. That's an ordinary attack with one of the heads (please log in to view the image)
His speed, agility and acrobatics surpass Kratos, would be difficult to get his hit in. This would make close range go in Dantes favor, and proberbly so would long range. The main problem would be mid range fighting because of his chain/blades.
The Golden Fleece works in the same manner as Royalguard, except GFleece reflects straight away (?) while RGuard is able to be stored to gain much more power.......and Dreadnought.
Also his regen rate is a huge plus. What does Kratos have in that area?
"Gonna need more chloroform..."
"If you look down on us, judge us, condemn us... then you shall fear us!"
kratos. dante by far is much faster than him, or atleast in speed. long range weapons i give to dante, but short range and medium range definitely to kratos.
If dante gets caught by kratos, he's dead. Theres no question about it, kratos far outweighs him in strength and durability. Dante, while it doesnt phase him, easily gets impaled by thin scythes, so imagine how long he would last from kratos ripping him in half.
Another interesting point is that kratos did infact block lightning (60k meters a second), it was a cannon unavoidable scene in the game when he did it, so it counts.
__________________ -thanks scythe, you make some great sigs
Which Dante is it? Does he have access to DT or not?
"To all visitors from Transylvania looking for the head of Voivode Dracula: Yes, we have it. Yes, he's dead. No, you cannot see it. No, he will not return and invade you again. It has been over thirty years, please stop pestering us."
Dante has a higher pool of moves like gauntlets, scythes and a number of elemental skills. Kratos has only a few swords and two other weapons and not many elements. (Elements are only for the variety not weakness.)
If Kratos slashes him he will automatically heal, the same can't be said reversed. Kratos outweighs him in strength yes, but the strength difference isn't like.... Harry Potter vs the Hulk >.> Dante would be able to hold his own in a strength bout. Don't know how he would manage to hold Dante to rip him in half (if someone has a clip of that it'll be great) but 3 things are wrong there even if he could tear him apart: 1. Dante wouldn't sit there and wait, he'd fight him off. 2. If he needs, he would DT and blast Kratos off him. 3. If Kratos get the chance to hold onto Dante, well the chances that he'll get punched or slashed being that close to him will increase.
Besides, the Prides blades are around as thick as a finger, that's gotta be an average blade thickness (?). If Kratos allowed him one to pierce his chest... he would be impaled too. Not like the blades would bounce off him.
Ill admit not everyone would be able to dodge a move like that, but didn't he also get hit but a large (visible) chunk of pillar from the front. (in his line of sight) 'Sides Dante would be able to shoot lightning in mid-combat, guessing that's harder to dodge then being shot at (again have no idea what it looks like, not seen the vid) and also a rifle bullet travels at 1000m/s. And Dante's guns are faster then that, and gunslinger plus charged would make then even faster. Now add that to a the amount of bullets fired.
Any Dante past 3 should have it, soujaboy09 didn't specify but its highly likely that he would have it. Now if he had Sparda/Majin form `,`.....