i think this is all shaping up to be a futuristic version of the second coming of christ... really think about it... there would be frauds (the other "one's") but one that would save the world. i just think people wanna stray from th religious theme, but its undeniable
The Lord of the Rings was not entirely original, remember that Tolkien was a history scholar as well as english. He used alot of factual history to design his races, and languages. However, without his leap of faith, we would not have modern fantasy the way we do.
Ie, the horse people were based after the Scythians the first aryan horsemasters.
Nothing is really original, haven't you seen that southpark? (Simpsons did it!)
WTF was this all about.the 1st 1 was great!! excellent story line to go with excellent effects.the 2nd was ok.it had great effects but the story line was a bit vague n slightly missing.the 3rd...WTF??? this confused the hell out of me. how did NEO`s powers transfer to the real world? y was the oracle lying on the floor after agent smith had apparently beaten NEO?what did agent smith do to the oracle when he was in her kitchen?? did he absorb her or didnt he? what was the dude with the white hair yabbering on about at the end? is the matrix destroyed?? or does it still exist?? if so what for i thought the purpose of this escapade to save the humans was to destroy the matrix?? what happened to NEO at the end? did the machines absorb him.are NEO agent smith and the oracle the same thing? if so does that explain y NEO was in love with (the) "TRINITY"
all in all i thought the 3rd film was just a special effects bonanza that had completely lost its way.not impressed at all.il watch it again to c if i missed n e thing as the matrix is always worth a watch but surely the idea of the 3rd film was to explain the 1st and 2nd?? obviously NOT
how did NEO`s powers transfer to the real world?
- His scope runs all the way to the source. And that extends to all of the software that is running on those sentinels as well.
y was the oracle lying on the floor after agent smith had apparently beaten NEO?
- Because the Oracle isn't like other entities that Smith absorbed. She maintained her identity even after becoming part of the Smith continuum. You'll notice Smith called Neo "Neo" at the end, instead of Mr. Anderson. And said "Everything that has a beginning, has an end" which is obviously the Oracle speaking through Smith. She was there, inside the Smiths, helping Neo. If you weren't smart enough to figure that out from the clues, they were kind enough to show her lying in the mud so you could make the connection.
what did agent smith do to the oracle when he was in her kitchen?? did he absorb her or didnt he?
- See above.
what was the dude with the white hair yabbering on about at the end? is the matrix destroyed?? or does it still exist??
- Obviously it still exists. That's where they were at the end of the movie. You know because the little girl made the sunrise. She's a program in charge of sunrises, apparently. The Architect said 2 very important things at the end. He said that those who wish to be freed will be allowed to. This most likely extends to rogue programs and human beings. He also said "What do I look like, a human?" when asked if he would keep his word. This is most likely intended to let you know that the promise made to Neo by the machines be kept. Machines keep their word apparently.
The 3rd film did a lot more for the plot than the 2nd film did, if you ask me. Lots of interesting innuendos through the film.
obviously u didn't watch the second matrix...btw i liked the battle sence....exciting and stunning graphics...too bad no more matrix movies but i can stil play the games coming right up
matrix rev did its job by explaining some mysteries in the second movie....example "how did neo destroyed the machines with jus his bare hands?" the oracle explained that in rev...
if u did not watch the matrix trilogy then stop ranting about the movie...it rules
Quaid> the Oracle's power did not transfer to ALL the Smith's, but she was able to retain her identity in Smith. the Smith that Neo fights IS the Oracle. Just like the Smith that says "Cookies need love too" is Sati. Sati is not in charge of Sunrises. In ANY WAY. However, Sati has no purpose, which is the entire reason she was going to be deleted in the first place. If Sati is created without purpose, then there are no Parameters identifying what she can and cannot do, and she can DO EVERYTHING!!! Also, Rogue programs will not be freed, for them to be "freed", they would need to have a body to be freed into.
I don't remember exactly, but I believe Smith was saying "We've seen it" when he was talking about his premonitions he was receiving from the Oracle. My interpretation of it was that when he absorbs someone, it worked more like the Borg collective. The knowledge and abilities transfered equally to all of them.
As for rogue programs being freed, all that would mean is that they don't have to make a deal with the Merovingian in order to live in the Matrix anymore. Smith even showed it was possible for the programs to get out of the Matrix, so who knows what they can figure out?
The Matrix at the end of the movie probably isn't the same as the Matrix at the beginning of the movie. Did you see the destroyed ground being rebuilt pixel by pixel as Sati regained conciousness? I took that for the Matrix being rebooted. A new start. Maybe Sati has her old abilities back now. I don't know. But as for rogue programs being able to do *anything*... I don't see any evidence that that's a known ability of theirs. Seraph could've summoned a rope to rapel down the wall with to save himself and Sati from Smith, if he were all powerful. <Shrug>
It's a lot of speculation, and it's all open to interpretation. I was just trying to give the guy who couldn't think past "That suxx0red!" a few explanations to work with.