Part of my issue is that new triple A titles are getting fewer and farther between. The PS2 had 3 original GTA titles and 2 ports from the PSP. The PS3 generation had 2 originals and 2 decent size DLCs for GTA IV. The PS4 generation had no original GTA games. None.
Some developers are now 5, 6 or even 7 years between new games and now, with the sheer number of remakes and remasters being churned out those development times will only get longer.
Are we going to have a generation where Rockstar just remake their entire back catalogue? We've already got LA Noire remastered and Bully Anniversary Edition and apparently RDR is in the pipeline.
__________________ All the silver-tongued suits and cartoons that rule my world
Are saying it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
GTA V I believe was slated to come to PS4 before the PS4 even came out, yeah it originally came out on PS3 and Xbox 360, but it's pretty clear "if you want the REAL experience, but it on PS4."
This wouldn't stop them from announcing a new GTA game on the same day of this game's release.
But that's not because of remasters...Rockstar is not making this.
The reason why we are not seeing GTA6 for a very long time is because of GTA Online. It's making too much money.
And making AAA titles in this day, is so far away than making one in the PS2, 360 generation. Companies cannot slap together a game now.....Rockstar cannot just throw some pieces in like they did before...and not expect extreme fan feedback.
Yes. And Bend Studios have nothing to do with Naughty Dog. That didn't stop Sony from moving employees, money and resources from one to the other. I'm sure Grove Street Games has even less to do with Rockstar.
But keep making excuses for why its acceptable to take 10 years to make a new title whilst remaking/remastering/re-releasing old titles multiple times because they've been "upscaled" or because its the games anniversary etc. I'm 100% certain those programmers couldn't be doing anything original during that time.
__________________ All the silver-tongued suits and cartoons that rule my world
Are saying it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
Could be Rockstar saw what happened with Bethesda's new offerings, saw that their biggest success is a game they're kept repackaging for two console gens now, looked at how their own two gen old staple is still popular enough to shut down Epic Game Store servers on a free offering, and said "We're good, stay the course people."
__________________ What CDTM believes;
Never let anyone else define you. Don't be a jerk just to be a jerk, but if you are expressing your true inner feelings and beliefs, or at least trying to express that inner child, and everyone gets pissed off about it, never NEVER apologize for it. Let them think what they want, let them define you in their narrow little minds while they suppress every last piece of them just to keep a friend that never liked them for themselves in the first place.
We're swiftly running out of developers who actually care about making great games. Actually it's probably not that. It's more likely shareholders and board members pressuring for quick, easy profits.
Some people are happy to keep eating regurgitated food, apparently.
__________________ All the silver-tongued suits and cartoons that rule my world
Are saying it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
The same old story everywhere unfortunately. People love to hate on the Boomer gen, but for every Donald Trump you had your Ted Turner.
By that I mean Turner actually cared about news at CNN for the sake of news. According to people who worked there, he'd regularly say there are no stars in his news room, the only star is the news and the truth.
And then AOL came in and took over, and did a complete 180 on everything. Celebrities over news, profits over truth.
The post Boomer gens look a lot more like Donald Trump than they do Ted Turner to me. All they care about is money, and NOTHING else.
__________________ What CDTM believes;
Never let anyone else define you. Don't be a jerk just to be a jerk, but if you are expressing your true inner feelings and beliefs, or at least trying to express that inner child, and everyone gets pissed off about it, never NEVER apologize for it. Let them think what they want, let them define you in their narrow little minds while they suppress every last piece of them just to keep a friend that never liked them for themselves in the first place.
Rockstar. Has. Almost. Nothing. To. Do. With. These. Remasters.
The fact is even if these were just ports we'd have people complaining "wow they released these instead of a new game." Or hell "They just released these near 20-year-old games as ports without any enhancements."
Well not everyone is always gonna be super hype for a new game. In many people's eyes, the likes of Vice City and San Andreas still haven't been surpassed to this day.
It's like you'd be more happy they didn't release anything until a new game was announced. Not everyone is happy to wait for that, and whether or not these were released makes no difference.
Honestly though, it's none of these problems that's causing a delay for a new GTA, it's the fact that Rockstar is more then happy releasing content for the money-making machine that is GTA online rather then take out time and resources to make a new game. You wanna complain about us not getting a new game? Focus on that.
Tbh I don't care if these are remasters or not, it's still nice to play them on modern hardware, but the stuff they've put into trying to make these OLD GAMES feel like NEW ONES is a big deal. Hell I'm sorry, but did I hear you talk about remakes too? The ones that turn old games into literally brand new ones?
This is literally like saying "Ugh how dare they release Final Fantasy VII Remake, I just want Final Fantasy XVI."
It's like, screw the people who just wanna play these old games on new consoles, period, we should all just wait for new games right? It's reasonable to assume every single person on earth keeps their old consoles to play these near 20-year-old games.
It's only a good thing, even if you wanna argue that it's taking time out of Rockstar's schedule (it's really not), at most it's maybe 3 months, if even that. That would take absolutely positively no time at all out of a potential GTA sequel.
Like I said, they are content to keep drip-feeding content to GTA Online because it's the more lucrative option and tbh also the safest one. Millions upon millions still play it every day, and most do end up buying the cards or paying for some sort of in-game content.
Also it's such a versatile online game, I'd argue GTA Online is played more then the newest CoD in any given moment, they release new games but still more people are playing GTA Online during that brand new CoD's release week.
Also, this isn't regurgitated food, it's an old recipe that's been refined to be better. It's like that burger joint or pizza place you really like that you've been eating at for the past 10 years or so and then one day they add this new ingredient or something that turned something that tasted amazing into something that tasted even more amazing.
It's just symptomatic of what the industry is increasingly becoming. Investors want short term profits. Big AAA titles aren't short term commitments particularly if they're creating new game engines and technologies to push the boundaries. The 2 don't go well together and you can see how that played out with one of the few studios who seemed, at the time, committed to putting quality content over highest profit margins...CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk. They were clearly pressured by shareholders into releasing when it wasn't ready and it's suffered badly for it. It should've been one of the biggest and most successful games in history.
We've seen the same short sightedness now from lots of previously big, well respected studios. Bethesda, Naughty Dog, Activision, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Konami.
It wouldn't be so bad if they were funneling the revenues from the cash cows into developing either great new sequels or new IP altogether but that seems to be happening less and less as well.
__________________ All the silver-tongued suits and cartoons that rule my world
Are saying it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
Again going back to my Boomer analogy, for all the hate they get it seems like the following generations adopted their worst philosophies.
It's like if you're a Millenial and was bullied by another millennial, and blame Boomers for it. The fact is Boomers are being replaced at a steady rate and the new leaders are proving to be as greedy and short sighted as the worst of them.
__________________ What CDTM believes;
Never let anyone else define you. Don't be a jerk just to be a jerk, but if you are expressing your true inner feelings and beliefs, or at least trying to express that inner child, and everyone gets pissed off about it, never NEVER apologize for it. Let them think what they want, let them define you in their narrow little minds while they suppress every last piece of them just to keep a friend that never liked them for themselves in the first place.