◾The expansion automatically increases the level cap to 70 for all disciplines.
◾The battle system will be revamped. One change is that cross-class skills will now be determined by role rather than specific classes.
◾New jobs Red Mage and Samurai.
◾New areas are said to be comparable to Heavensward areas in size. Flying mounts supported.
◾Players will be able to go swimming and diving in bodies of water.
◾The story begins in a place called Rhalgr's Reach.
◾A new continent to explore: far eastern Othard.
◾New locations, including the island chain of Hingashi; the Ruby Sea, home to pirates and the Kojin beast tribe; Yanxia, home to the Garlean-occupied Doma; and the Azim Steppe, ancestral home of the Au Ra.
◾A new city, the port town of Kugane, in Hingashi.
◾A new far eastern styped housing area, Shirogane. (Feudal Japan style. WANT.)
◾Two new Beast Tribes, the Ananta, a serpentine tribe, and the Kojin, a tortoise-like tribe.
◾New Primals, including the Ananta primal Lakshmi, Lady of Bliss, and the Kojin primal Susano, Lord of the Revel.
◾A new high-end raid: Interdimensional Rift - Omega, the Bend of Time.
◾A new 24-man raid series: Return to Ivalice, with a story written by Yasumi Matsuno.
◾Exploratory missions set in The Forbidden Land of Eureka.
◾The inventory system will be expanded.
I just reached Kugane today, and it is a beautiful city. They were hit with a massive DDOS attack that made the server strain worse during early access (to the point that a huge section of the playerbase couldn't even progress in the story without being booted or disconnected), but for the most part people seem to be happy with the expansion and the QOL changes now that shit is dying down..
They butt-****ed Summoner and Scholar though. Hard. My main was a SMN and now I'm thinking of levelling something else when I hit 70 (62 atm).
Red Mage is very fun, really flashy and satisfying. I do kinda wish they'd let classes have multiple roles in this game, being able to heal as a red mage would be pretty cool.
It would just make sense in a lot of cases, too. Like, warriors have a dps stance, but they can't queue as dps, dark knights could have a dps stance as well. Red Mages could heal, maybe even ninja or samurai could have had a tank stance or something. Ninja/Samurai having the option to be a dodge tank would have been pretty cool.
It could be cool, even if only for lore purposes. Though I don't think it's too big a deal, seeing as how easily you can switch between classes on the same character in the first place. Just requires using and levelling up at least three classes I guess.
I've been leveling a Paladin through the palace of the dead. It's pretty crazy how good the exp is there. On the flipside, I wish they'd buff the amount of exp you get from various quests out in the world, as currently they seem completely unworthy of your time. Don't know why they don't utilize the armory bonus.
Yeah exactly, it's too bad because now that Potd is around the leveling zones seem pretty dead. And I have a bunch of random sidequests but they just aren't worth doing.
I noticed that at least some of the quest chains in SB, you can tell they've at least tried to make them entertaining. For me though, I'm level 65 doing level 63 story quests and I haven't even been trying that hard, so I doubt I'm going to be rushing to try anything.
ATM I'm currently trying to get the money together for when they launch a new housing zone. I have enough to buy a medium but want a large, dammit.