...14? Really? Ok. PS3 exclusive? Probably not for long. PS3 can be the exception. Also I think the server quality is just dependant on whoever hosts it.
Last edited by FWahMaN on Dec 10th, 2009 at 03:36 AM
It's nothing to do with the server quality or anything like that (I never had any issues while playing on the 360). It's to do with the fact that MMOs are not designed for using a controller - they're designed to be played with a keyboard and mouse, and you really do need those in order to be able to play one. So unless you've got an extra USB keyboard laying around, guess what you get to go buy in order to be able to play the game halfway-decently.
Also, as is always the case, computers > console, in terms of power.
Hmm. There really is no such thing as a "computer solely for gaming". If you built your PC to play games well, then it means it has powerful hardware, which in turn means it can do anything a "work" computer can do and do it faster.
__________________ And from the ashes he rose, like a black cloud. The Sin of one became the Sin of many.
Don't even need a high-end PC to beat out a console. PCs are constantly upgradable which means it doesn't take long at all for them to out-perform a console.
Didn't exactly mean only for gaming. Sorry, solely is not what I intended. Rather a PC with enough space on it (when my computer overloads, says the memory is too low) but more importanly one that is speedy and efficient. I was talking more about normal everyday PC's that were made back in 07 with XP on them (like this one which has 80GB of memory), not expensive comps with true gaming potential. In fact I think they are much superior to consoles which would explain the much higher price.
Also I'm not sure where people are getting things, but I never even implied consoles > computers in anything let alone in terms of power.
Last edited by FWahMaN on Dec 12th, 2009 at 06:25 AM