Lighting struck the mountains and the boulders fail for the poeple to make new maces, and to please there god there was thunder in the sky, and rain, Bare went out of the ground and made steel, he said one day you shall be the weilder of steel.
__________________ Yeawn, Yeeeaawnn! I want to reek in the city! Neeeew Yooorkkk, New Yooorrrkkk!
Bare stood tall and strong, remembering the day he came into exitence and killed Odin, it was raining steel, and he raised his mace, and screamed, I am above the norse, I will rule The Poeple!!!
__________________ Yeawn, Yeeeaawnn! I want to reek in the city! Neeeew Yooorkkk, New Yooorrrkkk!
Akira watched her people grow.She looked down upon them and shouted "You must build a vast glorious city for me!" she watched as her people immediatley got to work. She smiled "Excellent my children, we will not fail at conquering this world!" she let out a sinister laugh.
Reseaching level 2 trained warrior/martial artist
i have 1575 (i'm pretty sure)
((how do you have 2000 when i don't and i posted before you))
(indeed changeling, she did post first, she would have more people, also Akira you have to learn the researches in each level before you go on to the next one, you have already learnt level 1 of barbarian/nomad but you have to research all the special skills in that level such as
2. armoury that protects against fists and weak magical attacks
3. swords that are shaped well and balanced for skillful fighting, three bullets can be blocked with the sword
look on the info page for the swords and armour tech tree
remember you get the first one free but the rest you need to research seperatley for diffrent skills
(also wheres everyone, has they all gone and left or is it because its summer, only a few people have started, were gonner be very far ahead if they dont post, Fox may have gone on holiday and be away but wheres the other 7 odd people )
Medrasadis watched the progress of his people, they were learning the ways of time fast, the power of the beam of time had come into their power, with it they quickly cleared the land of inhabitants and the Time gods realm was completly free of those who did not worship him, he used his powers over time to contruct his peoples housing within seconds inside the towns they had built, the towns were quickly upgrading and populating into villages, each house making a home for groups of his people.
the God of time shared his wisdom with his people, to teach them the ways of bolts, long range weapons that can destroy multiple enemies, this knowledge will fare them well once they had harnessed its power
Tzeentch stood tall in the deeps realms of oblivion. A pact of nomad warriors, dispersed from a past storm, huddled frightened and discouraged. You, forgotten children. Which one of you will stand to answer me? Of the seven men present, the one that seemed to represent the leader stood up. Although he knew not where the voice came from. You, bold one. I will erect 7 homes and you will rule it's capital. Take your friends and walk towards the mountains. Climb to where the air is thin, and the weather is harsh. Await me, and I will answer you.
The frightened men stood together and resolute, and marched their way on towards the designated mountains. They were all filled with a new hope and vigor as each one was surrounded by a blue aurora.
((i'm sorry i don't want to rain on your parade but i still don't even have 2000 people and i did the math for you you have about 1025 people as of 7:30 and i have 1800 people))
"My people. We must build a city and prosper. Soon we shall rule the world. But first we must rule the 7th sea( my"crib")." The 1500 merman in his army started working on buildings and homes. The 500 commonners started digging tunnels. this will take 4 hours.
Now I have 2,000 poeple and they have advanced to level 2 savage brute and have converted 50 more people as warriors. Now he sends them to build another town.
__________________ Yeawn, Yeeeaawnn! I want to reek in the city! Neeeew Yooorkkk, New Yooorrrkkk!
[It's innevitable, soon they will go crazy, this rp will become all ADD: "I attack you with a bazillion troops...I defend with God modding magic, all your people fair I only got to advance to lv. tri quillion and they don't have that crappy spell, your cheating ]
Tzeentch watched slowly as his men climbed the harsh slopes of the neighboring mountains. Many of them questioned if even the voice they heard was real. "We were tired, thirsty, distraught at the lose of families and friends. We could have imagined him."
"All of us, imagine the same thing? Your joking," the leader refuted, still continuing his climb.
"Than why wasn't he a part of the stories. I don't remember a god by the name of tzeentch sitting amongst the halls of gold? I don't remember stories or songs made in his name, nor conquests in his glory. Why then, should we believe in a god who never exsisted until moments ago?"
"Who else do we have to turn to? What else do we have left? Where are our god's who sit in their halls of gold waiting for men to sing them tales of old?! This god has promised us a new home. 7 new homes! If you would wish to doubt, than doubt. Stay? Then stay! But I will climb these mountains one hundred times over, before I give in to a life of hopelessness and defeat!" Suddenly the blue auroras burst from each person and formed a large sphere infront of them. The wind stopped and the snow ceased, and there was silence in the mountains.
I have watched your ascent, and am proud of you. Although you trusted and climbed, only one of you truly held on to hope. One small sprite of the sphere traveled and encircled the man who remained firm while climbing the mountain. You remained faithful while others doubted you. And for that you will have the first city, Thousand Sons. And you shall be Arhiman.
Arhiman became encircled completely by the orb and the sphere began to grow. I have created a cave for you all. Rest, for tomorrow the first city will be erected, and you will see it's ruler. As the seven men made their way to the cave, Tzeentch stopped Arhiman, Wait, Arhiman. You must stay here with me. For in order for your transformation to be complete you must stand within this stasis. You have not grown completely adaptable in the ways of psyki.
[My city is being built and i'll tally all my civilians tomorrow. Until then, my the harsh mountains protect me. C~ya ]
Last edited by King of Blades on Jul 21st, 2006 at 02:55 AM
according to the +50 per half hour rule for sword wielding and military pathed Gods and that Akira started before changeling this is how much people you have now:
Akira you have reached population cap of 4500 well done, yur on level 1 of military and now your researching armour, unless its finished. Also you have one city and i dont know but did you build a town and now u are upgrading it to a town, because everyone starts off with a city and you then build towns to upgrade to a village but you say your upgrading to a village when i dont remember seeing you build a town, also your doing well so your fine now anyway
changeling round about now you have 3100 people according to that rule, i dont know what researches you dont though so ill have to look and try to add it up
village through the power of time, instantly upgrades to a city......
(this is one of my gods 3 powers, instant upgrade from village to city, this would usually take a day to complete from village to city but with his power he made it happen instantly, for balance purposes it only works once every 2 days, it can be used to reverse the upgrade of an enemy city or one of my own as well)
Last edited by Burning thought on Jul 21st, 2006 at 09:35 AM